250486 OR161NAL TO CITY CLBRK �/5 O"J.�6 � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. NCIL R�SOLUTION—GENE L FO � PRESENTED BY III/11��� COMMISSIONE �. f c���J� �, RESOLVED, Tha.t the Council of the City of Saint Paul believes it to be in the best public interest to provide a reduction in bus fare for senior citizens during off-peak hours as this would encourage senior citizens to ride the public buses during the off- peak, low-patronage hours and also provide economic relief to elderly citizens; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, tha.t the Metropolitan Council and Metropolitan Transit Commission are hereby requested to establish a reduced bus fare in the amount of ten cents for citizens sixty years of age and older when pre- senting an identification card to be used during off-peak hours, from 9s00 A.M. to 3:30 P.M. , Monday through Friday, and any time on Saturday, Sunday and nonworking holidays; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, That the City Clerk is hereby directed to transmit a certified copy of this Resolution to the Metropolitan Council, the Metropolitan Transit Commission and the Minnesota State Public Service Commission. SEp 17 1�10 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Naya Butler 17 1970 Caxlson oved SEP 19— Levine � Tn Favor �� Mayor Sprafka � A gainat Tedesco F M Af'P Y � Mr. Vice President Mereditl� Asst Cor r iWt sel PUBt�� SEP 2 6 1970 �� r �: ,_ � . . . � � �� PROPOSAL FOR LOW COST PUBLIC BUS TP.AIZSPORTf1TI0N FOR THE ELD�RLY RESIDP:i1TS OF SAII�IT PAUL, �1IN:V�SOTA September 17, 1970 LEONARD W. LEVINE, PUBLIC UTILITIES CO2Ti�fISSIONER 1. It is proposed that the Saint Paul City Council direct tlie Metropolitan Council and the Metropolitan Transit Commission to alloca all Saint Paul citizens . �60 years of age and over a reduction in bus fare from 30G for a one-way ride to 10� when presenCing an identification card during off-peak hours. The reduced fare plan ��ould be in effect from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, and any time on Saturday, Sunday and non-worlcing holidays. 2. INTRODUCTION: The bus fares on the present �ain City Lines, Inc. buses constitute a ma�or burden to a large segment (approximately 20%) of our community: the aged. With inflation and lower income of this group, a rising or even a constant outlay for local transportation is often out of proportion to ttie ability to pay. Twin City Lines, Inc. has experienced two major proUlems: one, over- crowding at peak hours and two, practically empty buses at other periods. Importance of ttiese problems is easily recognized. Without the means to transport oneself a person has little choice but to withdraw, at least in some ways, from the mainstream of life. Tliis caithdrawal can only have negative effects, not only for the individual, but for ttie general welfare of the city as well. The City, with the bus system that is generally jammed at peak hours and only partially used at other times, has a liability that worsens with time, causing a decreased patronage by the rider, which in turn leads to overcrowding of the downtown area by automobiles of tliose compelled to use private transportation. Recognizing these problems, the Senior Citizens Transportation Committee, consisting of Saint Paul's elderly citizens representing differenC areas of the ' ' 2. .