250558 Orlsinsl ta Cib Clerk ORDINANCE ��a���8 � COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY,, r - �1 � ORDINANCE NO ..,,, .An Ordinance sLtt�ng the claim of The Aetna Casualty & Surety dompany against the City oY Saint Paul THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to pay out of the Tort Liability Fund o035-421, to the Aetna Casualty & Surety Company the sum of �393. 53 in full settlement of its subrogation claim against the City of Saint Paul by reason of damages sustained to the motor vehicle of Richard J. Yoswa as a result of a collision between it and a City vehicle being operated by Harold J. Volness at University and Oxford Streets on February 18, 1966. Section 2. That said sum shall be paid to the said Ae�na Casualty & Surety Company upon its execution and delivery of a release in full to the City, in a farm to be approved by the Corporation Counsel for all damages and injuries sustained in the manner aforesaid. Section 3. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� �T � 1970 -�_ �Carlson Tn Favor Levine � Meredith � 0 Againat Sprafka Mr Pres�id�ent� cC ) Approved: CT � 197� test• � - � C' erk a �� f Form a�proned Corpor��ton Couns�i By ` �. PUBL4SHED OCT 101970 DyLc�M b Prial�e � , . ORDIIITANCE �5 � f� �i.l�V COUNCIL HLE NO PRESf�ITE� BY , ORDINANGE NO An Ordinane� settisg the olai� oi The Aet�a Cassalty & Swret� tlo�pa�,y i�ainst the City oi Saint Panl TSE COIIItCIL OF THE CI'�Y OF 3A2NT PADL DOES DADAINt 3ection l. Thst the prop�r eity otticer� are hereby anthoriaed and directed to psg oat o! the Tort Lia'�ility Fand �35�21, to the Aetna Cssnaltg & S'�rety Co�pany the eu� 02 �393•53 is tnll :ettle�teat oi its snbrogation cllai� asaiast the City oi Saiat Psnl by reasoa oi daueges sttstaiaed to the aotor �re2tticle oY xi�etrd J. Yowa as a re�ult o! a collinioa betxeen it a�d s City vehicle beiag operat�d bp Harold J. Yolness at IIniversity aad O=tord Streets on Febrnary 16, 1966.�� See�tion 2. That said sna shall be ps,id to the e,tid Ae�a Casaal�g 8� Snrety Company upon i�s ezec�tion and delivery oi a release ig i'all to the City, in a Yarm .to be approved by the Corporatioa Couueel ior a12 da�ages aad in�uries austained in the manner aioresaid. Section 3. T�i�at this ordin8nce shall take effect ar�d be in ,lorce tbirty days atter its gassage, approval and publicatioa: OCT � 1970 Yeaa Councilmen Nays Passed by ths Counci� C� � T*+ FavOr �� v ro�in�t . - P T�- OCT � 1970 � �r. President (McCarty) APproved: Atteet: Cit3r Clerk Mayor �� Form a roved Co �> pp rpo ,r�bEfon Cow�ael By I st q ' 2nd / Laid over to `o � 3rd and app dopted � � � Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butier -$a+ler�� Carlson ,�arlson Levine �f-'v��v \,Levine Meredith =�eredith Sprafka -' �Sprafka ,�� Tedesco �edes�-- ' Mr. President McCarty A4r. President McCarty O