250571 ORICF.�IAL TO CITY CLBRK CL�n►`^� I� CITY OF ST. PAUL F uNC�� N0. v�'' j . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO CIL RESOLUTIO -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLVED, that the Council hereby ratifies and approves the action of the Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review for the Housing, Building and Fire Prevention Codes pertaining to the following listed properties and as shown by the official minutes of said Board of Appeals dated September 9, 1970, a copy of which, marked EXHIBIT "A" is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference. Case No. Property Appellant 77-70-B 909 Armstrong Ave. Albert J. Meyer 78-70-B 1331 St. Clair Ave. Leslie H. Johnson 81-70-B 1391 North Albert Martin Zangs J e� � � � � Go :� , �� a�`Qo i G°�Qo ��,• SEP 2 4 197 0 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Naya Butler ��� � � �74 Carlson � Approved 19— Levine _�n Favor ��' (� ���a�, Mayor Sprafka A gainat Tedesco � Pt�BLlSHED SEP 2 6 1970 Mr. Vice President Meredith �°� � 9�9��� , � � Meetinq No. 38 ���v/1 MINUTES OF THF MEETING SAINT PAUL BOARL� OF APPEALS Wednesday, September 9 , 1970 Room 210 , Bureau of Health, 555 Cedar St. - 1 : 30 p.m. Members present: Arthur Tieso, Vice Chairman Ra zrmond Grove Estyr Peake Norraa Sommerdorf James Voigt Members absent: Lawrence Cohen Gale Rehnberg Others present: Glenn Erickson, Phil Grathwol, Dan Norrgran, Allen May, Emmett Curran, Thomas Anderson, Milton Bernick , Mr. Lagerman, Albert J. Meyer, Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Johnson, Jay J. Carpenter, l�lndrews Allen, Lewis Lund- gren, Bob Howe, Len Pearson, Mrs . Martin Zangs . The minutes of the meeting of August 26 , 1970 were approved as maiied. 76-70-B 242-260 East 5th St. Milton Bernick b� Davis & Laqerman Inc. SUBJECT: Letter dated January 28, 1969 from Robert Ames , City Architect, to Davis and Lagerman Inc. and letter dated April 11 , 1969 from Richard A. Schnarr, Assistant City Architect to Davis and Lagerman Inc. - both letters regarding a Certificate of Occupancy for 242-260 East 5th St. APPEARANCES: Milton Bernick, Mr. Lagerman. PROCEEDINGS: Mr. Tieso read the subjects of appeal and the appeal dated August 18 , 1970 . The appe�l indicated that due to the nature of the occupancy of the building, they did not feel the code should. be applied. Mr. Lagerman said the building was composed of five stories and a basement. The building is dpen five to six days a week and con- tains no more than five or six occupants during this time. There EXHIBIT "A" , � y/y/7U Meeting No . 38 are four individuals at most on the second through fifth fJoors on a day-to-day operation. Presently the fifth floor is vacant, the fourth floor is used for storage space and the third floor is oc- cupied by a printer and from time-to-time a couple other individuals . Items 4 - 7 in the letter dated January 28 , 1969 have been completed. Mr. Erickson said there appears to be no stair enclosures from the first to the third floors . The board reflected its intent that it would be willing to grant a waiver to certain requirements if the third through fifth floors were vacated and if the existing stairway from the first to the second floor be enclosed and if another means of egress be provided from the second floor to the ground level which would also be pro- perly enclosed. ACTION: Moved by Voiqt to grant an extension of time, until th� October 14 meetinq, to allow Mr. Bernick an opportunity to explore alternative solutions along with assistance from the F3uilding Department and that the matter be reheard at that time. Seconded by Sommerdorf. THE VOTE: Ayes : Tieso, Peake, Sommerdorf, Voigt. Nayes : none . Abstentions : Grove. Motion carried four (4) to zero (0) with one (1) abstention. 77-70-B 909 Armstrong Ave. Albert J. Meyer SUBJECT: Letter dated July 16 , 1970 from Glenn A. Erickson, Assis- tant City Architect, to Mr. Albert J. Meyer, 887 Armstrong in- dicating that no permit may be issued for construction of a garage on a vacant lot unless the lot is contiguous and a part of the adjoining residence. APPEARANCES : Albert J. Meyer. PROCEEDINGS: Mr. Meyer indicated that he wished to place a steel garage on the empty lot located at 909 Armstrong but that he had just received a bid of $5 ,616 to do the job and he felt this was way too expensive to do. However he was still interested in placing a garage there and he would be willing to remove the existing garage at that time . ACTION: Moved by Peake to gran�� a variance to Section 40 .00 of the St. Paul Legislative Code that no permit may be issued to con- struct a garage on a vacant lot unless the lot is contiguous and a part of the adjoining residence, to allow Mr. Meyer to construct a garage on the vacant lot located at 909 Armstrong Ave. Such waiver is granted on condition that the existing garage, 2ocated at said property, be removed imr►ediately after the new one is con- structed. - 2 - y/�/ /U ' Meeting No . 