250592 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK ` �5U��/ ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. "� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU CIL ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PR�ENTED BY COMMISSIONE � ' � ATF RESOLVED, Tha.t the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to execute on beha.lf of the City of Saint Paul Addendum to Agreement between the City and Brauer & Associates, Inc. , a copy of which is attached hereto and incor- porated herein by reference. 2 �, 1910 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CouncilSE'P 19— Yeas Nays Butler ����' � �� 19�� Carlson Approved 19 Levine v Tn Favor �� J Sprafka ,�pt��� MaYor Tedesco ASainat FOR APP V . ..����-;a... _. . Cor n el Mr. Vice President Meredith � PUBUSHED SEP 2 6 1970 �� , �5a��2 ADDENDUM TO AGREEMENT THIS ADDENDUM TO AGREEMENT, Made and entered into on this day of , 1970, by and between the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, . a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as "City", and BRAUER & ASSOCIATES, INC. , hereinafter referred to as "Planner"; � WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, City and Planner have entered into a certain Agree- ment, dated February 26, 1970, approved by City Council Resolution No. 247647, approved February 26, 1970; � WHEREAS , Planner was to provide certain design and other related services for the construction of an addition to the Highland Park Golf Course in Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, It is mutually agreed by and between the said parties thereto to amend the said Agreement to increase the maximum expenses to be incurred by the City; NOW, THEREFORE, The parties hereto do mutua.11y agree as follows : . 1. That that certain Agreement, dated Februa.ry 26, 1970, by and between the City and Planner, referred to above, is hereby amended in the following particular: "Payment to Planner. The City shall compensate the Planner� for completion of professional services described above as follows : ��_�. _�. .. .. .. .. "F. Planner shall not bill the City for additional costs specified above without receiving the written auth- orization from the City, acting by and through its Commis- sioner of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings . In no event shall the expenses for services under Paragraph 1 (C)i exceed the sum of Six Thousand Dollars ($6,000.00) ; ♦ _ "in no event shall the expenses for services under Paragraph 1(C)ii exceed the sum of Six Thousand Dollars ($6,000.00) ; and in no event sha.11 the ex- penses for services under Paragraph 2(E) exceed