�. • city, including senior citizen higti rise buildings, and various agencies concerned with problems of the elderly, have proposed the following: that the Council of the City of Saint Paul request tl�at the Metropolitan Council and the Metropolitan ; Transit Commission grant Saint Paul's elder citizens (age 60' and over) a fare of 10� on the municipal transit lines at off-peak hours. OBJECTIVES: . ' 1. To provide Saint Paul's elder citizens with low cost public transportation. A. To positively effect social and emotional health of the elderly by making friendly visiting and social supportive groups and agencies more accessible B. To increase participation in community service and volunteer work. 2. To encourage the elderly through an inducement of monetary savings (40C per round trip) to ride the buses at off-peak hours, thus leaving more room on the buses for those caho must of necessity commute at peak transportation time. A. To make municipal bus transportation more attractive by having less crowding at peak hours. B. To make the downtown area less crowded by increasing bus commuting and thus partially decreasing traffi.c and pol�:ution problems. C. To entiance the image of Saint Paul as a city that genuinely cares about its elder citizens. PROGRAPi DESZGN: It is suggested that this plan be implemented through the use of an identification card authorizing the holder to a lOG one-way bus ride when the �.._ ` 3. ., . card is presettted to the driver at off-peak hours. It is suggested that the issuance of the cards, as well as plans for a11 records and cash receipts, be the responsibility of the Pietropolitan Transit � Commission staff. � � RELATED PROJECTS AND DATA: 6ince the State of Minnesota is now in the process of preparing a one-time . permanent "Golden Age Pass" it is recommended that this pass be the identification card used for the reduced bus fare. The Saint Paul proposal differs with some of those in other cities that require senior riders to buy passes once a month or, in some cases, once a year. The immediate implementation of this plan at this time would be especially appropriate because of the high proportion of aged persons residing within the limits of the City of Saint Paul and because of the percentage of persons using bus transportation £or travel to work as compared caith the percentage of persons using automobile transportation. The Senior Citizens Transportation Committee recently conducted a survey concerning transportation needs of ttie elderly in the City of Saint Paul. The survey was delivered to approximately 3,000 senior citizens representing every area of the community, high rise buildings, and neigliborhood and community organi- zations, and as of this date approximately 50% of those that were distributed have been returned. The No. 1 priority as indicated by 96% of those polled indicates that a reduction in the fare is desired. 4. �. . , A summary of selected census of papulation and housing data: 1960 1970 (estimated) Age Distribution of Persons ` 60 and �ver in Saint Paul 52,940 56,000 Means of Transportation to Work Private Working (Saint Paul) Bus Auto Walking at l�ome • 1960 Census - 123,233 [Jorkers 22,119 78,648 12,071 2,771 17.94% 63.60% 9.79% 2:24% The follocaing is a tabulation on some of the communities that have made transit fare concessions to seniors in non-rush periods. Souce of this information is the American Transit Association, Washington, D. C. CALII'ORNIA: Los Angeles � San Diego San Francisco COi�INECTICUTT: Necv Haven Hartford Stanford Meridan IOWA: DesMoines Davenport � Cedar Rapids MICHIGAN: Detroit Flint Grand Rapids , NEW MEXICO: Albuquerque NEW YORK North Pierick New York City OHIO: Lorraine-Elyria Cleveland � Toledo RHODE ISLAND: Pawtucket WASHINGTON: Seattle Tacoma ����-�`�f ORI6INAL TO CITY CLHRK S CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� NO. . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�LE O NCIL R�SOLUTION—GENE L F��ORM � , PRESENTED BY /�AV 1wA� , . COMMfS510NE � - / , `, �:;; .i:. /� '''�. � ''� � �/G ,���L-v-`� _� .LC� � �J,... �`��(���--.t,,t' / l.. C.l��t���'""� ` ;..� �.:�....