250525 o�s�cm ci�t ' . . ORDINANCE �5���5 : � COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO /"� � � � � _ . �! � V AN ORDINANCE GRANTING PERMISSION TO ST. LUKES HOSPITAL OR 300 PLEASANT AVENUE, SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA, TO CONSTRUCT A STORM SEWER ON SMITH AVENUE BETWEEN SHERMAN STREET AND WALNUT STREET. THE COtJDTCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL D08S ORDAIN: S$CTION 1 That permission and authority are hereby granted to St. Lukes Hospital to construct a storm sewer on Smith Avenue between Sherman Street and Walnut Street. SECTION 2 That the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to St. Lukes Hospital for the construction of a storm sewer on Smith Avenue between Sherman Street and Walnut Street subject to compliance of the following conditions, provisions and terms. a. That said permittee shall not proceed with construction unless and until said permittee shall have furnished and delivered to the City of Saint Paul a surety bond in the sum of $10,000.00, made and executed by said permittee as principal and a corporate surety company duly suthorized to transact business in the State of Minnesota, as surety to and in favor of the City of Saint Paul as obligee, conditioned that said permittee shall indemnify and hold harmless and defend said City of Saint Paul, its agents, officers and employees agsinst all expense and liability on account of all claims, suits and judgments arising out of or connected with the construction, by said permittee and/or any successor in interest of the aforementioned storm sewer which surety bond shall be in such form as shall be approved by the Corporation Counsel, and shall remain in force and effect until said storm sewer is accepted by the City of Saint Paul; b. That said permittee shall procure all necessary permits from the Department of Public Works, but shall not proceed with construction unless and until said permittee shall have fully complied with the provisions regarding insurance and indemnification contained in the City of Saint Paul, Department of Public Works Specifications for Street and Sewer Constructiou, dated`April 1, 1959, Sec. Nusbered 1.44 of said specifications, as amended, applicable to contractors. For the purpose of this Ordinance the aforesaid section of said specifications, numbered 1.44, as amended, shall be read as though the word "perfnittee" was substituted for the word '"con�ractor", wherever the same appeare ,.i�;,the aforesaid Section 1.44, as amended. Said Section 1.44, as amended, of the Specifications for Street and Sewer Construction in the City of Saint Paul is hereby incorporated herein by reference as fully and as completely as if set forth herein verbatim. Proof of compliance with provisions of the aforesaid section shall be in such form as the Corporation Counsel of the City of Saint Paul may direct and the documents required by the aforesaid Section 1.44, shall, after submission to the Office Engineer�s Division of the Dsgartment af Public Works, be filed in the office of the Comptroller of the City of Saint Paul; Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler Caxlson Tn Favor Levine Meredith Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved• Attest: � City Clerk Maqor ��� Form approved Corpor�,�ion Counsel By � Osisieai to Clt�Cterk ' , J ORDINANCE ��Qr�� - COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTEU BY ORDINANCE NO. � -2- c. That said permittee shall submit bond and insurance documents to the 8ffice Engineer of the Department of Public Works; d. That said permittee shall, at its own cost and expense and in accorgance with all applicable ordinances of the City of Saint Paul and statutes of the State of Minnesota construct said s���m sewer installation; e. That said storm sewer construction and installation shall be to the satisfaction of the Crnmnissioner of Public Works and in accordance with the plans and specifications designed by and on file with the Department