the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) . " 2. Al1 the remaining terms and conditions of said Agreement, ` dated Februa.ry 26, 1970, except as otherwise provided above, shall continue in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The parties hereto have executed this Addendum• to Agreement the day and year first above written. App oved as to form: CITY OF SAINT PAUL By S cial As � tan Ma.yor C poratio Counsel Commissioner of Parks and Recre- ation and Public Buildings Approved as to form and execution: City Clerk COUNTERSIGNED: Special Assistant ' Corporation Counsel City Comptroller In the Presence of: BRAUER & ASSOCIATES, INC. BY � � , Its 2. . . . .. _. . _ .. . . __. ` ! f � 1 r , . c� .�y�� �� �--� �'�� �� � . ' 1\ GI; � L- %,aF � T . TiiIS AG.ZL'�=::i:NT, ?iade and entered into on this �� uay o;- _.___.._..__� 19�0, by znd bet�•:een tl�e CITY 0.' SAI.ti'i PAUL, a municipal corpor.tion tincier �c'.;^ 1.,_��rs � oi t:^.e State of ;iinnesota, ::ereir.after refe:red to as "City", and 1i;211U�i: �; :1:;;�0;;::�'1'IiS, I^;C., itereinafter rcferred to as "Flanncr"; � 11`IT,�L'SST1I: ;'l:�I:;��S, It is the inten�ior. of the City to retain t}le Pla,ne-r to ��r<',�'i::� nro��essior.al services rec,uireci to complete re-desi�n and relocation oF s•,�::c:�`ied tees �nd �reens, 1�ror};inn drai•�ir.gs and specificatior.s for cor.st:uction of an acl:i.itzor. to .hc Hi.�hland P�rl: Golf Course locatcd in tlie City of Saint Pau1; an�� 110:+T, TIi��ErOP.L, 'The parties hereto do�r�utuall}� at;ree as rollot�is: 3. Sco»e o.r" Services. The Plar.ner shall p.erfor.n all thc necessr�r�� �erv:�ccs nrovided .for herein ir. connectior. ti:�ith and respectinn the nroject. A. �asic Se�-vices. The Planr,er's �asic scrvices si:all include ;:�r::i,�l ,�larnin�, �n�;ineerinn, and landsca;�e architectural services as follo��:s: � /a. ite-dcsi�n �nd reloc.ition of �`2 tee and :�ree, ;�3 � tee and �reen, +�4 tee, �8 �;recn ar.cl +�9 tee. b. �Re-cirai�tinR o£ control txaverse to allo�a f.or rclo- catio� of. tees and �reens speci£ied in par��;-ra^�: 1(a) zbove. - c. Detaii desirn of tees, �*reens and s�ncl tr.ar�s a.r.- cludin� la��out, gradins; �nd draina�e. d. Construction ur1��;in�s r".or layout, overall �*olt course sitc ^radinT, nrcer.s and tees, �eedin.^ . and soddinc; >>la:� slzeets rea,dy for distri:�utio� to bidders for co;:struc�ion. c. Soils .nal��sis .�ncl {crtili�in�; rccomme»clztizoiis ana schcciulc. f. ,S:�ecif�cl:ions Cor construction o£ itc;;�s listed ;il:avc co:�i�lctc �nct re�dy f.or distri��utiozl to Uiddcrs �or construction. r. Caordiration o` Plannc:�s s*alz cour�e 1?11Ii^- :inci s:�ecific:tior.s !