250482 � ,� .
OR161NAL TO CITY ClERK �� 5���2 �
- • � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa NO.
RESOLVED, Tha.t the proper City officers be and they are here-
by authorized and directed to execute on behalf of the City of
Saint Paul Agreement Between City and Big Brothers of Greater St.
Paul, Inc. , whereby Big Brothers will carry out a program to help
prevent juvenile delinquency, pursua.nt to a grant received by the
City from the Governor' s Commission on Crime Prevention and Control,
as more particularly set forth in the attached copy of said
C�`�[� � 6 1914
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc�L- —19.—
Yeas Nays �
�� ��P �, � ���0
Carlson � ve 19�
Levine �� Favor
Sprafka U yo
A gainst
Mr. President, McCarty E,QF(I �'F'hU D
PUBLISHED SEP 191970 Cnr�or o � �n eI
: 250��2
���"�T"��`� • CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa
R'L�L'� �tic t�wt par+�p� �i�r a�'f�sar�t be �d Ir�r �r �«
� �#�c�iris�rd ��dd d�.r�e:turd �o t��wa�tt�e a�r b�ialt �` ia�e C�i�r' �r!
�ta�t l�3. #��t� �� Ct#� � � l��r e�` t�at+�ar i��
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SEP 16 1�70
COUNCIL�IIEN Adopted by the Counc;� 19_.
Yeas Nays
.�-- SEP i b 1910
Caxlson Approve,d 19—
���e Tn Favor
Meredith �yor
Sprafka L�
Mr. Preaident, McCaxty �
` �
' �
, , .
� . . . . ,�5p.��2
A G R E E 1�1 E H T
THIS AGP.EEidENT, Made and entered into this ls� day of September, 1970,
by and bet4aeen the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, a municipal corporation of the State
of t�linnesota, hereinafter refPrred to as "Citv", and [3IG 6ROTNERS OF GREATER
ST. PAUL, IP�C., �03 Commerce (3uildinq, Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102, hPreinaf ter
referred to as "Bi� Brothers";
� I�iNEREAS, The State of Minnesota, acting throuqh its Governor's Commission
on Crir�e Prevention and Control , is authorized to grant and exnend mone�� pur-
suant to Tit1e I, Sec. 304, Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Str�ets Act of 1968,
Public Law 90-351 , hereinafter ref erred to as "Act", and Executive Order P1o. 28,
December 13, 1968; and
1dHEREAS, The funds allocated nursuant to said t�ct must be made available
throu�h a �ublic agency, such as the Citv, and Qi� �rothers desires t� obtain
a grant to implement a program to hel� prevent juvenile delin�uency, ,the pro-
gram is more fully set out in thP attached Exhibit A; and
1JNEREAS, It is the intention of the City and Qig Brothers that the Citv
should apply for the necessary grant and E3ig aro�thers 4�uould nrovide the necessary
services in carryinq out the said program;
NO�a, TNEREFORE, In consideration of and in reliance upon the miatual covenants
and agreements contained herein, the City and Big Brothers agree as follorrs:
1 . The City shall accept the grant, as pravided for in the above Act,
with the State of (��1innesota's Governor's Commission on Crime Prevention and Control ,
said grant to be for the period of time as set out in the grant agreement between
the Citv and Governor's Corm�ission, and for thP �urnose of financing the pro-
gram referred to above and as more nar�icularlv set out in the attacheci Exhibit A.
2. �ig Brothers agrees to carrv out and com�lete the project proposPd
herein, and expressly agrees to complv with the aoplicable Federal , State and
local laws pertaining hereto and in strict accordance with the application
and grant made by the State of P�1innesota acting by and throuqh the �linnesota
State Planning Agency. All such work shall be nerformed and carried out bv �
Big arothers in a satisfactor�� and �roper manner as determined by the City and
Minnesota State Planning Agencv.
3. Compensation to be paid Big Brothers by the City shall not exceed
the amount of the Federal supnort received by the City from the Minnesota State
Plannin_q Agency, and it is further agreed that the 1oca1 share to be contributed
as �art of the sub�ect grant shall be paid out of funds supplied h,y Qig �rothers.
4. The City shall nay Big Brothers on a monthly basis. Qig 6rothers
shall submit all reports and requisitions of `unds ta the Citv Com�troller.
Big Brothers shall in every case provide the City �.aith an ita�ized re-
quisition for payment, specif,ying that it has performed the tivork under this
C.� dv t��tNC�: .
contract i n ���"',�.�e ��ri th the contract and grant, and that i t i s enti tl ed to
receive the amount requisitioned under the terms of said contract and grant.
It is agreed by and between the City and Big Brothers that t3ig Brothers sl�al]
not be entitled to receive anv other additional cor�r�ensation in addition to
e _
that provided above. It is exnressly uncierstood and agreed that in no event v�ill
the total compensation to be paid hereunder to Big Brothers exceed the sur� of
the grant ($4,000.00) jssued by the Minnesota State Planning Agency.
5. Terms and Conditions. This A�reement is subject to and incorporates
the nrovisions attached hereto as Part II - Terms and Conditions.
6. Prevailinct Salaries. F�ot less than the respective salaries nrevailinq
in the localit,y as determined pursuant to tlie attached "Determination of Pre-
vailinc� Salaries of Technical Positions" shall be �aid to persons in res�ective
occupations listed therein �ployed in the nerformance of work under this contract.
7. Independent Contract�r. For the �urnose of this Aqreement, �ig
Brothers shall be deemed to be an independent contractor and not an employee
- of the City. Any and all employees of Bia E3rothers ar other rersons, while en-
gaged in the performance of any work or services required by the Qig Brothers
under this Aqreement, shall not be considered em�loyees of the City; and any
and all claims that may or miciht arise under the 4�Jorkmen's Compensation Act
of Minnesota on behalf of said emnloyees or other persons while so engaged,
hospitalization insurance coverages, social security and pension payments and
benefits, other employee obligations and benefits, and any and all claims made
by ar,y third party as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of Big
Brothers, the ernployee or other persons while so engaged on any of the work or
services to be rendered, shall in no tivay be the obligation or responsibility
of the City. Big Brothers shall pay as they becorne due all iust claims for work,
tools, machinery, skill , materials, insurance premiums, equi�xnent and supnlies
furnished, rendered or performed in the execution of this Agreer�ent.
, 8. P10 Discrimination. Qi� Brothers shall be deemed a contractor for the
application of a11 provisions hereof and laws against unlawful discrimination
on account of race, creed or color hereunder.
Big Brothers agrees in accordance with Chanter 233, Laws of the Sta�e of
P4innesota for 1941 , that in the hirinq of comman or skilled labor for the per-
formance of any alork under this contract or any sub-contract hereunder, no con-
tractor, material supplier, or vendor shall , by reason of race, creed or color,
discriminate against any person �vho is a citizen of the United States ivho is
qualified and available to perfarm the tivork to which such er�plo,yment relates;
that no contractor, material sunplier or vendor under this contract sha11 in
an,y manner discriminate aqainst, or intimidate, or prevent the er,►ploym�nt of
an,y �erson, or on beinc� hired, prevent, or conspire to prevent, any person from
the performance of work under this contract on account of race, creed or color;
and that this contract may be cancelled or terminated by the City, and all money
due or to become due hereunder shall be forfeited for a second or any subsequent
violation of the terms or canditions of this contract.
� . .
;. . .
