250471 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �����i � • C{TY OF Sl'. PAUL FOENCIL NO. . OFFlGE OF THE CiTY CLERK � COUNCIl. RESQLUTIOR�--GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY��` - c�� COMMISSIONE �` � DATF - �.,. ;•`� � � - �� J �� � Resolved, That the CounciZ of' the City of Saint Paul does hereby accept dedication Por street purposes , made by the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul, oP a road right-of-Way 66 feet in width in the Southwest 1/�a, Section ].�+ , T.28N , R.22W. , as more particularly described in said deed of dedication, a copy of �rhich is attached hereto, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby directed to record the original of said deed of dedication in the poaper office of recordation. �.. FORM PPRO`J� . � . Ass . Corpora n 'ou � � SEE� 1 � I9�'� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays -13u�er----._ ' $�P b � 1970 ' Carlson Approvect 19� Levine _—In Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor ��lgainst • Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty O ORI6INAL TO CITY Cl6RK ������ .� , CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOE NCIL NO. • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED COMMISSI E ATF Resol9ed, That th� Conaci]. of the City of 3aint Psul does hereby ac�ep� dedica.t3.on fcr s�reet pt�rpo��s, mads bg the Port Authority of the City of 5aint Paul, of a road right-ot'-Way 66 feet in width in the Scuth�rest 1/k, 8ection 11�, �.28H, R.�2W. , as mor� partia�larly described in said deed of dedieation, a copq cf vhich 3s a�tached hereto, and the Corpor�ticn Connael is hereby direet�d to reeord the original of said deed mf dedi¢atimn in the peraper office of r�eordation. FORM PPROV Ass Corpora n` ou � SEP 15 1'7�1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19.— Yeag Nays l 5 191� n +7�evic--- — ��� Carlson roved 19— Levine � Tn Favor Meredith Mayor Sprafka Tedesco --�-Againat - Mr. President, McCarty p�gLISHED S�P 1� ���a �� J. WILLIAM DONOVAN 223-5317 Voluation Engineer ROYE. BREDAHL, ��. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Ass't Valuation Engineer BUREAU OF VALUATIONS 286 City Hall Seinf Paul, Minneso+a 55102 � �'�O ��,�,�'� � Septe�nber 15, 1970 �oaorable 1�layor a.nd Me�bers of the City Council Gentle�en �.nd �fadaea: The I,and Ccna�ittee has reviewed the att�.ehed. deed of dedieation and dra,inage and utility ea,se�ent �ade by the Port Antl�ority of the �ity oP 3t. Pa�.l and recamooend tl3at they be accepted by t�e Cit� of St. Paul and ret'erred to the proper party for rec4rding. Very trul GC/ __. J. Wi113a� Donovan Secretary, ?,and �o�ittee �:��:J8 �nc. � . •- ,. -. ....__._._, , , . �5��7 DEED OF ll1.?D1C/1'1'l UN � THIS AGREEMENT AND DEDICATIO�, riacae t,tiiy �� aay of �i�i�-t���tit'/ , 19�, by and be t�rec�n ttie PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, a public corporatic�li urider the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 458, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor" and the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, a rliuiiicipal corporation under the laws of Minnesota, hereinafter referred i;o as "City" , WITNESSETH: That subject to acceptance by City, Grantor does hereby grant , convey and dedicate unto City a perPetual easement for public street and utilities under and across the following de- scribed lands situated in the County of l�amsey, State of riinnesota, to-wit: A roa.d right-of-way 66 feet in width being part of the Southwest 1�4, Section 14 , T. 28N, R. 22W, Ramsey County, Minnesota, the centerline of which is described as ' follows : �� Commencji„ng at the Southwest corner of said Section 14; thence �" 89°-15 ' 30" E 1332 .02 feet along the South line of Section 14; thence N 14°-42 'W 272 . 72 feet to the point of beginning of this description; thence continuing N 14°-42 'W 27 . 50 feet ; thence along a curve to the right having an arc length of 421 . 34 feet , an intersection angle of 55°-30 ' , a radius of 434. g'7 feet ; thence N 40°-48 ' E tangent to said curve 104. 29 feet ; thence along a curve to the left having arc length 503. 67 feet , an intersection angle of 55°-30 ' , a radius of 519 . g'7 feet ; thence N 14°-1f2 ' W tangent to said curve 169 .00 feet and there terminating. