03-34Council File # 0 3- 3 y
Green Sheet # 200560
Refened To Committee Date
WHEREAS, the Legislative Hearing Officer recommends that the license application (ID # 19990005709) for
Cabazet Class A and Game Room Licenses by Joe Furth, DBA Eclipse Records, 1692 Grand Avenue, be
approved with the following conditions:
1. Musical performances Sunday through Thursday are limited to 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Friday and Saturday
performances aze limited to 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. If the owner consults an acoustical engineer and
additional soundproofing measures are taken, the hours of musical performances will be revisited when the
Cabaret License is up for renewal;
2. The Cabazet License is approved for use on the first floor only;
3. No one associated with Eclipse Records will change their clothes or play their instruments behind 1692
Grand Avenue;
4. The licensee will pick up refuse around the perimeter of his building on a daily basis;
5. The occupancy load in the building is limited to less than fifty people;
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission is considering the Special Condition Use Permit and parking
requirement variance, the Legislafive Hearing Officer wiil make a recommendation regazding the Game Room
License after that Planning Commission meeting;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves the Cabazet-Class
A License with the recommended conditions.
Yeas Nays Absent
Benanav �/
Blakey ,/
Bosffom ,/
Coleman �
Harris �
L,antry ✓
Reiter �/
� � �
Adopted by Council: Date �
Adoption Certifie y Council S c etary �
Approved by yo : Date
By: ��Gp
Requested by Aeparhnent of:
Form Approved by City Attorney
by Mayor for Submission to Council
03 -'��
City Council Offices
eE «a c«,
z, zaosl GREEN SHEET
No 200560
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❑ WYORpRM9iIl1111) ❑
Approving application with conditions for Cabaret-Class A and Game Room Licenses by Soe
DBA Eclipse Records, 1692 Grand Avenue.
Has this person/firm everwarked uMer a contract For Nis department?
Hes Mes pe�soMtm ever heen a aty empbyce?
Does this peisonrAim possess a sldli not normelrypossessed by any curteM city employee7
Is this persoNfirm a tarpetetl verMo(t
Council President Dan Bostrom
City Councilmembers
Councilmember Pat H '
January 10, 2003
Suspension Item - January 15 City Council Agenda
�3-� `�
The attached resolution was inadvertently omitted from the agenda planning process and
will be brought under suspension at the City Council Meeting on Wednesday, January 15,
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you.
c: Nancy Anderson, Council Reseazch ✓
Marcia Moermond, Council Research
Roger Curtis, LIEP
CITY HALL SUITE 310C SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102-1615 E-MAIL: ward3@ci.stpauLmn.us 651/266-8630
AA-ADA-EEO Employer
Monday, December 23, 2002
Room 330 Courthouse
Mazcia Moermond, Legislative Hearing Officer
The meeting was called to order at 10:02 a.m.
STAFF PRESENT: Jeff Hawkins, License, Inspections, Environmental Protection (LIEP);
Christine Rozek, LIEP; Kristine Schweinler, LIEP; Steve Zaccazd, Fue Department
Mazcia Moermond stated this is an informal meeting so that everyone can discuss and resolve
issues regazding the license application for Eclipse Records before it goes to the City Council.
The City Council and the Legislative Hearing Officer are empowered to grant the licenses, grant
with conditions—which have to be acceptable to the applicant�r refer the matter to an
Administrative Law Judge (ALJ). On that list, there is no option to deny the application; instead,
the matter would go to an ALJ. That process is time-intensive. If attorneys are hired, it is also
expensive. The ALJ process plus the City Corxncil public hearing can take about 90 days. Ms.
Moermond's decision today is a recommendation to the City Council about what they should be
doing. They can abide by Ms. Moermond's recommendation or not. This will be on the City
Council agenda for January 8; it will appear on their Consent Agenda and will not be a matter of
discussion; however, a councilmember can request that it be pulled off of the Consent Agenda
and discussed at more length.