�.•itl. thc St. �'�tzl :'.xi: ar.ci ;tecrc��io:� i►epart:�er.t nlar.s an�l sr.�c�.�'�-�:tti:>r:�. for �;:�ex sunuly �tJ:���iY:�* 1:�:: i-rrin,atir,ri disC�i.k:��it:ic;� sYSte�,a. ' . . . . ....�..:�:,.... .... I . .. . . . . . . � . .... . . .. .. � .. . . . ... ... ........... . . . .... ._... . .. ...IN�Yi�tirtic � t 1�35!C 2. , 3. Surve�rin^ Se:ti��ces. The Planner's basic scrvices •shall ir_cl:ic:o normal surve;✓ia,^, services as .f.olloi:s: , a. Reloca�e rield traverse as st:ked bv the Citv. b. �Topo�ra��hic man�,in� of all tee and �*rcei: zreas . - . on a 20-foot �rid. ` c. Pield survev on the {�;es't 20 acres o� t}ie site at a 100-foot grici. C. :ldditional Services. 'Tne foll��,+inr additior.a� serti•ices �::e �:ot �n- � clu:lea ir. Para5rin'.: lf� and Fara;;rzp}i l�s, ar.d may be aut}iorized bv the Citv :s ':c��ein- siter p:ovided: i. Periodic Construction Oi�serva.tion includir.� revie�� of Ca�:tractor's e,�ork pro�r;m ar.d la�rout, s�ion eira�:•inRs, insT��ctor's renorts, naterial sannles, and construc�ion r�etitoc:s, t�ropose.d certi�ication of contractors re- �uests for t�avment, nrenzration o� �:ecessu:-v ci�:r.rte ordc:s, and f�nal ins�ectior. ar.cl recom�:er.uation for acccntar.ce o� the comnleted �•:ork. ' ii, Cor.st:uctior. sta}:in.^,, as :�enuested ir, ti::itir.R b�� t;:e City, o�' all `air�:ay require;.ients f.or ^rading, `cees ar.d rrcens. 2. Payr.�,ent to Planr.er. The Cit}� shall comnensate the Planner f�r co-•,n]ctio:� of uro�esszor:ui servic�s ctescribed above as folloi-;s: . A. Por the Plar.ner's busic services, as aescribed ir. Para?ru�,i: l.'��, �� . lu.np sun �ee ti��izic�i incluc�es all expenses, in the an:ount of rOUr T}iousanc! ':•'��;a i:;.rulre�� :�ol la:s (:?���,200.UO) . P. I�or serviccs clescribed in Parar,ranh 1B, z lu^�n sum �ce �•r:�icl: ?r��li:des a.11 exp�nses, in the suM of T�•:o Thousand Dollars (�2,40Q.00) . C. For t?ie 1'lanner's additional services, as ciescrihed ir; 1'ar:���r�:i�,�: :L (C) :�, �. a �ce cor�7uted on the basis of. t'�e followins; hourly rate sc'.:eciule: , Pro�essional !% $35.00 ner ilc;zr nrofr.ss�.onal ?l' 24.00 ���: ti:aur Pro:=css�on�1 IIT �2.(�0 :���: ;:oi�:- :'rofes:,ia:�:zl II 1S.U(t T��r hotir PraFessioT:al I 16.00 i�er hour ":'cc3inical V IS.DO ner i�o::r '.cc;�r.'_c;t: I1' 1G.Gf) r..ei� ];c�:ir Teci::�ic:il �II 11 .00 t:e.• tic�tzr :cciinic::I I I 12.OG i�er ]:r�ur 1'CC::illC:l.zi. � J.�)� T)C`J.' I:O:1.1' /���:.11:11;'�:':.i.'C1VC �.n� 1)CI' �1dJ.T Pa�*c 3. All overtime reauired by the City schedule imrolvi;.:� 'iec;:i:ic�.l ��ai� I, II, ar.d III ncrsonilcl s'r:all be cor�nensated at �ne ar.c� one-};-�}`. (1 3/'; �ir:es the h�urlv rate sl:o��}n. • D. For tl:e Planner's additional services, as descr.ibed �n Par�:s�x:i��!