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has caused these presents to be duly executed by its proper officers and its seal duly attached the day and year first above written. PORT A RITY OF THE In Presence of : CITY � INT PAUL , _/��'!�c�� /r• �.-��--��k� BY � I � resident �' r � And .e�_:� -�_ �� ...c�..'�...� � .Secret��y � ', (Corpora�te Seal) �' � � . . t - . . . . .... . . w . Approved as to Fornt and Execution: Assistant Corporation Counsel STATE OF MINNESOTA ss . COUNTY OF RAMSEY � On t h i s -���y�. d ay o f ��-�e�tiL�/ , 19�, , b e f o r e me a n o ta r y p u b lic wi t Yiin an d for sai d Coun ty, persona l ly appeare d Richard C. Radman, Jr. , and Gerald J . Isaacs , to me personally known, who being each Uy me duly sworn did s�y that they are respectively the President and the Secretary of the PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, the corporation named in tYie foregoing instru►uent , and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, ar_d that said instrument �aas signed and sealed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Resolution No . 608 , adopted by its Board of Commissioners on the 18th day of November, 1g69 , and said Richard C. Radman, Jr. , ; and Gerald J. Isaacs acknowledged said instrument to be the free ' act and deed of said corporation. ������ � ���� Notary Public , Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires �Vl{�i!?T�'{ ��. S!c.c'.�-L, NoTary Publi;:, ;;�c�ey �^.,,,.,•.., .;�. h1y Comn�;ss_n �. „ ., . �. Accepted by City pursuant to its Resolution, Council File No . , approved , 19 This instrument was drafted by: City of Saint Paul Office of Corporation Counsel 316 City Hall Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102 2 . - ... �! � � � � � � � . � � . . . . .. .. . . . a �� ., i � .,..,.:;.. ,.,. .. , . �- ' :_�.:y�te,h'i."—:....�,..,��,s:ia�.> -.�.�.. ,� .����� :,_:�_ �_�i:_..0 ..�-�..:s —_ .:_ ��^ „f;:s..s���.,a..,Fl `'�;i3'.se�.a.�s.s� THIS IS A TRUE AND Resoluti_oii No . C�08 CERTIFIED COPY OF RESOLUTION • • N0. 608. �� _ � � ``� � RANK D. MARZIT E xve Vice President � 0 L�l�(�. OF TIiL PURT AiJTHORITY OF' TH� CITY OP S�1INT PAUL WHER�AS, In {�he development of the Pi� ' s �ye Lake area into the R.ed R.ocl� Industrial District it taas necessary to construct an access road into tl7e District , said road being a private road axid deseribed as fol]_o�,Ts : A road riglit-of-svay 66 feet in �vidth beinb part of the Sauth`��est 1�4 , Section 14, T.28N, R. 22��', Ramsey County, Minnesota, the centerline of which is described as follotvs: Commencing at tlie Sotzth�cest corner of sai_d Section 14; thei�.ce N 89°-15 ' 30" E 1332 .02 feet alonb tlie South line of Section 14; thence N 14°-42 'T�T 272 . 72 feet to the Poi�1t of begiiining of tliis descriptioil; �tlience continuing N 11i°-42 '��� 27 . 50 feet ; �hence along a curve �Lo the right ha�Ting azi arc length of 421 . 34 fe�t , an intei sec�;ion angle of 55 °-30 ' , a raclius of 434. 97 �eet ; tlzence N 40°-48 ' E tangent to said curve 104. 29 f'eet ; tlience ' alon.g a cur�re �o the le�t liavii�� arc length 503. 6'7 fee�; . an intersec�;ion an�le of 55 °-30 ' . a radius oi' rr i n n r-r -F.. + . +i �, � I, n I r� t T.� �- �- • .� - . J-L7 • 7 / �-�=c � � �il6ili;c iv .i.-z — fc. �r tc'1I1�ci1v �� Salu i;i.ii'"vG 169 .00 feet ai7d there tezminatiiig. WIiEREAS, In order to turn over the maintenance of said road , i.t is necessary that said right-of-t��ay be dedica�ted to the public for. streei; an.d u�ility purposes ; and WIirR�11S, I�; is determined to Ue in the best interest o� the puUlic to dedicate said roadz�-a3T as a pu}�lic street to be maintained Uy the City of Saii�t Paul ; NOTti', THLREFORE, �B� IT R�SOLVED BY THE PORT AUTHOR.ITY OI' T�iE CI`PY OI�' SAINT PAUL: That a permanent easement for puUlic ioad ptirposes Ue gran�;ed � to the City of Saint Paul over and across 1;lie s�rip of land described above ; and be it P'URTIIER RESOLVED, That the proper officials are authorized and directed to e�ecute a Deed of Conveyaiice o ie properi;,y ' sub- si�antially the fortn attaclzed. � � Adopted: NovemUer 18, 1969 ✓ � � ,�.�� _ :,�.. Presidei L � , Port Authoiity of Saint Paul Att�es`� : "" �i . ,/ . ,j�j .� �i ,..-� - Secretary . � ;i , . „�,.,.,�,.,� •�..�.�.a,. .. �- : _ _ _. _ _- . _ _