250503 OR161NAL FO CITY CLBRR ��Q. 6�.�3
CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �� i.1�
KI�EAS, The Coimnittee on Lands, cc�posed of' the I�fayor, t�e P�rehasing
Agent, the Ccm�ei�sioner of Finance, and the Cammissioner o�' Pa.rks and
8ecrea.tion and Ptlblie B�ildings of th� Ci�y of Saint Pa,ul, ha� seevred an
agreement Yor the purchaae of t2�.t certain property described as followst
�ots two (2) and three (3) in Block three (3), Ca�o Prospect
A�.dition, acc.
WI�RBAS, �e property described therein is neceasary for the �o�b Lake
Park Site, and the price at which the property may b� purchs�aed is at the
tote.l, aaiount of ��,125.00, a fair and r�asonable priee according to the
apprai�al obt�,ined by�the Cc�mditt�e on bands; and
41H�REAS, Said Co�eittee ha.s reca,o�ended the purehase of said property
at the priee stated above, as evidenced by the l�tt�r of sai�. Ca�ittee
submitted hereyrith; , nc�, therefore, be it
1�ES�LVED, That pursu,ant tm �eeti0n 303 of the �ha.rter of the City of
Saint Pa:ul, the Cour�eil of the City of S�.int Paul does hereby ��.thoriz� the
purclim,se of the land described as;
Lots txo (2) and three (3) in Block thre� (3), Ccyao Prospect
Addition, aec.
�4E�0LV&D FURTH�R, That t�e proper City �Yficials are hereby at�thariz�d
and direeted to pay to �'aaes d�hn Weidell, record fee owner, the sta of
�4,125.00, said st�na to be paid to the afmresaid vendor fram MR Fnad Cod.e
60�0, to be reimbur�ed f`ram lPand 9769-502-0()1, upon his i�rnishing evi�.ence
'o of good mark�t�,ble title in the a�'oresaid veador, and the total payment to
be aade upon tender b�r said party of appropriste deeds coaveying title to
o .� said property to the City of Saint Pazil..
n�. $
¢ c,�1
° gEp i � 197 0
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19._
Yeas Nays �E� 1 +� ���o
Caxlson � K 19�
Levine _In Favor
Meredith Mayor
Sprafka ��jgainst
Mr. President, McCarty
PUBLtSHED SEP 2 6 1970
Voluation Engineer
� ROY E. BREDAHL, �.. C I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L ���i��
Ass't Valuation Engineer BUREAU OF VALUATIONS
286 Cify Hall
Seint Paul, Minnesote 55102
= ss
City Council
City of Saint Paul
Geatle�►en and �Iadam:
The City of S�.int Pat�l., acting through its �aluation Engineer, has
negotiated to purehase certain property described as follows:
Lots tWO (2) and three (3) in Block three (3), Co�o Prospeet
Addition, aee.
The oimer of the above described land, �a�es dohn Weidell, has accepted
an offer tendered him by the City in the amot�nt of $�,125.�0 as
eampensation t'or the sale of the land to the City.
This property, including land aad i�provaaent�, is needed by the City of
Saint Paul for Loeb i,ak� P�,rk. In view of the reasonable price �or
wbich it can be purehased, �aid price bei�►g the a�ppraised fair ar�d
reasonable market value therefore, we, th� �c�ittee on Lands, do
reca�end to the Council of the City of Sa.int Paul tha.t it authorize
the purchase of said land in li�u of cond�na�ion proceedings at the
price of $4,125.00, as negotiated witl� the owner.
Ver y yours,
Pnrehasing Ag
" � � �
Ccr�mo�iesio�er ks, Recreation
and Public B ' dings
C isai� r �' Fina�ae
Parcel Ro. 13
F'ile No. 1742