250492 � �`' OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK �JQ��2 � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �� 1 LICENSE �:%C`MMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF �F'}1t� �7� i�7� R�CLT7�'D: That li^enses a��Zied for b�T thF follot��in� �,rsons at the addresses stated, be and the sa-�e ar^ re .reb�7 �ranted. New york Tea �o. , Tr.^ . 1Z UI. Ex^t_ange Grocer� A-1 Aen.4g2jRen. Lyngblomsten Home for ,�ged, Inc. 1298 N. Pas^al R-est Home-?`'. " 5111" St. P,+ary's Rest Ho~�e 19�5 Tdorfo�k ?�e �t Hcme-N. " 5112" T:.' Linnea Home for the =�ge�?, In^. 20�0 W. �omo Rest Home-N. " 5��5'" �t. John's Lutheran Hospital Assn, 403 P�:aria Hospital '" 5163'" U+ilder R.es;_den^e Inf'�r�,a.ry S12 ?-Tumbcldt Rest Home-��'. " 5268'" n n Re,^t,urant �-2'" " " '� " "i daret te " " " �. •-%laude Adams 2662 AJ. Sne2ling TV Master " �385" Arthu� Johnson 242 E. 4th Pkg.I�ot 75" " 5�37" st. John's Lutheran Hos�?tal As�n. 403 Niaria Pkg.Zot 100� 5513" B-»I�ine Service, In^. 220 E. 8th Gen.G�?^. " 55�1" A�plebaum's, Ir�. �42 I'ulton Gro^erT� A-2 " 5646" " But_^her " " " w * QFF �ale Mlt, n n n " " Migarette n n n Ri�'h�.rd Snotia 1200 �r^a�e Gas Sta. 6P " 56E�1" n ri Gen.Garage n n n Raymond A. Zopf 8g5 Randclph Fle^..�pp.R.�p. " �681"' Ja^k ??,. Halbe"t 141� n1. Hazel CIr�^er�T �-2 " 5702�� u n Froz.�oods u n ,� ° " Ot'f Sale IMlt. " �� " �� �� �igar�tte " ,� �� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Naye Butler Carlson Approve� 19� Levine Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, McCarty �� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLBRK � � �^� ., � CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OENCIL ND '�5�=� �`� ��._A+t�_, �.OMbITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �E?t�t, 17� 19�0 COMMISSIONER �AT� bntd. Page 2 :%on^ord nrug �orp. ?76 d�on^ord Orig.�onL-�nDr Ap�.570.5Ren. " " �fgarette " " " Gul� C�il �orp. 584 N. F�irview �ulk Oz� Stor." 5708'" "" '" Liq.Fue1 Dl. " ,� n Harry Spe�tor 1(�95 �'. 7th Ldy.D:: PU " 5737�� n «� �1eo M., naniel R. �: Patri^k M. Dunph,y 391 Sih?ey � Gac ,�ta. 2�` " 5800" Kenneth F. Shearer ?420 F. Idaho Mtr.Veh.�r. " 5R82" Henr�r D. Martin 595 �?u11_er Mtr.veh.nr. " �885" �`athew L. Hollinshead 693 ceo�r�_^h Mtr.�Teh.Dr� " 5900" � p 17 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Coun 19— Yeas Nays Butler 1 7 �91� Carlson A rove� SEP 19� Levine �n Favor Sprafka U Mayor A gainst Tedeaco Mr. Vice President Meredith �B���H� SEP 2 6 1970