250501 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLBRK r' � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa v��� FILE NO• L. • � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C N R OLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � � � COMMISSIONE DATF WI�B�S, The Ce�memiittee on Lands, ca�posed of the Ii[aayor, the Parcl�aing A�ent, the �oaa�iasioner of Fiasnce, a.nd the �o�nnissioner of Parks and Recr�atiog an�l P�bli� Buildir�gs of the �ity oP 3aint P�ul, ha� secnred an agree�ent for the purcha�e of that certain prcrperty deseribed as follvws: bot nine (9) in Block frnir (�+) in Cc�o ?rospect Addition, acc., and Lot ten (10) i� Block four (�) in �vmo Prospect Addition, acc. i�REAS, The property dleacribed therein is nee�ssary for t�� �,oeb ��ake Park Site, and the priee at which the property may be pn.rchased is at the total amount of $6,25�.�4, a fa,ir amd reasonable price a�ccordin� ts the appraiaal obtained by the �c�omtittee oa �ands; aad �, Said �o�omaitte� haa reeos�encied the purchase of said proper�y at the pric� s��,ted above, as evideaeed by the letter of �aid Ca�ait�ee submitted herewith; ncyw, therefore, be it RES�LYED, That p�rauar�t to 3ection 303 of the �ha.rter of the City of 5aint l�,ul, the �ouaeil of the City of 3aint Patil do�s hereby authoriz� the purchase of the le,nd deseribed aa: Lot rtt�ns (9) in Block fc�xur (4) in �rn�no Prospe�t Add.ition, acc., a.n�. bot ten (10) ia Block fot�r (4) in Cc7mo Prospeet Addition, acc. RE3t�LYEB Ft��, That the �roper �ity �fficials axe herelsg authorized and directed to pa�r to Anna �etroske, record fee or�rrmer, the a� of � $6,250.00, said summ to be p�i�. to the aforesaid vendor frc�s FT� Funcl �mde e � 6000, to be rei.�bur�ed f�om 1�nd 9769-502-001, upon her ftu�nishing evid�nce of good marketable title in �he aforesai� vesdor, and the total p�.yme�t to � be made upon tender by said party of appropriate deeds conv�ying title to � said progerty to the �ity ot' Saiat �aul. a � "� U � � N - O � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counciis E P 1 $ 19�0 19— Yeas Nays Butler SEP 1 8 1970 Carlson A ve 19� Levine �ln Favor Meredith Sprafka U yor m , A$'&1T18t, Mr. President, McCarty pUBUSHED SEP 2 6 1970 �� J. WILWAM DONOVAN 223-5317 Vofuation Engineer ROY E. BREDAHL, ��. C I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L ass�� Valuation Engineer BUREAU OF VALUATIONS 286 City Hell $eint Paul, Minnssote 55102 .�°°�ss ��C���� city eonncil City of Saint Paul Gcntldaen a.nd 1Kads�a: The City of 8aint Paul, acting thro�gh its �lal�,tion Engineer, has n�gotiated to purelqase certain property described a� followa: bot nine (9) in Bloek four (�+) in Ca�eo Prospect Addition, ace. , and Lot ten (10) in Block four (4) in Camo Prospect Addition, ace. The otimer of the above described land, Anna Petroske, has acc�pted an offer tendered her by the City in the amo�nt of $6,25�.00, as ce�peasa- tion for the sale of the land to tl�e �ity. This property, including larid a.nd buil8ings, is needed by the City of Saint Paul for Loeb Lake Park. In vi�w of the reasonnble price for xhich it ean be pnrchased, said price being the appraised fair and rea�onable market value t}�erefore, �re, the �c�ittee on Landa, do rcccndmsend to the Council of the City of Sairat Paul thr�t it �.utharize the pureha.se of said land in lieu of cend�natiott proceedings at the price oP $6,250.00. Yery t yours, Ma.yor Pareh�,sing nt � ���` C ssioner Paxks, Fiecrea ion and Public Build gs . i..� C 'ssio o Finance � / ,/ ,! /CT ' � C"��,,( ,'i'.G1 tc G= . � Pa.rcel No. 21 File No. 17�+20