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' '; ` . . �,
-4- '
This contract is subject to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
(p. L. 88-352, a�proved July 2, 1964) and the rules and rec�ulations (?_4 CFR,
Subtitle A. Part 1 ), issued by the Housing and Nome Finance Agency nursuant �
9. Ind�nnification. It is further aqreed that the 6ig E3rothers shall _
defend and save the City of Saint Paul � harmless from any claims, demands, actions
or causes of action arising aut of any negligent act or out of any neglic�ent
omission an the part of the Qig Brothers, its aqents, servants, or emnlovees
in the nerformance of or with relation to any of the work or services provided
to be performed or furnished by tMe Big 6rothers under the terms of this Aqreement.
IN 4JITNESS WHEREOF, The parties hereto have �xecuted this l�greerient the
day and year first above written.
A ppr ved as to Form: CITY OF SAIPaT PAUL
. ant C at o i�tayor
' Ca sel
' Citv er
Approved as to Form and Countersigned:
execution this day
of ,T7�•
City Gomptro er
ssistant orporation
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Governor's Commission on Crin�e Prevention and Control
. PUBLIC LAW 90-351
This AGRGEbi�NT, made this • day of • ,
19 , by and bet�reen the State of Mi.nnesota acting by and through
the Minne'sota State Planning Agency, hereinafter called the Grantor,
� and_ City of St. Paul , hereinaf�er called the Grantee,
pursuant to the authority granted by Title I, Sec. 304, Omnibus
Crime Control and Safe Streets A.ct of 1968, Public Law 90-351, heze-
inafter called the Act, and Executive Order No. 28, December 13, 1968,
S�ate of Minnesota; and ,
WHEREAS pursuant to the Act the Grantor has been alYocated
� funds by the United States Law Cnforcement Assistance Aciministratien - -
for use in the Sta.te of Minnesota for the purpases set forth in the -
. Act; and •
_ ' WHERLAS the Grantee has made application to the Gran�or
'for a portion of such allocation for the purposes, contained in, and
the manner described in, Granfiee's "Application for Grant, " a copy
pf which is attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhzbit "A",
and the ternis of which shall govern and control this •grant except
as ,other specifically provided herein. .
,�` . . . .
. - ' ,�',�h;U;7- ;� : . � �
- . �.
. A,
. � ' � � , � �� ����
. � . ,
' Now TII�R�FORE, in considcration �� a�7d in reliance upon
� the mutual covenants and agreements conta�.ned herein, the parties
hereto do covenant and agree, each for themselves and their re- '
spective successors and assigns, as fol.lows:
The Grantee shall perform and accomplish such purposes
and activities as are specified herein and in Exhibit "A"�, attached
hereto; y �
. �he Grantor shall grant to th� Grantee the total sum of
Four thousand � Dollars ($ 4,000.00 ) ,
and the Grantee shall expend from other sources the total sum of
Minimum 40� Dollars ($2,�900.00 ) ,
'. which sum shall be the total financial commitments of the respec-
tive partics hereto under this agreement, and which shall be dis-
tributed and expended in conformance with the policies, rules and
regulaYions of the Governor's Commission on the Prevention and Con-
• trol af Crime;
. - The Grantee shall expend funds granted under this agreement
onl.y for the purposes and activities specified herein and in Exhib- -
' it "A" and only accordzng to the approv�d plan and budget contained
. .
in EYhibit "A"; . � .
The Grantee shall be bound by alI the terms and conditions
contained in the "Applicant 's Agreement" of the "Application for _
Grant," attached hereto as Exhibit "A'T, except as otherwise speci-
fically provided herein;� � .�
� Further, the parties hereto do speciFically agree that �the
following covenants and coriditions shall. blI1C� the parties hereto:
(See attached page 2a) . � � �
. . -2- � .
;� • , , , . .
� . .
1. Grantee shall abide by and comply with the Special
Limitations and Special Conditions contained in the current State-
ment of Grant Award applicable to Grantee a copy of whicli is at-
tached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "B", the terms
and conditions of Exhibit "A", attached hereto, "Application for
Grant. " . :
. 2. When. required by the lavas of the State of Minnesota,
Grantee shall attach hereto, prior to suUmission, certified copies
� of iesolution, or other authority, by the appropriate governing
� body or bodies as shall legally authorize the execution of this
agreement on behalf of the grantee.
� , � -
, .
. . • : . ;
, � .. . . ' - � " � 'e � � � • , �
� . .
.,�; .
-2a- .
. ,
. IN WITNESS WN�REOF, the Grantor has caused i.his agreement
• to be duly executed on its behalf and its seal to be hercunto fixed
and the Grantec has caused the same to be duly executed on its behalf �
this day of , 19
Commissioner of Administration
By By .� r .� � ,� ;
c7 .
Date � ' Title
. ���"-'��.�i�c�
. .
Approved as to form and execution � C�TM Ear"���OLLFfj
' �� STATE OF MINNESOTA by and .
this day of , through THE STATG PLANNING
� � 19 .
. By
' Title �
, � Date
Title -
. -
. . � . . . - ' f .
, . _
��� • . . .
: , �3_ - - ,
� �� � � � �����`� � � 1°�9
Graut Niiinl�er
Pursuant to authority of the Omnibus Crime Control (,� � t
and Safe Streets Act vf 1968, ihe Coinmission'has �
approved the grant indicated. Date Grv�t Approved
October 21 , 1969
Grantee Agency or Institution Project Director
(Name,address and tclephone) (Nacnc,tiilc,address and telephone)
City of St. Paul Josip Temali, Executive Director
109 Court House Big Brothers of Greater St. Paul Inc.
St, Paul, Minnesota 55102 803 Commerce Building 224-7651
223-4118 St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Grant Pcriod: I�inancial OI�'icer
Total Len Jth 1 year (Nanie,iitic,address and telephone)
� Joseph J. Mitchell, City Comptrol er
From January 1 , 1970 109 Court House
Through 1?ecember 31 , 1970 St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
223-411 E3
Payment Procedtn•e: Detail Budgct for A�v�rd Amount
• Personnel
Consultant Services
Futiu•e Support: Travel
Special Liinitations: Construction
Total A�1•ard �4,000.00
Grantee Cuniribution
inimum 40
Special Conditions
Prpject to be funded under State Program #lU: Law Enforcement Com-
munity Synthesis.
The contract for thc amount shotvn above �a�ill become effective upon
submission of the following by the grantee.
1. Signed copy of the contract with all exhibits required therein.
2. Certi�ied copy of a res.olution of the City Council authorizing the
execution of a contract between the City of St. Paul and the State of .
Minnesota for the amounl: sho�vn above, including the local share.
3. Revised projcct budget (pages 2 and 4 of 1:he application) to reflect
chan es in the rant amount. �
Statement Date and IVumber Si��nature of Authorize�i:Official
�`,", �,:�
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Fival Cliccic List
All applications should be rechecked to guar- funds for. certain purposes as follo��,�s: �.�
antee that the following inajor requirei»ents have —Coiistruction Costs
been satisfied: • —Pcrsonncl Compensation
1. The budget statement should indicate the —Allowable Costs
amount of federal funds being requested in 3. A willingness should be shown by the state
the application, state or local support to be or local governmental unit to assume the
provided, and the applicable percentage used costs of projects after a reasonable period
to compute the federal-]ocal contributions. of federal assistance.
4. Procedures should be described to provide
2. Evidence should be sho�vn of coinpliance �vith against use of rederal funds to supplant State •
statutory restri.ctions on the use of I'ederal or local iunds.