Chrisrine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP, reported this is an application by Joe Furth, doing
business as Eclipse Records, 1692 Grand Avenue, far a Cabazet License and a Game Room
License. LIEP is recoxnmending approval of the license applica6on with the recommended
conditions by Fire and Zoning.
Steve Zaccard, Fire Marshall, reported Fire has renewed in August a Certificate of Occupancy as
mercantile, which means that it has an occupancy load of less than fifty. Fifiy or more would
make it a place of assembly and it does not have the space for that. The basement is for utility
use of the building, and Fire has not certified that space for use by the public pending the
outcome of licensing and zoning issues. The condition would be an occupant load of less than
Jeff Hawkins reported there is no additional parking requirement for the cabaret. For the game
room, there is additional parking required and it also requires a conditional use permit authorized
by the Planning Commission. The applicant will appear at the Zoning Committee of the
Planning Commission at the hearing on January 2, 2003. The full Planning Commission meets
on Friday, January 10, and they may recommend additional conditions for the licenses. The
Planning Commission's decision can be appealed to the City Council.
Rachel Harris, 320 Griggs Street South, appeared and stated she is a member of the Macalester
Groveland Community CounciL She has a resolution from their last Housing and Land Use
Meeting. Regarding the Cabazet License, they would like performances "limited to times ending
by 8 p.m. Sunday through Thursday and ending by 10 p.m. Friday and Saturday." The committee
did hear from residents in opposition and in favor. Those in opposition were concerned about the
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noise and overflow of people attending concerts at Eclipse Records. By overflow, they mean
people walking down the street and people hanging out on the sidewalk before going home. The
peopie in favor appreciated a place for their children to go that was a save haven with no alcohol
and no drugs. Regazding the game room license, the Coxnmunity Council opposed granting a
condirional use permit "due to the intensified use on the property and noise concems." Members
were interested in seeing how the cabaret license would afFect the properiy and its surroundings.
They were interested in passing one resolution at this time.
Joan Olson, 1705 Lincoln, appeared and stated she lives directly behind Eclipse Records. Mr.
Furth operated without a license. He has indicated he is going to apply for a STAR grant, but it
is her understanding that he is not eligible. Grand Avenue is very busy. Overflow traffic will
end up in the residential area. Some of the residents already have to pazk far from their homes
because they do not have gazages. The neighborhood has overflow traffic with Grand Avenue
during Grand OI' Days and Macalester College. If the cabaret license is issued, there will be a
lot of folks milling on the street that cannot get in Eclipse Records for a performance. Noise is a
big issue for her. As for the game room license, this is directly across the street from Ramsey
Junior High. The kids will never go home. She is not taking issue with the fact that it is a
healthy ahnosphere with no drinking and smoking. Her issue is just the location, which is
terrible for this venue.
Dan Craig, 1699 Lincoln Avenue, appeared and stated when he is in the backyard the noise is
around him. Joe Furth is interested in rock music, which Mr. Craig does not have an issue with
because he has played in bands; however, these are large amplifiers with full druui sets and bass.
It is loud. There may be no smoking in Eclipse, but there may be smoking in the back alleys,
which is fifty feet from any child walking down the street. Band people often like to indulge in
pot and other illegal drugs. There are lots of people in the front of the business. There are
cigarette butts and an ashtray in the front. This is not conducive to the neighborhood he moved
into 23 years ago. He did not think he had to put up with this when he bought his house on
Lincoln. Also, it was noted that band members were changing clothes in the back alley in view
of his house, which he did not appreciate because he has a young teenage daughter. As for the
game room, he concurs with Ms. Olson: across the street from the junior high school is a bad
Kim Craig, 1699 Lincoln Avenue, appeared and stated she agrees with her husband Dan. They
petitioned along Lincoln and Cambridge Avenues and 95% of the neighborhood is very opposed
to this license application. It has created an atmosphere in the past that is not conducive to
raising children. She has told her teenage daughter to stay on Lincoln Avenue and not wander
onto Grand Avenue when things aze going on. There have been crowds of people and many of
them are drunk. Her teenage son wimessed a crowd on drugs of some kind and watched a kid
start to fall out in front of the City bus. Her son has been cursed at by Mr. Furth and accused of
stealing in lus store. Mr. Furth has proven himself to not care about the neighbors. This is a
money-making venture for him because there are two colleges nearby. She is all about diversity,
but the location needs to be different. Also, she has called the police numerous times because of
the noise issue when she was unable to sleep.
