250488 ^ � ORIGIP!.}lL TO CITY CLBRK - /����,.��/1 , -• CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL N0. '`' �`-' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BT Robert F. S raf COMMISSIONE ATF APPROVAL OF PLANS In the matter of gra�ing and su�facing with bituminous material , construct concrete curb a�d gutter, construct sewer for storm water purposes, construct sewer service connections and construct water serv i ce connect i ons on FOXR I DGE Rt�AD f rc�aA the cu l-de-sac 500 feet west of Valley Stde Drive to the cui+�de-sac 400 feet east of Yalley Side Drive and WARBLER LANE froni the cul-de-sac 400 feet west of Valley Sldm Drive to cul-de-sac 50� feet east of Valley Side Drlve; mnd PARKLAND COURT from the cul-de-sac 400 feet west of V,a11ey Side Drive to Valley Side Drive and VALLEY SIQE DRIVE fro� North Park Drive to Ruth Street (G-i95a) , under Preliminary Order 249554, approved July 1 , 1970, and intermediate Order 2��9Q approved September 2, 1970. Also in the anatter of canstructing a public sanitary sewer in FOXRIDGE ROAD f�om the cul-de-sac 5� feet west of Valley Side Drive to the cul-de-sac 400 feet east of Va11ey Side Drive; in MARBLER LANE from the cul-de-sac 400 feet west of Valley Side Drive to the cul-de-sac 500 feet east of Valley Side Drive; in PARKLAND COURT froin the cul-�e-sac 400 feet west of V�lley Side Drive to Valley Side Drive; in VALLEY SIDE DRtiIE from Parkland Court to Ruth Street; and tn a sewer easement as shown on the recorded plat "Clapp-Thomssen Battle Creek Mlest", recorded � April 29, ig70, from Parkla�nd Court to Nc�rtt� Park Drive; �11 to be � known as the BATTLE CREEK WEST SEWER SYSTEM,` also construct sewer service ° �; connections (S-1416) , under Preliminary Order 249676, approved July 10, � 1970, and Intermediate Order 250303 approved September 2, 1970. i � `� � RESALVED, That the plans and specifications as sub�itted for the above improvee+ent be and the saa� ar� hereby approved and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and is hereby ' directed to obtain bids for the improvements as per plans and specifications, 1 FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be a�d is hereby �lirected to advertise fcr bids for tMe improvements. SEP 11 1910 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler SEP 1 7 1970 - Carlson � roved 19� Levine —_In Favor ��it�r— Sprafka v Mayor A gainst Tedesco ;,. �a,. Mr. Vice✓President Meredith �guSHED SEP 19 i970 �� �����'���� CITY OF ST. PAUL c�a,NC�� No �50��8 ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK fl`� COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM '��D°r R�art F. Sorafka coM►��uioN� c�*� APPROVAL Of PIrANS In ths aiatter of qrading and surfaairg with bituninous mate��al, co�»truct corKnte eurb and gutter. construct s�wer for stona v�ste� purpos��. �onstruct saw� terviee connections and construct wstsr ssrvic� cvnnsctta�� on FOXRID6E RQAD f�om ths cui-as-sac 5� f�t wsst of Yal l�y Slas Ortw to th� culyds•sac 400 fNt �t of Val i�y $l�s Oriw and 11ARBLER UUiE f�a� the cui-d�-sac 400 fa�t west of Valls�► Sids Driw to cul-d�-saa SDO f�et �ast of V�ilsy Sida Oriv�s; a� PARKLAND COiNtT froM tMR cui-aa•sat 400 fa�t �wst of Vall�y Si�a Driw to Ya11sy Side Driv� a�d VALLEY SIDE ORIYE frow North Pa�k O�iw to Ruth Strs�E (G-1952), wwler Pr�lin�insry Ori�r 249554. approvMtl July l , 1970. and Int�rMadl�t� Ord�r 2�� aporovsd t�ptMabsr 2. 1970• Also in ths �ttsr ot co�tructtn� a publ ic sar�itary► ssw�r in FQ�fR106E RWID f�o� tlw� cui-d�-sao S� fat w�st of Vali�y Sias D�ivs to th� cul-M-sac 4�0 f�st sast of Valisy Sida Driw; in MARBLER LANE fros ths wi-d�-sac 400 fsst v�sst of Vail�y Sids Drive to ths cut-d�-s�c 500 fNt �ast of Vai ley Sid� D�Iw; in PARKUIND CtWRT from the wl-i�•sac 400 f�st r+sst of Vai lay SIM Oriv� to Val l�y Stds Driw; In VALI.EY StDE DIt1VE fro� P��klar�/ Court to Ruth Strat; and tn a s�wer �assm��t as shown an ths racor�sd plat "Clapp-Tl�oaisssn Battls CrNk INst". ncer� Aprii 29. 1970. from Parkland Court to North Park ��tw; ail to ba known as t!w BAME CREEK MEST �MER SYSTEM, also caatruct s�ar s�rvta �onn�etiens (5-1416) . under �rsli�tnary Or�r 249676. approwd July 10. , 1970, and Int�raN�lat� Ord�r 250303 approval S�pt�� Z. 1970• ttE&OLVED. That ths pl�ns and spetift�stions as submittsd for tha abow iaprovsa�snt bs a�d ths sa� •n hsnby approwA and w it a ft�tTHER RESOLVED. That tl�s Purehastrg Ag��t b� ani is l�sr�by dincte0 te obtain bi�s for tM i�p�ov�ents as psr pl�ns �I sp�ciflutions. � �• � ��� FURTHER RESQlVEO. That the Purchasing Age�t be ��d is hsrsby dinct�d ` G� to adve�tis� for bids for ths i�ap�ents. t" � ►�. SEP 17 1970 COUNCILM�N Adopted by the Co�,nci� 19_. Yeas Nays Butler SEP 1 7 197� Carlson ApprovecL 19� �°�e Tn Favor � i i C/ Yayor Sprafka A�n;nat Tedesco � Mr. Vice President Meredith ��