A��plicatioii Processiu�; � Notice of grant awards for projects will be regu-
larly provided to other federal grant and assistance
Applications received by the Commission �vill be agencies �vhose authority affects some segii�ent of
promptly acknowledged to assure the applicant that the Act. These projects �nay include programs of
its proposal is in hand. At this point, a preliininary the Department. of Health, �ducation and Welfare
check for completeness (completion of all pages of and the OfT'ice of Economic Opportunity. When pro-
form, due execution, inclusion of project plans and ject proposals contemplate ef�orts that appear to
otlzer attach�nents) «�ill be made and the applicant fall directly ���itliin the scope of otlier prograiY�s, the
will be contacted if any omissions appear. There- Governor's Commission may refer applicants to
after, substantive revie�v by professional staff will such agencies as more appropriate sources of
be undertaken Uased on the order in which appli- support.
cations are received. In the course of such review,
questions may be raised requiring clarification or Gr1ut Ati��rd
the furnishing of additioual information.
Authority to make grants is vested only in the
Copies of each application will be for«�arded to Commission and no prior evaluation, review or con-
the respective Regional Advisory Councils for their sultation on proposed projects may be taken as
comments and consideration. Also, references to indicative of ultimate disposition until the Com-
other federal assistance sources, where appropriate, n1ission has taken final action. Staff recommenda-
may be made by the Commisison at this point. tions are advisor3� only and it may be that projects
deemed meritorious upon individual i•eview may, in
Project �valnation light of total grant funds available, duplicate efforts
in certain project areas, and the need for a balanced
It is essential that projects be capable of S�ielding program may require the withholding or deferral
sound and reliable data as to their success, meaning of grant support.
and results. Criteria for the Co�nmission to evaluate
the merits of an application inight include, but not The applicant will be notified of the approval of
its grant in the Statement of Grant Award . This
necessarily be liinited to: is t.he official document evidencing the �•ant a�vard
—Coinpliance with key sections of the grant ap- and includes d�tails such as the appro��ed amount,
. plications, such as their relation to priority duration of the period of support, anf.icipated
programs indicated in the State plan, grantee share, and any special grant CO1�Cj1t1021S.
—Adequate local financial participation and Where the Statement contains a recommendation tor
eventual assumption of cost. support beyond the period indicated, it should be
understood that i.his will depend on Congressional
—Probabilit.y that the grant will achieve its appropriations, efricient use ot grant funds, satis-
objective. factory progress in achieving project objectives,
—Adequate fiscal control over the grant. and submission �ind review of an �pplicatio�i for
continuing support. The stateinent is tl�e basic ref-
—Demonstr�;tion that federal funds are not being erence document in the audit of project e�pendi-
used to supplant state or local funds. tures at the close of the grant period and the project
—Coordinatio» of �fforis �vith othcr loc�l jtu•is- director and fi�im�cial of�icer sliould be fa�niliar ���itli
dictions aud federal grant; progran�s. the status of funds reflected on this fornl.
- i�'
. .
e .. � a • • � . _ .
Application is hereby made for a �rant undcr (r�1�•e Blanl-)
the Omuibus Crime Contral and Safe Strects Act
of 19G8 (P.L, 90-3�1) Sn the amotint a�id for the pur- v��lE RLCI;IVED
poses inclicated. (Lea�•e Blank)
1. Title of Project: •
, • Juvenile Deliquency Preventive Pro�ram for depressed areas
and minority groups of fatherless boys 8 to 17 years of a�e.
2. Type of Application: ,
QOriginal ❑ Revision ❑ Continuation of Grant No.
3. Project Duration: 4. Total Federal Support Sought:
� � io�sao,00
� January l� 1970 to December 31,1970
5.-Request for First Year:
. $ 10�580.00
G. Ai�plicant: 7. Project Director:
' ' (Name,address and telephone) (Na�ne,title,address and telephone)
Josip 2�. Temali, Exec. Dir.ector
Big Brothers of Greater St.Paul, Inc.
City of St. Paul 803 Corrnerce Bldg.
St. Pau].� t•Tinn. 55102
8. Financial Officer: 9. OfT�icial Authorized to Sign Elpplication:
(Name,title,address and telephone) (Name,fitle,address and telephone) ,
Joseph J. Mitchell, City Comptroller Thomas R. Byrne, F4ayor
109 Court House 347 Court House
Ste PaUI� Minn. 55102 St. Paul, hSinn. 55102 �
, 223-41�.f3 223-4323
10. Type of Agency or Institution: 11. Type of Governmental Unit: �
� Public Q Privatc Nonprofit L.I State X� City L._I County ❑ Other
12. Other Federal Support: 13. Othcr Federal Submissions: .
None -- None .
. , •
. � � . -
GOVI�R�`OP'S CO's�1:1'IISS10i� O�T CRIl1P: plge 2
19. Budgcf Suminary for Tutal Projecf:
9 0
Beyond 2
Budget Categories (Federal I�uilds Only) 1st I'ear 2nd Year � � Totals
$ 8,0£30.
Consultant Services ' 2�500, �
_ -0--
. ^�_
_ • _p—
- Other (Supplies,tclephone,rental,etc.)
Total Federal Funds Requested $10�580. $ $ �
Total Grantee Contribution $ 6 t 9�6 $ $ �y
_ 15. Explanation of Grantee Contribution:
I - Sources: (a) Subsidy from United Fund of GY�eafier St. Paul.
� (b) Voluntary contributions from individuals.
(c) Income from endowed funds.
II - Nature; (a) Money, from United Fund,, individuals and �
endowments. •
(b) Facilities, present office space adequafie for -
, proposed additinnal staff for interviewing,
cow�seling and study. •
continued on next page
1G. Explanation oI Budbet: ,
Salaries: Standard pay for such personnel in the community
t '
Con�ultant: 1 person - 3 half days a week, $25.00 per half day.
. ,
+. . .
. _.,...�.....
' ' � 1+0. 15 Explanation of C��ntee Contribution (Pa�e 2)
(c) Volunteer work,
� - OffiCers and Board will provide r,ecessary
�uidance re: business� financial, public
' relations , personal interviewing, inter-
� agency liaison.
- = Estimated value of this expert `
� volunteer contribution is $5000
. per year.
- Active Big Brother volunteers will provide
one-to-one case work with selected and
matched fatherless boys of delinquent and
pre-delinquent, poor and minority character- '
� istics.
- Estimated value of Big Brother
contributions to provide service for
. r��b�,�,� ���� -SO boys is $37�500 per year.
�!� �s� �,,� o
(d) Professional Staff,
- Present staff will provide necessary train-
' � ings counseling� coordinating, secretarial
and administrative functions, on day-to�day
- Cost of this service is over $6,600e
� III - Project Utilizations of Grant: - -
- Salary, social security, hospitalization, workmen's
� , compensation for designated additior.al case worker.
� - Supplimental specialized consul.tant sei�ve as
required on problem cases. �
17. Applicant's Agrcement: _
The undersigned represents, on bchalf of the applicant,that:
. (a) Any grant awarded pursuant to this application shall be subject to and �vili be administcred
in conformity �vith conditions applicable to the Fiscal Administration of Grants under Part Fi,
Title I, of P.L. 90-351, Gencral Conditions Applicable to Adininisti•ation of Grants under Part
B, Title I of P.L. 90-351 and othcr policies, rules and re�ulations issued by the Department
of Justice or the Go��ernor's Com�uission on Cri�nc Prevei�tion and Control for tlie adminislra- -
" tion of gi•ant projects under the Omnibus Critne Control and Safe Streets Act of ].9GS.
