250455 Orislnsl to Cits Clerk , • , � ORDINANCE �5��� 5 COUNCIL FILE NO � PRESENTED BY %�� .����! ORDINANCE NO b O An ordinance amending the Zoning code, Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, of the Saint Paul Legislative _ Code, pertaining to Use Districts, Height Districts � and Rezoning of certain properties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. That the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to Use Districts, Height Districts, and Rezoning of certain properties in the City of Sa� Paul , as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended so as to rezone the following described property from "B" Residence District to "C" Residence District, to—wit: Lot l, Block 21, Oak Ville Park; situate on property located on the southwest corner of East Geranium Avenue and Walsh Street in the City of Saint Paul. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. rs�x ze asse�e � ----�— �i. �'�.`�'tP`�`�� �� be BRnmided�go as to re� prtpa�9 �ribed aa/LOt 1:�ock`$l� OakVilte Psik.'un th!e0uthwelit carrnez o! Cie!-i aaium Aae. ancl Walatt 3�feet: to a C•° Reipide�oe 7)fstriet, the council o! the Git3' Q! Saint_ F$u1 hap flx�d the lOth d�,1t $eFtei�wer.. 1B?0, at teu d�c ta fare:toon it��the Cou�- c]1 Charaber the CitY #Iall of aaid CitY� aad at �paid.tfiue and P1�ce, 'L}►g C �1 wq�l t�ear ali per8ons and au o�t{pp� �d �Cac�o�menKiBtiems xeffi- tiv@ t0 e8id'Pro�Aad�td�+�st. 1'Jated Au8►ist'�; 1970. ' sAxxY a. a��sxnF.i.. c�ty �.� . cww�c�.urio� . SEP 3 0 1970 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Butler '1 Caxlson In Favor � Levine Meredith 0 A gainst Sprafka Tecieaco SEP � 0 1970 r President (M.cC Approved: At Ci rk a �� �orm approved Corpor�tion Counael By PUBUSHED QCT 31970 �.«r�e� t i r C� RDINAN E 2�0��5 � � COUNCIL FILE NO I PRESENTED BY i ORDINANCE NO � O I � Au or�insa�e e�tendiaa tDe �oaf �ode, �tpts�� 60 to +6�4, isclnsi�e, oi tha �aiat Pa�pi 1 Le�i�latiT� Co�., �ertainia� to Q�e Di�tricts, i�t Distr#et� s� Sesoitiai oi eer�t►aia pretorties i� t�►e Cit�r oi �etist Pa�el, as �e�ed, � ?HS CBt�IiCIL OF ?8S CITZ �F SAIitT PAIIL D4� 4RDAI�t3 � , Sectioa 1, Tbat tha Loaina Code, pter� �4 to 6#: i�lo�f�e, ot f�e Saiat Pa�I. Legislati�a Code, pe inf� #o Qs� Di�e�ri�ts, Hei�ht IIio*riet�, a�t Sesosia,� oi ��rta properttss ia t�e Ci1hr ot Sai� Paul, as at��d, be au�d the s�e i� �ere�y fnrt�ar a�ed so as to resea�e tat� follo�i� d�soribeql progert�r iros "�" ll�esid�o� Histriat to "C" Re�idsa�� Distr3ct, to�iriti Lot l, Blae�c ltl, Oat Y1I1+� F�trY; •itust� oa �r�rp+e�'ty 18eatsd oa the oo �t�irest esorasr Q! �sst G+�raa�i.� A�eaaie ard Mil�rh Strset ia t�e Cit� o� :3aiat Paal. ; �set#oe 2. Thf� ordieea�c� s�al tats etl�et a�d be ia lorae t��rtyr f 3a) BsTs iroa and sit�rr f t� sf+aEe• a�►Pro�rai aa+d p��ll�atioa. . i ; i' � � ; I' I � � � i' I ; � ; � i I I I I' � ; I i . � � � � ; i' I I � gfp 3 0 1910 Yeas Councilmen Nays �� Paesed by the Counc�t Butlex � � Carlson ' Tn gavor Levine � MBredlth � -t� A�►i� a�. T� �� �rt � SEP 3 0 1970 Presid t ( C y) � Appmved: Attedt: ' i' ; City Clerk ' �ayor � :` Forrn appmved Cc>r�wr�tton unsel By ,, ; i MINi1TE8 OF THE PUBLIC H�ARING BEFORE THE BQABD OF ZONING on Thursdsy, Februa�y 19, 1970, at 2:00 P,Mo PRESENT: Messrs� Gadler, Gauger, McPartlin, Maietta, and Rutzick of the Board; Messrse Browa and Sorenson, Mrs. Frantzen, and Miss Sperr of the staff; and Daniel Klas, Corporation Coanselo MRS, RUTH B, DAHLBY: A petition to reznne from "B" to "C" Reaidence property located on the southweat coraer of East Geranium Avenue and Walsh Strset. Mr, Sorenaon su�arized the staff report stating that the proposal is to permit the continued use as a 3-plexa The buildix►g was constructed as a duplex in 1897. A permit was issued fur the construction of an addition in 1936--a possibie third unit. The Comprehensive Plan recor�aends this property and area be clasaified for one and two-f�mily, town or row houses, 15 dwel.ling units p�r acre. The site is occupied with an older resideatial atructare u�ed as a 3-plex and a two•car garage. 