of Public works and identified as Public Works Project Number 5-1432. f. That said permittee shall obtain a sewer connection permit from the 9ewer Division of the Department of Public Works. g. That said permittee shall pay for the publication of this ordinance and publication of all resolutions and ordinances related thereto; h. That said permittee shall pay the costs, over and above those services provided for under necessary permits, of administration, engineering, surveying, and inspection of said work, and said costs to be accounted for under Department of Public Works Project Number S-1432. i. That said permittee shall give advance notification to the Construction Engineer of the Department of Public Works as to the psoposed start of construction and proper schedule of operations and sha11 also notify said Construction Engineer when project has been completed to allow for a final inspection. j. That said permittee shall notify the Traffic Bureau of the Department of Public Works if the construction of said storm sewer shall make necessary the closing of Smith Avenue or part of; all expenses incurred bq the Traffic Bureau in furnishing, installing and removing of barricades, signs, and other control devices, shall be paid by the permittee; k. S�id permittee, after the inception of said work, shall prosecute said work continuously, with diligence and fully complete said work to the satisfaction and approval of the Commissioner of Public Works; 1. That said permittee shall properly protect all excavations made in the streets, sidewalks and boulevards both day and night so as to avoid all damage or injury to persons or property; m. That said permittee shall, during the term of this permit, restore and reparr all property, whether public or private, damaged or which may be damaged due to the construction; Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler Carlson Tn Favor Levine Meredith Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved: Atteat: City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corpor�tion Counsel8y o�.�t�crts cie:e ' , , ORDINANCE 25�i�5 . � COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO ��° � -3- n. That said permittee and its successors and assigns shall fu11y indemnify and hold harmless and defend the City of Saint Paul, its agents, officers and employees against all liability on account of all claims, causes of action, suits and judgments on account of injury to person and/or property arising from or connected with the construction, of said storm sewer contemplated by this permission and authority; SECTZON 3 That said permittee shall within thirty (30) days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Cl�rk. SECTION 4 T'his ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. OCT 71�7� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councit Butler � Carlson � Levine Tn Favor Meredith � C� A gainst � Sprafka Tedesco esident (M�art QCT 7 1970 At _� l� � Approved: City Clerk � yor �� orm approved Corpor��tion Counsel By _ PUBL�SHED �CT 10 i970 �.a+.Pelaar ` . ,= QRDII�1TA1rTCE 250�25 . . • COUNCIL HLE NO � PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO 1' ��— f � ORd�'WC! � !iRlQS�I01t TO ST. 1�L� HQ6M?�L � 300 !`t.ti�8i1R �OOOS� �AIM'! !�, �R1�l�A?�, 1+0 C0�'P�? A Snl�i S�ii� t�U HMTlH A�i �!!Nl6� � Si"!t�? 11� NAI.lIIR S'lR�. s�s aoe� o� �s cxri a�► s�►tar rnvi. na�s omt�r= ��oct�a� i Zhat p�ac:issian aad aathorit� are 6er�b� gnated t� St, 1r�s �o#�ital te eaasts�et a rtos,a sa�er on �ith Avs�cne ba� �es�an Stz�et aod i�l�at Str�tt. SI�C'ZIOlf 2 'D�at tYi Co�duiaeer of Neblic �Torks is h�r� a�tl�sris�i te isa� a p�rait to �t. Lnkes Sospit�ll for the ca�nstractiea of a �t�►s� ss�eeY a� 9�iLL ��aa�a b�tw�n 5hara�am �ts�st sad �slaat strest snbject to ca�pl�snee of t6t f�11ed� �o�diti�ns, provisirnu aaad t�r�u. a. T'6at said psrdttee shall not psoc�ed vith co�seractien nal�sat aad �ntil sai� pessitta�a ahsl� ha�e farni�ed �od rtl�lir�rad• ta� th� Cit�► of �iat tial a srs�etp