(No one else wished to be heard in objecrion to the licenses.)
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Joe Furth, owner of Eclipse Records, appeazed and stated that someone said 95% of the
neighborhood is against what he is doing. Looking at the petitions, he feels it is 95% of the
people they petitioned. He has petitions of over 1,500 people that aze in support of his license
application. He has recommendations from professors at Macalester College, people in the
neighborhood, and teachers at Ramsey Junior High. As far as bandmembers changing clothes, it
is a private alleyway. A person cannot see the alleyway from the back of his building. It is not
accessibie to the public. As far the game room license, there aze provisions listed in the game
room license regazding curfew and the age lunit. He would enforce these things so that he would
not risk his license. Regazding the noise issue, Mark Kaisersatt (LIEP) has done numerous sound
monitoring behind the store and has not found that he is in violation of the City's noise
ordinance. It seems the neighbors just do not want him there.
As for people smoking out front and the overflow, stated Mr. Furth, there aze many businesses in
the area that have this issue: people leaving a theater, people leaving a book reading, parties
leaving restaurants. He does not violate that more than anybody else. As for the Community
Council's recommendation that the performances be done by 8:00 during the week, Dunn
Brothers Coffee also has a cabaret license and they can operate after 8:00. To say that he needs
to be done before 8:00 would be holding him to a higher standard than a similar establishment.
The neighbors do not like the clientele in his store nor the type of music. He has done a lot to
change the ordinance to allow places that are not restaurants to have live music and in store
(Mr. Furth submitted to Ms. Moermond letters of recommendation from the following: Lori Jo
M. Krengel, Krengel Properties, 1688 Grand Avenue; Joe Baumgart, 54 Cretin Avenue South
#107; A. Kiarina Kordela, Assistant Professor, Macalester College, 1600 Grand Avenue; Wang
Ping, Assistant Professor, Macalester College, 1600 Grand Avenue; and Stephen Burt, Assistant
Professor, Macalester College, 1600 Grand Avenue.)
Mr. Furth stated he is okay with ending the shows at 8:00 p.m. if there was a specific reason why
his place should be done at 8:00 during the week and 10:00 p.m, on the weekends. He has done
a lot of work to bring the properry into compliance: he now has egress out of the basement, he is
applying for a special use permit right now, and he has an application for a pazking variance. If
there aze restrictions, he feels they should be fair and not restrict his business just because
someone disagrees with what he does. He has had conversations with Mrs. Olson in the past and
it does not matter to her what he does because it is a personal issue for her. He cannot please
everybody. There is a place two doors down that serves alcohol.
Peter Pitman, 2036 Princeton Avenue, appeared and stated he has been a Saint Paul resident for
22 yeazs. Saint Paul has always been an advocate of emerging talent. Eclipse Records is
providing an opportunity for young musicians to perform for a small, enthusiasric audience. This
opportunity is rare. People of his age aze not given the opportunity to participate in an event like
this. He would support letting them perform unti19:00 or 10:00 p.m. Once again, there seems
there is some speculative hearsay about the behavior of students and teenagers. No one wants to
speak on their behalf. Many of them are shy. They often get a bad rap. It would be a golden
opportunity to have them perform at Eclipse Records. He speaks on the behalf of many people
who have attended concerts there. As a teacher at the locai high school, this is an opportunity for
kids to go out in the evening and witness good music.
Lloyd Ciedwyn, 1736 Lincoln Avenue, appeazed and stated that his commute takes him walking
past Eciipse Records. The environmental and personae of the azea has unproved by having
Eclipse Records there. In his two block commute to work, there are about six households with
teenage kids who do not bave other opportunities to have evening activities of a productive
(No one else wished to speak in support of the license application.)