(U) Any funds a�r•arded pursuant to this lpplication will be expended only for the purposes and
activities covered by the aPplicant's approved plan and budget.
(c) Any funds a�varded pursuant to this application will be used to supplement and not to sup-
plant ]ocal funds otherwise available for law enforcement programs and, to the extent prac-
tical, will be used to increase such funds. "
(d) The applicant �vill have available and will expend fro�n non-federal sources, as needed, ade-
quate resources to defray that portion of the total costs as set forth in this application as
• "Grantee Contribution" and as approved by the Commissian.
(e) The Applicant wili compl�� with and �ti�ill insure compliance by its contractors wiih Title VI of
_ the Civil Rights Act of 19G� (P.L. SS-352). and all requiremen`s imposed by or pursuant to
regulations of the Department of Justice issued pursuant to that title, to the end that no per-
son shall, on the grounds of race, color, or national oribin, be etcluded'froni participation in,
• be denicd the benefits of, or be ot}ier«�ise subjected to disci•iinination under any prograin or
activity for which the Applicant receives Federal financial assistance; and gives further assur-
ance that it will prumptly take any measures necessary to ef[ectuate ihis commitment.
(f) The Applicant ��•ill assume the funding of improvements funded under the Act after a rcason-
able period of Federal assistance.
(g) Any grant awarded puisuant to this application may be tcrminated in whole or in part by
the Governor's Commission on Crime Prevention and Control or its designee at any tiine. '
(h) This application�consists of fhe following in addition to this form: .
Detail Projecf. Budget For First Year
Project Plan and Supporting Data
a• .
18. Date: Rugust 22� 1969 20. Signature oi Authorized OfTicial:
19. Total Pagcs in Application: ,,�"'4 ' �� :;:�! �
23 � ��it'i�s,���, ��. �-F.•���
� �..� , .
, Y
Defail Project Buclget for First Year: 1970
BUDGET ITER'I ]?ederal State/Local Project
Sliare Sharc Total
A. Personnel:
. ofo of Aru�ual
Posifioii �I11C 5aIa�y
1 Case S•lorker 1000 $7,500. 7y5CC. -0-
1 Secretary 25% 1,200. -0- 1,200.
Soc�Sec. �l/2 Hosp. , Irlkm's Comp. . 716. 580. 136.
$ E3�0£30. $ 1ti336. $ 9,��16. .
B. Consultant Scrvices: (List) .
Training � supervision of Case Workers. IntervieF
in� � orientation of BB. Consultation ��ith �3I�,
Schools, Juvenile Court� Churches � other Social
� Flelfare Agencies. Conducting seminars & �
. meetin�s with 813. Evaluation of cases �2 500. � ]. 250. $3 750.
C. Travel: (Itenuze)
For local use of personal car at 8� per mile
�� for 4,000 miles
� -0- $ 320, $ 320.
. D. Equipn�ent: (Itemize)
Chairs Book Case
Typewriter Typewriter Stand
File Cabinets Waste Basket
� Desk Lamps � � -0- $ 600. $ 600.
E. Construction: (Itemize) .
� -0- '$ -0- � -0- .
F. Other: (Itemize) '
Rent - 1�200. Communication and �
Office Supplies - 500. Promotion - 500.
Posta�e - 300. Boo'r.s-Periodicals- 60. �
Telephone - 360. $rochures--Photos - 500. •
Insurance (boys) - 50. � -0- � 3 470. �3,470.
G. Total Federal Fu�ids Requcsted $10'S 80.
H. Total Grantee Centribution (Pa�e 2, Itein 1�1) � 6'g76.
- '
. � ' • . j
�. .
•, STATI�: OI� n1I\'I�'I;S07'.� APPLICA'fIOi�' FOR GRANT
PR�VEN7'ION AI�'D COI�'iROL 1'age 5
Pxoject Plan and Supportinb Data:
It is tl�e intent of the city of St. Paul� throu�i� the t,ayor's office �o
contract with "Big Brothers of G�eater St. Paul, Incorporated" to implememt
the following program.
. � . - The Problem and t}�e Consideration Behind its Selection
Our. agency's pro�;ram (and, therefore, this proposal for
- expansion of it) is about the broken home or family - -
- - more specifically, about the family 4rith minor children
(boys) who are fatherless because of death, desertion,
divo_rces abandonment, or separation�
The program is not aimed at the cause of the marital
breakdo,,m but rather a�t the effects of that breakdo�frn
- on= primarily, the fatherless boys, and secondarily, on
the mother. Through the use of casework and a volunteer
� Big Brother to serve as an adull: male surrogate, it seeks�
to prevent when it can and to renedy when it cannot, those
- , problems of delinquency, school drop-out, poor school
achievement, and poor peer relationships to which these
youngsters are so vulnerable� .
For description of the population at risk and the other considera•�
tions of consequence, we refei� you to the documents in Appendix
A. For a more specific description of effect, consequences,
and plans for the poor and minorities , Appendix B. For a for�nal ..
� appraisal of the effectiveness of our pro�ram and the need for
its continuance and expansion, Appendix C.
1 - Pr000sal Objectives • •
� In i�he simplest terms, we expect to achieve:
� � A. An increase of 50 boys served, an �ncrease of about 50� in
services expended. � .
B. A prcportionate increase in the number of positive outcomes :
Problems prevented or re*nedied (see evaluation below).
- 11 - Proposal Methodolopy "
These objec�ives i,�ill require:
� A. One additional case worker.
R The con�equent �hility__to do mox�e �-�nd b .��Zi �Zls�' kl.:��.._�..�
presently doin�.
� 111 - Tar,,et Groups
Fatherless boys , ��ith priority methods for those most disadvanta�ed.
(see a11 appendi>,es)
IV - Effects of Proposal on Problem
� It will: '
A. Reduce the incidence of delinquency and school drop-outs in the
population served. �
B. Improve school achievement and peer relationships in the population
served •
C. Throu�h the development and use of the accountability methods adopted
(see evaluation belorr) , heighten the goal-directedness of our services
and der,:onstrate to the community that such measurements are practical
and useful. � ,
' V � Time . �
A. One bud�et-year wi11 provide enough e>:perience to evaluate the need
and desirability of continuance for a second year.
B. .At fihe end of a second year, direct comparison of preventaons and
remedies with the cost of the services can be made - with every case
� accepted and closed during that time included in the measurement.
VI - Evaluation �
Using descriptors and methods consistent with those bein� developed in
the Com�nunity Information System, the outcome of cases served wil.7. be
. measured by describin� the problems of com;nunity concern= oresent or
potential� in the family at opening, annuall.y and at closing. The
problems of delinquency and school drop-out, present or potential, in
the Little Brother �:ould be measur.ed after service has been given.
So also �aould school �achievement and peer relatior.ships. The outcomes
of all cases served will be judged a�ainst �he cost of the services
, Objective �
• Simply to give more fatherless boys in Greater St. Paul help in growing
up into responsible men. . _
Why we believe in this objective
1. The unfilled need in Greater St. Pau]. �
- A t�iay 1969 survey by and of the St. Paul Public Schools shows
2,321 fatherless boys (ages 8-17) enrolled.