�:_ ' � / {�'�'�- ��, ��— . RESOLVED, Tha.t the Council of the City of Saint Paul believes it to be in the best public interest to provide a reduction in bus fare for senior citizens during off-peak hours as this would encourage senior citizens to ride the public buses during the off- peak, low-patronage hours and also provide economic relief to elderly citizens; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that the Metropolitan Council and Metropolitan Transit Commission are hereby requested to establish a reduced bus fare in the amount of ten cents for citizens sixty years of age and older when pre- senting an identification card to be used during off-peak hours, from 9000 A.M, to 3:30 P.M. , Monday through Friday, and any time on Saturday, Sunday and nonworking holidays; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, That the City Clerk is hereby directed to transmit a certified copy of this Resolution to the Metropolitan Council, the Metropolitan Transit Commission and the Minnesota State Public Service Commission. ��P 17 19T�3 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler lg�� 19r. Carlson oved ��P 1 % Levine � Tn Favor r�_.��� Mayor Sprafka � A gainst Tedesco F �(V) AF'(�C ` U � �I`f':`P�eSident,�MeGart�� �. :�._,. Mr. Vice President Mereclitr� . Asst� Cor r ion o sel �O . � �- � �� � � � . PLEASE READ ALOUD RECEIVFD 5 S E r 2 31970 � AAAYUR'8 �! September 22, 1970 T� the Honorable Magor a d Members of the St. Paul City Council. We want to thank yo for your approval on the resolution submitted by Commissioner Leonard Lev ne, recommendin� a busf are cut for Senior Citizens. There would be more of o r people riding the buses during off rush hours r�sulting in no loss to lthe busline rever�ue and a tremendous baost for ue. We pray that the tile Rill not be long before some property tax relief will be given to �enior Citizens. I belong to a club orgar�ized in the early F'orties known as the St. Paul Square Dar�ce Club noA located in the Downtwon Y�CA, there we meet every sunday afternoon play cards, discuss old times and all join in song and dance to the tune of music. Some of ua are in the early Ninetiea and some come on crutches, there �re momentarily forget our aches and pains we count our pennies and try to get alca� on our limited income. We are thankful for any atssistan�e. How �,bout joining�Charley,? '�he cost is one buck per year. � �� Georg���ich 365 Sherburne Ave St. Paul, Minn 55103 Tel. 226-�492 ' , �-�� ���� � ���l C�O�[l[�� QG°3[�Q �i]��G°�OO pOO ���Q�] ��Q���� �0������0� M nn so'tal 5101 fe Phone 612/227 7343 September 24, 1970 Mr Harry E Marshall St Paul City Clerk 386 City Hall St Paul, MN 55102 Dear Mr Marshall This is to acknowledge receipt of your letters of September 18, 1970, and September 21 , 1970, transmitting a copy of a resolution adopted by the St Paul City Council with respect to reduced fares for senior citizens, and a copy of Leonard Levine's proposal for low-cost public bus transportation for elderly residents . Sincerely � ,�'���%����� R L Federman Operations Administrator kw i�.. ; �� � /� ��M��] C��5�0[�� QQ�Q M��QOpO� �Q�l ����n��� �0������0�(� 904Capitol Square Building,Saint Paul, Uv �v Minnesota 55101 Phone 612/227-7343 December 16 , 1970 • ' Mr Harry E Marshall City Clerk 386 City Hall � St Paul, MN 55102 Dear Mr Marshall Following up on my recent letter to you, I�am enclosing a resolution adopted by the Comrnission on December 9. Please note the last paragraph. Also enclosed is a copy of the supporting staff report. Althouqh the Commission is most sympathetic to a lower bus fare for senior citizens, it felt that the only decision it could make at this time was to continue the present fares. The estimated loss in revenue resulting from such reduction is a loss the Commission cannot afford unless an additional source of revenue is made available from additional tax sources or subsidies from senior citizens groups or other agenc ie s. Notwithstanding the above decision, staff was directed to determine the cost of a reduction in fares one day a week during the off-peak periods and to reporc bdck �o the Commission at an early date. $incerely C� . �, ���U-u,�� � R L Federman Operations Administrator kw enc 2 � , � ' `. ,,., � � � � i � � . . , ` j 1 i ' ( . .