Ms. Moermond stated the Certificate of Occupancy was issued with the notion that it is a
mercantile use for occupancy. Mr. Zaccard responded it is certified for mercantile use and there
is not enough room to haue more than fifty people nor is the exit in compliance with that.
Ms. Moermond asked if the license was granted with the condition on the number of people,
would he be looking at any additional characteristics in that space. Mr. Zaccard responded the
certificate as a mercantile use implies fewer than fifty. They can also make it a condition of the
license. The doors do not swing the right way and there is not the necessary fire and sprinkler,
emergency lighting systems, etc. that an assembly use would require. The owner has added a
second egress frm the basement in anticipation of it being used by the public.
Ms. Moermond asked about any conditions for the game room occupancy. Mr. Zaccard
responded the fifty is total for both levels. They have to add emergency lighting in the basement.
That would be required by the code anyway. In their most recent inspection, his office would
approve the use of the basement for utility use only.
Ms. Moermond stated the Planning Commission has yet to decide whether they will issue the
special condition use permit for the additional parking to allow for a game room. Given that the
Council will want to see if the variance will be allowed, she will defer the decision on the game
room pending the Planning Commission's conclusion about the parking. She asked if a
continuance of this hearing on January 14 would work far people to discuss the game room
application. Mr. Furth responded he is concerned about what will be discussed on that day. If
the Planning Commission denies his permit, there is no way for him to haue the game room. If
they do approve it, they have discussed the game room. It is hinging on the Planning
Commission's recommendation. Ms. Moermond responded she could take additional testimony
if the Planning Commission's recommendation merited additional comment in regards to this
license application. The parking issue is a prerequisite to the issuance of the license and
appealable to the City Council. This could also be handled by letter instead of another hearing.
Ms. Moermond asked were there any preferences on how this should be handled. (No one
responded.) Ms. Moermond stated she will go forwazd with a letter on January 14 in reference to
the game room license application. That is, of course, if the Planning Commission acts in a
timely manner in getting their work done and forwarded to the City Council.
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Ms. Moermond stated the prunary issue was noise and congregation of people who may be
smoking and negatively influencing the young in the azea. There has been neighborhood
experience with live performances in this space. It is completely reasonable that the hours of
operation be lunited. She asked was there informarion about Dunn Brothers. Ms. Schweinler
responded LIEP has received no complaints about Dunn Brothers. Mrs. Craig responded Dunn
Brothers is across the highway, so there would be no complaints. She is a professionai musician.
Her issue is not about the opporhxnity for musicians. Her issue is with the location.
Mr. Craig stated one of the previous speakers moved into the neighborhood recently. Mr. Craig
respects Mr. Furth's mission and what he wants to do, but this is the wrong place for his
business. He should move next to Dunn Brothers.
Mr. Furth stated there has not been one instance that the negative influence came from his store.
It is a college neighborhood. There aze more businesses of his type on the other end of Grand
Avenue, but he is still zoned the same; it is a B-2 zone. He is in a business district. There is
nothing written that says what type of business can go in there. The neighbors don't like the type
of business he operates nor his clientele. As for people jumping in front of the bus, there aze
people that play around the bus stop everyday. He should not be held accountable for every
negative instance in the neighborhood. There are residences closer to his business, and they have
never complained.
Mr. Pitman asked have there been documented complaints and calls. Ms. Moerxnond responded
there have been calls and reports written. The issue is whether or not they were prosecuted and
held up. It is her understanding the two noise violations ticketed in May were dismissed.
Mr. Craig stated he has a teenage son and a teenage daughter. He noticed when Mr. Furth started
playing loud music. Once he has the legal right to do it, it will become often and worse.
Mr. Furth stated the City has gone out on numerous occasions and he has never once violated the
noise ordinance. Ms. Olson responded Mark Kaisersatt (LIEP), the environmental sound
engineer, was never able to make a sound level determination because he would cali ahead.