(see appendix for copy of report)
- A similar recent repor�t from the Archdiocese of St. Paul indicates
500 fatherless boys enrolled in Catholic Schools of Ramsey and
� Dakota Counties. .
� (see appendix) , •
. . r .
, °
"�. . _
F'roj,��t }'iat� anc.� :up��oi•tin� liata (��a�c 5-3}
- In total, we11 ovcr 2�8Q0 boys in Greater St. Paul are growin�
up without a father. •
- We are now givir� 97 of these boys the help they need throu�;h
Big Brothers , and are in 1:he process of matchin� over 50 more - -
fillin� less than S% of the need�
Effectiveness of our pro�;rarn has been established nationally and
locally (see "Co�;;mittee F,epor� nn Bi�; Brother Study". of Ma�/ 19GII�
� ' by the Cornmunit� Health � t-lelfare Planning Council). The Big
Brother approach reaches the hard-to-reach.
2. Bi� F3rothers and the United Fund Com,nunity Health � i•]elfare Planning
Council Etnphasis
- Following the leadership of United Fund President, Mr� t4usser,
Community Health & ldelfare Plannin; Council has devoted special
study to the relationships of all a�encies with respect to the
poor and minority groups.
- The need for Big Brother guidance is greatest in these groups.
- Our Current roll of little brothers includes over 85� from minority
groups and of the poor. �
� - Our admission � selection policy (and practice) requires close
• • cooperation with all agencies in the co�n:-nunity, and is geared to
boys with the greatest need. (see appendix for typical a�ency
� - Ours is a preventative program� focused on youth, savinU other
� agencies and institutions , and our community, present and fu�ure
problems. �
- We are the only a7ency in Greater St. Pau1 providing this }:ind of
� � 3. Stretching United F'und Dol].ars into Pr.oduc�ave Service
- �The Bi� Brother approach multiplies the efforts of the professional
case worker by using vol.unteer Big Brothers. �
The multiplyin� factor is 50 to ls yet still
4 maintaining a 1 to 1`ratio between the boy
� - in need and his Big Brother. -
4rhat other a�ency can promise •this kind of
� service levera�e and quality?
. - Many Bi� 13rothers do not participate in other community welfare
progra�ns. Many cannot even contribute financial su�pozt. This
is especially true of inen in lo�aer income and minority groups.
Yet they can, and do� help serve the community as Bi�; Brothers -
and, as a bonu� to St. Pauls they themselves become more con-
. cerned citizens in all respects.
- United Fund contributors can be assured tha� their �ifts are
being stretched into greater service throu�h our a�ency.
� , , '
• .�.�..
a � ni�ojecti Plan and Supportin�; Data (pagc 5-C)
4. Low Overhead Costs
- Our Board of Directors consists of an active �roup of concerned
� people from a broad �pectrum of businesses and professions.
Their bac}:ground, and their active service as Directors has re-
sulted in a highly efficient operation� emphasizin� use of
funds £or �roductive service
� - Donated services for promotion, advertisin�, printing, legal
and financial guidance, psyc}�iatric aid, office space and
' services - all enab�e smooth efficient operation at low over-
head. .
800 of our total bud�et will be spent for
' professional staff - - - the really product�_ve
� parfi of our operation. �
This operation for 1970 �rill require a budget of $10,580.
Long Ran�e forecasts for 1971 and 1972;
' ' - Objective is to provide service to at �
least l00 of our corn�munity's fatherless
� boys. �
- Will reouire addition of one full-time
case worker in each of future years
(1971 and 1972).
- Budget increase will reflect essentially
direct costs of additional case rrorkers.
St. Paul has a growin� problem in fatherless boys. k1e can solve that .
problern by providin� Bi.g Brothers to these boys, if given the necessary
� financial support. We have no ot}ier source of significant funding.
� We hope you will decide to help this significant, but modest effort by
approvino our budget request.
. • `8
. • � � . . 6
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_ ' � . �'�O'l:ll�l,�J.r.,'l.f:l'iC�1])r' j,?):3 Li�101'f'.� �.}?2 �%Oi7.l.).'�:C'GOl' :})£l�_�. I�UV UC x'C'�.J.L\'i.:! U(' li.t`.bzl'i.i.�'
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. • • fi x o;� th� Conf.��<:ci;or is c�ef,ez•„��.>>ed. .
� •
� � . 2. `J'e����.�:i,a:�:i.:io�� S'ox� Co>>�:�:il:ie;.zce o�' 7,o:�r:.l P�i;�).�.c ;,c;:ncy. T'r,e l:,ocr�)_ l'tibl_�.c
iSaC)1C j� T:;��.}' l`:G i';..7.?)c',i:� 'GI:1S--�;O:i�i,:£�.Ci, E::1�' �::li?--U�� F.y 11 �.j.C:�>���.�1 l, `• � � ° -
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, 1 l. t, . 1:]..J12. �
� T.oc�:1. 1'ut:�ic /�,;�„c�� t.�s p��o�•id�:l l�ca•e�.�l, t}:c Cont��<:�.c�oz- �ri)_1 b� p;id ��l ,::•.c�t�:�i•
� ' �r��i_c;� be��s �i,?:e ;;��:�� z•z�.tio� �i:o �1,1��:. �;oti�.l� ca:��p�:.�n:;��ti.c�n t:� t1i:.� cervic�;� fct•ua).1.�:
. • per.�'o�•,��ecl b��t;r i.o -tile i,ot�:.l sc:��v ices o:C t.lie Co:��-�.�•n.c�:or co��c�•eci Uy �h�.s Con�i;�•:.c�.,
' � . let;c }�;:��r.�cn�t.; o.� co�:p�zlsc.t,.l.o:� ��z,eviou;;l.�- r�^ue )'ro�,•:id•�d h��;c���c '
: , �•, i.?�:t�; zi' les�
'l,�)f�ll f�:iJ:�..�� }�:?' CC:)1�; Oi .i•�:C SC;'\%1CC5 C��';C'.�'i:C't t)�' 'i•!1�.� CU:)�i.i't:C�. )i•J.\'C 1)C'C1� 1).',l'iC�'t.Y:i°C�
' upoi� fi•?:e e;�'ce��:i��e c;<^,�i,e o�' :;i:e;� t�.���:i.�It��t.�ot�, .t11e Con'c?'f?Ci;01' sL�:ll. U:: rc�i��;ou;��:�d
�111 O.ClCil.�i,?.O;l '�O 1�•11n T��OI'C }):'.�'i„°Ili,� �'o:� -tl��t�L .po�-t.lon U:l '�;�?C t?.C�;llfi� Ull�,--O:''.-}�OC::C:�l:
. c�>:��:c,�;;�s (nof, _ot?�e���;J;;:� ��e:i?::ln;.�•sed »nucr t.h��s C:or�c.ar�efi.) •i.nctirt�ed b,y f,?�e.
