250546 ORI3INAL TO CITY CL6RK ���L��v � CITY OF ST. PAUL HOE NCIL NO LICENSE CONIl�lITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY :/�Q Q ��� , ��Vy p�rF September 22� 1970 COMMISSIONER L ,,,- � RESOLVED: That ap:�lication for Sunday-On-Sale Liquor License, applied for by the following applicant who is a holder of an On Sale Licuor Licenss at the address stated, be and the same is hereby granted and in compliance with C. F. No. 245531, whieh amends Chapter No. 308.00 of the St. Paul Legislative Code and Ordinances. Jerral, Inc. 173 West 6th St. Appz�.5721 New New Zoc. � Informa.11�,,-Approved by Council September 3, 1970 New Lodation SEP 2 2 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �E�;,, 2 � 19�0 Butler Carlson n� 19— � ` / Levine Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka J Mayor Tedeaco ASainat Mr. President, McCarty PY�E� SEP 2 6 1970 �� y ' � J� , CITY OF SAINT �'AUL Capital of Minnesota ���(L/ l �� eUe art�ne�tt o ub�'c �a et � � ADMIDTI$TBATION Tenth and 117innesota Streets FIRE PROTECTION ���� DEAN MEREDITH,Commissioner HEALTH RALPH G.MERRILL,Depaty Commisaioner DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,License Inapector September 3, 1970 Honorable Mayor and City Counc�:l Saint Paul� Minnesota Gentlemen and Ma.dam: Currently Jerral, Inc. are holders of On Sa1e Liquor and Miscellaneous licenses at 173 West Sixth Street. They have so been licensed at this address since June 1970. Application is made by them at this time for Sunday- On-Sale Liquor Licenses in connection with the other licenses they hold. Attached is a copy of their informal applicction for such a license. Yery ��uly yours, � � /� � �, ,'� � ` �'��_f - � �i'� �'t.- r-�c—c._-�-,� ��� t- License Inspector ,-r � � ; ,. ;� �_. ��-` o � �� � � p w 1� ♦ ' AFFIDAVIT Ft7R SU1JD�,Y I,IQIIOR LIC�TSI� APPLICATION � Na�nA .�p P � ��C-�-� _ / Reaidence Addreas �p o i'�.-�.i�-�.���.� L°�'� . >.�4, �,.+.�� i ,� Lioensea �,�L-�e� �e-- Addrese of BusS.nesa (� 7 � �� , �-o `�` �-. I heraby �pply for a Speai.al Sunday Liquor licsenae. I ha�e a Restaurant - � (arosa out one� liQense with aeating oapaoi�y for ��.5� peo leo P Signed / �/,c> ,�1���^.�j�� State oP M�.n.ne a ota) )SS C oi.mty �P Rameey ) L ..._ .. . .. . . . . . .. . . . � E'���Y-aL_ ��.��Q- being Pirst duly a�rorna depo�ea an eays upon oath tha he has rea the foregoing affidavit bearing his aignature and �l�oors the oontents thereof; that the 8&me i8 �x�ue of his mm k�io�ledgea exoep� as to those �tters thereiri atated upan information a�.d belief an.d aa to those mattera he bel.ieves them to be tr°uee /�,� .���!�� Signatare of applicant Subsaribe and saro to befar�e me thia o� day of�����" 19�0 `� r �- . 7 {� otary b i , sey Co�tq, e a ota Mp ocimmniasiun ezpirsa i o � a.�� lg 70 DOROTHY J. MUNKELWITZ Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. l�lly Commission Expires Oct.25,.197Q '_� Sept. 4, 1970 Hon. Dean Meredith Comar. of ?ublie Satety Public Salety Bldg. Desr 3ir: Atttntion: Mr. Dsniel McLaughlin Tl�e City Council today infor�e►1]y approved the applicstioa o! Jerral, Inc. !or 8unday-On-3ale Liquor Licenee at 173 W. Sixth 8t. Will you please preparie the customnry retolution covering thia mntter? Very truly yours, City Clerk ng