40 feet aloag East Gerenium Avenue and 121,36 feet along Walsh Street result in an area of 4,854.40 square feet. A 3-plex in "C" Residence requires 6,900 square feet. A letter dated May 27, 1969, from Mr, Ames, City Architect, to Mrs. Dahlby was noted. It ateted that her residence was in a "B" Resfdence diatrict, and therefore, the use as s 3-plex �ras illegal. This condition was diecovered when a building inapector w�s checking the building. Mr, Sorenson concluded that the pr�posal represents spot zoning; the area is short of the requirement and, ther�fore, would aeed appeals Co conform; the area for additional off-street parking is limited; and the purpose of code eaforcement is to have a�l structures conform to and meet Che minimum standaxda af the code� not to use the various codes to legal2ze those properties that have instifficient frontage ana3 area under prr�aent codes. The petitioner, Mrs. Ruth Dahlby, said the house ia too large for the lot and has been all renewed. She has lived there for 25 years and renCs mainly to eZderly people„ Theae people geaerally do not own cars, thus eliminatiug parking problems. She atated that parking in front and on the side of the structure are from residents up the black. Following a question from Mr. McPartlin dealin� with a r�solution being passed to change �this type of thing, Corporation Counsel Daniel Klas said a practical solution should try to be worked out with the Board of Appealso rlr, Gauger expre�sed � desire to find an alternative to the rezoning petitione -11- MRS, RUTH B, D�HLBX {ZJ19/70} (Continued): Mr� Sor�nso� stated tliat perhaps the Zcning B�ard should lay the matter over i�defi�ite�y to en�ble the zoning staff to report the possibility of incorporating something into the Zoning Ordinance. �r. T4cPartlin moved for an indefinite 1�yo�er to explore an alternate solution to general problems involving illegal 3-plexea. The motion was seconded by Mr. Gadler, which carried uaanimous�y. Mr, 5orenson indicated that the sCaff �oald repoxt back to the Board prior to rescheduling the ma�ter and would keep the petitioner �nformed. Submitted by: �olonel La Sorenson Rober� Lo Ames, Chairnoan _1�_ - MINUTES OF THE PtJBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE BOA�D OF 20NING on TQ�►►ursday, August 20, L97a, at 2.t00 P,Mo PRESENT: MeESrs. Doody, GadZer, Gauger, McFarklin, and Maietta of the Board, as�.d Measrs. Brown and Sorenson, �nd Mrs. Frantzen of the ataff. MRS. RUTH B, DAHLBY: A petitfon to rezone from "B" to "C" Residence to allow contfnued use of the building as a 3-plex on property located on the southwest corner of East Geranium Avenue and Walsh Stre�t. Mr, Sarenson noted thaC at the February 19, 1970, Zaning Board meeeing thia matter wae laid over indefinitely to explore an alternate solutioa Co general problems involving illegal 3-plexes. He noted that legal opfnion had been received to the e£fect that legalization would require rezoning. He then su�narized Che staff report and nated the foL�.owing conclusiona: the preaent use may not be detrimental to surrounding propertfes but thfs would be a borderline case because of the densi�y. There are many dnp�exes in this area; a few have aLready been converted. The potential for other conversione is high, but woul.d probably not be a problem without a housing shortsge. This particular property is 30% ahort of the m�.nimum area required by the Code, even if rezoned. Parking is available for three cars and to provide �ore parking, the rear yard woald be eliminated. The property has owcxer occupancy, and if the use is approved, it shouZd b� restricted to the life of the pres�nt structure an�l occupancy of Che present owner, and should be conditioned on con�inuoess complfance with all Code requirements. Mr, Sorenson noCed that with � negative easement this structure could not be torn down and rep2aced with a 5-unit building, for example. This home wes buiit in 1897 and possibly converted in 1936. Mrs. Dahlby, the petitioner, nated the home has a 3-car garage, and that everyone in the block uses her land for parking. Every year she has problems with snow plows. �he st�ted she bought the property in 1950 and did not convert �he duplex. She bel.ieves the stre�cture was similar to its present use in 1938. There are two apar�nents on the main floor, and the house has four bathxooms. The yard is small, and she noCed that the house is nicely kept up. As of September 10, 197Q, the back apartment will be vacant. She noted that this petition was filed following an inspectioa due to the renewal program in Che area. Mr. Gaug�r read part of �he le�ter sent to Mrs. Dahlby by the City Architect's office notin$ the illegal use. According to the Code, Mr. Sorenson said two units plus up to five sleeping rooma would 1�e allowed with the existing "B" Residence zoning. If kitchen facilities are installed, it is considered a u�ft. Mrs. Dahl�iy noted thst the c$re�aker lives on the second floor. -5- � , ,,, . - • N;RSs RUTH B. DAI�LBY (8/2U/70) (Continued): Appearing in opposition was Mr. Bruce Vento, 750 East Geranium Avenue, who said to chenge the Code would be to encourage