� . - i � • ' TWIN CITIES AREA METROPOLITAN TRANSIT COMMISSION STAFF REPORT - SENIOR CITIZENS FARES TO Metropolitan Transit Commission � FROM C��neral Manager and Staff DATE December 3, 1970 � In response to numerous requests from civic groups, individuals, city councils,i and various senior citizen assistance agencies, the Commission on September ' 30, 1970, directed the general manager and the MTC staff and consultants to study the issue of a reduced fare for senior citizens and to determine the probable effects on senior citizen ridership and on system revenues from such a fare reduction. Almost all requests for reduced fares for Twin Cities are3 senior citizens pro- pose such a reduction during the hours of 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM, and all day on weekends and holidays. The principle reasons cited to justify such a proposal are that many old people live on low, fixed incomes, while inflation continues ; to erode their purchasing power in goods and services. In addition, it is the con- tention of these groups that reduced fares will attract additional riders, resultirig in increased revenues for the system. . i This report summarizes an "Analysis of Senior Citizens Fares, " dated October 23, 1970, prepared for the Commission by Simpson & Curtin. . Table 1 and � Table 2 appended hereto were extr-�cted from the Simpson & Curtin analysis, and include data for senior citizens, ages 65 and over as well as 60 to 64. In the Twin Cities, about 15% of the transit patrons can be considered senior citizens. Of the nearly 26,000 daily riders above 60 years of age, over 50% use the bus to get to work. Breaking down those numbers further, Table 1 shows that more than 75% of the "senior citizens" 60 to 64 years old use the bus to get to work, virtually eliminating the classical arguments of fixed incomes anc� inflation for this group. While the Simpson & Curtin analysis takes into account the age 60 to 64, it has been excluded from this report since it merely emphasizes further the serious impact of a reduction in fares on system revenues. Therefore, this report is limited to the group for which the greatest interest has been expressed, the 65 and over age group. Looking again at Table 1 , we see that of those "senior citizen" bus riders in the "rush hours" who are 65 and over, almost 90% are using the bus to reach gainfizl � employment. Again, if a fare reduction is to be considered it should restricted to the non-rush hours (9:00 AM to 3:00 PM, and 6:00 PM to 1:00 AM). Some consideration must be given to the common conception that reduced fares for senior citizens will stimulate additional riding and thus offset some of the � � ; ` ' Staff Report - Senior Citizens Fares Page 2 revenue loss. This optimism has not been supported by recent experience in other cities, where very little if any increased riding has been reported. In any case, it would take a 50% increase in ridership to just offset revenue lost from a 10� fare reduction. A reasonable estimate of increased ridership of 3% is indicated in the last column of Table 2 (for an off-peak fare reduction for senior citizens 65 and over). � Table 2 summarizes annual revenue loss for a variety of senior citizens' fare alternatives. The table shows fare reductiors in 5� increments, from 5� to 20�, and with the reductions applicable to all day and peak periods. The statistics in this table indicate revenue losses varying from $139,000 for a 5� reduction in off peaks applicable to the 65 and