250587 /'� •_ ORIOINAL TO CITY CLtRK ���+���1 _ CITY OF ST. PAUL �EN�� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCI RES UTIO - NERAL FORM PRESENTED BY V'ctor J Tedesco C� e tember 24 70 COMMISSIONE WHEREAS, the attached plans and specifications with five addend.a as mod.ified. by Add.enda No. 6 for Construction of a Multi-Purpose Arena, Saint Paul Civic Center, have been prepared by the Convention Center Architects and Engineers, Inc, under the direction of the City Architect and the Commissioner of Parks, Recreation and Public Buildin�s, and approved by the Civic Center Authority; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that said plans, specifications and addenda are hereby approved and the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise for bids thereon in the manner provided in and. by the Charter. Job #70-45. SEP 2 �+ 197Q COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Butler SE� � �� �`-���� Carlson /� Approve� 19— Levine �n Favor T� Sprafka � �q Mayor Tedesco Againat t� .�..�:,�. : PUBLISHED SEP 2 6 1970 Mr. Vice President �Aeredith �°� 3 DUlNQATL TD rRIN7�R • ' � . '��y CITY OF ST. PAUL ��� NO. '��OL� _.' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK `� �' COUNGtL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM � � � �,�, c�.oM��arert VLctor J. T��.�4 � ��,x �a�emlr���,j9Z� '`� :� :� � � N�AT,A�1� t1� altach�d pians �Iwd sp�eitications wtth fiw add�t►dt :v � �s m�odi!'!�d lry Addt�rda 3+10. b tor Cc+n���elidn ot a Ir[�t1ti-Perpers� Art�►. :�. � !lsiat Psal �i�rie C�r�t�. Law b��a ps��d bp t!N Con�eation C�t�ss Asehi�ts ,� and ]C�fl�r�:a� Ine. ra+i�� du �ire+�tie� ot th�r Clty► As�a!►it�ct �usd t1�e � :� G�s�fon�r ot Astlu, Aee:sstioa iad P+�biic B�iidfn�a, aud approrr�ed b�r � � tlur Ci�riQ Csats�r �hosil+yj thsr�tor�, be it �� R�OL��l. � •aid ptana s �► � , p�ait'i�stio� aa� ad��ad�► � h�t�b � ap�►rowd a►�! !� Ptisshvia� A���t !� a�ttltat�od ta a+dwrti�� tor 1ei�t t��r�os lu th� ma�se= lswvid�d in sad bY th� Ghart�s. Job �►74•4S. +z _ ��. �:� a_ - :.�.-� __ _ - _, - 4.-a`p�' � . sEP 2 4 19�0 GOUNCILMEN Adopted by tbe Counc3l 19— Y� xa� SEP 2 4 197� Butler Carlaon Approv� 18— Levine rn Favor �� .., Sprafka ,� �r Avaninat Tedesco Mr. Vice President Meredith �� DUPLICATB TO PRIN7ER ` � ���j��►-y ` CITY OF ST. PAUL HLE NC�� N4• "v�! OFFIGE OF THE CI'i'Y CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM C MMISS�IONErt V�CtUY J. Tedesco ` ��rF 5er�tertiber 24, 1970 WHEREA5� the attached plans and specifications with five addenda as modified by Addenda No. 6 for Cc.ynstructic;n cf a Multi-Purpose Arena� Saint Paul Civic Center� have been prepared by the Convention Center Architects and Engineers� Inc. under the direction of the City Architect and the Commissioner of F=arks. Recreation. and Public Buildings; and approved by_ the Civic Center Autharity; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that said plans� speci.fications and addenda are hereby approved and the F'urchasing A�ent is au�h�rized to advertise for bid$ thereon in the manner previded in and by the Charter. Job #?Q-45. Jt.�� � �� �,f`:��,° �s , COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Naya �: .-, ,�, �: Butler ����� Carlson ApprovP� 19— Levine / __In Favor �VlEredit�t-�-�.�_ Sprafka � Mayor Tedesco A gainst �:_Mr. Preaident, McCarty f�/fr. ��ic�: i'. . . . ��, �i � ��� ° ,��� . .