03-354ORIGINAL Presented Refesed To Committee Date 1 RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached 2 request for the establishment of the classified position of Accounts Payable Technician in Grade 27 of the 3 2002-20041abor agreement between the Independent School District No. 625 and the American Federation 4 of School, County and Municipal Employees, Local 14. 5 Adopted by Council: Date �� �� c-7-�O `� Adoption C�e�tified by Council Secretary 1 � � ce of bor Relations } / � r ' Council File # O 3- 3 S y Green Sheet # 200126 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� Requested by Department o£ � DEPARTMENT/OFFICFJCOUlYCO.: DATE INITlATED GREEN SHEET NO.'ZOOSZF) �� _� LABOR RELATIONS March 31, 2003 ' CON?'ACT PERSON & PHONE: � IN11'IAWDqTE Ix1T1AWDpTE NLIE KRAUS 266-6513 ASSIGN I DEPARTMENT D 4 CI7Y COUNCIL NUMBER 2 C11'1 AITORNEY CI7Y CLERK A7UST BE ON COUnCIL AGE:VDA BY (DATE) FOR BUDGE'I DIl2. FIN. & MGT. SERVICE DIIt. ROU7ING 3 MAYOR (OR ASST.) ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNAT[JRE PAGES_I (CLIP ALL LOCATTONS FOR SIGNATURE) ,,►cnox �QuesrEn: This resolurion approves the attached request for the establishment of the classified position of Accounts Payable Technician in Grade 27 of the 2002-20041abor agreement between the Independent School Dish No. 625 and the American Federation of School, County and Municipal Employees, I,ocal 14. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSO.�'AI. SERViCE CONTRACI'S MUST MSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PLANNING COMMISSION _CNII. SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Aas this person/fim� ever worked under a contraci for this depaztrnent? _CID COMMITTEE Yes No STA£F 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciTy employee? DISTRICTCOIJRT Yes No SUPPORTS WHICH COLJNCII.OBJECTNE? 3_ Does this person/fitm possess a skill not nomially possessed by any cutrrn[ city employee? Yes No Explain aIl yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green s6eet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, WAy): �F ' � �kq�, . This request pertains to Board of Bducation employees only. �� "� � , �,� �� "= ���`� ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISADVMTAGES IF APPROVED: �f��l�� V �� APR 0 s. 2QQ�3 DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: �'�� ��o R P V E I TOTAL AMOUIVT OF TRANSACTION: COST/REVEN[7E BUDGETED: FUNDING SOURCE: ACTNITY NUMBER: FIl\ANCWI, INFORMATTON: (EXPLAIN) INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 625 BOARD OF EDUCATION ST. PAUL PUBLIC SCHOOLS • DATE: March 18, 2003 � 03 -354 TOPIC: Establishment of the Classified Position of Accounts Payable Technician for Independent School District No. 625 and Re{evant Terms and Conditions of Employment A. � B. PERTINENT FACTS: The Business Office has a need to reformulate an existing position due to new technologies that are now being used in the Business Office. Previously this position was an Accounting Clerk I and the duties were limited to auditing payment requests and paying invoices on purchase requisitions that had been established on the Financial Management System (FMS). The Business Office has now implemented a new version of the FMS system and no longer need the amount of time that was previously necessary to audit and pay requisitions. Consequentiy we are recommending that this position be estabfished so that the other half of the time can be spent upioading data to the FMS system and testing data routines that wifi make future work easier. 2. A new person wiff not 6e hired to fill this position. This action would create a position that will allow existing staff to be used in a more efficient and effective manner. 3. The Human Resource Department was asked to pertorm a job study and determine the proper job title and bargaining unit for this work. The recommendation from that study is to create a new title, Accounts Payable Technician. This title would be within the unit jurisdiction of the American Federation Of State, County, And Municipal Empioyees (AFSCME), District Council No. 14, unit that represents clerical employees. The appropriate pay rate for this position would be equivalent to Grade 27 within this Agreement. This salary range will remain in place for this titie until such time as a successor agreement is reached to the 2002-2004 labor agreemeni for this unit. The benefits associated with this position wiff be as provided for other positions within this unit. This position is recommended to be a Civii Service classified position. 4. 4n accordance with Civil Service Ruies, notification has been ser�t to AFSCME regarding the establishment of this title and approval of this new title wil4 be requested of the Saint Paui City Council. 5. The funds for this position are available in the Business O�ce's budget. 6. This request supports the DistricYs goal of creating institutional change. 7. This request is submitted by Richard Kreyer, Executive Director of Human Resources and Labor Relations; and Lois Rockney, Executive Director of Business and Financial Affairs. RECOMMENDATION: • That the Board of Education of Independent School District No. 625 approve the establishment of the Accounts Payable Technician job classification effective March 18, 2003; that the Board of Education decfare this position as Civil Service ciassified; and that the pay rate be Grade 27 of the American Federation Of State, County, And Municipaf Employees, District Council No. 14, standard ranges. 