bond i� th� a� a►i a10,000.00. aade aad aocec�t�d b� uid psz�s�ttes �s principax asd a eo�c�or�t� a�st+�t� o�■4as� dul� anthoiis�d t� trsasact busioess in th� Stals ef Mia�sota. aa� aarstyr ts �� in is�►os,� Ehe Cit� o� Saint la�l ss obli8�s ewditi�d that aaid psydttM �6a11 ind�oi,l�► sad hold harsiess sn� d�isstd ai� Cit� of �ist lanl, ib y�ab. oflic�ra a�d a�eplo��es s�tisst all eapms� and liabfilit� aa aee�mt a# al,l clai�s, asits a�d j�ta srisiag oat o! or com�eeEed �ith tbe co�rtstietiw, b� aaid �asa�tt�e and/or ati� a�esso� ia int�rast of the :fores+mtiss�d sl�ra sa��er ri►ie1� s�utat� b�ad �all b� is a� fos� as �6a11 be aptra�nd b� the Carp�ratiaa Camatl, s�d s6s11 rwia �a fncc� sai e�f�t until ssid st�s+� stwr iir a��pt�d b� th� Cit� oF iaiit Taelz ti. T6at s�id Msaittre s6all gs�e�cra all n�ceararp-p�srits fres eha Dep�rl�tt of h�lie iiorka, bat ahall aot ps�oe�M sitb caaats�tetiati �al�s and erstil said p�srit�N abil3 b�s�►� btll� eaipli�d nith ths �rovigions ra�zding insur�nce a�d iada�oifiaati�a c�ataia�d in th� Cit� of Saiat Paul, Depart�eat o£ lablic iiorics 3ptctli�tio� ier ats�t and se*e! Ceeatstietioa, dat�d A,�sil 1, 193l, �. lritr�d 1.44 'ff �aid sp►�ei�Eieati�saa, as a�i�d, �p�lieabl� t� c�n�raetars. �os th� �t� of t4is Ord��aaee d�� af�r�ssld s+�tiw� ot s�#d �e�t�i+Rat�au� �� 1.�i4, �un �i�d, �rbslt b� s+wl as tbou�i da rard "pts�itEa" �s wl�titr�d f�ar t�►� rss�i`.,"�saator", ��rw�er t.Y�e �ss aptrtss ia Ei�� at�said Seatiw 1.1�, as araitd. ltaii Settion 1.44� as �endsd, o! �thhe S�aci�i+cations f�s S�rut aai �+es C�tsts�ctiai ia th� Cit� ef Saint rinl is her�y iaeorposat�d hsr�a ir� s�fes�e as full� amd � co■�pletel�. as if aet foreh herein verb�stira. lroif of ce�lisste xitb pro�isiaas ef t6e a�Eostsaid s�tioa siull b� in sach fe�a �8 tbr Gor�orati�n Co�raasl qf t6s Cit� o# �t�t i�l as= �isret aad tb� �u■�tti ra�ris�d by � a#as+�ssid Saetirn I.+i�►. shall. aitier nbw�,aRi�a t� Ela O#fite �sr•a Msisiaa of ths 1�art�wt of l�lie i�orlu, be fil�cl in the offie� of t� Ce,►tsrllss� of ttit Cit� o! Saiat 2sn1; Yeas Councilmen Naya Paeaed by the Counci� Butler ��On Tn B'avor LeViIIe . Meredith ����t sp� Tedeaco �r. Preaideat (McCarty) Apprnved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor �� �- �orm ap�roved Corpor�tion Counsel By r 11yNaw t.reLNs ' • ,;� �JR ]� INAN' CE 250��5 . _. COUNCIL RLE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO -2- e. Zhat aid �rsadeis� shall a�t boad asd i�susaeoe doa�ots te ti,� Ot�ies �r o� tiR� Dq►�rtasst of I�lie �orts; d. T'�st said tesdtit�s ahsll, st its ara evst a� es�s� and-l�a ae�saosiaace 1rit� a11 a�lioablir osii�reeea of the Cil� o� �aint �ti a� statut�a of ttis Btate 0f � ew�sRruat asii st�e� sews lautai�stio�w; e. �Ya� taid st.0st �er casst�ratiaa aoi iastallatia�n siyll 1� �er tht s+�tf,afactiae, of th� Cwissi�sr it l�lie iiorl�a aact is ae�s+�c� sith t6e plaa� aad s�+ecili�aL3au �si�d ti� �i va fil� tiith tit fh��to�nE sf 11�1ie rwsks aad i�ttiti�d a� l�biie 1laarts lt�,�tct ��r 8-1435, f. tLat wi� lsswitlDa s6a11 �t�i� a N�ar �tion pes�ltt !s� tl� Mws Di�ri.ai� of tl�� D•p4rt�at of lidlia Neska. g. TbsR a�id �eraiet,�e ahaii � fer tY� pblieaCi�a of tkis ordi�ee aad patilieat�u �� all s�olations ssd ordina�s rtlat�d tlus�tot , h. llvt aaid 'tssitt,� sh�li Mp th� aesEo, o�rer sod aba�re du�ss s�r�i�ts �rwtdM f�r �r �ssaac� ptrsiea, �f sdsfntstraties. s�i�tiu�. s�iai. aad imspectia� o! saii wsk. aad aail casta to �e ace�t�d #er mrd�r �rtssst of t+ublie ii�rks ls�frct �r 5-1432. i. i6at said �saittre shall giv« �drance a�tifieatiaa !.