250607 �ORI61F7►L TO CITY CL6RK ������ � ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� f '� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE N • . CO NCIL RESOWT N—GE ERAL RM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE __ RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, tha.t MHousing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, having determined tha.t the thereby proposed Redevelop- ment Project should be undertaken, on the 18th day of September, 1970, filed with the City Clerk of the City of Saint Paul and pre- sented to this Council with its amendatory application for said Council' s approval of the same, its Redevelopment Plan for that certain area within the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, commonly designated as Concord Terrace Urban Renewal Area, Project Minn. R-37, is as described on the attached exhibit ma.rked "Exhibit A", and sa.id Redevelopment Plan being designated "Concord Terrace Urban Renewal Area, Minn. R-37" dated August 5, 1970; together with a statement of the method proposed for the fina.ncing of such Redevelopment Project and the written � opinion thereon and approval of the same by the Planning Board of said City of Saint Paul and other pertinent data, said Redevelop- ment Plan and ma.ps, charts and other details of the same being on file in the office of said City Clerk and in the office of said Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, subject to inspection during regular business hours, the same, by reference, hereby are incorporated herein and made part and parcel hereof with the same intent, purpose and effect as if said documents and al1 of the same were fully set forth herein; tha.t pursua.nt to Section 462.521, Minnesota Statutes Annotated, this Council hereby determines and provides tha.t it sha.11 hold a public hearing on said proposed Redevelopment Plan and said proposed Redevelopment Project for said Concord Terrace Urban Renewal Area, Minn. R-37, presented by said Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, as aforesaid, and tha.t said public hearing thereon sha.11 be held before this Council in the Council Chambers in the Court House at the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, on the 9th day of October, 1970, at 10:00 o'clock a.m. ; tha.t upon said public hearing and definitive of the purpose of 4` the same this Council sha.11 consider said Redevelopment Plan for COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19—. Yeas Nays Butler Carlson Approved 19� Levine Tn Favor Meredith Mayor Sprafka Tedesco Against qppR ED Mr. President, McCarty sti Cwpora n o n e � ` ORIGIN�L TO CITY CLERK CI 1 1 OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL ����l+�/� I � FILE NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER �ATF 2. said Concord Terrace Urban Renewal Area, Minn. R-37, and said Re- development Project thereby proposed and, among other things, de�ermine whether or not this Council's Resolution thereat to be considered shall be adopted approving said Redevelopment Plan and said Redevelopment Project and permitting said Housing and Rede- velopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, to under- take an urban renewal project under State and local law with Federal Fina.ncial assistance under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended; to acquire land in the project area; to demolish or remove buildings and improvements; to install, construct or re- construct streets, utilities, parks, playgrounds and other project improvements, to ma.ke land available for development or redevelop- ment by private enterprise or public or non-profit agencies as authorized by law, and to undertake a program of repair and reha.b�l- itation of existing housing, and, among other thing.s, in connection with said Resolution to be considered at said meeting this Council will determine and make findings accordingly upon the questions whether or not (1) the fina.ncial aid to be provided in the contract is necessary to enable the project to be undertaken in accordance with the Redevelopment Plan; (2) the Redevelopment P1an will a�ford ma.ximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the locality as a whole, for the reha.bilitation or redevelopment of the urban re- newal area by private enterprise; (3) the Redevelopment Plan conforms to a general plan for the development of the locality as a whole; and (4) the Redevelopment Plan gives due consideration to the provision of adequa.te park and recreational areas and facilities, as ma.y be desirable for neighborhood improvement, with special consideration for the health, safety, and welfare of children residing in the gen- eral vicinity of the site covered by the Plan; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, Tha.t not less than ten (10) days prior to the date of said public hearing, the City Clerk sha.11 +�ause published notice of the same to be given in a newspa.per of general circulation in said City of Saint Paul at least once not less tha.n ten (10) days prior to the date of said hearing. �SEP 2 � 1g7Q COUNCILMEN. Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler ��� � � �'�7� Carlson rove 19� Levine �n Favor Meredith / Sprafka U Mayor Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED OCT 31970 � � • s �`� � � .