03 -3Sy • Saint Paul Pusuc SeKnois March 20, 20�3 Human Resource Department 360 Golborne Street Saint Panl, MN 551023299 /ndependent Schoo/ Dtstrfct 625 AN AFFIRMATIVE ACTION / EQUAL QPPORiUNITY EMPLOYER ielephone: (6$1) 767-8200 • Fax: (651) 665-0269 • Web site: http://wwwspps.org/hrdept Ms. Angela S. Nalezny, Director Office of Hum J f\/ vf �Y�1�1 r{AYI � 400 City Ha{I Annex 25 West 4`" Street Saint Paui, MN 55102 Re: New Title Dear Ms. Nalezny: � S� � � � N O N At its reguiar meeting on March 18, 2003, the Saint Paul Board of Education approved a new cfassified title "Accounts Payabie Technician ° The pay rate for this new title is Grade 27 of the 2002-2004 Iabor agreement with the American Federaiion of School, County, and Municipal Employees, Local 14. While we believe the Board of Education has sole authority to create and approve new titles, we are requesting that the Gity Council approve this new title, since it is a ctassified titie and subject to the City's Civil Seroice Rules. Please let us know when the title has been approved. If you have questions, please direct them to Sue Gutbrod (767-8146) myself (767-8202). Thank you. Yours truly, � Richard Kreyer, Executiv irector Human Resources and Labor Relations c�� 3=: A-<,c r, ��r; ri r,�, < �, -, ., CT _ �D n C: �^r° G� • • \J INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 625 BOARD OF EDUCATION ST. PAUL PUBLIC SCHOOLS DATE: March 18, 2003 TOPIC: Estab{ishment of the C{assified Independent School District No. Employment A PERTINENT FACTS: 03 - Position of Accounts Payable Technician for 625 and Relevant Terms and Conditions of 1. The Business Office has a need to reformulate an existing position due to new technologies that are now being used in the Business O�ce. Previously this position was an Accounting Clerk I and the duties were limited to auditing payment requests and paying invoices on purchase requisitions that had been established on the Financial Management System (FMS). The Business O�ce has now implemented a new version of the FMS system and no longer need the amount of time that was previously necessary to audit and pay requisitions. Consequently we are recommending that this position be established so that the other half of the time can be spent uploading data to the FMS system and testing data routines that will make future work easier. 2. A new person will not be hired to fill this position. This action wouid create a position that will alfow existing staff to be used in a more efficient and eifective manner. B. • 3. The Human f2esource Department was asked to perform a job study and determine the proper job title and bargaining unit for this work. The recommendation from that study is to create a new title, Accou�ts Payable Technician. This title would be within the unit jurisdiction of the American Federation Of State, County, And Municipal Employees (AFSCME), District Council No. 14, unit that represents cierical empioyees. The appropriate pay rate for this position would be equivalent to Grade 27 within this Agreement. This salary range will remain in place for this title until such time as a successor agreement is reached to the 2002-2004 iabor agreement for this unit. The benefits associated with this position will be as provided for other positions within this unit. This position is recommended to be a Civil Service classified position. 4. In accordance with Civil Service Rules, notification has been sent to AFSCME regarding the establishment of this title and approval of this new title wiil be requested of the Saint Paul City Council. 5. The funds for this position are available in the Business O�ce's budget. 6. This request supports the DistricYs goal of creating institutional change. 7. This request is submitted by Richard Kreyer, Executive Director of Human Resources and Labor Relations; and Lois Rockney, Executive Director of Business and Financiai Affairs. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Education of Independent School District No. 625 approve the establishment of the Accounts Payable Technician job ciassification effective March 18, 2003; that the Board of Education declare this position as Civil Service classified; and that the pay rate be Grade 27 of the American Federation Of State, County, And Municipal Employees, District Council No. 14, standard ranges. 03 - 3 S`� • Saint Paul Puauc ScNno�s March 20, 2003 Human Resource Department 360 Colbome Street Saint Panl, MlH 5510�3299 Independent School Dlstiict 625 AN AiFIRMATNE ACT/ON / EQUALOPPORTUNITYEMPLOYER Telephone: (651) 767-8200 • Fas: (651) 665A269 • Web sitr. http:/7wwwspps•o:g�hrdept Ms. Angela S. Nalezny, Director Office of Human Resources � ;� e4 Sai^, Puuf 400 City Hall Annex 25 West 4 Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 Re: New Title Dear Ms. Nalezny: � 3c D�:c� � Z_�r , '� -'Tnt � �«.� C,-',_ � x�' N C7 C_ �r° � L'1 At its regular meeting on March 18, 2003, the Saint Paul Board of Education approved a new classified titfe "Accounts Payable Technician:' The pay rate for this new title is Grade 27 of the 2002-2004 labor agreement with the American Federation of School, County, and Municipal Employees, Local 14. While we beiieve the Board of Education has sole authority to create and approve new titles, we are requesting that the City Council approve this new title, since it is a classified titte and subject to the City's Civii Service Rules. Please let us know when the title has been approved. If you have questions, please direct them to Sue Gutbrod (767-8146} myself (767-8202). Thank you. Yours truly, � Richard Kreyer, Executiv irector Human Resources and Labor Relations •