other canversiana fn the area. The area has a lsrga nuunber of goasible changes, and the situation might occur where there would be an sbsentee landlord. He feels this use is inconsistent with the nei$hborhood, and that the property doesn't allaw for a dense population. Mr. Maietta asked the ataff wheCher tax informatioa had been obtained. Mro Sorenson noted that it wasn't passible to find out the basis o£ the tax asseasment. Mrs. Dahlby couunented Chat xher� has never been a complafnt by peoplE: in tY►e naighborhood. Sh� £urther noted that a besuty ahop eearby is zor�ed Coamaerc ia 1. . Mr. McPartlin moved for denisl of the petition, stating that other vinlations of the City Code may exist, deneity is Coo far off, and that density etandards are Zacking too much to consider approving this. The motion wss aeconded by Mr. Maietta, who noted there wauld be a 30% variance. The motion carried unanimousLy; Mro Doody stated this ia s hardahip on the owner, but the zaniag should have been checked before t'ne purchase of C�is home. SubmiCted bye Colonei Lo Sorenson Robe�t L, Anaes, Chais'msn -5- City Clezk :, ,, ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' MINNESOTA • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House 55102 Au�ust 28, 19�0 File It838, Page You are herebq notified that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the City Rall and Court House in the City of St. Paul at 10:00 a.m. on September 10, 1970, on the petition o� Mrs. Ruth S. Dahlby to rezone from a "B" Residence District to a "C" Reaidence District the property described as follows: Lot 1, Block 21, Oakville Parlicc. The property is located or► the South- west corner of Geraniwn Avenue and Walsh Street. For further inFotmation, contact the Planning Board, Room 1010, C�merce Building, or telephone 223-4151. This aotice of a public hearing has been sent out from the Depart- ment of Finance in cornpliance with the City Charter. ROSALIE L. BUTLER Commisaioner of Finance O � DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL � MINNESOTA 113 Court Houss,65102 ROSALIE L. BUTLER, Commissioner Phone:223-4646 3sptember 9, 1970 Mr. Rarry I�arahall City Clerk BUILDING File l�o. %-838 Rezone in Blk. 21, OakVille Pk. HEARING DATE: September lU, 197� Hear 3ir: �'ori►arded here�►ith is a letter, with refere�ce �o tbe above project, for cousideratian by the City Council. Sinc�rel�, ,/�� ;��.--� .� � Rosali� L. �utle r "��Commisaioae�r of Fiaance ea: File �O r . ,. .. � X � �� � , ` .� � � 9,��� ,�� � �� �50 E. Geranium Ave. St. Paul, Minn. 55106 september 8, 1970 City of st, pa� �ept. of Finance Gentlemen: Reference: Mre. Ruth B. Dahlby to re2one from a "Bu R��idence Distrint to a "CM Residence Di�trlot the prop�rty de�erib�d as follow�: Lot 1, Bloak 21, Qakville Park. The proparty ia located on the 9outhweat corner of Geranium Avenue and Walah Street. I Qppeared before the Board of Zoning, Auguet 20, 1970, and ob�ected to thie ehange. In my opinion, thie cha.nge would meet with approval in thi� area iP caontingent upon it� eale by the present owner it would revert to a "B" R�aidencse Dietriot. I eneourage the re-alaaeification only with thia proviaion. Sinoerely, ��:�,�, l�.�-- Bruoe F., Vento BV/mv � / 3.�A af�� .� , DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE /" ' � CITY OF SAINT PAUL 2S ��� 5 MINNESOTA I 13 Court Hou:s,56102 JAMES J. DALGLISH, Commiuioner LOUIS H.McKENNA, Depufy Commis:ioner Phons:223-4M6 December 23, 1969 To the Council City of Saint Paul Gentlemen: I have checked the attached petition of Mrs. Ruth B. Dahlby, filed in the matter of rezoning, Lot 1, Block 21, OakVille Park. 1The property is lo- cated on the southwest corner of Geranium Avenue and Walsh Street, from a Class "B" Residence District to a Class "C" Residence District, and find that said petition is insufficient. f''�Yo rs very,.t ly, r" d � James J. alglis �� Commiss oner of nance Re: X-838 cc: Mr. Ames N. R. Heiden Frontage: 0% Parcels Eligible - 13 Parcels Signed - 7 or 53.8% Needed - 9 or 66-2/3% NOTE: THE DESCRIPTION ON THE ATTACHED PETITION SHOULD READ (Lot 1, Block 21, OakVille Park - as stated above) INSTEAD OF (Lot 21, Block 1, OakVille Park) ' � � j�'� J. � � t,' �`` y�M •� �z 3�(b`i �O �� ,r r ` �,. . . 