250485 ORI6INAL TO CITY CL6RK ��Q.'.��^� � CITY OF ST. PAUL �LENCIL NO. �`" � •.' �LICEI�SE CCa��,"ITiEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU CIL RESOLUT ON—GENERAL FO�M . COMMISSDIONE �r� September 17. 1970 RESULVIDs Tha� application for t7esta�ant, On and Off Sale Lelt Beverage, and Cigarette ' licenses, app].ied for by Elijah Gresn at 737 Selby Avenue, be and the same are hereby gran�ed on the c ondition tha t within �ga days of this date, said Elijah Green shell ccff;,.ply vrith all requiremen.ts of the �ureaus of Fire, ��ealth, and Police, and the License Irispector pursuant to the St. Paul Legis- lative Code and all other applicable ordinances and laws. 17 1'� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CouncilSEP 19— Yeas Nays Butler 17 lg�p Carlson A oved SEP 19— Levine � Tr Favor �e��'" yor Sprafka gainst Tedesco . ��.t�;=;�__,�.��� � Mr. Vice Prpsid2nt f�leredith �jBj,�{� 3EP 2 61970 �� . . CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota � ��� c� / /� ��� �« a1.Je a�►t�ne�ct o ub�C'c �a et � � ADMINISTBATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIftE PROTECTION roi.tc$ DEAN MEKEDITH,Commissioner HEALTH ItALP'H G.MEARILL,Depnty Commiseloner DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,L3eense Inapectar Sep-�emb�r 17, 1970 iianora�le �;ayor and Gity Council Sair�t raul, i,:inr_esota Gentlemen and �:adams �lijah Green r,aakes ap�Iica�ion for Restaurant, On and fl,ff 5ale T��talt �evera�;e and Ci�;arette licenses at 737 Selby Avenue, w�ich is on �he north side of the street between St. �,lbans and Grotto Avenues. This location has been licsnsed for a similar busir_ess si.nce 1933. zn Janua�jr, 1963, it became an On Sale Liquor es�ab- lishment w�med and op�ra�ed by James C. ���cKelvey. I.�r. �llcKelvey held such licenses unta.l �he City Counci2 informally approved a transfer from him to `�."he Janet Corporation and from 737 Selby �ve. to 1414-18 �"Jhite Bear .�,venue� on Au�;ust 20, 1970. There are twa othar 3.2 places within two blocks. The closest On Sale LiCUOr place is abou� one block away. The closest Of'f Sale Liauor place is about one block ati�y. The nearest church is about four blocks a����r and the nearest school is about three blocks av�ra�r. Lx. Elijah Green has been employed as a meohanic since 19F2 �or the jii�hland Car '�,'ash, 1985 Ford Par?��na�, St. Paul. Very truly yours , �G�x.�►�'� ��fit��O� � Vicense Inspector O ' . + i . CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEP.�RT�NT !OF PUBI,IC 5�F'ETY LIGENSE DI�TSTON ��e ��� �9 �� �� 1. Appliaation f or .� G C �`� "—' 6� L3ce�ase .� 2. Nams of applicant 3. Busineas address Residsnce �4 /. ��-c-P 4, Trade name, if any � z� L� 5. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp�l�tail Liquor k'edersl Taa S�amp��,11 be u�ed. 6. (hi what floor loeated � � Number of roca�s ussd � � _..........., ?. Between what. orosa atreeta , � i "" � . YPhich aide o�' s�reet }1/o i �- r� S'�-� G r Q tloR - v.cr s'�cG� ' � 8. Are prewises now oaaupied ��, t business �� y,�,,�., ►p '�j�� Haa�r long �/�� �- � v �� S 9. Are premises now unoocupied�Iiosv long vacant Previous Uae - 10. Are you a new o�vner .�� Have you been in a .similar busineas before ��Q Nthe re �ihen 11. Are you going �o operate thia basiness personally If not, ro�o will operate i� 12, Are yDU in any other business at the present tim� �� 13, Have there bsen any compl.aii�.�;s againat your operation of thia type of placeT� . �flhen V�here 14. Ila�sre you ever had any liQense ravoked_���y9hat reaeon and da�e 15. Are you a citizen of the United Statea Native�wNa�uralized � 16. Whe re �re re ou b orn 1�te of b i rth ,2 �`����7�-.--�-- 17. I- am married. My {wife 's) (husband's) name and addresa is 18. (If married female� my m�id�n name is 19. gow long have you lived 3.n St. Paul ,������ . / C� � ! 