� 1 (c;i}, � ree CO:il�:utecl on the bas�s of tho �ollo�vin� survey na:ty rlte sciiedule: ;, T;oo man t�arty • �25.00 Three man party . 32.00 E. ror the Planner's rei:�bursable expenses, actu2l ex;�enditur. �s ;'o� : tr.e P1:r.r:cr's ad�iitional services as listed in Pararyran:i 2(C} above, o.t'.:cr �c:.�i; �i:e hourlv fee, at:d ti;nich is directly connected �aith the proj ect. Cit�� �}�z?z rci;�burse t':e Plar.ner's ;�ilea.�e expenses at the rate of ten cents (10�; ucr �:ilr. for travei, autil0.�.'1.Zed i�y t�.e Cit�� and performed in the rerioi�mance o� c:�:t:.es �:r:�er �nis a�ree~�ent; also t::at cost of. soil horin�s, testin�; or snecial cer.sult��n:::>, and i:ier.ti�iable r.:ateri.zls, scrvices or supplies used in re:�rocluction of r�no:-i.:;, ' dl al:i»:�s, st�ecifications or f.ield work, that are autl:orized in ::�ritir.e h�r �':e C;t�•. r. i'lknne: shall not bill tiie Citv for adc?itional costs sncci;':cc'. a,.ov,� :•rithout receivir.� tl-.e �,ritten authorxzation fron the City, actin� bti� ar,d �'.:.•;,u��?: its Cor;�issioner of ?arl:s and Recreation and Public i3uiidinrs. In r.o c��re,;.: :;1�a�1 � �?:c exnenc M scrvices uncler ParaRraph 1(C)i exceed t,�e sw:i o� Tl,rec �ti�c�,�sc*:L .. � � �c'o0 4�' 1--- _ Do a:s (�3,Q00.00� in no event snall the exnenses i.or services uncie� i���.-.r��::.>>:: ;� (C� ;: �_�.-�:T.,. � � ? .-�S^a c `�.__. c�c e su:� of Fi�tecn I;uncred llollars ($1,500. 0), ir. no event sh�Lll L::-� c.•x- ;��i1��S '.i0� S(:TVICES under Para�r..aph Z�E� CXCCeC1�18 S� 1'1VC ili�ncircd 1J01;;:.'S (;;50(?.00) . 3. Pa�^,:�ents to t,ze Planner slla2l be r.lade as £ollo:•rs: t1. Pav�:e�its on account of t;7e Pianner's Lasic Service:; shull bc »acle r�.ontlily in r.ropor�ian to service.� �ca•- for;:�e� ar.d �re pa��:iUle tioi.tl:ir. 30 days �f recci;�t o�� • the Plann�r's s�atc7ent of services renclerecl. I3. Pzvr.icnts �'or auciitional services and r�:=�r:Lur.sable C\��C::���GS Sj:111 }1C Iriac!C ri;Orit�llV 1ri:� 1�C T3�:.1'�Li:1C ti?lt�l;.n 30 d,vs or receir.t of tlie 1?Ianner's statc.m.,ei�� o; scrl�ices rcr.c:ercd. C. ;>t�tcr.:cnts „i ll be sul�^�itted to t::e Citv on n. r�o;�t}:ly br~sis, �ai.tl: a breakdo��m of ti�r.e .�t:ci ex��c:�scs i'o: s�:rvices -,erfor;�►ed t.7iOL'njl the 2�th ci;.v of tlle nrevious :r.Ant}i. � P��e 4. �l. Ci:,�'s itesronsi'-i3�.;,��. �rr.e City� s11a11 na?:e �v�.ila��le �1 �ilIC1'� r�.c.:���-, ta all e��s�in�; c3ata rclatec: to tl:e wor1: ar.d all other d:�za o: i;�,'or;�,a�io�: +:'.::i-e':: :r,�� devela;� t;:r�t coulcl ��os>ibly have a bearinn on tilie decisicns c�- :ecor•..