Mrs. Craig stated the alley is public access. When she saw a band member changing clothes in
the back alley, she was in her backyard. It is public access. Crowds intensify when loud music
goes on. She is a very open musician and listens to a11 kinds of music in her car. It is not that
they do not like him or what he is trying to do. The locations has a great impact on the
neighborhood because of the crowds and the noise.
Mr. Craig stated he does have various bands of different levels and sounds. When he does have
loud bands with PA systems, it gets loud.
Ms. Cledwyn stated he grew up down the street by Dixie's. It now has a proactive business
relationship with the community. There is a noise issue at Eclipse, but it sounds like it is not a
quantifiable noise. He would advocate an attitude of compromise towards this. Mr. Craig
responded if that is the best that can be done, he would agree with that. Mrs. Craig responded
that the neighbors say they will sell their homes.
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Ms. Olson stated her dining room windows vibrate because of the noise. The license application
would not be an issue if there is a way to buffer the noise. She does not believe that will work
because it is an old building.
Mr. Furth stated Mr. Kaisersatt came out and did decibel readings behind the store while
performances are going on and he does not exceed the City's level for acceptable noise. Police
o�cers ha�e come out to his location and not once did they deem it was too loud until they may
have been instructed to come into his store and give him a ticket. There was an article in the
paper and all of a sudden there were eight officers in the store. Without any evidence, he was
issued noise ordinance violations. They were thrown out in court because there was nothing to
validate them. He is willing to compromise if there is a good enough reason. The neighbors are
opposed to his business without any factual evidence. Police have been called and come out to
his business when there were no performances going on; it seems a neighbor is hying to set
precedent that he is a problem business. He tries to be a very successful business. He has done a
fair job. He is not against compromise, but it should be fair and just.
Ms. Schweinler stated there was a citation issued on May 1Q.
violation, it does not mean the neighbors were not disturbed.
officer could hear the music from 250 feet away.
Just because there was a technical
The police report says that the
Ms. Moermond stated we will take the noise first. Some of these things are for the landlord to
do. Mr. Furth responded there has been some soundproofing done. He would agree to do
professional soundproofing. It is false to say it is an old building and it is not possible to do
soundproofing. He has been in conversation with the City Council about applying for a STAR
grant to do soundproofing in the store. He was instructed to get the license first. If he was
denied the licenses, then a STAR grant would not make much sense.
Ms. Moermond suggested putting start and end times on the entertainment. Mr. Furth responded
the earlier his entertainment, the eazlier it coincides with rush hour traffic. The later in the
evening would counteract with any kind of rush hour traffic.
Ms. Moermond asked does he intend to keep the establishment nonsmoking. Mr. Furth
responded yes.
Ms. Moermond asked about people milling outside the facility and additional noise generated by
people coming and going. Mr. Furth responded the doars that would be open during a
performance would be the front door where there is a junior high across the street. A lot of
businesses on that end of Grand aze also closed at that time. The music is to the front. He does
have plans to make extensive sound improvements by the door.
Ms. Moerxnond asked about the congregation of people who are not allowed in because it has
reached its maximum occupancy. Mr. Furth responded there have been some incidences out
front. He has done a diligent job on policing, but he cannot control everybody's actions all the
time. He will police the front area so there is not excessive overflow. There are other places that
are smoke free and people congregate to smoke outside. He does provide an ashtray out front so
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there is not excessive garbage on the street. A lot of the stores in that azea do not provide ash
trays. Mr. Craig responded that is an eyesore in itself.
Ms. Moermond asked about tickets for the performances to limit the nuxnber of people in the
space. Mr. Furth responded that is something that can be addressed.
Ms. Moermond asked would he be willing to accept as a compromise the limit on the hours of
operation. Mr. Furth responded by asking if it is the type of music or the actual day that is a
problem. The District Council brought up ending at 8:00 p.m. Sunday through Thursday and
10:00 p.m. Friday and Saturday. But, he does not have the loud music every night.