over group with a 3% ridership increase, to a loss in excess of $1 .5 million ir" fares were reciuced by 20Y for the entire day for the 60 and over group. As previously indicated, the high proportion of gainful employment in the peak hour trips would indicate that any consideration of fare reductions for senior citizens should be restricted to of.f-peak hours for the 65 and over group. These sta�tistics (including the reasonably estimated 3% ridership increase) are shown in the last column of Table 2 . Annual losses in that category range from $139, 187 for a 5� fare reduction, up through $645 , 175 for a 2 0� fare reduction. The economic uncertainties of one of the most abnormal local transit operating years, flowing from a fare increase (1969), a 27 day strike (November and December, 1969), and the changes in operating costs resulting from public • takeover, including a wage increase of 31� per hour rn November;l , 1970, (a total of 71� per hour since November 1 , 1969), leads Simpson & Curtin to the conclusion that "the MTC should adopt a 'stop, look, and listen' period while the new operators attempt to unravel and project the short-�range economic future" of the area's bus operations . We agree with our consultants, that it would be unwise to recommend any change in the fare structure at this time which would eliminate revenues which will be needed to offset increased labor costs. In addition, the Commission should not ask that speciai fares for senior citizens be subsidized by existing Twin City bus riders. The MTC has repeatedly indicated its interest in providing a reduced rate for senior citizens. However, it becomes more evident as the matter is studied, that such a subsidy should be borne by the entire community rather than by existing users of the service. - If the Senior Citizens Council of Minneapolis, the Senior Citizens Transportation Committee of St Paul, the Archidiocesan Catholic Charities, the various city .governments or any other interested aqency are willing to underwrite any losses, then such organizations should negotiate with the MTC to institute the largest � senior citizens' fare reduction that the various groups can afford. However, until the Commission can find such outside underwriters for the loss, we recom- mend that the recluest be denied. To defer the mattsr further, in view of the exhaustive study, would be to hold out false hope for the petitioners. kw-12/2/7 0 .. � � • � ' ' . . rAQ�.� � . , � TWIN CI t IES �REA ME i ROPOLITAR TRA�]Sll" COMfti�11SSi0N � ` 1 9 7 0. , , � � DISTRIBUTIOh OF SEP110�i CITIZEf�! TRIFS BY TI�J1E OP DAl', AGE AND 7RtP PURP05G ..�.,� ��,.�:.�.-�-.-�-....,._� Peak Periods Base Periods - 3•00 A.M. 1—��9:00 A.M. 9:00 A.N. — 3:00 P.M. Trip 3:00 P.�11.. — 6:00 P.4.�. 6:00 P.M. — 1:00 A:A�. T o t a I Purpose Ac��60-64 Age 65�9� Age 60-64 � Age G5-95 Ac��60-64 ��An�6Ei—�5 4"Jork 6,639 3,480 2,067 1,565 8,706 5,O�S5 Shopping 114 354 1,101 3,827 1,215 4,1$1 Other 258 740 1,207 4,592 1,465 5,$32 �. . TOTA L 7,011 4,574 4,375 9,9£34 11,386 14,55� . . �.�.... —ro-e— ---.-_° .°°°�.°°„ ..."'°'°'° "°.....�. 11,585 � 14,359 , __._s,. --��°- 25,944 . 25,�J44 `._- Analysis of Senior Citizen Fares Simpson & Curtin, October 1970 �..___4. .,f M I i � ,. - ' . . TAELE 2 TWIN CITIES ARE11 MFTROFOLITAN TRANSIT CO�i�dISSIO\ ANNUAL RESULTS OF PLANS FOR REDUCED FARES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS A N N U A L R E V E N U E L O S S Fares Reduced All Day Fzres ReduC�d 0�=f Peak Hours 60 and 65 and 60 and � 65 and Over Reduction Over Over Over With 3o Rzdershi Increase Due to Reduced Fares 5� $ 38?_,674 $214,731 $244,322 $163,750 $139,187 i lOG 765,348 429,461 488,644 327,500 307,850 ! � 15� 1,148,022 644,192 732,966 491,250 476,512 � � 20� - 1,530,696 858,922 977,288 655,000 645,175 � a �.. k�j 4�,3 �'f ,�. .. �;��;;a Septem e�r 18, 1�'TO I I � � ..