°:^;�.-i:.�:':.^.s ;:t�:cic unu�r ti:is �lryreer,cnt. 5. Tcr:i� '!'er^,ir.ztion, Saccessors ar.d Assinns: • ' � A. 'icr^: of t?:e Contrzet s}izll be concurrent �ait': the �•rori: :�a�::_�.-:�i-�r.� . l.stia:ated cotr.:�Zetion tir.:c for sexvices described in� Pai.c-i_^-,ra?�?i 1(:�; ard i(!=; ,..- r.o later �;:an :�ir�rcn 1, 1970. �3. ':er,«ir.a�ion May be ���onri�sr.ea vy eit!ier :�arty a;. an; t�.��:c: ; .' � :,C� c�:�ys ��rritte:l notice, and s'r.all be effective upon ;�a}^::ent ii� f-uli for c:i: services ;era orr.:ed to tizc date �f receipt O� SUC:1 110�1CC. C. T;:e City ar,d tiie :'lanner each binds itselr, i�es na��tners, �...��c:ssor�, a.ssi��s and Zcnal renresent:tives to the other par�y �vith resnect to ;�11 r_:::- ven�::i:s o: t?:is tlnree;acnt. � ' D. ;,citi�ccr tac City nor tne Planncr shall assi.r,r, sut�ict or �:.r�^::;:�^.' i:7.S 1,I'i�G:'C:S� �Tl �(11S i\RTC:.:1�CI1t ;.:.t;lOLl� the 1:'r1t�.C21 conscr,t O� �;1C Oi:;:_"�. : . ' . . i 6, ,'lanncx's I:ecords, llocu:,:ents, and Insurar.c:e. � , , . i A. The t'lanner siiall ,�,aintain ti,:,e rccords fox ;�ourly f.ees, u.,�s:.,r. � �alcul�t�ons zr.d research notes in lec�iUle £orm snd �aill t?e :�ade «ti•�►.i�:�.i?I:? i.o t:`:e 4 � Ci:}r, i� rcciiiestea. � R. The Planncr rescrves the right �o secure and r:ai;:�•u;.n 1 s��:-�'.-::t:��•>' � cany�is;i:� in all nublisl�e� l�oo};s, puUlished or unnablist:e� :ira�:ir.s�s o�' .. ....'.<::��i.:�ic � or *..ecl:*::czl c'i�xaetcr, a3:d otl:er works related to thi� prniect in ;�li:�c'.: :�:-��:��;•z:�Tl�t � s�;�;� i�c cl�.ir.�ect. 'fl:e Cit;>> sl.all hzve �ull ris�hts to rcT�xocluce ti:c�rI::, a-:.•.� t:. , . , :�ryrCC:'1CT:t cither in wi:ole or. in n�rt as relatcd to t,:is ��roject, i;;:t ci;��...; ;: °.- � :.r.cl �,�cci'�icz�io:�s 7x� ,�t to l�c uscd ��y. thc City or. otncr nroic�ts o�• �.. tctl`.i1011�' 'CU t?:C 1�7-c,;�ec� exc�.;,t b�� :�s;ree�aer.t in �L:itinn �.r.ci ti;it?: �;��,r.��.�.�.::.�;:�� c:�::,- � :.`il�;:�:(7y. 1.O ti1C ��.`1..::11C:. t)nc L'OJV O� CZC:i1 C�Z':+t!1?1:° 5�ti7111 l�C T)�:V:.cli'�l 1�1 :'t:� � '�7'Ot:;i"L:_:17 � r0I';ll '�C)x' US13 1)V ��:C �.1�'i.��� �1::� Z:1:C O:.'1fr:Tl:1� L�::l�'i.I: ':'.1..�, i.'C;�, ..,., l.',('. ':'.2':)'`i:11:V O:� �}lC :���111T1C'2•. C. '.�;.Y „l.�r,i:��, s'.;:.:1 c:�rrv .,;s�n�nr.�.� t:, -,�n�;,.�� .. . =r���� c . � ,. � . � � �.J�'... .. � .� :. ..� .....�,li.:.�.1i? .��.._.�� �'3�l)i� l',l•a].::... :.�C.'� �.i�:.i�r(;� ii�:l.......i�� '..��� ..)(� .�. . . , _ . . . . .�� : . • i'a?e S. cludin� de:t?� to his e^a�layecs and ti;e nublic, ar:d from cl<<in�s for ���o��:;�•c�� :'.;:..,_�-e. . ll I� is �urt:ier ac*:ced ti:�t Yne I'lanr.er s'.1�11 c:c:'cr.d «n�i s:��:� • ..,.., i:ity o� �:int !?.Lul �urmless trar„ any clai;:►s, de�:ar.ds, uctio:.s or czuses �:'.