. . Cc»�1•?:•c:e��l• citt��i.r,; -c?�e Co,,i,�•�;e�. pt�r. �o�� ��?:�.el�� isl�u d�_�•ee�(.l.y c�t�.t;z�:il�,tlti:?�).e tc� thu
un.co:�:pl_e�;c�d p.����i.�io�� o:�; 'ch�: rer���.ces co-��e�:e,l b�� t,hi.:, Cc>nt.r�:ci:. 1a' �i•1ii.:; .(:o;l�;.z•,:c�;
�.s tc�,-;��:int��.ecl c?ue �i.o i.?�e i'r.iil��, of t.he Co�����<^.c:�or; Sce�.i.on l. l�e�•co�: ��elut,:ive t.o
' � tcr.;:�a»r;��aazi s�-1��.1:i. �:1�}�.l_��, • � . ' '
3. C?it�.,;�;c_,. `.i"ri; 7�oct:1 3't?bl.tc /�.;;cr;�,cy �n"y, i'a•c�:,� t.:trae t.o t:i.r�:�, rcc�ti��:,t;
clie:n�;r.e 3.>>. �t,l�� :;cc���:: o:i f:n:� ;cx•��a.cc; o; �.lic Cc:i��,���.c��,o?.� 1;o bc �����r�:o:�;,��•cl )�.:ret�i�cl����.
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. • �i . l'crr>on�i_1`. a. Thc Cc::�.z-i_c�.o�.• �-r.presents �.},at; lic lins, .or �,�?.l. �ecurc
. u� lt�� c���:� cxp��n�c�, tLl.t ��•�rso��nc� rcc;ti�.reQ in p�rfo�•�.�in�. t,hc �ci•��i.ccs t�ndcr .
., ' t}�is Co»Li�i.ci,. ;�ucli >>c���;o:;:�c� s):cill »ot b� ci,,t loyccc of or hevc clny ccnt,�•�cf.titil.
. rc�u'c��>�::;ti1�� �ri.Lli �;��c Loci:l. 1'uUl�.c l��cncy. . � � � , '
i U. /�l)_ tl�c ilC�,Y1CCJ rc�uired l�e�-eund.c-r �ri].1 bc ��ez•�or^ed Ly �:he Con�t�•c'Lci.oi•
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�; • o,u�li�'j.cd ��s�d ::1�c:1� b� nutho�•i.•r.ecl ar pei-,n�tt:ed w���c�- SLt:te �.nci �.oenl l.��r to
. . perior:n such scxv�ces.
< � � . . .
: c. )la p°rso:� �rho ia �crv�n� se���cr�cc �n� a pc�:al o�- correc��ona1. �.nsti�ut.ion -
: . slit�l.�. be er,�ployed. on ti:orZ, uncicr this Co����rtzct. • '
•. . 5. � /�ni,i_=]:i.cl:t��lc}; Riz1 es . � S�,lr:i•i_c:: o� are:�����cts, c3.xt�it.;;nen, �:ecbl�i�t:l
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�I1JC'A�i: t.lf?�)?�Oi�.'�.ti-�.:3 "))1'Ol`].ijO;1S j..I� £ll�_ al'<1�CUiii.I�F,C�•:i COYC1'�.l�i, 11U).'t� U)1LiC1.' ,�;�l:lfi �.'011�a'r'.C�•
� to insu�-c cc:�:L�l.i.�.»::c l�y si;bcc�:i�t��Ucto:c� •r,i�:?i siicl� rc�-��1.£.�ions, tYid sha11 Le
• X'C'8}�O1lSlt��C .ip:C 'l:}]i' SLi1�3'?1S:;:tOl1 Ut cJ.i1C;L'.'�'1'i.� IL'C�t111'C,'Ci O.i `�iIZ=�C01�'�,1'F:Ci;OI':, i�7�'1'C•- .
� tnl:�.cr e>:ccpt �:s 'c�:e Sccr�.t.;��y oa L:�t���� r,::;.�• speciii.c�l_l;y p�•o�;ade 1'oi� ���a�i��.'cio��� .
�, O� Ul' C>:G;ilj�i.1G'•.]S i2'U:J tLC: 1'GCrU1:CC:;�:�It��,S j:IIGZ'�.Ol. ,
. . (. . 1.?ifi.h.��]cS�fn� �-i' fi�:lr�.��•ie�. 7i'. in fi,l�e� i�c�r��r;;:-_nce �i tl�is Co?�trt:ct. •�.�7:'7'C
_._____,_____.�_.._______�.____.___�_ • . . :
. �,� i.•:sy �utu::.r1i:.J::.:,>>i• vt o:.�:i.i .tl,:.i vj i.:ll; �.'viit,2 'tEC�U!' OL U,, t.r31' olliiCi%iii.).'i-i;v'vi.' w_.:i':;..
�� unclez•, f.l�e Loct�.l 1'izl:,.l:ic l:��.:�c�� sh::l)_ ��it.},%�old �'��o.� �he Co:zt:��r�ct.oz� otit oi' p_:��;::���lt.�
i C�1>E j.0 11)�1 f!,!) �._i:U111'1't• �tli7iC:i.C'_)��: �O p`'.�' �,O Cii:}�1.C>\'CC� 11IlU�1'�in '� ' '-�•,.�
i J.C'l V(1:. C=_ .i.lCl`�:;;C�
. b�"i,��ecn i.},e .;t:.lt:x��_es i cqi�ire.� 1:e���-b� to Ue p:,zcl .����:i t.2�i� s��lt�.:cies �e�t�..°.l�.y �,aicl
. such e�:;�l.o�•ees �or �:?�� �.oi,��]. r��.;..:,b:�r o:' haua•� �roz-;;e.d. '.['he �;,.ounts �:i�;h?�:�].c: shal_:L
_ be d:i;buz•;ed Uy �.l�c �,oc�.l ?'ut,l.ic �."e;�c�l xo.� �:nci on ��ccouni, oi �.��e Cori�.r.f;c�i.or or
: sul�co;�t.x•�:ct,or. to thc z�ecp�cti��-� e:_�pl.o�'::es to tirhor� t2?ey t�l•e d.�ie .
+ `�. �%ll�j'1_!S Z:�1Ci �)1S1�Ul�C:; �C1'i��:il_l).1:� t,C) St:�_�_1_1'_1��:�_C'S. �%�£J.l]_1S £i?�C� Cl�£>�>ili•CS
•t �C�.'�:£11i:112�� �;O :i.:l�:).')' �.'fl"i.�S Ol' �.O C�f:.�'iSli�1C.^.�i,10:); O.i^Fi Cl1�t,�C�S� C��.'£:i i,�;!S:=L" � -
! �•C'.C)"�I1�Ctl]. CI]�:tl]CC1'£�� I�!lil �::.'C'ill.'lC).i??J: l�^a��O::l:::l�lv 1'JI'1: lli]aCl' T.1)�.S C.O:�'t'.i'L'.C'l'. ��j:'.�_�
'•: b� ��r�:.�;�i,l_�� �•��pc>At.ecl �i� vr�i.i»� by -i.?�e Co:�L?��e'c.o:� to t.l�e Loe�1. 1'iiLlie /��e:�cj�
; ior t.hc :1.t�.�.f,er's dcci.s:�on ��i>j c?1 sh�1_l U� a'in�.l wi.t.li x���:pcci; t.1�,exc�to.
i • • �
i . �3. ]?o�t�]. }�;�;��lo��::��?�t. Ct��-,,;,1•t.ur�i_�.y Dux�in;; tli� pe��fc�r�;�ai�ce o1' t.bis Con�i•�.ct, �
' - the Co��f:z:;ctcr r�:��cc`s f:�s i oJ_J_o�r:�: . .
; , .
.� . .
• ' �. `.Che C.o?�f.���^.c�oz• �rll.l >>�t. d:i_::cf�rai.?:�i�.c t:��:ins 4 �cir�,y e�,��.lo�•ee o:� F�.�-�a�lic�>>�
. ., �c `'; r�'
; i'or c�:�pl_o ,�:_.:�.�;, l�cct�>i�,;c �o> >-iacc, c��r.ed, co].or, ��.� n�nt:i.r,;...:1 ��,:i ,in. .lh:.