� i1 .._.__,_._��_,�.-�`_" t .,,, �,,` �---� ��'�> Minnesota State Public Service Comm�'F \ State Office Buildin� � �) St. Paul, Minnesota �/ / / �� Gentlem�n: ��, �/� \`�,' y� The City Council of Sa3,a��?a.�:�irec'te� me to senci you the enclosed certiPied c�py of a r �ution; unei �ile No. 250486, adopted by them on Sept ember �'T, 1970, p ainin � to their request of the Metropolitan C�unci nd the Metr olitan �ransit Cammission for establishment of a r uced bus � in the amount o� $.10 for citiz�ns 60 years of e and ol when presentin� an identifica- tion card, �rt�i��ff�� and days as set out in the reso- luti on. ' 'y �'�--'� � Ve trul ours x'Y Y Y a � City Cler'?t ng Se�gtem�er 21, 1970 ! i � � , '� ----__._�.�� � 1,~ 4..u_�� � _.���� �4•��`� ;`J;inn��ota State r'uit�lic Service Cony�%��i y ���' rtate Jffice Ruildin�; ' ! St. Paul., Mi.nnes�ta � ; ) / � C�t1t:Letnen: ��� ���, \�`�i ,/ F,z7cl�sed foz• your infor�i�n��s •� io�3� �f � proposal of' Leonard '�evine for. ].ow-c�st p �Zic bus�� �a.nspd���tion for elderl,y residents which should accompa the resol ion o�'th� City C�uncil, Council File No. 250�►�36, wh'c was forwa �d to you on September 1�3th. �. � Very truly yours, , -_, � �`._� /' ---'� � ���� City Clerk AO/n� Septe I,er 18, 1970 ��. I � 1 �..�.�,�W� i`� ,�� ,�\ ` `� ,. _� �� i'� � �`�' Metropolitan Council '� � �+ � • 55� Cedar St. / � S�. Pau1, Mina�esota � � � \ !,'' Gentlemen: � � � �-�--'�__�°-.�.�., �. `, The St. Paul City Co ��l dir� d mc:�$� send you the enclosed certified copy �f a �solution, �unci�'�File No. 250�86, adopted by them on Septemb � 17, 1970, p taining to their req,uest of our Couneil and th Metro ol;it Transit Co�nmission for establish- ment of a reduced b� faxepin amount of $.10 Por cit3.zens 60 years of a�e��'atTd7ol.c�e���ien� �enting an identiff.cati�n card, during o�� peak hotxis a'�-da�s as set out in the resolutian. jVery truly yours, y-�"� City Glerk ng �4 SeptP.mrer ?�� 1�7� � � � a. `�--���y ` � �. , ;�----�.` � ., � _ �,. i;etropal.itaz� C��nc?1 �/`;- .,��.}� 550 Ced�.r St. ��' � � ,%"` "t. Put?1., ?�ii.r,n2sata �, /' `�\� ,� �,� C-�nt lem�n: � �✓�� , �',nclosed f�r yaur inf,d,r.�fation i�s a co��y' ,a��f a pxap�sal ��' Le�na.r.c� Levine �or low-cost p blic bus t �nspor�ation for el.der]_y .r.es�dents which should accamp r�y the res�1 t` on of the City Council, Council. File N�. 250486, wh c1h was forwa �/ d to you on ;-ep-�ember 1.8fih. l /�_----,. \`��J�% VerV trtzly yaurs, i� /' ; , I � �� 'r City �lerk AO�ng � y_�,,.°',� ��._�' !� september �l , 1970 � .__.�W�°°` � �� , � `4� � _._ _ , �` ; `�,, Metropolitan Transit Commisaion ,%'' `�, 'I 55� Cedar St. ; � st. Paul, Minnesota < l 1 ��,.� ,',�'� Gentlemen: `�.\���,✓ The St. Paul City Co�kr`isri'I� dire��ed m�,�� send you the enclosed certiPied copy c�f a ir solution,`�ounci�:.�'File No. 250��6, ad�pted by them on Septembe 17, 1970, p taining ta their request of your Cornmissian and he Metropol an Council for establishment of a reduced bus fa in the am t of $.10 for citizens 60 years of a �ld �,c�hen entin� an id.entific�,tion card, durin� o - ak�iours at�-d�3r� as set out in the resolution. � � Very tru:Ly yours, . �`°� City Clerk ng September �, 1970 � i � °"`__"`--..---� � �� "�etropo�_itan Trans:.t Cor.�i�ssion i�---��, `��' 5 ' ' ` � 50 Ceda�� `'�;. %�� �i �'.r. Paul_, r:tf_nnps�l;a ';' 1 i ; , f �"�;n±:'_�rs!en; �� '�'' . /�% Fncl�sec3 ?'�r• ;�ou.r iz�fo��t����..is a' c��iy of a pr�p�>ual ��' L��onar�i L�vin� for 1�4�-cos� p�ic bus,�trans�pi���ion for elderly r< sidents which sh�uld acco�rip�rrXy the reso i�tion `�s� the City Council, Council Y File N�. 250�+86, wl�`i�h �aaz� forwa �ed to y�u on Sept�mber 7 s�th. r �� �,f� Very �ruly yours, /�' --Y� `�'y J:=%. / � ; � City Clerk AO/n� �� � ' I �,� ��� �..__...-�� ,. .��_._--r