` rl��i;'f�Tl arisinR out o£ any ne�li�c^t act or out of anv nenllf?CT1� OTM:issior �n �i,c ��<:.•L• n�= ti7C r'1:nr�cr� ii..°, 2�CT'i'CS� 5C]'VAI7�5� 01 emnloyees lil t�iC �('.1f�72:7321CC ()'1" Gl' '.':�i '�: . ` �Cl�tlOil t:0 <al1V Of �I1C l�'OZ'� O7' SC':V1CCS 7Y'OV1C�8C� �O tiC �C1FOli:1CC1 OI' 'iL;T;I.'._;:".i:: !":r �hc 1'�lan;:er urder tiie �er�:s of t.lis �1^;ree:�cnt. 7. P:�.r,ner shall be decaled a cor.tr:ctor for �l:e �rn�li.cztior. U,' ;:;I -�.�c;-- vis�o:s t;creof ar.d 1a;;s 1r,ainst unla�,��ul descrir.:inatia:� an a.ccount o; r:::�;� c:-::^tt ox colc: }:excu„cier. �Z111;.CT' a�rees 1.T1 accordance ���ith �.111ntE1' 23�� 1.11�5 O� i.:�C :iL;!.�-;: G` �:3.?':YIC50�� .i�OT 1�1�.�� ��1�� lIZ �}le }1TZ'll'l!;' Oi COT.?.^,lOIl OT S}:TI�CCl 1��J01 �ni �:1:: ":':- rOiI;2�;aCC O� �21V tti'pI'�: UI1C�iE'1 �;115 contr�iC� O: .°.]1V $Ll'�J-CCIl�y�Ct ;:Cl'Cili.C:C'.'y :^.:� cont-ractcr, r:�teriwl su:,plier, or ver.dor s?iall, by reasoi: o: r:�c�, c��e�: -... c�����:•, ciscri;,�ir.a�e a�:ir.st any nerson itino is a citizen of the Ur.i::�d St;�e� :•::".�} _., C�Ll.�l�i.:'.:1 i.7:C� 1V�1.11�;:.0 t0 ;ICTSOY^.:l �i1L' :•:OT:� �O :JI1ZC1: SUC:: :',:i.?)ZOti'�i1C'?l ].':'S;"�.,. ..." ti.,...�- ?i0 COi ti�.C''i.02� P.l�iterz�°.1 SL11�1)�it?T 02' VEi�ilOT UIICICT i.�Z1S COl:�1'2C� S:1^�.1 I.i? :?'!" 1;:;':;i`',,' descrimir,ate µ�ainst, or inti�:.idatc, o� nrc��ent t?:� e:,i;�lo�^::er.;, o� ���v ��a .���ra, r.r r..;z J�'.1T:� :11`'C:�� LIrC:VC]1�� QT cor.spirc to nrever.t, a.T1V ".?CTSOP. �!'TU;:1 �}:C ",)C1'rC;';.;;:.?:CC' C:� Z�Ol'IC 11�1uCT t}11S COTItTiLC� OPl �CCOLITI'� Or T3C@� creed Ql COZO�'; .i�:l '�;1,'1'� t:l:.`; :°C?;':- +='�C� :^SV �G' cancclled or. tC�:^�:.nated by �,`1C CI�V� �.TZCl 111 ;ilni'.C\'S ;�L1C C%":' i:C� 1�Ci:c?';;C C�Cl�' i1CiC'UiI�CT S�lall be �O].'iCltecl 1'px a second OT' �1:1V S.lt?SC�711(',I'l� V1C)�,^.T1CS`.1 :?T: '(,:',i^. i.C�:�1S OI' C�;i(i1.�1OI15 Oi t�11.S COT:�11Ct.. S. I�or t':e r.ur}�oses of �his �};r�e;�ent, Plann`r s;l�ll �� df�e:��cci ?�<:: : , ;�.�: � i1:uc��cn:!cr.t cor.tractor ar.d nat �zn emnlayce of tlie Cit��. :�m.• ;r.l ,ili c;:�i• l-� :,���• o: i�l::nne•r or o�i:ex nersons, l•J�l:Lle er.r;a�ed in the nerfc,-r„1:�ce af �n�r �•:c,.i•:: :,r :i:':'L':�_C(.': r.erniirc�d 1`V i.l:r: :�i.:lT1T1Ci' L3:1C1C2' t1:1S �lnreer.:CTl�� .°i".l:tll i.C?i. �?C ::Ult.`;'....::'I'::�� ;^.:'.?)�O;'(.'�'.S 0::� i.+1� �.1tY� i:T.C� .^..1:V :111C� 111 clzir.,S t1lAti .^.1:V i.l"C I'i2t''lt :!?'::it. .....i�c _ 1:::. ..: :'1�::�: (.O,".:11;:::S;iT:w0;1 :1C'C o:' 'Iinnesota 071 �`B}131'� C)'� S11u t?ill?1:.G1'f';'S i�:(' 's�1:�.:;.