250613 ORI6INAL TO C17Y CLCRK � �50��3 ,, CITY OF ST. PAUL FLENCa NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU LUTI N—GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY �obert F• S L'd� � COMMISSIONE ATF WHBREAS, Additions vhich �i�ht prove to ba nac�ssary ia the i'prove�ent described a� Nl�eeler Fairec�nt Relief S�wer Sy�tee, Cu�ptraller's Contract L-7265, MCD�INALD & A�St�CIATB3, INC., Con- tractor� have been ptc�vided far i� the Specificatio�s� and WF�ERE�S, It ha� beea fonnd necessary to xa,ke the following Additions: A: per attached Contract Gha��e Agre�ee�►t I�o. 1 TOTAI. WB'P ADDITION $1,2A0.�0 �SAS� The total additicn is $1,200.DA, and the Co�issioaer of thblic tiorks ha� agrted with t�� Cc��tractor thst tl�e aw0urat �f $1,2�A.00 G� aw � � is the correct sn, to be added to aaid contr8ct; thesefore be it, r RESOLVBH, That the Citq af St. P°anl throggh it� City Cc�nncil approw�s the for�gc�is�g additioes sade ia accorda�ce with the Specifi- catio�s ia tbe �t�e of �1,2�10.fl0, �aid asouat to be addtd te tlae lu�p su� coasid+sratiea na�ed ,i.n the contract„ ,ic�aa� aa Cosptroller�� Coatract L-7265, and Which anouat is to b� financed fro,_City�s s�are of Local ?aprove�aent �92�-461. _ .. � . _. ..r �.. ..IF i FORM APPROVED ��` -�=�'"�.--- - Asst. CorROration Counsel �P 2� �g�ti COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays . Butler ,_ � � Caxlson ��'� � � �,0 19— Levine Favor Meredith � Sprafka yor Tedesco A8'��st Mr. President, McCarty 'PUBLISHED �CT' 3 �97� �� , ,>,.:. o���,�,�,�.�,� 250E�3 CtTY OF ST. PAUL couNC.�� ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �+� NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRBSENT6D�Y RO�!!!C �. Sptatka COMMISSIONER �AT� i�H8RBA8, Additions Mhich a�ight prow to b� n��essary in tbt i�►so�t d�scrib�d u ii6Ni�r Faistio�t R�li�t SNns 8ystw�� Ca�ptroller's Contract L•7Zbs� MCDOUALD i A�SOCL►T1ts, Zl�.. Cou- tractor. haf� b��n pro�idad for 1A tbe 8p�cit�ieations� and � �iNtRLi, It has bNn �oand n��ssasyr to �ak� the �ollwrins �dditioAS t Iu p�r attachad Contract C�n� Agr��unt Iio. 1 TOTAL NET MDITIOII =1,200.00 �iHBREAS, Ths total sdditior �s $1.Z00.00. and the Co�iaaiou�r Qf Yublic Morks haa agswd vith th� Coe�traator tl�at t6� dc>unt o! �1.Z00.00 is th� oorr�ct aaa to b� added to aaid �ontract� th�retore b� it� RESOLVED, That tlM City of St, laul tbrough ita City Cauacil approv�s th� fore�ing additions �ad� im sceordancs �rith th� $ptcifi- cations in the sua of $1.200.00� aaid a�ount to b� added to th� lusp su� . oonsid�rstion na�d in tb� contract. known as Co■�troli�s'• Coatract L-7Z6S, snd Mhich aaount is to b� finaraed lro� City'• shar� of Looal LPror�aAt 0920-461. COUNCILMEN Adopt� by the Co�1 2 5 � 19— Yeae Nays But�er - �p 2 5 1970 Carlson Approv 19— Levine n Favor Meredith r� Sprafka �J A�Bt �y°T Tedeaco � Mr. President, McCarty �� CITY OF Si�d:;a PAL'L - DEPARTt✓,EIV�' OF PUBLIC WORKS ��o -�" CONTRACT CHANGE AGREII�NT N0.____j,____ ���3 PROJECT 1:0. E q.�:.��tr CONTRACT N0. L-726� CONTRACTOR r'cCon�ld :. t,c�oc,,. Inc. PROJECT DESCRIPTION �heel�r-Fairn,onc felief :�ystem In nccordunce With Section 95 of the Charter of the Cfty of Saint Paul, the Commissioner of Public Works has agreed aith the Contractor ttu►t the baeis of payment and prices tor items listed in the ctu�nges described below, not otherwise included in the contract, aro the reaeonable coetB of those iteme for additione to,or deduatione from,tha contract. t.dditions p�gr�d• and •l�ap� ats��t arown o� 4incoln av�nu� lso� Cl�v�rl�nd to �pproxi��t�lr 1100 t��t •a�t. ��"P �� �9���a.00 Tb• �bov� �ddition�l eo�t to b� fin�nc�d troo t4� City'a �A�r� ot 1970� 0920-�61 Fund. McDONALD & ASSOCIATES, INC. �"^ r 211 No. Pascal St. � J< �� �`�r' S�.-,L�-- � � " � C� 19� ST. PAUL. MINN. s5�na �19�_ I ineer� %� C � g ontractor ,, f, / r� pp �7 � r,- � � 19� �� �r t�oC�`/ —�.� .i�L�i�i.�.i��i� . � � Chief Engineer � � ..--� �) , �,�c c�'�_���-�.� � -�1970 �� ..i �/ 19 _ ��l i �P' Ccf isaioner `�;��,,�Com.ptr ler ; i Original (White) Duplicate (Canary) Triplicate (Pink) Quadruplicate (Blue) To Controotor To Aocountina Div. To Cdnptrol�or To Co�a��uotian F:ngir�eer ; CITY OF-SA�.r'F PAL'L - DEPARTN,EhT OF PUBLIC WORKS �`'�5Q�e�� • CONTR+liT CHANGE AGREF�NT N0. 1 PROJECT h0. Eo.�:.��tc CONTRACT N0. L•72bS CONTRACTOR Yc[ont��,, �,tisoc,.,,. Inc. PROJECT DFSCRIPTION �heel�r-Fairn+ont �.eiref :�ystem In nccordance with Section 95 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the Commissioner of Public Worka has agreed aith the Contractor thr�t the basia of payment and pricea for items listed in the changea deacribed below, not otherwise included fn the contract, are the reaaonable C08'�B QP th098 items for eddi�iono to,or deduatione from,the contraat. �.dditians � x�gr�d� snd s1wp� ats��t erown oa Lineola Av�nu� isos� Cl�v�iand to �pproxi�eat�lr 1300 t��t •a�t. Luwp tiva� �$1ZC0.00 Tb� �bov� additional co�t W b� fie�nc�d ttoa� tb. City's st►�r� ot 1q70� 0920-�61 Fu�d. i ; , . � � ; � McDONALD & ASSOCIATES, INC. � . / ; ��"5/ � � � ,- 211 No. Pascal St. 1[ � �` f". •-<..>�.c.. , C C� lcj� ST. PAUL. MINN. 55ina ���19 r° � - jYleer� ' /� g Contractor �! �� � . �� ''�' L 19� '" - 1� l' -�.e �1:L.L19�_ i Chief Engineer � �cc�'�_�'��.�;r � -� 197v � l�� ,,�-�" ' , c , – � ---�— �: 19 , � (:eff�misaioner C�;��,�Co�r.ptr ler Original (White) Duplicate (Canary) Triplicate (Pink) Quadruplicate (Blue) To Contreator To Aacountin� Div. To Ccx�annptrol7��r To ConatruatS,ws Engineer ;