250577 � 250��� OR161NAL TO CITY CLBRK � CITY OF ST. PAUL F`E NCIL N0. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO RESOLUTI -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE e t S r8��- ATF WH�RBAS, Co�ptrnller�s Contract L-7265, McDo�ald 6 Associates, Inc. Contractor for the �LSR-F9IRM�ONT RELIEF SSpSR SYST�M has been snbstantially co�pleted, and ��RBAS, Said Contractor requests that a portion of the 15X retaiaed under the contract from �sti�ates for Work done be paid in advance uf the final com- pletio� of the contract, and WHffitBAS, The Cou�iasioner and Chi�f Engineer of the Depart�et�t of p'ablic Works approve the paqeent at this tiee of $30,000.�0 of the $82�93�.92 retgi�ed; < < � therefore be it RBSOLVB�, That the proper City Official� be and th�y �r� hereby authorized to pay an estimate in the aro�nt of $30,000.0� froa the retained percentage ef $82,930.92 to said Co�tractor; and be it FiJRTHBR RffiOLVED, That this r�solutian shall have nc� force or effect m�►le:� the st�reties on the Contractor's Bond consent ther�to in writiag and file such consent with the City Co�ptroller. Fro j�r�t po. S-0475C ,FOR AP_P_ � � , Cor t n u seJ SEP 2 4 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Naya sutler SEP 2 4 1970 Caxlson Approve�l 19— Levine � � _�n Favor Sprafka d eQ�'�,;� Mayor Tedesco ASainst Mr. Vice President Meredith PUBLiSHED SEP 2 6 1970 � ' �o��r DYPI.ICAT�TO lRINTtR , CITY OF ST. PAUL �Np� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM C�MI�u10N� j rt �"�er�ilu DATE N�EAS, Co�ptroll�r'a Contract L-726S, MaDowld � bweist�s� Ina. Coe�tractoi ter tla t�EL6R•F�IR1�D1fT RELISt SEtitR SYS?i�! lu�s b� aabstantiaily e:oapl�tsd� �nd i�1NEREAS. Said Coatsactor r�qussta that a portioA ot tlu 1S1 r�tai�d ne�d�r tIN �sntra�t is+o� �stirat�s for Mork don� b� p�id in adrrae�i o� t1N tinal c.u�- pl�tiom ot tl� contsact� as�d �AS, T6� Corission�r aed q�iaf tt�laNS of th� Dfpartahet oi tnblic liorks approv� tb� pa�tat at tbia ti�t oi $3p,000.00 ot tLt ;'Z,l30.9Z r�taie�d; t1Nr�lor� b� it R�EfLVED. Tb�t tl� prop�r City Oifici�l• b� aed tl�r aY� 1fr�by a�tlbris�d to pay aa •stiaat� in th� �at o� $30�000.00 tso� th� setwinrd p�sc�ntan ot �aZ,990.9Z to said Coatraator; a�d b� it TORT9Ex 1tE80LVl'0, Thst tl�is r�aolutio� shall 6a�n ew torce or �ft�at unl�as th� sur�ti�s on tlu Contractor'• Ecod cons�nt tL�r�to in rritie� aud fil• such oons�nt �rit6 th� Cit� Corptroll�r. . lro��ct No. 8-047SC SEP 2 � �� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co»nci� 19— Y�s xa� �EP 2 4 1�7� Butler Carlson Approv� 19— �°� _�n Favor .-�[ereelit3r-� Sprafka �� ��� Tedesco A8'��t Mr. Vice President Meredith ��