250578 � , �c��v !8 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK � CITY OF ST. PAUL �OE NCIL NO. , " OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � CO RESOL ON—G NERAL FORM PR�sE"rE° °Y obert raf COMMISSIONE qTF �BRBAS, Comptroller's Contract L-7253, McDanald � A�socistes, Contractor , fcr the SSVBNTH-GREBNBRIER STORM RSI.IEF SE�Tffit, City project no. 69-S-�o36, has been substantially co�apleted, and W�ERTiAS, Said Contractor r�quests that a portioc� of the 15'� retained mnder the contract from estiaates for work done, be paid in advance of the final eo�pletion of the contract, and 'WABREAS, The Cosissioner and Chief $ngineer of the Departmeat of Fublie Works approve the paysent at this ti�e of $15,000.00 of the $25,913.01 retained; therefore be it RESOLVED, Th$t the proper City Off3cials be aad they are hereby a�.thorized G� �to pay an esti�ate in the asount of $15,000.00 from the retained percentage of ` $25,913.01 to said Coatractor; and be it FURTHBR RB�OLVBD, That this resolution shall have no £orce or effect unless the sureti�s on the Contractor's bond consent thereto in Writing and file euch cons�nt with the City Cc��ptroller. �QBM " P_P_R0 ED � ' � orp ti C sel SEP 2 � 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays But�er ���' 2 4 19�� Carlson � Approve� 19— Levine _In Favor -�1 � ,����� Mayor Sprafka ' Tedesco ASainst � _,�,i�_ ,� PUBLISt�ED SEP 26 1970 Mr. ViCe President hlerediti�^ �� �`` . , DUlLICATt TO rRIN'RR ^� +�� � � CITY OF ST. PAUL ��Na� NO �� , '� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM C�.OMM�1�ONER Qab�aSt �• ���� DA*E VAERil1�. Co�ptroll�r's Coatnat L-T2S3� M�Doaald b �saciat�s, Cietsactos tor tLs �YEi1T0-G�RI�R ST�OR!! �t.ISt BBWEIt� City pra►j�at ao. 6!•�-�1i. has b��n �nbatantially ce�pl�t�d. �nd �� Said Coutraates syquesta that s portio�a o! t� iSi rstain�d gadir tb� oontract lro� uti�st�s for �ark do�, b� pai! in adnanc� o! tb� iin�l eo�pl�tion ot tb� contraat. aad W�iRE�f, Tlw Co�wissl,e►�ra,aad Chir# L�iu��r o� t1w D�pattNat ot Prblia Horks appraw t� pa�t at ttiis tia o� ;iS.000.00 0! tY� �25.913.01 r�taie�d; tb��ntos+� b� it AbB�LVED, TLat tL� prop�r Cit� Ottiai�ls b� and t6��t t�n ir�r�by satlwris�d to pay an �atiaat� ia tlw �+ant ot ;15.040.0� �ro� t1r rt�►iwd p�sc�nnta�a ot a�S�913.01 to Nid Coatsactor; sad M it FOft'1'fER REfOLVED, That thi• r��olutl� sball liar� �o tose� or �ft�at tini�aa t�e snr�tits ea tia CoatrsEtar'a boAd �o�ta�wt t�r�to ia vsiti� apd fil� smch coussnt Mith tla City Cosptroller. .. SEP 2 4 1� COiTNCILMEN Adopted by the Cotmcil _ 18_ Yeas Nays But�er �EP 2 4 191� Carlson � Approved 19_ Levine _�n Favor A�redit�r- �dayror Sprafka � Aaasiin8t Tedeaco Mr. Vice President Meredith ��