20. Have yoa ever been arrested ��iQ�� �Tio].atian of what or3.ln.ir�a1 Zs�r or ordi��ce ..._,.��,. 21. Aro you a regis�ered voter in the City of S�. Paul Yes I�o• (Anawex fully and aompletely. These a lications are th�rou hl aheoked and aa falsification wi11 be �auae for ena.a . OVF'R � , , . 22, Number of 3.2 places within �ro blocsks � ' - - , , � .�. � F 23. Glosest i.ntoxicating liquor p7acse. �i Sale „� (3f#' Sa1e 24. Nea re s t Chureh � � Nea res t Scho ol � 25. Number oP baoths l Tables_ � Chai�r��;���Stoole�� ._._r.,_._,.. 26. VPhat occupation have you follovaed for the }�ast five y�aar�. (Give xiames of employqra and date s s o emploS''ad•) � Gt/�r.e.�. — l .,� � � ` �s� � 27. Give riames and addresses of t�yvo pereons, residenta of St. Paul, Mi.ra�„ who e�� ��.ve irif'o,rt� iox�. can.cerning you. Name ` L Address ' J -� r� Y (,t..j Name ' Address 1- �f � 1�� ���--� �����.._.�..,,�.. , , �, _ �x�ture App ean Sta te of aQirm.e s�ta� ss co�,.ty of ��ey ) E�/��'�'�f C, /� ��0� being first duly sv�rorn, deposes and saya upon oath that he has rea the foregoing statement bearing his aignature and knows the eontents thereoP, and that the same is true of h�.s oy+m knowledgp except ae to those matters �therein stated upon a.nformation and belief and as to thosa matters he belaaves them to be tr��eo � i � S�,gnature Applioan , Subscribed and sworn. to befare me �his � day o� � 19�4 ����� i o y Public, Ramsey County, Minn s '=. �� � ;:.r.,, f10;;ary c Ihl�r f� n.r� c�r•ty, Pv1tn+•_ �3T COIIII71.1.93].oI1 8x�3T'98 �t,' `'nn•-r•5`'• , E����r;, a :r�; )5, ;•q;-. {Notea These statement forms are in duplicate. Both copiea must be flally filled out, notarized, and returned to the License Division.�r . � - AFFIDAQ IT BY APPLICpNT FOR RETA IL BEER �R LIQUOR I:�CENSE Ra s �Sale �jr�'LT' ,l1� Y Licenae � Na�s of applieant Bu�ineas addree� � Ar°e �rou the so1:e owner of this bus ss?"pg If npt, i$ it a partnerahip! �..�� corporation? , o:bher? (?thera interested in buainesa, include those by loan of' money, property or otherwises Nam� ,�ddre ss Hoev If a o orporation, givs its name Are you interested in any way in any other Retail Bser or Liquor bueines�R� ,As aols oa+raer? Partner? Stoekholder? Otherarise? ( rough loan of monsy, etce F�cplain) Addresa uf suah bueiness and nature of interast in same � � ignatur f applican S''tate oP Minne s ota� )ss C ounty oP F�msey ) �G /���f (' jP�F/l.� bei.Ttg first duly 18�1�' deposes and aays upon oath that he haa read the f�regoing affidavit bearing his eignature and lma�s the contents thereof; that the same is true of his own l�art�ledge, exaept a,� t� thoae matters therein. atated upon inf'orn�tion and belief ahd as to those mattera he believea them to be true. i / ignatux°e applicant Sub�o ed and s�orn� befare me thi day of 7�`�19 �� � N ary ub13c, Ramsey County, Minnesota My aoinmission ex��P@�6R� c. ��sTE:o�,� 19 NOtary Public, Ftamse�y Courty, Minn, . My (;ommission ExpirE,s Apri! i5, 2'973. s � STAT� �' �INNESOTA S$ COIlNTY OF R11�SEY �L/ �.f� /f C�cc/1` � beir� first duly sws�rn, doth depoae and say thst he a�akea this �ffid�vit in connecstiou with application f or " Ssle" liquur lieense (n �/�Sale� malt beverage liaense) in the eity o� Saint P&ul, Minnesota; that your aPfiant is a residen� of the State of Minnesota and has reaided therein fo� O yeara, � months, a�d is nc�vr and has besn Por the time �bove men�iox�ed a bo� fide rsaident o�' said State and �he►t he now residea at -S �o � � �• �3�r� � �Addraee �� f� , Mitlnes ota. Ci y or TovPn I 1 ` � . Subaoribed and ��r�rn to before me this �� day of�"` � 19 �� � ,% �.�'��r,����--� o ry blia, Ramsey County, Y.i.nnesota My csoumlission expirea LEQNARD C� EDSTF;vA� Notary Pubiic, Ram�ey Cour�ty, Minn. MY Comm;s:�cn fxpires' Anrtl 25, 1'9%3.