Ms Moermond asked there is a tradeoff between amplification and hours of operation. As an
enforcement policy, Ms. Schweinler stated, there would have to be amplification or no
amplification. Mr. Craig responded there has to be some amplification for acoustical music or it
sounds stupid.
Ms. Schweinler stated the occupancy load is 23. Mr. Zaccard responded it is 23 for the first
floor. Fifty is total occupancy.
Ms. Moermond stated she wouid like to recommend that musical performances do not start
befare 4:00 p.m. and they end by 8:00 pm. Sunday through Thursday and 10:00_Friday and
Saturday. Mr. Furth responded he has an agreement with the other businesses not to start
performance 5:00 p.m. There is an orthodontist next door; therefore, performances do not
generally start before 7:00 p.m. There aze other businesses that have not complained about the
Ms. Moermond stated 9:00 p.m. seems reasonable; however, given the neighbors' strong
opposition, she would recommend 8:00 pm. Sunday through Thursday. Mr. Furth asked could
the issue be addressed again if the sound improvements are done. Ms. Rozek responded they
could add a condition that it would be reviewed when the licenses come up for renewal.
Ms. Moermond stated Mr. Furth would not go through this Legislative Hearing process again,
but he would go through regular renewals. If people continued to have concerns about the
license, they need to contact LIEP staff with those complaints. LIEP would compile those when
it becomes time to renew the license.
Mr. Furth asked would he only be able to get additional hours when it is renewed. Ms. Rozek
responded the licenses will be up for renewal one year from issuance. Her office would accept a
request to change the hours and it would be reviewed with the neighbars. Any requests for
modification would be sent to the district council for review.
Mr. Furth asked about Mark Kaisersatt coming out to monitor the property. Ms. Schweinler
responded that Mr. Furth should contact an acoustic engineer to remedy his problems. Mr.
Kaisersatt is a City of Saint Paul employee and only responds to complaints.
If an acoustical engineer is consulted and additional soundproof ineasures aze taken prior to
additional performances, stated Ms. Moermond, then 9:00 p.m. is an acceptable end time. Ms.
Schweinler responded they can change the conditions after review of those changes.
Given all this information, asked Ms. Moermond, wouid the limited hours of performance work
for him. If not, this matter will go to an ALJ. Mr. Furth responded he is wiliing to compromise.
Ms. Moermond stated she will not add that he needs to consult an acoustical engineer, but she
strongly recommends he do so. Any nuxnber of businesses have had complaints about noise
levels and have warked with acoustical engineers to get those concerns addressed. She will not
add a condition for ticketing, but he should monitor it. If he can only get fifty people in and there
are 25 people waiting, he should keep them moving along.
Ms. Moermond stated another condition is that no one associated with his operation will not
change their clothes or warm up their instruments behind the alley.
Ms. Schweinler stated she would like to recommend a condition that the licensee be responsible
for maintaining the outside property on a daily basis by picking up the trash around the perimeter
of his building.
Ms. Moermond stated the occupancy which is a limit of fifty in the whole building is a condition
of the license.
Marcia Moermond recommends that the City Council approve the license application with the
following conditions:
1. Musical performances Sunday through Thursday are limited to 5:00 p.m, to 8:00 p.m.
Friday and Saturday performances are limited to 5:00 pm. to 10:00 p.m. If the owner
consults an acoustical engineer and addirional soundproofmg measures are taken, the
hours of musical performances will be revisited when the Cabaret License is up for
2. The Cabaret License is approved for use on the first floor only;
3. No one associated with Eclipse Records will change their clothes or play their
instruments behind the property;
4. The licensee will pick up refuse around the perimeter of his building on a daily basis;
5. The occupancy load in the building is limited to fifty people.
The Planning Commission is considering the Special Condition Use Permit and pazking
requirement variance; the Legislative Hearing Officer will make a recommendation regarding the
Game Room License after that Planning Commission meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 a.m.