250567 OR161NAL TO CITY CL�RK � �i�o:�f�u� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �� ��;'; LIC�TSE COI�i�'tI�'EE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK N� NO. !hL.�J_ OUNCIL RESO UTION—GENERAL FORM PR��T�� September 24, 1970 COMMISSIONE ATF i'SOLVr.'�: That application for the transfer of On Sale Liquor and Sunday-On-Sale Liquor licenses issued to Albert L. Mullenbach at 488-92 St. Peter Street to Heine, Inc. at the same address and their application for Restaurant, Tavern, Off Sa1e Malt Bever�ge, and Cigarette Licenses for the same address, be and the same axe hereby granted on the condition tha.t within�days of this date, said Heine, Inc. sha11 comply with all requirements of the Bureaus of Fire, Police and Health, and the License Inspector pursuant to the St. Paul Legislative Code and all other applicable ordinances and law�, SEP 2 4 19�f1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler S E P 2 �� 197� Carlson � Approvp� 19_ . Levine _�n Favor �h" Sprafka � ��tinp Mayor A gainst Tedesco � *��' 1970 �y ' ��'_ `" PUBLISHED SEP 2 6 Mr. Vice President Meredith �� . , CITY OF SAINT PAUL � Capital of Minnesota � ���� eUe a�t�nevtt o ub�C'c �a et ��f p � ADMINISTRATION Tenth and Minnesota. Streets FIBE PROTECTION Potacs DEAN MER.EDITH,Commissioner aESLTs R.AI,P'H G.MEARILL,Depnty Commiea9oner DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,Licenee Inapector September 24, 1970 Honorable Mayor and City Council Saint Paul, Niinnesot�. Gentlemen and Madam: Heine, Inc. is joined by Albert L. Nullenbach in making applic<.tion for the transfer of On Sale I,iquor License No. 7689, and Sunday-On-Sale Liquor License No. 3682, both expiring January 31, 1971, from �slbert L. �ullenbach at 488-92 St. Peter Street to Heine, Inc, at the same address. Heine, Inc. also make application for Restaur�nt, Tavern, Off Sa1e 1�Zalt Beverage and Gigarette Licenses for the same location. The officers of the corperation are Robert Tuohy Heine, President and William Curran Heine, Secreta�y and Treasurer. Robert Heine and William Heine are the two stockholders. This location has been licensed for a similar business since 1934. The �re�ent lice-n see, Albert L. Mullenbach, has held the licenses since Janua,ry 1962. Mr. Heine has been self-employed in a similar business until recently, at 400 �uditorium Street. ery truly yours, �,�,� �!k`,�° , License Inspector O September 21, 1970 The City Council of Saint Paul Court House ' Saint Paul, Minnesota Members : I, Albert L. Mullenbach, holder of a liquor license at 488-92 Saint Peter Street, namely, Matt Webers, do intend to se11 'and � transfer said ltcense to Heine's Inc. , su��eCt to the approval . o�f the Council. ` � Yours truly, Albert L. Mullenbach �'. �� �,�-���/ , � - . , , . ; . w .; . • . , . . September 21, 1970 The City Council of Saint Paul Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota Members: We, the members of a new corporation, Heine 's Inc. , intend to purchase the liquor license owned by Albert L. Mullenbach, which license is current;ly in operation at 488-92 Saint Peter Street, subject to the approval of the City Council. Yours truly, �% , �+�� � a� � 4 � ��1.' . �/ '�/��� � � � � r� � ty�� DOROTHY MUNKELWITZ Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. • , My.Commission Expires�t.25, 1970 aa�•�a4� . , VICTOR B. ANOERSON �,rTOwNCV�T�w • , � eo�eoMMCwes��.00. , OT. PAUL. MINN. dO101 September 23, 1970 Daniel Maclaughlin - , License Inspector Saint Paul Police Department . Safety Building � . . Saint Paul, Minnesota . RE: Heine Inc. Dear Mr. McLaughlin: . This is to notify you that the first meeting of the Board of Directors of Heine Inc. was held on the 23rd day of September, 1970. The officers duly elected were Robert Tuohy .Heine, President and Willaim Curran Heine, Secretary and Treas�rer. The amonnt � of stock to be ,held is as follows : Robert. Tuohy Heine, forty nine shares, and William Curran Hein�, fifty one shares. � •. . You�s very truly, . ' . li;�. � C����1 � Victor B. Anderson � - VBA�Occp . . Subscribed and sworn to before me . � • � t ' 23rd day o ept ber, 1970. -� o ���'� Aure o � ar °�g .11-74c My commission expir.es � ; � � �� . . . ' . ' ;S - • . - � . � � , . ' . ' . 1 - . � : � . . . • . �.. ' .. � . ' . . . � . � f,� • ' • . . ' . • � . I • . C ITY OF SA II�TT PlIUL .. .- DEP�RTa�NT �F' pUBLIC SAFL�TY LICEmTSE DNTSIQl� Date SlDt. �9 7� , _...,..,.,_ .,...,..�,,,,, 1. �,ppliaa�i�n fur On-sale Li uor L3.ceaae 2. Nams of applicant Heine, Inc. (b Robert T. Heine, its Presid�nt) 3, Busine�s address 492 St. Peter St. Residence 1000 Lincoln Ave. � St.Paul 4, Trsde nazne, if any Heine 's� Inc. 5. Retail Bser Federal Tax Stainp F{�tai1 Liquor �edera7. Tax Stamp XX w�a.11 be u$@d. � T 6, Cdi what floor located f irst Numb�r oP rocmis used�� ��� . �K.�..�....ar C„�•.•�,._.... 