250508 OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK I ��v ��� � , CITY OF ST. PAUL �°N�� NO. LIC�tSE COA�Il�IITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCIL RE�O ION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY September 22� 197� COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLV�'raD: That application for Restaurant, On and Off Sa1e Malt Beverage and Cigarette licenses applied for by Elmer Lawrence Harned at 1041:;�r�ront Avenue� be and the same are hereby granted on the condid�ion that within r� days of , this date same application shall comply with a�.l requirements of the Bureaus of Fire, Health, and Police, and the I�icense Inspeetor pursuant to the St. Paul Legislative Code and all other a�;plicable ordinances and lawe. Ado ted b S P 2 2 1970 COUNCILMEN p y the Counci 19— Yeas Naya - . But�er SEP 2 2 1970 Carlson Ap 19— Levine �� Favor Meredith Sprafka r Tedesco �Sainst Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED SEP 2 61970 �� , CITY OF SAINT PAUL A , �'1�,,J���� Capital of Minnesota t-' eLJe aNt�ne�ct o ub�'c �a et � � ADMINISTRATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIAE PROTECTION ��� DEAN MER,EDITH,Commissioner HEALTH RALP'H G.MER$ILI.,Depnty Commissioner DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,Lieense Inepector September 22, 1970 Honorable Mayor and City Council Saint Paul, Ninriesota Gentlemen and Madam: Elmer Lawrenee Harned makes application for Restaurant, On and Off Sale rlalt Bevera�e and Cigarette licenses for 1041 Front Avenue which is on the North side of the street, between Oxford and Churchill Streets. This location has been licensed for a similar business since 1958, The present licensee, Patrick Johm Mulli�an, has held such licenses since M:�rch 1970. There are no other 3.2 places within two �locks. The closest On Sale Liquor place is about half a block and the closest Off Sale Liciuor place is about ten blocks away. The nearest church is six blocks and the nearest school is one block away. From May 1y69 to May 1970, Mr. Harned worked for the Twin City Arsenal. He is also owner and operator of the Harned Buildin� Maintenance Co. VePy truly yours, CL.,.c.cX� �� � License Inspector 0 • - ° CITY OF SAINT P�UL DEPART�NT OF PUBLIC SAFETY LIC�NSE DNTS�OIJ I�►��! 9 ( p �.g� 1. Q,pplicatiun for ���� L3cenee 2. Nams of applicant �'L � w �.e �•t,C g �- 3. Businesa addreas /d �j� � Vc�•v � Residenos * ?7��/S�t /� 4. Trade name, if any Li e Co/'/1�C' S �' 5. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp�l�tail Liquor Federal Tax Stamp��n.11 be uafed. 6. � what f1o4r loeated � /¢( � Number o� roaans used �,�, '� _ . . c��" -- w--,-0 QSr�• � --,---p- 4 7. Between vahat ornsa atraets �,Yl�o vd�fio�vf Wh3.ch �ide of street A�O r 1`G� 8. �re premises nov�r ooaupied�_Y�hat business 3, �. /3�Y Ho�,r long�^�� 9. Are premises now tanoocupied/IJ� Iia�v long vacant Prev3,ous Uee 10. Are you a new o�un,er �'E� Have you been in a,similar busi.neas beFore ti Q V7here �hen 11. Sre you goirlg to operate thia business peraonall� t''�S - .,..,�.,. If not, v�o will operate it 12. Are ynu in any other buainess at the present tims ,(� p 13, Have the-re been any complain�s againat your operation �f tha.s type of place �/D --.�... When �Ifhere 14, I-I�ve you ever had any liQense revoked N� What rea�on and date 15. Are you a citizen of the United Ststes yC,s Nat�.ve ` C�_Naturalized y�S 16. 1Nhere �rere you borb. S�c �/a u. L. A��e of ba.rth �-9 �Cf — 3 � � �......�.....,�.. 17. I- am /1iOrm�rried. My (wife 's� (husband's) name and address ia 18. (If msrried f'emale) my maiden name is 19. �c�+r long have you lived in St. Paul '�LL��' � � ���- 20. Have you ever bsen arreated N D Vi�latirm of' what orima.nsl ls�r or ordir�xto� �/-D �� 21. are you a registered voter in the City of S�. Paul x �1� Yes No. (Anawer full and aom ].etel . Theae a lioations are tho�ou hl ahaoked aa,d �a a sifioation ro�l be cause for enia . ����'R) . 