250459 Qrt161NAL TO CITY CLHRK 25���9 CITY OF ST. PAUL F�ENC�� NO. , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU C RE LU O EN L FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF WfH�A�S, Ordina�cie� No. 3250 authori$es and pre�vides for pay- m�t for overtims work, and WHER�AS, The Ccmu�i.ssioner of Park$ and 8ecreation and Pnblic Bui.ldings has authorized overtime �rork in his departmea�t durin� the peric�d fr�ma Au�ust 22, 1970 thrrnagh S�ptesnber 1�, 1970: therefore� be it BMSObVID, That the proper eit�r offiaers are hereby authoriaed tc pay the e¢nployees �ho performmeci 'titch overtime xork in aceordan�e �rith the pmvisions or Ordinance Na. 6�l�6 an�d Ko. 3250. SEP 15 1�70 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays gEP 15 197�! �� Garlson A r � 19` Levine . � y� Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka yor _�Against Tedesco pUBLISHED SEP 191970 Mr. President, McCarty � i • ������ � �IP`Y SIIhIl�iARY OF PAID �Y�RTIlKE Far Payroll Period �om Au�ust 22, 1970 to September i�, 1970 , incluaive Departrnent: Parks & Recreation & Public Buildirigs OFFICE ROI,L NAME HRS. RATE PAY DATE REASONs� Shea� Mary F. 13� 6.5250 88.09 Qarioue Checking r�eords on vacant build3nga �_, DUTSIDE t�OI,L �eon, John �4. 9 8.32�0 7�.93 8/23 Operating eompactor in all parka. Anderson, Carl W. !� 6.l�125 2�.65 8/22 Cut Q�x�esns in Phalen aolf Cot�rse. Baker, Wi113am L. 16 2.50 }�O.flO Qarious Life avard at Phalen Beaah. Baranuk, Jack D. 13 3.� 39.� Yarious Beach�Pool Mar�ager at Phaler� Beach. Baxisonzi, Jack D. 8 6.L�125 51.3� 8/3� Picnics & Cleanup at Highlanci Park. Beawen, Lo��e a. �.7� 3.0� 11�2.50 Qarious ftefectory Manager a� 6omo aolf Cours Bong3e, Luella M. 12 3.2906 39.l�9 " aen�ral Matron at Coxo Park. C�►put, (�rordon J. 9 6.l�125 57.71 8/2l�,25 Picnic at Harriet Tsland for Mid. Cont. �o�Fer�ce. Conlin, Michael E. ? d.23l�3 �3.6l.� 8/22,29 Cv.t green� at Phalen Golf Course. Donch, James P. 12 2.5� 3�.� �arious Life Guard at Phalen Beach. Fitagerald, 8rtica E►. 32 6.l�125 2(�.20 u Picnics & cleanup at Highlar�d Park. (}reW, Robert H. 9� 6.l�12s 60.92 8/29,30 Cut greens,change cnpa, �c choras at Como Qrolf Cot�rse. Hanson, �dmund C. 12 6.23�t3 71�.81 8/23,29 Cut greeaas & change cnps at Como Golf course. Hartnsor�, Joseph R. 4 6.23�.3 24.94 8/29 Cut greens at Phalen (}olf Co�rse. Heiriz, Doris V. 27� 2.2812 62.73 Varioua Refectary attendant High3.and aolf. Heina, Joseph G. 80� lt.1125 331.06 �' Refectory Manager at T�ii.ghland aolf. . StMMA�Y OF PAID OVERTIl� For Pa4yroll Period From August 22, 1970 to Sept�emmber 1t, 197� , inclusive Departme�rt: Farks & Rear�eation �C Public Buildings OUTSIDg RQLL Name Hrs. Ra�e r P Date Reason Ho � . chae 2. . ariaus L3, e at en Beac . Holt, Ed.ward 0. 15� 6.I�125 99.39 8/22,23,30 Picnies & cleanup at C}aerokee Park. Irestone, Arthur a., Jr. 3 8.E�3�0 25.29 8/29 Repa3r machinery at Como Shop. Johnson, Kev3.n B. 2 2.5fl 5.00 8/2?