250611 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLHRK ��o��� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� `� " OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ��E NO. CO SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE �b A*F RgSOLVBH, That the proper officars of the Citq of Saint Paul are hereby authoriz�d to pay to Areor-Coat Construction Cospany on Fsrtial Bstioate Nc. 2, Contract No. L-7307, for the co��truction of the CHATSWORTH-DEFORD STURM SEWBR� Contraet B, City Froject No. 70-S-1398B, said e�ti�ate being paid for the period of Augnst 22, 1970 to Septe�eber 1S, 197�, and such other partial estimatee o� said coatract that ,ay be presented smb�equently by said Contractor ar�d approved by the Citq Bngineer� it beimg the ��de,rstanding of this Cot�ncil that sueh partial paqsent or payrents on partial eetinate or estieates 0n said Contract in rica way are to be construQd as an act by the Citp or anq of its agents, cervants or e■ployees extending the tise specified for the co�pletion or in at�y way cl�a�ging the ter,s of said co�tract, plaas or specificatioe�s th�rec�f, nE+r i� an}� way nor bq anq a�ans shall this resoleation or payaent, or paysents aade �nder a�thority of this resolution b� construed as a Waiver of anq of t�e rights of said City � under said co�ntract, and prr�vided that prior to paq�ert of a�►y of the aforesaid ' partial astiute or esti�ates, said contractor by its duly authc�riz�d ag�nts or corporate offieers, shall file with the City Co�ptroller in a fores apprroved by the Corporation Counsel an acc�ptance of the conditions of payielnt as h�rein- before set forth, and B8 IT 1PURTHHIt ItSS���80, That in the absence of said acceptance being fil�d with the City Co�ptroller, r�o payrent mr paye��ats as afaressid shall be �d�. �ORM PROVE � ► � orporatio oun I S.EP 2 5 197 0 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler ���' � � ���'� Carlson A roved 19— Levine �n Favor Meredith � Sprafka Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty pUg��SHED QCT 31970 �� DUPNC�[TO PRINTSR . ���v�� .� - � CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNC�� NO � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM C�AMM�ONE! ��=t �. gQ=��tt nATe WOLYiH. T1�t tla prop�r ettic�zs o� eha Citp ot �siwe laui as+o iNSSby a�tL�sis�d to pa� t� A�os-Coat Co�struction t�o�pae� oa Tartlal tstiaat� llo. g, CoAtraat Ilo. L•3307, ios tha clo�stnustion oi t1r� t�TiW�-O�rOtD IC�+pRM ��iRlt. Contr�at �, City Tso��ct No. 7C•S•1l9�, aaid uti�at� b�ius Ni� ios tir p�ri� of An�asz ZZ. 1970 to S�Pt�r 1S, 1l70, aaa ansb otl�er partial �sELrw►t�a oe said eeontnat tl�at ss� b� ps�s�nt�d stirasqa�atl� by said Contsael+or �ur ap���d by tl� City EAsiaas. it bsius tU� usd�rsta�dit� of tl�is Co�ncil t�at soati pasti�l ya�ant os Pa�nts on pastial ��tl�st� es Nti�at�s oe sal�i t�ontraet ia a� wap as+� to 1� �onatrn�d ar � tat by tir Cit� �r �► e! its a=seta. s�tnatta or rplo�a a�t�adi� th� tia� sp�ci�ie� tor t� �pl�tion os in au�r wy ei�in� th� t�s�s oE said contraat� pl�ra or sp�ci�ieati�s ti�r�al� uor iw aay w� aos by aey usns alaall this r�aoldtion os pa��t. or pa�at� �adt w�d�s sul.hositp oi tl�is s�solotio� b� aoA�tnuu�d u a wi�nr o! a�► ot tD� si�ta ei saiii Cit�r n�r ssii ooatra�t, and pY+o�idN tbst psios to p��t o� �y ot t� at+rr�sai�d parti,al ��tisa8� or �stiwat�s, saia cortsactor by ita drly wttiosis�d apats or ras�osat� otfic�rs. aiull fil� vitb tb� Cit� Ce�ptu+oll�r ia a fos� apOrawd by t1r Corpontion CouAS�i s� aa�aptaeu o�f th� �ditien�s ot pay�aat ss iNrai�- b�torr a�t tort'�. aed BE IT lfTtT9ER �LMRp: 'tLat in t�e abs�a ot aair aeatptsne� �i� til�d vith th� Cit� Coqt�t+�ll�a, ra oa�t or ps��snta as der�s�i� slrall b� �e. SEP 2 5 1�� COUNCII.MEN Adopted by the Counci� 19_. Y� xa� SEP 2 5 ��7� Butler Carlaon Approv� 19— Levine T� Favor Meredith Sprafka �� ' at Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty � � , ��