250504 ORIGIKAL TO CITY-Cl6RK ���� �.�� � • CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL OLU ION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMtSSIONE DAT� �B IT BBSOLV�D TBAT, a11 those tiatters appraved by the City G�nncil pertaining t• the grading and st�rfaaiug with bit��us aaterial the alley in Miehel and Sa�ertsoa's Additie�s tm St. Pa�l, �a�seq CE�aa�y, Zlianesota, fro� I.S. 35E t� Cha��a�rt� Street and Conismmisg an� taking aa easeasnt i�a the la��cl neatasary for the slopes, ants aa�i €illa, incl�ding right of re�oval vf lateral su�por� fro� subject laa� or resaiad�r thereof, oaeasianed by exa8vations thereof or conatrueticm of slopea in the �rading aai sarfaaing �ith bitmiinoas msterial the alley in l�iahel aad �obertaon's Addition to St. Pa�l, 8assey Gonnty, l�inseamta, fs'o� I.S. 35B to Cl�ats�orth Street, as shcnm i� the foll�ing listei eonncil resolutimns, are hereby a�aded to add Bloak 13, w�ere�sr it appeara as alley in I�iehel aad 8ebertson's Additios to St. Panl, 8aose� COUnty, Mianesota. C. F. A��pted 248702 Kay 5, 1970 2492A8 Jnae 9, 1�7� 249581 Jaly 7, 1970 248703 Ma� S, 1970 2�r9209 Ju�e !, 197� 249582 J�1� 7, 1970 249978 ' A�guat 5, 1970 250379 Sep�eaber 9, 197A ��� withstanding the sYove ahas�ge, all other satter� in this regard �o�ti�ue im foree a�d effeat, as originally adopte� b� tbn City C�ntiaail. FORM APPROVED Fisanae File �io. 174l9-6S � � 4 Asst. Corporatwn C SEP 1 8 19�0 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler Carlson � S E P 1 8 1'70 19� Levine �n Favor Meredith Sprafka u yor A gainst r-�etkses-- Mr. President, McCarty PUBLtSHFp SEP 2 61970 �� o��,�,��,� 250��4 , � CITY OF ST. PAUL F�uNCa NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM rrtESC�rrtr�nr COMMISSIONEQ �A*G �i T? �i�.yID TBIIT, all thoN �att�s� aMro�rsd b�► it6� R1t� Cameil Hrtaisit� to 11�� �i� aad snrfa�it� ritl� bitmd.nvw �atsslal tltt allar is Mieh�l a�sd �rtsoa's Additios to ft. !a�►ls �asq t�at�, Mian��ota. irmt I.s. 3Ss to Chatawrth atre�t aad Cosd�■ni� aa+d Latti�q at w�arot ia th� laad n�w�esiary to�r tlut �lepa• ants aod tills, iraladie� aifht o! rMSVal ot lat�sal a�o�t isa� s���et land os roaisi�ss tk�r�o�, oeauiossd �r �oea�atio�a th�ar�ot or �o�st�enatioa of �lo*es ia tb� pcadi� mt sasiasio,t wit4 bit�ona rtsriai !h� ali�� in Miehsl asd �ob�stsos s /ldditias to =t. ta�i, iar�T Coaat�� �flam�aroea, lras I.S. 3Ss to Qu�tnarth 8tr�t, as s6o�n ia th� folle�wi� liswd eamaii �uoletiooa, ass lunlhr a�ad�d to add �� �srws it a�ars a� alla� is bi�l +�ad ��rt��n'a �ddition � dt. ?� . �ar� Qe�t�. Mimuaota. C. t. �d�t�d Z�rBTOZ Ms�r �� 1l70 2�►lZO� Jras 9, 1�70 Z4l5�1 Jul� 7. 1870 ?�70� 11a� S. 1l70 24►9209 J+das !, 197E! 249S8Y Jal� 7, 1l70 Z4l97S 4�wt S. 19�0 2.'f0379 septa�s 9, 1!'f0 �ot nithstas�ia� th� atia�na at��, ill ot�las �att�r� t� t�i� r.�ase a.aesiue. in lora. ..a �l:.e�t, .. +�si�iss.lir aie�tN in th. aitp Coweil. rixwa• rii• xo. i74f9-aa c�p 1 s 1�70 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co»*�' 19— Yeaa xaye S E P 1 8 1�78� sutaer Carlson Apprnv� 19� Levine Tr Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor � /,�� Aroainat Mr. Preaident, MeCarty �- �� �.