250614 OR161NAL TO CITY�CLERK /����/1 CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� "` � ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �� NO. CO SOLU N—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Robert F. Spraf COMMISSIONE ,,TF J �B�S, Additi�n,e Which �aight prov� to b� nec�ssarq i� the ivprev�aaat de:cribed as Graaiing a�d gswing of Marion Straet froa A�rora Avenue to Co�� Cc�ptroller�s COntract L-7288� �t70N Cf�NST- RLT�TION fAI�ANY� INC., Coatractor� hsve beea provided fmr in ths 6pecificationa� a�d W�6, It haa be�A founai Aecesaary to �ake the followiAg Acldition�: As per attached Contract Change Agrae�e�t No. 1 TOTAL �iBT ADDITIAN $4�973.76 N�I►S, The total additioa i� $4,973.76, and the Co�sissio�er of Pnblic Works ha� agre�d With tl�e C�ntractor that the eec+nnt of $4,973.76 � is the correct st�a to be added to aaid ceatract; th�r•faz� be it, r � RI�OLVBD, That the City oE St. P'aul through its Citq Comncil � approv�s the foregoing additi�as �ad� ia accordanoe �i.th the Specifi- catioas in the sn�a of $4,973.76, said a�nnt to be added to the lnap s�a con:idaration ��ed in t�� coatract� k�o�m as Co�ptroller's C�ntract L-728�, aAd W�ich a�onAt is to be fiaaneed fros City'� shara of Local Isproveaent 092A-461. FORM APPROVED � e • Asst. Corporation Counsei S�P 2� 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Naya Butler 4��:� � � 1970 Carlson ve� 19— Levine �n Favor Meredith � / Sprafka V Mayo Tedesco ASainst Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED ocr � 1970 � � CiTY OF S�It�'T PALL - DEPaRTN,ENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ,`��Q�, ' CONTRACT CHANGE AGREFd✓,ENT � N0. 1 '"�� PRCJF.CT h0. 70-r•0750 CONTRACT N0. L-7�Lt8 CONTRACTOR!:r�on �:on!�tr��cttnn Co. Ine. FROJECT DESCRIPTION "Arion �•trtnt froa� �wrora nverue to Gor,.o ivomie , In occordonce with Section 95 of the Chtarter of the City of Saint Paul, the Commissioner of Public Works hea egreed with the Contractor that the basis of payment and prices i for itema listed in the chunges deacribed below, not otherw�.se included in the contract, are the reasonable costs of thoae iteme for additions to,or deductione from,tt►e contract. :.ddition• ...�a.-pa�.atta�h�d--�b��t- �. '��oval �nd dlaj�oa�l o! liRht pc�l�a. voodsn f�nc� Nnd cli�pl�y light• �tow ts• fioa �a�con �ord Li�pl�Y 1or lua�p �ua $ 185.00 2. txrav�t�, tight sbs�t and backL'iIT fotr water a�iq oPfs�ta •t . Uni��tsity �v�nu� at�d !'arion Stroat ' Labor 1163.30 * 40'� • $1b28.62 Equi��nt 1091.4b l�t�t�ri�l 30b.b8 + ISx 3� 3�07z.76 �• Ct�n�� ��nholos at intara�ckiqna of t�erion Sttce�C �ed C!►atcl�s Ava. �nd M4rion St. �nd �dsund Av�. trow Dio. IV to tio. V to acco�amod�t� cateb 1►��in ��eda �nd •tuba. No. IV wnhol• $ 430.OG 1►0. V w�nhal� 12� 8,,.t3 4�0 r $SSB.OQ x 1 � 1.716.00 - TOTJ►1. �+ Sk�973.76 ?bi• ad�itian�l ��a�at to ba finana�d tr�� City'p �h�r� of Loc�i i�pYOVw�sat • tnnd� Cod� 0920•461. ./., /� � ` /^y� i l //���� . .r / ���/''/ ( i't: ' [� `�� ��/l.-^ / f"��L�Yv� �7L/� ���C(.�'� "���1l�9 � .,.�.�.�. iwr �"��� ' ^ ,r:—, ' • gine r ` / � Contractor . �;, 11. ,� qCG gy �fC�t<<!� F '�r'���--- -/' 9 7'� � — Ch e Engineer � � �/'" v 1 Cc.<�. _ - —' ��r g 70 ��_ f ��� 19 . �• issioner � �G��J�,,,�omptroller _ Orig3nal (Whita) Duplicate (Canary) Triplicate (Pink) Quadruplicete (Blue) To �t�tw��r� �� A�eent,��#�� gl�r� ��► n�it��i����:��' �� dd�d��'��tion Engineer o���,�„��.