250582 ORI6INAL�..40 CITY CL6RK 2���!'�2 • CITY"�F S1'. PAUL couNCi� �" OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �+� NO- - LICENSE COMMITT� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM rR�serirec er SePtember 24�197� COMMISSIONE A� Rr.SOLVED: That application for Sunday-On-Sale Liquor License, applie� for by the following applicant who is a holder of an On Sale Liquor License at the address stated, be and the same is hereby granted and in compl�anee wit� C.F. No. 245531, which a.mends Chapter No. 308.00 of the St. Paul Legislative Code and Ordinances, R. J. Mitch, Inc. 1305 W, Se�enth Street App. 5722 New New Loc. �n ormally approved by Council September 3, 1970 New Location SEP 2 4 1910 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ,� l ��-�� Butler `"��� � � � Caxlson Approve� 19— Levine �=,�� Favor wR....,,a:�.t, Sprafka �et�I�Q �Yor EJ Against Tedesco PUBLISHED SEP 2 6 1970 Mr. Vice President Meredith � ;,r� � CITY OP"SAI�T PAUL � = Capital of Minnesota � �)���/ �i (/ �e a�t�nent o �,cb�C'c �a et n � � � ADMINISTRATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIBE PROTECTION POLICE DEAN MEREDITH, Commissioner HEALTH RALPH G.MERRILL,Depnty CommGsioner DANIEL P.MeLAUGHLIN,Lieenee Inapector September 3, 1970 Honorable Ma�ror and �ity Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: and Madam: R. J. Mitch, Ine. are holders of On Sale Liquor and miscellaneous licenses at 1305 West Seventh Street. The corporation recently became active and operative at this address, having held the liquor license as "inactive" for some ti�ne. Application is made at this time for Sunda.3�-On-Sale Liquor Lic�nse in connection with the other licenses they hold. Attached is a c opy of their informal applic�tion for such a license. Very truly yours • a � ��C � License Inspector O � w. � � ` AFFTDAYIT Ft� SIIATDaY LI�UOR LICENSE APPLICATZON Nam!!- °�bi►�i-ii-��'ti xeaidence Addreas__ 1907 ��efhvood s�a. Lioensee R� J• Id1t��hr I�tes• Addresa of Buaineas 13t?5 W�st Sa�nnth St. I heraby apply for a .3pecial 3unday I,iquor lioenae. I have a Reataurant - Hote2 (crosa oat oae) 13.oenae with seatin.g aapaoity for people. �- Sign.ed 8i�te oP ]dinsiesota ss c o�ty o� �ay � • ��� _ _ being firet duly eworn, depoeea an says u oath tha► he haa rea t�,e feregoing a�'fidavit bearing hie aignature �l�oora the Qori.tents thereo�; �hat �he sams ie �rue csP his own kaowr].edge, eaoept ae to those matters tlierei.a etated upon information and belief an.d aa to those mattera he believea them to be trtae, � . � �� igaa u of a p iaant Sab�csribe and swa to befar� me �h,is r� — day of 19� � . /�C � Aotary i , ey Coun�q, esota My oo�i 'a� eapirea �r -•�f� 19�j DOROTHY 7. MUNKELWITZ tVotary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My Commission Expires OcL 25, 1970 � ~ 8ept. 4, 1970 Hon. Dean I�eredith Camsr. of public Safety Public Satety Bldg. Desr Sir: Att�: Mr. Daniel McLaughlin T!� City Cauacil today lnforn�ally apprdved the applicatioc� oP R. J. Mitch, Inc. for 8und�y-On-Sale Liquor License at 1305 W. Seventh St. Will you pleaae prepare the customary resolution crnrering this mstterY Very truly yotitrs, City Clerk �8