7. Between what cr�sa streets 9th & Exchange iRhich side �� atreet EBSt 8. Are premises naw ocaupie�es Yahat business(?n-s81e Llquor Haw long Y�� —�----- _.,'y�'.�..""" 9. Are premises �.ow unoacupied�b I�o,,y long vaca�t Previoum Uae 10. Are 'you a new o�mmerY���Have you been in a similar busix�eas before yes where 400 Auditorium when j � G Y 11. Are you going to opers�e thia business personally Yes If not, �o wi11 operate it 12, Are you in any other busineas at the present ti�ea NO 13. Have there baen any oomplaints against yQUr operstion of this type oP plaqe �� �� When TNhere 14. Ilave� you ever had any license revokec� No �ihat reas on and date 15„ Are you � citizen of the United StatesYes Nat�veYes Idaturalized .,.....,....�,.._. 16. 1Nhere were you borr�St. Paul, Mri. D�te of bir�h5-17•18 17. I am m�rried. ��y (wife 's� (husband's� name and addresa iaRosella Heine, ._____.._. 1000 Lincoln �0.ve. , St. Paul 18. (If mQrried femala) my �iden rLama is NA 19. How long have you lived i.n S`t. Paul All my life 20. Have you ever been arrested �� Vio3.ation of what ariminal lavx or ordinanoe �.,...�._... 21. Sre you a registered voter in the City of $�, Paul Yes Yea Ro. (Anawer fall and com letel . Theae a lications are thorou hl ahecked and �tx� elsifioation wi11 be cause for denia . OV�'R . . . 22. Number of 3.2 ple,ces within two block�___�__� � . � 23. Closest a.ntoxicating lic�uor plaae. 4n Sale �jl�►, �f Sale .3 '.� ���l4�_ 7,��'��......,.,..."1� ^ 24. Nearest Church ' Nearest Sohool 25. R�umber of bo�ths � � Tables��/ C�irs��� S�oo1a �� ..--*.. .... �,.,, 26, What occup�tion have you fol�.owed f or the p�st five yoars. (Give names of emp�.oyera and dates so employad.) Bar and Restaurant �elf em la ed. -- � 27, Give ntames and addreases of two per�ons, residents of St, Paul, �4.i.x�,n.�, v�io can give infor�tion conaerning you. N�.me ohn ,p��,�g�, A�torn�X Address Minn o Bld S Paul �tame Char, es . Mc rty Address 1 o Lex n ton S Paul Signature o App i.csan sta te o f �Ii.nne s�ta 3 )ss County of Ramsey ) Rs�rr�. �]3S? Heine being first duly sworn, deposes &nd s�ye upon oath that he has rea the foregoing atatement bearing his sig�aature and �i.ows the eonten�s thereof, and that the same is true of his o�m lrnawledge exqept aa to those mattars therein stated upon informa�ion and be].�af and as to those ��ters he beliaves them to be �rtzeo Si��ture o� Appliaant Subscribed and sv�rorn to bef ore me thi day of September 19 70 / o P. NArdi) Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minnesota ��r Conunission expirss Jgn. 11, 1974 (Note: These statement forms are in duplicate. Both copies must ba fu�.ly f�.11ed out� notarized, and returned to the Lioense Divisicra.j"- AFFIDAV I'P BY APPLICANT FOR RETAIL BEER OR LIQUOR LICENSE Re s ��Sale_��q�a= I,iQenae Name of a pplinant He ine. In����y R,�ber�T,t�Q�y He ine��pre s ident Bu�iaess address 492 StL. Peter ,S,ts, Sts Peul, Mn. AI°e you the sole aarner of this busineas? No . Ii' not, is it a p�rtnership� oorporation? Corporation , ofrher? Others interested in buainese, inelude those by loan of money, property or other�i.aei Nam� William C. Heine Address 492 St.Peter St. xo� ,S� ` Victor B. Anderson 508 Coc�nerc_e___B_l__d�__�_._ Incorporator �t: a�uT--- If a Qorporation, giva ite nama Heine. Inc. Are you interested in any way in any other Retail Beer oz° Liquor bueinesa? No Aa sols owmer? Partner3 Stookholder? atherwise? (2'hrough lc�an of moneyq etae Explain) Address o£ such business and nature o#' interest in same HEINE INC. Signature of app ioant State of Minnesota - ` a s By Cowzty of i�msey o ert uo y e , ts res ent Robert Tuohy Heine being first duly srovorn, deposea and says upnn oa�h that he has read the foregaing affidavit bea�^ing his eignature and ]na.a�s the contents thereof; that the same is true of his uwn l�.orovledge, except aa to thoae matters therein atated upon informQtion and belief ahd as to thos ttara he believes em to he true. � gnature of applicant Subsoribed and sve�orn to before me �hia day of September 19 70 � � Aurelio P. Nardi) �totar�r ublic, Ramsey Countya Minnesota My oo�amission expire� Jan. 11 1�4 � - . , .. _ , s�A�E � �nvx�so°rA j Ct�t7TdTY OF RA�SEY � � Robert Tuohy Heine beir�g firet duly arororn, doth depose and say tl�t he makes this affidavi� in connsatio� �rith applioat3.on far " Ott,�Sale" liquor licsense (" Sale" mal't beverage licer��e� 3xi the �ity of Saint 'Paul, ,Minnesota; that your aPfiant is a resident of the State of �innesata and hae reaided therrein f'o� 52 yeara, mar�.ths, and ia ... nuw and ha a been f or the t im�e ab ove menti oned a b or� f ide re�id ent of aa id Sta te and the�t he now resides st 1000 Lincoln '�ve. St. Paul Nht. � Addrea a , Mit�n.e a ota,. Ci y or Tov�m � C Subaoribed and s�rorn to before me this day of Septanber 19 70 ��% urelio P. Nardt) �tary blic, aey County, D63nnesata �y ao�i�sion e�pirea JSn. 11, 1974