�-, 2�Q��4 CITY OF ST. PAUL �NCU NO ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM �sr��r Rob�rt F. 8pralka COMMISSION� DA*� Y�tA3. Additiona vhielt �ight pt�wr� to b� n�aesaasy in tia� ir�pss�wnt d�scrib�d as Gl�fqj t11f1 tirlps ot Ma=�OA �tsNt is+o� ll�rox� Av� �o Ca�w, Co�ptroll�r•s CoAt�ract L•7��. �0811 COlts'l,�, YU�"LiON C9�ANY, IIIC., 6oatrsctor. 1ia�f b��a ps+ovid�d !er in tb� 8�Q1�ZCStZOAi� tfld t�'t�R��B. It 1�ao b�a� to�nd n��aaarp to �a1a tha fbilovina Additiot�a s �s p�r attael�sd Contract Change AgsM�t llo. i ?0?AL lIZT AD�I?IOW $4,973.7'6 iiNEREAS. �h� total addition i� �y.973.76, and tL� Co�iasioner of 8ublic i�lorks �aa agra�d vith ttr Contractor that t� aioant of �4,9T3.76 ia tlM cornct a� to be wdd�d to aaid ooatract; tl�s�tor� b� it, R�OLVI�D, TLst th� Cityr ot St. lanl through its City Conncil apps+o�u tha tor�soins sdditio�s �ad� in acaordanae �eb ch. sp.aits- catioua in tb� sv� oi $4�973,76, aaid a�a►unt to b� add�el to the iu� sus oonsid�ratior nas�d in tbe oontr�ct. kroMn ss Ca�ptroll�r's Contract L•72a8. and vhich �c►nnt ia to bf i`inaac�d tro� City'�a shar� ot Loosl iaptoru�at 0930-461. SEP 2 5 � COUNCILMEN Adopt� by the Co�mr+'� 19_ Yeaa Naya Butler �P 2 5 1970 Carlaon Approv� 19— �°�e T*+ Favor Meredith Sprafka (� �y�r Tedesco AS'ainst Mr. Preaident, McCarty �� CTTY' OF S�II.T PAL'L - DEPARTN�ENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ��Q N0. 1 b • CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEN�NT �-�� PAOJECT N0. 7Q-r•0350 CONTRACT N0. L-72G8 CONTRACTOR�.rcon !:onstr��cttnn Co. Ine. PROJECT DFSCRIPTION �'Arion �•treet fxoa� ��urora riverue to Gor.�o ;venue " ________-- � ; : In nccordance with Section 95 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the Commissioner of Public Works hae agreed with the Contractor that the basis of pnyment and prices i for items listed in the change9 described below, not otherw�se included in the. contract, are the reaeonable coats of thoae items for additions to,or deductione from,the contract. ^dditiona .,.�a-�a�aLts�hod�-ob�et- ,. ����ov�l �nd disjba�l o! liRht �wl�a. wood�n f�nc� �nd di�pl�y lighta ttow tba fion S�xon Ford Lirpl�y lot lua�y :uw $ 185.00 2. txrnvat�, tiRht sbe�t and backPilT fatc weter �asin off�cse� �t . ani��t�icy �v�nu� at�d !<arion �traat Labotr 1�.63.30 + 40t • $1628.62 Equ i�ant 1091.4b �t�ri�l 30b.68 + �S� 3� . 3.07Z.76 �. Cban�o aanholes at inter,►�etiona of f�erion street ead Cherla� �vQ. � and 1�Lrion St. and �dsund Av�. tro� Ao. IY to tia. V to �ccasmsodat• catcA b��i� l�sd• �nd •tuba. No. IV ranhol• S 430.00 1►0. V wsnlw 1• 12�� ' • 5858.OQ x Z • 1,716.00 , TOTAL � ���973.76 ' 2bi� �d�itio��l ��oYat to ba Finana�d tnow City'p �h�r� of Loa�l Ia�pxov�nt tuhd• Cod• o9�a�`1. •-� .� : < � ` i /l f� .r f .�- %� -� C ;•� • l �� C��� ''��G s.. �7a�.• �'.. C G.•-- 4.��" 19���� .�_.. ' '' ,�-•=-- ' • gine r ` / � Contractor G � , , ` _ ,S' 9L gy �l<<1� F '�r'�-=--_ -/� 19.7� Ch e Engine�r � � ��'' 1 ��<�:.-t� -� ��� 19 70 �- � � ,�� 19� issioner ''t�omptroller ' �' �G��,''` Originul (White) Duplicate (Canary) Triplicate (Pink) Quadruplicate (Blue) To �or�tre�d�e,� �o AcCCUtttin� Div� To Gc,�ptrcileF �o �onetruction F�gineet