38 Seconded by Voigt. THE VOTE: Ayes : Tieso, Grove, Peake, Sommerdorf, Voiqt. Nayes : none . Abstentions : none. Motian carried five (S) to zero (0) . 78-70-B 1331 St. Clair Ave. Leslie H. Johnson SUBJECT: Letter dated August 31, 1970 from Christian H. Christen Jr . , Bureau of Public Buildings , to Mr. Leslie H. Johnson, 1331 St. Clair �ve. indicating that Section 33.04 of the St. Paul Legislative Code requires a minimum rear yard of 25 ' behind every dwelling. APPEARANCES: Mr. & Mrs . Leslie H. Johnson. PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Johnson indicated that he wished to construct a 10 ' breezeway between the house and the garage located at 1331 St. Clair Ave. The adjoining property is a parking lot. He sub- mitted a plan illustrating what he wishes to do. ACTION: Moved by Tieso to grant a variance to Section 33.04 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code which reguires a minimum rear yard of 25 ' behind every dwelling to allow construction of a 10 ' breezeway between the existing house and garage at 1331 St. Clair Ave. Seconded by Peake. THE VOTE: Ayes : Tieso, Grove, Peake, Sommerdorf, Voigt. Nayes : none. Abstentions : none. Motion carried five (5) to zero (0) . 79-70-B Approx. 10 acres - S.W. Cross Companies Corner of Ruth St. and b Burns Ave. �y J. Carpenter SUBJECT: Letter dated April 29 , 1970 from Glenn A. Erickson, Assistant City Architect, to Mr. Jay J. Carpenter, Vic� President, Cross Companies , 6100 Golden Valley Road, indicating the Section 4 .05 of the St. Paul Legislative Code limits the heiqht of wood frame residence buildings , other L}�an one and two family dwellings to two stories . APPEARANCES: Jay J. Carpenter. PROCEEDINGS: Mr. Tieso read the ���bject of appeal and the appeal dated August 31, 1970 . The appeal indicated that lower floor units in a 2-1/2 story type apartment arP less desirable for tenants. They are less secure and do not provide patios as does a grounc� floor unit - 3 - � 9/9/70 , • Meeting No. 38 in a 3-story building. Precedent has been set for 3-story frame dwellings in Minneapolis and suburbs and also in the new State code . Mr. Carpenter said that the proposed development would be com- posed of 234 units housing approximately 250 individuals . Under- ground parking would be provided for 144 cars. One-bedroom units will rent from $175 and up. Two-bedroom units will rent from $225 and up. They are asking to be allowed to construct 3-story units from the spancrete and up . It is essentially a 2 ' 6" variation of_ present code requirements . Architectural drawings of the proposed site were introduced. ACTION: Moved by Peake to grant a variance to Section 4 .05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code as requested. Seconded by Grove. THE VOTE : Ayes : Tieso, Peake, Grove. Nayes : Sommerdorf. Ab- stentions : Voigt. According to Article IV Paragraph (1) of the Rules of Procedure of the Saint Paul Board of Appeals adopted May 13, 1970 , the matter was laid over for consideration and final determination at the next regular meeting of the board to be held on September 23 , 1970 . 80-70-B Kellogg Square Apartments Kelloqg Square Co. 917 North Robert St. � Andrews Allen SUBJECT: Letter dated July 24 , 1970 from Robert L. Ames , City Architect , to City Reconstruction Corporation, 800 West First St. , Suite 200, Los Angeles, California indicating that the St. Paul Fire Chief is dissatisfied with the type af built-in fire protection devices which have been required in high-rise type buildings and that th e standpipe and hose systems in the Kellogg Square Apartments being constructed at 317 North Robert St. would have to be revised accordingly. APPEARANCES : Andrews Allen, Lewis Lundgren, Robert Howe, Leon Pearson. PROCEEDINGS: Mr. Allen said that the City Reconstruction Co. owns the building and that he is their agent. Mr. Allen read a letter addressed to the St. Paul Board of Appeals dated September 9 , 1970 which outlined the fire prot�ction security requirements in the design of the Kelloqg Square Apartment complex; the requirement� that the St. Paul Fire Department has requested and the reasons why th� St. Paul Fire Department is not justified in its request to change the present fire protection system design. - 4 - ' 9/9/70 , ' Meeting No . 