• • Co:��t.,•cc�l.ol� �::il). t.��;:c r:i'i�.�;^�.t;:���c z,c�i•:ion 'Lo cnsure t.?��:� t������li.c�:��ts cre
. cr�p.lo�'l:(�� f?T:(� '�.�]:'.i. Ci:�A)�_OJ'i-C:: F:T'i: �,I•i'.^i::.'U CZlll'iJ)E� C:I�I-�.10�':"::1)'i.� V1'l•�)Oilt ,
�'t'.(;:1)'C� 'l;C> "l•�!.'.�.�' )'i;CC� C1'i'L:(�� C:O]_C)1'� G).' 1)i:i•;5.011::�.1 U�':��;�I] . iillC:�] F'.C�iOil
:�h,:l.l. i.�lcl.i�.cic, but ��o� b� 1:ir�i.i,cc1 to, f,11c �o.l.)_o•.r:in�;: c::}�:1_0�':':r��t�., -
• 111)��i'c":C1�.11"� CtCi':`.O'LfC�`..1� Ui �.l`c^.i)::l�C�'j ).'CC.l'll.l�l•L�:;ll'i, p'L` 1'C:Cxll'll!':C'.il'�'• t=C�\'C1'i.�.5i:11):�i
; , a.G,'O:iJ� Ul' t•C)'i+l�)�.'.i,jp?'l� 1�cZ�:C:i Ct'.`i ]?�1,' U]' Ui.))C1' .'l'Ul'i"�]S Ui CG'_:j�C'll;£���•t<)ll� i.l):1
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ccicc�:�e:� for �,z�iili:inL, i.nc]_udin� nt,pi•cnt.i.r.cchi��. TJa�� CU»L1��ct.or.• r.;;rcc:,;
� to �?o�t f» conspicttous •I�lc�ccc, c�vil:ilttL].c� �.c, c,�p�c>yc�c�� t1>>1 ti,pl�ct�.;��s foz•
� � 'em�l.oyr.:ent, noi.S.ce;; to t�e ��r��vtdccl by tLc• I,ocr�] I'�iL�lc l��ene,y se�.t�_n;;
�'oi•tl�. t?ic provisio:�:, o�' t},S_s »o�d.j.�cx��.,a1n;�t.S.ou cl���>e . .
• b. '.Pl�c Coni:i•icctoz- �ril�., �n all .olici.tt:�i,ions o� i:dvcz•t�.sc;•�c�its 1'oi• e�a��loyecs .
, pl_Ftced l�y or o>> b�h�l_f of �,i�� Con�l.�•r:cto:�, ��Le:i:c thc:t F�1� qu^3�i�ie:l
_ � � npplic�:,1Ls �:ill �.•ccci��c con:;j.cicx��:ion :Cor e:,;)J�.Oj�'.�C:Ilt �;zthout �-c�nrd
� • .to x,�.ce, ci•eed, co).or, or �a�al,ioilr_l ori�;i» .
� . . _ .
� - . ' c. T'nc Cc,n'c,r��ct.or �r9.1.1 c�use tl�e �or.e�oi>>� p�•ovision� to be i��lserted Sn al.l
• � , suUconi.,•�:c�s 1'oz� c:n�' �JOl�I� cov�r.ecl l�y tl�is Co7tr�1ct so i:l�rzt �tic11 l�rovi�io_�s
. . r�i)_1 U° U�.t�:,in� �inon c�.cn :L:L��o:l����;c;,or, pz•ov�dc;l �:hflt the ioi-c�oznC;
. � . �p�•o���J�CiI�J s);r�ll not r_�p).y to con�•�-�cts or subceni;�•acts �'or stfand�ircl
. coc�c�;t��•cia). s:ipJ�lies ox• x��i �;f_�c��±.t>ls . � • ' •
. , �. ])�,cz•:i�;i�i�^.t.�o:1_F^:_�:u_c o� Cert.�:9.ii L�:l>or.--"�_ti.��•s. J'o 1?erson e�r:plo��cd on
• , �;hc ti;o:�';: Co,;��'r:u by -t.;_�i.s Co��tr<:cf; :>>>::�1 U�� di�ca:.r�,��c� ox i_n �nj' ti-��Y d:isc)•i�ai11�:�Lec�
t�;t�.ti�s�. b�c�:??;� 1�e 1i^:,• f'il.e:i �r�y cc-�p�.t.an�t cr �n:��a�Lti�.eu ox c�.u:.c:c�. to bc� �_ns�c,i.tu..c�.:
L�'11�' ��l'p.^.Ci'Cli.lJ� Cl' 1]:'..3 �CSi.�1:lCi� O�' 1S L:U:1:lV �.O �.CS�:J).l' lll FLTI� }�i'OCi:C:ill?7� 113'�:ai�l' Oi
• i�el�f.�i�g �.c� �;1�:: �£�'�o� st�a�c:t;���� t�,p,��.:i.e�.b.l.e L�r.eilncie�� �o vis e?:�,�1oyeA.
- - �0. Co?y�].:i.�.�ic� �,;i�t,h Loct�l _L�:�,�. `.t�)�e Ccil�t,r�:ctoz� �?�t�J_]_ cc,-,�}�ly �rl��.11 n).].
. . � ��p].�c��.b�c lF;:;�, o.�u:in<;_xcec;, �.;d ccde� oA �;hc S�a.tc� ��id locr�l �o��^r.��;����1'i.s, �.;�d
•s1�u).1_ cc�:���1�, no t�•c-.�,,��;ss o:i i�;�� publ:ic o.� �7':1.1'F:i;e p�o;��r.ty i.n ,�°x��:o�,:�i_n;,� tu7�� ow
�. ' t?.ie �ro��': er;'��acecl by t.l�is Co_it•r;ct. . '
� � -
, .� . 11 C..1. .-{.' �{-� l.l�.�:. i.•c. � � ,r rZ ��i<� �v ,��•t�rj. C�'^1�
. _ _ .. . . i.,^ �cr� ice: ca er.e Uy t...... G *� _ . _ _. _
,. ..�...�_`_.�+:::,:-�=:.;�� - :a.,,..::-� .-�,,. „ _ .,, -�- - -:'_:-_ '�
--�� �a:, ,:; ,: ��,�. ;. ,�� � '• -
..0 �«�.�.�,.�.,:.....•�u '.!....,...:.� .,_.., l,:'1...' .:"�':;, _7; .:;�. .; ,. , � , �� �� �� •�•.� �
� 7')�e Co:i�t..��:ct,or s1.�1_J. �e t.�: �'ully x�sponstUle �o t?�e T o^t�l Pub:lic /'.;;ency i'or 'che
� , • Ea`Ct:u £;?2C1 U:_'lu:il0:l:i Oi 1115 SU��CG:lt,l'£.Ci.O'!'S� f�.I�f3 O� ���'1'SC�:15 C).�•}�:_'1' Cf1T':'Ci,�;f UI'
, . i.nd.i.,:ec�l�� e;,.pl.o>�c:c 1>�- tJ�er,�, �s l;e z:, �'oa- t�° r�ci;s u>>d o�;:�.ss�.o��s o� ��c-;.�,o:�s
. diz�ec�l.)_y e!�u�.o�rcd U>, hir��, '1'ile Cont.r.r;ctol- cn�11 inse��i; z>> cr:c2� �u'u::o�1t�.•�jc�
� ' t�.j���ropx i�:i.e pA�o���isicn; rec;iiiz•in� co�.��>lir�i�ce �;i�11 f•l�e lr.boa• st�t;�d<':.?,ds ��z�oviE�io:�s
2� o�' tlii_s Coni.���.ct,. � ,
, • - . . . .