�► lb�e C�tstr�tiyen �iseer o! tbt D�part�t �f l�bife Norka as t� th� �epossd surt �t e�astsaietiaa �d psrp�z �Mals of op�satioos aaa �all ala� nstil� said f�sastsutti�a �iaMr �a proj�et bas ban ea�pl�tad to allar f�r s fiasl iaspactiea. j. �t rai�i psaittMS ai�all w�tif� tha Tratfie � o! tfi� 1a�►art�a�t ef i�blie itosta if th� ooiuts�etioa ot said stors �r ah+Ri! �ste �rs�s�► t�e o1Mia� of �tL �� or part ot; alI �x�eai�a iae�ucr�d b� t� Traflie lsssa� ia faraiii�, isstaZlins a� r�r�ins of 'barri�i�s, sige�a, and othar c+orts+�l d�rica. .Yali Me �aia � tlw passicc�s; t. 8aii �esditat, aft�uc du io�tiou sf asid �tt, �iull pr�sse�te wir wsk c�timewslT, vitlt dili�qc� aad �11� ee�plsto �aid �rlc to tLs attiafs�tioa as� a�ps�val ot t4� C�issirair �f lrblic iTorks; 1. Zhat aai�l p�s�itte�e shall �sopsrl� prmt�t all .a�ocawtimu w� is t6� sts�sta, siiswlts and barls�►ards bet6 dap aad ni�t so u � s�noid all ds■as� �r taj� te rers+�s vr Pr�rt�; . •. �hat �si/ p�r�aittet �li, durisa the tes� of tlsis �r�it, tqt� asd sa�a�r all ts�pert�s �et1►es p�liE or rri�ate. �aaaged or rhith rt� b� d�t�d dre t� th� ee�ats'�tiou= Yeas Councilmen Nays Paeeed by the Counci� Butler ��On Tn Favor Levin�e prafka Ao�nin�t Tedeeco Mr. President (McCartg) APPrnved: Attest: CitY L1erk Yayor �� ,.. �orm a�proved Corpor�tion �ouneel By .. �•M� ' - �� � ORDINANCE �, �50��5 COUNCiI HLE NO- PRESENTED BY ORDINIINCE NO /�� a� -3- a. Zf1tt said Mr�tttee and its succesNrs and assigas diall fall� inda�ail� as� rola has�aless asd d�fend the Citp af Saiat Panl, its asentt, oftieera asd �ls�e�s s�iast all lisbilit� oa accamt of all cLios, caassa of sctiea, saita • aad j�dg�nts o� aeeamt of injury to p:rao� �/or pro�ar�r srisi� fs+o� or crnaa�t�d vith the const�ctioa, of said sto�rm serer cont�lat�d b� tYis pasrissio�a ,a�d authositp� S�CTI�1 3 lbst �aid par�ittee s6all �ithia thirt� (30) days aftsr the passage of this ordinsnce, file a; vritten acceplaace thereof vit6 th� Cit� Clirk. S�.T�11 4 T6it ordia�ace stiall tata effect and b� in force r.�irc� (�o) a�►s lso� aad aftis�c its �ssagt, apps�v�al and pnblicatioa. ' OC7 7 19� Yeas Councilmen Nays Paseed by the Counci� . Butler ��0n n Favor Levine � �� rodA111Yf: Sprafka Tedeeco, 7 1970 Mr. Fresident (�cCarty) APP�ved: �'T Attest: City G'Ierk ldaya� f� . Forgt approvetl C°x�po�oa Counsel sy � -� � ,� ��� ���, .; / , C;�� `�� `' (� October , 1970 i ..._____! __,.� ` - `. � , � �. `���\ v i� �' � St. Luke's Hospital `�`�,� � 300 Pleasant Ave. ��` . ' St. Paul, M3.nnes ota ``���.%' — - , '� ; , _ ,. �� Gentlemen: �j" �` '� ; � \��, ��,, t•ie �nclose a copy o � I70rdinance N \` 1�+6a'T, granting you permission to construct a �tor 9@W�Y' on Sm�t�h Ave. between Sherman and ?�t�lnut Sts. ; alsa bi11 in t e, sum oP $ /?�5 td cover the cost of publica- tion o� the;-erc�i��,n�e����.__��; ; We call / r special attentian to Para�raph a of Section 2 and to Seet n 3 which r�u3.re the filing of a bond in the amount specifi and the fi ng of an acceptance of the terms 4f thia ordinan The acc ance muat be filed in this of'f'ice, Roam 3�, City Hal thi. days. If nat so �'iled� the ordinance beca�es void. Very truly y�rs, City Clerk n� , . � I st 2nd � Laid over to 3rd and app —Adopted ��7 Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler � Butler Carlson f ' . Carlson Levine / j Levine Meredith ����`�� Meredith t_� � Sprafka ��Sprafka Y� Tedesco Tedesco M�. President McCarty Mr. President McCarty O Area Coda 612 �tTr o THOMAS J.STE/�RNS 223-5121 R��a °,, ARTHUR M. NELSON � JEROME J.SE6AL �` � '� THOMAS M.MOONEY � •, , � ��"��" �' KENNETH J. fITZPATRICK �'� ^c PAUL F. MeClOSKEY,JR. JOSEPH E.CARiWR16HT CITY OF SAINT PAUL R.SCOTT DAVIES PIERRE N. REGNIER PAUL J.KELLY DANIEL L. FICKER Firsf Assistant LEGAL DEPARTMENT KENNETH A.SKRIEN 316 Ctty Hall, St. Paul, Mionesota 55102 DANIEL A. KLAS �)� - Corporation Counsel September 18, 1970 ����t_:�.��,�r, Mr. Robert F. Sprafka Commissioner of Public Works City of Saint Paul Re: Resolution and Ordina.nce Granting Permission to St. Luke' s Hospital to Construct a Storm Sewer on Smith Avenue between Sherman Street and Walnut Street Dear Commissioner Sprafka.: Pursuant to your request of September 16, 1970, please find attached Resolution and Ordina.nce relative to the above- captioned ma.tter, which have been approved as to form by the undersigned. Very t ly yours, � , � yy me J. egal Sp cial Assistant C poration Counsel JJS :er Atts . 2 O