38 Dan Norrgran said that the contei�ts of the building are more of a fire hazard than is its construction. A sprinkler system is more adequate than standpipes . . . Dry standpipes are not adequate in a 32-story building . . Water is immediately available in a wet standpipe which is not so in dry standpipes . . . Adequate water is the key. The cost of a fire pump is a fraction of the total worth of the building . . . The Fire Prevention Code justifies the order. Emmet Curran reviewed the poor condition and deficiencies of pre- sent firefighting equipment in the City of St. Paul . . . He said the pressures involved in using the present equipment would be excessive. Allen May said that a problem with dry standpipes is that air must be expelled from them. Mr. Norrgram said that these are minimum standards that are being asked. Lewis Lundgren said the letter of the City Architect is paradoxical in that on the one hand it states the fire protection system is not sufficient and on the other hand requires more connections . . . Minneapolis does not have all wet standpipes as was implied . . . The first aid element in the design of the Kellogg Square Apart- ments would be watched by tenants which would not be so in using wet standpipes . Mr. Allen said the design of the pumps in the present design well exceeds minimum standards and is better than a wet standpipe system in that the pumps would be operating continuously which would not be true with a wet standpipe system . . . There would be 2 individuals on duty 24 hours per day . . . There will be 467 units in the complex, 37 of which are townhouses . Dan Norrgran felt that sprinkling of the building would be over and above minimum standards . . . He said that since 1954 adequate water, pressure and fire pumps have been required. Phil Grathwol said that, until recently, adequate systems were defined as a dry standpipe with wet standpipe first aid protection in a domestic supply which is equipped for this . ACTION: Unanimously moved by all board members to carry the matter over until the September 23 meeting. 81-70-B 1391 North Albert Martin Zangs SUBJECT: Letter dated September 4 . 1970 from Christian H. Christen Jr. , Bureau of Public Buildings, to Martin Zangs , 1391 North Albert, indicating that Section 40 .00 of t�ie St. Paul Legislative Code requires a minimum side yard of 2 ' for a detached _qarage lo- cated at the rear of a dwelling. - 5 - • �/�/�o , ` • Mecting No . 38 APPEARANCE5 : Mrs . Martin Zangs . PROCEEDINGS : Mrs . Zangs presented a drawinq indicatinq where the proposed garage would be placed. She also produced a note from the owner of the adjoining property, one Hulda Ostberq, indicating that she would have no objections to construction of the garac�e to within 1 ' of the property line . ACTION: Moved by Voigt to grant a variance to Section 40 .00 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code which requires a 2 ' minimum side yard for a detached garage at the rear of a dwelling to permit con- struction of a garage, as proposed, on the property located at 1391 North Albert and no closer than one foot f'rom the adjoining southern property line. Seconded by Grove. THE VOTE : Ayes : Tieso, Grove, Peake, Sommerdorf, Voiqt. Nayes : none. Abstentions : none . Motion carried five (5) to zero (0) . Meetinq adjourned at 4 :20 p.m. �'( . '�✓� .r...---- T. W. And.erson Recording Secretary - 6 - �u�riun ro�R�Nme ��IVV��1 • CITY OF ST. PAUL �Np� NO .' OFHCE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTIOIV-GENERAL FORM ��.� COMIr11SSIONER �A� RESOLVED, that the Council hereby ratitias and approves the action of the Saint Faul BoarS o! Appeala and Review for the 8ousing, BuilSi�q and Fire Prevention CoBes pertaining to the foilowing listed properties an8 �s sho�m by the official minutea o! said Board of Appeals dated September 9, 1970, a copy of which, marked EXSiBIT "A" is attache8 hereto and made a part hereof by r�lereno�. Case No. Psuperty Appellalit . 77-70-B 909 Arms�rong Ave. Alb�rt J. Meyer 78�70-5 1331 St. Clair Ave. Leslie H. Johnson 51-70-B 1391 North Albert Martin Zangs �P 2 e, 197 0 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc�� 18— Yeaa Nays Butler A �SEP 2 4 1'10 19— Caxlaon �"° Levine � Favor � Mayor Spx'Afka r Aauinat Tedesco Mr. Vice President Meredith ��