�' i.,ii .. , . . . ".LaUI:�i �,:i:.±.l:`. .°.+:1 E?�:'4':f'•,..ly Ili�:i1.)ll;:i+.:..'.:l�lO2i 1.ZS11T1]:CC CO`:Cl'i':!(':."�� `'.�;)(:1..� :i�;:L'll l'..i;;' ,'1.RC�. ��i'::S1i71': ;�,z,rncrti 1::i1 ��Ci:C:ci�S� O��l�^.T CP.l'710vCC? (^��ZI^;Cl�1C))1.� ..:,c".i �'::1'l::': i;':' . :t'?:: �.."iy' :G71C� �1:� C1.:I.LL^,' I.'::14�'. D�' �217`✓ �}11:.�C1 nartV :l�i il CO::SC'CIL!(.Yli:C Cli': :.'G'J :1C:'C i�. � 'i�:�l('.�11 :;1. M � , � ` • y � 1'ane 6. t�,e �ar� oi I'ian�+er, the e^nloyce or .other ��crsons vrl�ile so er:n:i^ed on c.�.;�• ., ; the i��or:: or serv:.ces to �e ren�ered, shall in no ��ay be the ouli^ation a3• . .._ r�onsibility of t;:e Cit��. PI�iIl)1C�' shall »av �s they becar.�e due ail ji.is� c�:_.:.s �OT Y]O.}:� tOO1S� P„�C.lincry, S}:111� materials, 111SL17'1T1CC 1�le:�liltil5y CCIt:;���:C'::: ::ti:l sun�lies f,tirnishe;d, rcndered or ner�orn;ed in the execution of t��is :���•ecr„i::i:. • . • �. Ett�t:t af :1^xec�ent and ��;�nlic�.ble La:a. Tiiis /lcxee^er� �•r..:�:•�sc :�.::, �.;:c cr.tire a�d ir.te�?r.zted a,recr.;ent between the City and tl:e Plzr.ner �nct s;.i:��rc�::ic�s all nrior ne�roti;:tions, re»reser.tations, or arreer�ents; t•rheth�r ��:ritt�r. .�z• 0:,�=1 . �r::1S :^:'�r:�iC::� i�i.V �)C aricndCCi ORZV by �aritten 111St]'UT1('T'i'C Slf?llC',Cl ��1' t3ni.i: t'.7 ':.�' :��'c� Pl�ni:er. : �� . I'v` PyI'TLS5 1��`l:Et:I:�r, .he yarties hereto have executed ti�is E��recr�er.+� x'.:e i� ' � • ;av and �irs� �uove ��:xi�ten. :\�-�rov �� zs to rOY':I: CITY GF SAIP�T P«tiL . ,.. r .. _:� c /? ,' , � _ . .. , . j � lj-;;,;._.---;�. >.:..�`O-"-,�r� �� BV _____._._..__ ._ ; .,- •, ..r..__._ :..._t._ ;�s���'�'ai��Cor,�c;x��t�.c,n ,i.�'uns^� `�:avor � �' � � , :�,�:nroved zs to �orm and � Co;::r:is>io:ier ot ;�i:�=�... ,, � ._._ execution: P,ec.reatio:� ; 1'c�h1:c ,>:;�.:::��,�•s :�s�,zst-a�.4 Cor.noratio:� i:our.sel , '� C:z'rv i'lcrf; -._.._._.___. " COU�iT�:RS IG;Ji;i�: -- ---- � Citv Co�- ;�Lrc;1?.�._• __.. . __�_.___ r� i'i::S1:::i:I� Ci:•: BRAUE!: $ 11SS��CT:'1TES, I.;�;C, .. _JPLICATt TO lRIM'<R. � . 250��2 a CITY OF ST. PAUL F�uNCa NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRB9�IT�!Y , COMMISSIONER DATG �•'1��l� �t t�Nt �' �Y�1' il���� i'� �1it1"'t� �1t�,� �, l�►�� !1� ��i 0� ��' 4�' � �,�' �.�� �L�. �I� #�'�► �,�',M'�� �i��1�AI 1� �►'1�► � �1' �i ��6'��; ��.� i .4� O� 1M�� �.i i#,��M$ �t1"+lf� i� � �� �1l�"!�"� �' �"!�i'�!. , i �, } . . � � � � SEP 2 4 1970 COUNCIT�MEN Adopted by the CounciL 19_ Y� xa� �EP 2 4 1970 But�� Carlson � Appm°"� . 19� Levine Tn .Favor ��t�h---- � Sprafka � ��r A as►inat Tedesco Mr. Vice President Meredith �� �