' � �.2. ltssi.r;nr.l�ilii.>�. The Cc»tz�£�ci.or sh�ll_ not. �ssi�i� t.ny :i�iter�si, in t.)�xs
•; " . Canti•�:c�L, r:i�d sl��:?1 not tr.�n:;"e�.� �>>y �.nf.cre�;t �.n �,he s�:�� (�,i1:��her Uy �s::i�;r,r;:°t��
; � or no1-Ul:ion) �:•i_t},.v.zt t•��� priox� `�x�.�.4en �-i'i?1•ov�:l o:i the Loc��l_ ]'l�Ul ic l�.�;e��^��:
; . Yr.ovi c?c�d, ho•,�e•�•4�•, tha�; elr�i�,s a c»� �;oney diie or fi,c� becc;�-�e due �.}�e Co:�f.rnct.or
• ���U'i1 '�.�:E: Z�OCF'�_ �11�J�1.0 ji�.^.)]C'' U;"1C�C'1' �:�']1S �.'O'•1'`l,.l'�:Cj; Ti:�:)' U� t::i:i).���c'.C� �;O 11 1;:.'11�:� .
� • �:�.��i;;t cc�:n,;.>>y, oz� o�.her fin�.nci�:l 1))Si.J.'�.11t,l0:7� or. �:o n 7'�•»sf,��� in U�:ukr.u;�,�,c��,
. i ' � I�U�•].Ci' Ox £U],' ::�1Ci) F��Slr�%ll�.':C:i]ii Ul' �,1'£'�lSj'C'1' :�]�lla_ �)::
� • k11�•�lOil i. :�l:C)l L?J')l�.l'C)\�<.... . .
, . �'uz�nir:hcd p:.•o:,�1��t..l�� �;0 1.?le 7�oc�:1 I'ubl.ic l�,�ency.
; . , . .
• 1�. 7.nt•e��esi.� cr�' 1,��:;b_�r: o� Lt�c��.l. l't�hl.i.c I.r;enc�'. 1�o r_�.cr:�tie:r oi' f,h:� tSc>��e��ni.n;
: bo;1.�� o� tl�c l:.oc��l Pi�U�.ic i�:,cuc�•, r�:;d »� o�t.}i:�a• o�'i'iccr, . e��;��?_o�'c�', o�• i�(;:=»�, o� f.1�e
. � Lo�cs:l. l'l.l,l�.c /��.;c�.cy �,;•;o c>:ci-ci:::�.s �,r,y �'ti;�c�:av�i:; c,,- i•c:;;}�o:isil�i.l.�.��.c:� i�i r.o:,>>r�ct.ic,:�
�ti�,h �l,?�� c�.z-�•;�:ii�� ou�; of th� l�z•o,jcct 'c.o �;'�icli -ulii�; Contz��.c� },e�,t.tti��,:,, ,;i�n.11. L.�.vc
, tv�y p���•coi�<:1 �n�ca•es�i., cl�i•ccL� or i.:�d:ir�ci�., z�i t.li:i:; Ca_iL�•.:ct.
' ��} . 7rrterc�s'c ai' C��?�::�• T,oc::l. ]'ub1.�c Of{':f.c:�r�1.a. l,a ;;c�;�`�ccr oi' t.hc �;ovcrrl�v�
� . --___._�_.----------�----------_.---..._.__.------.____-�------.___
� bod�� c�.� i.lic ).c�c�t7_;.�.y i>> >r;»cl� tl:e 1'�.•o jcc l. l:rer; a�. :::ii,u��i,ccl, i�i�cl no oi,l�c;• ��>ul,�.ic
o�'.f.5c:ir.�1. o�' t;uc).� loct:.li.i..��, �;;�a e;:e��c:i ::::; t:n>� �'i:i�c�L:i.on�, or ��e:.�;;�ns:il>S.L:ii.�.c;; in
• � �:hc a•c���5c�r o;.� c:s,;,��ovt:l.� oi' t•11c• cca•r�'�»;; cni�. oZ' i:),c )'�•o�i�ci. ��t.o ;;h�.cl� �i.��:�..; Cc,nt.�.�t�ci:
• re�•t.c�i»�,, shc:ll l�avc. t�.��y,},cx•ro:�11. iirt.c��e:;fi., d:l.rec:t, oz• fncli�•eci., a.n �l.lii.s (.:c�nL����ct..
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J.j. xni;c�•c:,•i. o�' Cci•t��.i�i }'cc�c��i:l. Oif�cit�l: ., 1io �:��r.,bcr of or. Dcic�t:i�c tu • .
.tl�c Co�3rc�s ��' t1i� U;�atcu Si,��.tc;, r:�i.l �lv };��:,i.cicn�, CC:::!:�S.s�ivncx•, c:IC.l.I Lc
' ndr:�tt.t,cd i:o nz�y shr,rc or p:�!-t oi' this Cc,_ii,��ac1; or to �.ny Ucnefit t� ii���.�c 2iYi�c�'�•o,�.
. 1G. 7»t�.l•c�i; o� CO.1't�'£�.C"l;0)'. '1'he C��;i�.t<�.c�o.r co•,•en�:�its tl�.��: he �xes�»�:].y .
Unc i�o i.i�tc��•est; i'.11(3 6�1:i1�. »01. Fcc�ui��c �:.1�• intcr��t, diz•ect o�• i�»direct�, in �;lic �
� t;Uc�ve-de.:c�•iU�cl 1'z•o,ject /:�•er� o�� L�.ny p�.rc�ls fi.hc�•eiu or r;n�� o:.l�e�• ic;tez•er� tirl».ch . .
trould can�:l_�c� a.il' tL<�y r,r.nr�c�.• oz dc�xee �r5.�>> the �-�er�:oz�:�anc�: oS his sex��5.ces .
hereuncl.ez�. The Co:��r��.cf.r�-� flll�t?�er cov�n��.�ts �,h�t �n the perio�.;r.�:�ce of thi.s
Coi�i.r.�ci, no k�er:son li���•i_n�=, r�ny such �nte�:�cst ch�l.11 U�� c��l�loyed. • .
. 9_7. � 1'�nc1�7?`s Con�i:d�n��t�1.. t�11. o�' fi,h� xe}�or�s, i.niorr.��'cj.on, dn�Ltz, ete. ,
px•cpz�-cd o���:,:,e,:�.�:►.ed L�� �;}�c~Co:�tr�.c�i.or v.ildc� t.?i�s Co���z•t:ct cx�: cc.ZS'icze�itj.�:l
. tr.�1c1 1;1�e Co:��.z�e.c�c.o_^ ��.,;��c�:� L�l�t th<:y :,�l�i�a1�. no� U� r��zde n�-nilrble to zny,
��.��ui.�•�.ci11�.1_ or or4�n.fz�i.�e� �;��i.hout the pz•�.or �;rit�l,en i.pnrov�? o�' tLe Loct:l.
PizUl'�.c !�,`;ci�cy. " . ' -
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