250518 Ori�inal to City Clerk � ORDINANCE � 25a��8 ; �� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY - - INANCE NO � �E� An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 6446, entitled: "An administrative ordinance fixing the com- pensation rates of certain city positions and employments, " approved January 23, 1925, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 6446, approved January 23, 1925, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section II, where it appears under the heading Special Employments, the following line: "Medical Examiner (clinics only) �0. 00 per clinic session" ; and by substituting in lieu thereof the following line: "Medical Examiner (clinics only) �0. 00 per clinic session" . Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect a.Md be in force on the first day of the first payroll period following thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. � ti � c � 0 Q U �1 c � o 4 ° �" o Q U � +% Q y Q Q � Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council OCT 7 1970 Butler � � Carlson Levine �� � In Favor Meredith Sprafka Against Tea�� �-� � 1970 Mr. President cCa y Approve • ttest: C' erk � Mayor � � O Form approved Corporation Counsel By PUBLiSHED OCT 101970 a�.a a r�.t.� y - . ORDINANCE � �50��8 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO v� _ Aa ordi�aace sm�adi�s Ordfunce No. 6446, �att#l�d: "A� s�dani�stratiw ordiaase� fiztng t�� c�aa- p�saltoa ra�ta of c�ztai� cit�posi#i�ts a�d au�����' sppro�d JaatiaasY 23, 1 g?S. ss sm�eled. T� �DU�tCI�,. OF �1'HE CITY 0� S�T PAUL Di,dl�8 ORI�14�is Sec�oa I. Z'hst Ord�sace No. 6�4b, approred Jsa�rss� 2.3, 1925, aa a�me��i, D�e aad.t� ssme �s her�r fas�t��s san��d lr� strlldn� e�it eE 3�tfo� II, wtiisa it ap�peus iai�=the h� 9p�aial E���Ea, t�re foltowlna line: "�Leiiaesl E:amiasr (cliaiea oalp� 40. 04 pss a3�fe s�ssioa" : aa�d L� a�ta i� lisa therieof tl�e� follow#a� 13n�: "�[adi�al Es�nfssr (clisfca oslpj 50. fl0 per e2'laie s*sai,o�" . Saactian 2. �bis ordiaaaee shsll �ak� .�i+�ct snd bs fu �'osde� +da tl�r �rst asT-� t�a► �irat paysoll p�riod followlas th�tstT�dsys a�ta:#ts pssps�, approarat, and psblicstiaa. � � 7 1910 Yeaa Councilmen Naya Paeeed by the Counc�� Butler � Carlson Tn Favor Levine Sprafka `� ----'� OCT 7 Mr. Pr�e�ident {McCarty) Appraved: Attest: Gity Clerk �y� �� Fortn s�proved Co�rpor�ion Counsel By Ist��L F - 2nd � Laid over to 3rd and app �-�' �_Adopted-��/ "� Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler \ Butler Carison ���`'�Q �Carlson v Levine � Levine Meredith �\ Meredith Sprafka `Sprafka Tedesco �Tedesco Mr. President McCarty IVIr. President McCarty O