250612 ORIOINAL TO CITY CL6RK � 25���2 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' ESOL TION—GENERAL FORM coMM185�ONE Rob�rt . raf t� ATF RESOLVBD, That the proper officers of the City of Saint Panl are hersby a�thorized to pay to Arcon Construction Cospany, Inc. on Fartial Sstiaate N0. 5, Contract No. L-7288, for the eo�nstruction, grading and paving e�f MARIOp STRTs�T froa Aurora Aven�ae to Como Avenue, City Project No. 70-F-0350, said estimate being paid for the periocl of Augnst 31, 1970 to Sept�eaber 12, 1970, and such oth�r partial estieaate� on said contr�et that say be presented subsequently by said eontractor and approved by the Cfty Engineer, it bei�g the under�tanding of this Council that snch partial payment or paym�nts on partial esti�ate or esti�ates on said contract in no �+sy mre to be constreied as an act by th� Citq or any of its e�gents, s�rvants or employees extending the ti�e specif ied for the cospletion or in �ny way changing the tereds of said contract, plans or specifications thereof, nor in any vay �or bq any means shall this resolution or paqsent, or paynents made under authority of this r�solution bes construed as a Waiver of any of the rights . of said city under smid contract, and pronided that prior to paysent of anq of the aforesaid partial e�tisate or estimates, said contractor bq its duly authorized ag�nts or corpor�te officers, shall file with th� City Co�ptroller in a form . approved bq the Cosporation Counsel an accept�nce of the eonditions of pay�eent a� hereinbefore set forth, and BE IT FfJRTHBR R$SOLVED, That in the absence of said acceptance being filed with the City Comptroller, no paym�nt or payments as aforesaid shall be dade. Ro�Eo �ORM �ovn �� �� orP°Cat,o � ; � PS � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council SEP 2 5 �'�9_ Yeaa Nays Butler �'��' 2 5 �;�1� Carlsan ve� 19— Levine �n Favor Meredith Sprafka � Mayor A g81'II9t Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty !�UBLISHED OCT 319�0 �� ��•��"►��•R�� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa 2t�OF��� . � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �+� NO ' COUNCIL RESOLUTIOPI—GENERAL FORM C�AMMIS�SIONcR RO�!'t �. S�1"t�ki eAre R�80LVffi�. ?hat tl� prop�r ottic�rs ,ot tb� Citq ot Salat taal ara �r�by �qt�+ri�d to p�a� to Arooe� Construatlon Co�any• Ina. oo P�rtial Eatiaat� lb. s. Contnat 1b. L-7�i. !os t�a onnst:netion. sr�ding and pa�i� of W1Rm11 8TREZ? ft� AYSOra ArMtN t�o C+O�o Ar�t�� Cit� Tro��ct tio. 70•P•03SQ� •aid �atisat� b�im� ptid !rs tl� �ttiod ot Ausaat 31. 19T0 to S�ptab�s 14, 19T0� aad sneh ot6�s parti�l �sti�t�s on said co�tract that �sy b� p�ns�t�d subssqnN+ely br s�id contractos aed approv�d by tL� Citp Eesit�r. it b�ins t6� ned�rsta�di� of ti�is Ca�cil tLat sga� psrtial pa�t or pay�ta on partial �sti�at� or �sti�tt�a oa saia e�tsaat ia no Ma�r ar� to b� a�nstsn�d u �n act by tlu Cit� or any o!` it� a�nts� •ervs�ts os aplo�s acttndiws th� tiM aOsciiied !or t1a t�o�pl�tion or in auy wy cliaAaieg elu� tes�s ot ssid cortraat, plans or spscif ioatio�s t�s�of, ear i� any wy �or by a�r un�a ahall this r�solution cr p��t, or Pa�ruats s�d� aAd�r aithority o� tbis r�solutior b� aorstrn�d a� � wiv�s of any of t� ri�bta o! �ai� aity nnd�r a�►i� oontsact, ar�d pr4vid�d tlrt prior to payMnt oi ��y oi th� aloruaid pastial a�tiaat� or �stiwatas, aaid �ontractor by ita duly autlwsis�d a��sta or aorporatt ot!lc�rs, shall fii� witk the City Co�ptroll�r iw a �osa approwd by t� Cosparsatioe� Conrs�l an aa«p�ane� o! tlu� oanditio�� ot pa�t u h�s�inbafort s�t forti�, Md ES IT �ORT�IEA RS�OLYFD. Th�t in tb� abs��n� �t aaid aec�pe�r.� b�ie� fil�d witb tb� City Ca�t�cr�ll�r. no pa�rasnt or pa�rta as alo�naaid shall b� nad�. �,�,� 2 5 1970 COi1NCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler SEP 2 5 l� Caxlson Approv� 19_ ° �°�e _�n Favor Meredith Sprafka t �� Tedesco Mr. Preaident, McCarty ' ��