�,26 I,ife Guard at Phalen Beach. Ke�p, Jani�s L. 8 6.1�125 51.30 8/26 Assume re�u.lar sehedule of e�eploy� f'rcm Zoo on �ea,cation. Knutson, Thomas C. 9 6.4125 57.71 8/2t�,25 Picnie at Harriot Islar�d for Mid. Cor�t. Conference. Ksiazek, David !� 6.231�3 ��..94 8/�2 Change Cups at Sighlaryd aolf Coux�ee Legan, Harry b. 7.�:t� 3.75 54.38 8/22,23/30 Change Cup�, Water & Cut fi�r•e�s & Chorea at Como aolf Cor�rse. McKenna, Jo�m M. 8 6.lt125 51.30 8/29 Assune regular sahedule of Zoo ernployee aai vacation. Millear, David A. 8 3.75 3�.� 8/22,23 Cleanup at Mounds Park. Moret, Eds+ard J. 8 6.I�125 51•3� $/30 Ass�e regnlar schediale of 800 e�nployee on vacation. Morrissette, Fra�eia J. 54 3.00 1b2.00 Various Refectory Manager at Phalen Ci�1:f. O�Rourke, Terrance J. 6 6.2343 37.�1 8/29, 30 Cut greens at I�igbland Qolf �ourae. Oswald, Claude T. 8 8.325� 66.6� 8/30 Operating compactor in all parks. Parr� Dougla� W. 2lt� 2.50 61.25 Yarious S�i.fe Guard at Pha],en Beaah. Peterson, Alvin C. 32 6.6263 212.0l�. 8/22,23,29,3� OPer�te Schiff�nan Fovntain night�. Priester, Jos�ph 12 7.0313 8l�.38 8/22,29 Opeorate wataa� truck & tree tri�ni.rig at NeW �ii.ghland Col.� & Stc�rm Dama�e. Qaiat, Donald B. 10 7.9218 79.22 8/22,23,29,30 supervi.se & Assist in cl�an�ap at Como Park. Resemius, Gregory J. 18 7.0313 126.56 8/22,23,29,30 C1ean Bldg�. & aro�and� at C�o Pa�} . � . ` � SUMM�RY OF PAID OVERTIME For Payroll Period f'Y�em A�ugust 22, 1970 to September !�, 1970 , 3nclusi'e Departme�t: Par ks & Recreation & Public Buildings OUT3IDE RALS, AiAME ARS. RATS PAY DATE REASON Ryder, Clarence 0. 56 3.�8'T5 172.90 Various ao1P Ranger at Highland aolf Course Thompson, Bruae J. 2 7.9218 1�.8l� 8/2lt,�5 Picnic at Harriet Island for l�i.d. Cmnt. Confere�nce. Voss, Fredrick J. 32 6.l�12,5 2�5.21 �Taric►us Ficxiics, cleanup, & cnt greens at High].at�d Park & aolf. Windey, Michael T. 42 3.00 126.� � Beach-Pool Manager at Highland Poo1. Woodward, By«ron L. ]p 7.9218 31.69 8/29 Staa�at damage i�Tynne, John d., Jr. !t 7.0313 28.13 8/29 5torm daa�ags goatecki� Panl M. 26 2.50 6�.00 Various aolf Ranger at Gomo Golf Course. NarusieWies, �ank S. 52 2.50 130.00 " Q►olf Range� at Phalen (�olf �ourse Pitzl, Miidred 16 3.�93 1�8.15 8/22,23 General Matron at High3and Golf. Johnston� Mark V. 25 2.50 62.s0 9arious I�ife Qru.ard at Phalen Beach. Olin, John P. 20 2.�0 �0.00 p Qrolf Ranger at Phalen (�olf �o��e. Morrissette, Evelyn M. llt 2.25 31.50 " Refectory �ttendant at Phalen Golf. Anderson, James R. 8 2.50 24.00 " Golf Ran�;er at Como aolf �,otittc��. Kortus, (3loria S. 2 2.25 �.�0 8/2� Refectaa�y Attendant at Phale� Golf. Loomis, Jerry D. !�6 2.25 1�3.50 Various Refeetc�ry Attendant at Como Golf. Harrington, Roy H. 1�� 2.50 11.25 " Life ('�aard at Phalen Beach. Hackl�, Virgiai.a M. 11.� 1.75 2lt.50 �� Refectory Helper at Phalen Beaeh. oav�han, John A. 1 8.325� 8.33 8/25 ftepair truck breakdc�wn. Lund, 5ylv�a M. 10 3.�93 34.�9 8/29, 30 dene�al Matran at Como Park. 3,8l�8.Oi1