� y _ . � � � Beglnning at the puint of intcrsec- tion with the northern right-of-way rlght-of-way line of State Street, line of �Vood Strect with thc cast- then noriheasterly along said line ern right-of-way line oi Starkey to thc pomt of intcrsection with j � Strcet, then easterly along said line a point 202 feet, plus or minus, � of 1'Vood Street to the poinl of south of thc southern right-of-way � inteisection �•ith the castcrn riglit- line oi Concorc! Street, Uicn �vest- I of-way linc of Rot?crt Strcet, which erly at right angles to the point of is also the southcrn riglit-of-way interseciion with. the northern i line of thc Chicago,'Great �Vestern right-of-way line of the alley be- � Railway, then southerly alon� said . hveen E. Gcorge and E. Stevens ' )ine of the Railw�y rigl�t-of-�vay Strcets, then weslerly along said line of Co]orado Sireet, then east- line to the point of intersection erly along said line to the point of H,Ith a ]ot line which is 150 feet intersection with the eastern right- east of Maurice Strect, then north- of-way line of Greenwood Avenue, erly along said line to the point of then soiitherly along said linc to intersection �vith the northern the point of in ersection with a lot line 708 feet n�rth of thc �iorthern right-of-way line of E. George right-of-way li'ne of Delos Strcet, Street, then easterly for 70 feet, lhen southeasterly almig said line plus or minus, along said line to to the poit�t of intersection with a the point of intersection �vith a lot lot line lOD feet east of the eastern line,then nortli�vesterly for 250 feet ; right-of-way line of Greenwood along said line to the point of in- tersection with a lot line, then i,or:i�er;y �:o:g said lir.e fo* 72 Street, then southerly along said ieet to the point of intersecfion line to the point of intersection with the southern right-of-way line with the northern right-of-way line of E. Robie Street, then westerly of Delos Street, then easterly along along said line 96 feet, plus or satd line to tl�e point of intersection minus, to the point of intersection • . witl� the eastern right-of-�vay line with a lot line (projected), then of State Street, then southcrly northerly a]ong said line for 110 along said line to the point of inter- feet to the point of intersection section with the northern right-of- wrth a lot ]ine, then westerly along way line of TsaUel Street (pro- said line 30 feet, plus or minus, to jected), which is also the northern the point of intersection �vith a bow�dary line of Dunedin Terrace lot ]ine, then northwesterly along Project Number Minn. 1-9, then said line, para]lcl with and 80 feet nartheasterly along said Project south of tlie southern right-of-way boundary to the point of inter- line of Concord Street, to the point • section �vith the western right-of- of intersection with the eastern way of T.H. No. 3 and the southern right-of-way line of S. Robert right-of-�vay of the Chicago, Great Street, then northerly along said Western Railway, then southeast- line to the point of intersection erly along said Railway right-of- with the soutl�ern right-of-way line �vay]ine, crossing Bancroft, Brown, of Concord Street, then northwest- Andrew, and Kansas Avenues, to erly along said line 340 feet, plus the point of intersection witti the t on �vith a�loteline,nthen otutlier- southeasterly right-of-way ]ine )y along said line 120 feet to a (projected) of the alley Uet�veen point, then westerly 50 feet to the Kansas and �Vitham Avenues, then point of intersection tvith a lot line, southwesterly along said line to the tlien northerly along said line 55 point of intersection �vith the east- feet to a point, then �vesterly at a ern right-of-way line oP Kansas right angle for 1S0 feet to the point Avenue, then southerly along said of intersection �vith the western line to the point of intersection with the southern right-of-way right-of-way line of Livingston line (projected) of the alley be- Avenue, then northerly along said _ tween n'fortoc� and Page Streets, line to the point of intersection then westerly along said ]ine to the with the sottthern right-of-way line point of intersection with the lot of E.Congress Street,then �vesterly line 120 feet east of the eastern along said line to the point of in- , right-of-waY line of Brown Street, tersection�vith the eastern right-of- `�c^ �^.;:!:cr?;;;i�: !eav 7'n� fprnjectPdl of th.� a11eY - i�sa:d iine io the i between S. �Vabasha Street and point of interSectiun �vith the Hall Acenue, then northerly along northern right-of-way ]ine of East said ]ine to the point of intersec- Page Street, then westerly along I tion with the northern right-of- said lir.e to the point of intersection I � �yay line of West Isabel Street,then with the wes.ern right-of-�va,y ]ine easterly along said ]ine to the point of Brorvn Avenue, then northerly � of intersection with the eastern along said ]ine to the point of in- boundary line of Terrace park, tersection with the southern right- then northeasterly along said line of-t�•ay line of Prescott Street, then to the point of intersection.�vith north�vesterly along said line to the point of intersection �vith the the northern right-of-way line of westcrn riglit-of-�vay line of Ban- West De]os Street, then westerly croft Avenue (projected), then along said line for 190 feet, plus or northeasterly for 203 feet�ong said minus, to the point of intersection line to the point of intersection with a lot line,then northerly along with a lot line, then westerly along said lot line 30.36 feet, plus or said line for r00 feet to the point minus, to the point of intersection ot intersection w-ith a lot lirle, then with a lot line, then easterly 26.9 northeasterly along said line for 75 i feet to the point of intersection feet, plus or minus, to the point of � witlt a lot line, then northerly G8 intersection with a lot line, then feet along said line to the point of Sout3nvesterly 97.5 feet along said intersection with a lot line, then line to the point of ititersection northeasterly along said line to the with a lot line, then southwesterly po:nt of intersection with the east- along said line for 25 feet, plus or ern right-of-way line of Starkey minus, to the point of intersection Street, 100 feet south of the south- with a lot ]ine, then northwesterly ern right-of-way line of Wood along said line for 143.25 feet to the Street, then northerly along said po;ni ui:niersection tivi.h a lot ;iiie, I Starkey Street to thc point of in- then southwesterly along said ]ine tersection with the northern right- for 84.73 feet to the point of inter- of-way line of Wood Street, �vhich section with a lot line, then west-. is the point of beginning. erly atong said line to the point of intersection with the southeastern , "EXHIBIT A" PUBLISHED �CT 31970 _ f.�. , . . . . . +•�6 n