22, Number of 3.2 pl.aces within t�ro bloaks y /l�U /1/ � " 23. C�,osest intoxicating liquor plaae. �Jn: Sale Corko R�[ L (3�f Sa1e 24, Naarest Church �� ��✓Q-`'�S Nearest Sahool /' �C p� C �� „ . , 25, Number of booths 3 Tables � Chairo� Stools / ;Ej __.,___ 26. What occup�tion have you follovaed f or the pQSt five y�ears. (Give names of employpra and date s s o employed.) � — /� — L v .e - w r`c- C ; f /�r�v s e L- — / G •� t 7 0 27. Give names and addresses of �wo persons, rasidents of St. Pau�., Minn., who cax� gi,ve infor�tion cancerning yau. Name G L�S c�,or� L—` w �' address � �d l,� � ;� /(��1'"L (�/�H/� : � ---T �,�.�.�, Name C[� K-(�' J�}-� /�j�2�aC�j�P j� q ,Add re s s l'� Gwc.� �/¢!�U/� d 9 Ga.�.nc...e��c,d� � 7 �� � w � S t�S 2 I t�c S 3gna ture o App i.aan Sta te of' Minne s ota� . ss County of Ramsey ) being fS.rst duly sworn, deposss and saye upon oath t at he has rea t foregoing atatement bearing his sigxlature and knvws the aontents thereof, and that the sam� is true oP his o�m knowledge e�oep� aa to those matters therein stated upon infoarmati.on and belief and aa �a thosa m�tttera he believes them to be truao / • . gnature of Appliaant Subscribed and sworn to before me � this //'�' day of i1- . 197� � _. �_ ' �� Notary Public. y Cotznty, Minne a � �y Co�n.issi�n xpires � a ��� /� 7� (Note s These a-Eatament forias are in duplicate. Both eopiss must be fully fil].ed out, notarized, and returned to the Licenss Division.�r DOROTHY J. MUNKELWlTZ Notary Public, Ramsey County, MinAa My Commission Expires Oct. 25, 197Q . � AFF IDAF'TT B Y'APPLICANT FOR RETA IL BEER flR LIQUOR T;ICENSE Re s �� Sale���� Lioenae Name of applicant ��f'l��t� �¢w�'�l�(�� /(j — Bu�ixi.es� addr°ees�C�L� �lrp �t/7�' /9�v�2 Are you the sole awner uf this buaineas?� If not, is it a �rtnerahip? "1 corporat3.on? — , ot�her�' Qthers interested in business, include those by loan of' money, property or otheru�riae= Name �c�rcRL� �/�Je�(JL�,.,(�.�Yaddress ?7Sf�Lf�il� Haev Lo��s �c'�sprvc�i. If a cs orporation, give its name —� Are you interested in any way in any other Retail Beer or Liquor bueineas? ,V a As aole oqraer? ./�/� O Partner? M O Stookholder4 1L' i0 (?therwiae? (Through loan of money, etce Expla�.n:) ^ Addresa of such buainess and nature of' interest in same 'r • �, ignature of applican State of Minnesota ss C ounty o�ay • C /C � being firat duly aworn, deposes and says upon oath that he has read the fo oi g affidavit bearing his aignature and kn,o�v� the contents thereof; that the same is true of his �nnm lrnnwledge, except a� to �hose matters therein stated upon inf'orn�tion and belief e�d aa to those me►tters he believes them to he �true. DOROTHY :J. MUNKELWfTZ � ' Notary Public, Ramsey Coun�y, M�pfl:• �tLi�°e �P applican.t �Y Commission Expires Oct �5, �e�� Subaoribec� and svrorn. o before me thi� // �l� day of _19 � 0 l, � t Notary ublic ey County, Minneso My aarnmission xpires f c -,�J' 19� . . > . .. s�� � �n�so�A) COUNTY �' RAE2SEY � � � � ��Y ��`�' r'� � �� �����p bein.g f irat duly avrc�rn, d oth depo�e and aay that he makes this affidavit in connection �rith applirsa�ion f or " Sale" liquor licensa ("�Sale" malt beverage lioense) i.n the �ity oF 3ai�at Paul, Minne�ota; that your affiant is s re�iden� of the State of Minnesota and has resided therein for eara, mor�ths, and is nvw e�nd has been for the time �bove zmentioned a bo� fide reiaident of aaid State and that he now residaa st 7 � dre�s - ��••.-�- , Mi�n.e s ota. Ci y ur Tovm , - , -eSY Subaaribed and s�rorn to befure me this f�� d�y of - � 19 �' �. J �tary bl , ey Caunty, Mi aota I My aommii�eion expires 1� ����1 7� DOR07HY ;�: WIUNKELWIT2 Notary Pubiic. Ramsey County, y��ryn. MY Commission Explres Oct,Zg� ����