1 t r . BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL , 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 September 9, 1970 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room 386 City Hall Dear Sir: � C��`'F� �T ;��s v'� This is written in response to the petition of Mrs. Ruth B. Dahlby to rezone from "B" to "C" Residence property located on the southwest corner of East Geranium Avenu,e and Walsh Street, and more fu11y described as: `i�r _ Lot 1, Block 21, Oak���e Park �lddi�ion 2. This matter was first considered by the Board of Zoning at its meeting of February 19, 1970. The Board, in discussing the matter at that time, expressed concern that the rezoning procedure was being used to correct an existing illegal use. The matter was rescheduled for the August 20, 1970, meeting along with four other similar petitions to rezone to correct the illegal residential uses. The staff report noted that Building Department records indicate that the structure was built as a duplex in 1897. A permit was issued for the construction of an addition in 1936 which may, in fact, have been the time the third unit was added. A letter from the City Architect to the petitioner dated May 27, 1969, notes the violation of the Zoning Ordinance which limits the occupancy to two units and calls for de-conversion to that number. It was noted that up to five sleeping rooms, however, could be included with the duplex use. The staff noted that the site, with frontages of 40 feet on East Geranium Avenue and 121 feet on Walsh Street,has an area of about 4,850 square feet. Even if rezoned, therefore, a density appeal would be required since 6,900 square feet are required for a 3-plex in "C" Residence. The staff noted that the area is occupied with older one and two-family residences in generally good condition with occasional 4 or 5-unit structures. Staff conclusions also noted that the present use may not be detrimental to surrounding properties, but this would be a borderline case because of density. There are many duplexes in this area, a few of which have been converted, and the potential for other conversions is high. The property is 30 percent short of the minimum area required by the Zoning Code, even if rezoned, and parking is available for only three cars at the present time. The staff noted that the property has owner occupancy and recommended that if the petition is granted, a negative easement be attached restricting the "C" Residence use to the life of the present structure and occupancy of the present owner, and should be conditioned on continuous compliance with all Code requirements. Mrs. Dahlby, the petitioner, noted the home has a 3-car garage, and that everyone in the block uses her land for parking. Every year she has problems with snow plows. She stated she bought the property in 1950 and did not convert the duplex. She believes the structure was similar to its present use in 1938. There are two apartments on the main floor, and the house has four bathrooms. The yard is small, and she noted that the house is nicely kept up. As of September 10, 1970, the back apartment will be vacant. She noted that this petition was filed following an inspection due to the renewal program in the area. She noted that the caretaker lives on the second floor, and that the � -1- �r�� � � � J • Mr. Harry E. Marshall (continued) September 9, 1970 has never been a complaint by people in the neighborhood. One neighborhood resident appeared in opposition, noting that if this rezoning is granted, it may encourage other conversions in the area, some of which would result in absentee landlords. He noted that the proposed use is inconsistent with the neighborhood and that the property doesn't allow for a dense population. The Board discussed this rezoning petition as well as the other similar petitions before the Board. They again expressed concern that they were being asked to legalize a previous conversion done in violation of City codes. They noted that while a hardship certainly exists for the present owner, the density variance that would have to be appealed is excessive at 30 percent. Subsequently, the Board, by a 5-0 vote, recommends denial of this petition to rezone to "C" Residence. Very truly yours, r . �/��-� �� PETER J. ETTA Secretary, Board of Zoning PJM:gaf CLS Z. F. ��6934 -2- . ... . ...,.�,.. —irr „.r---*-.�„ �.�,..::-rv �,.._..�.: ti' ..�, ., ., ...... .S,r.-�'F{ � '��w"1 7+.,p . . u, +t �T r�:'s'i'1x . .�.,.. . .,...... . ... ..�...�. � a. , �,;� � . . „ '� .., . �,, � .�. n . .�;.,. � r�., F `�uK}'�Ci21, .p �: , '" --♦ r �-�. , , • ,� . ` ' .. �� ('�.� .. • � �l . .. . '. . �� . �. . . � . �l r , . CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � � . � , ' � PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE L�GISLATIVE (ZONING) CODE Note: The signer should appraise himself of the"uses permitted under the new assi- fication before signing this petition. For further information about the �J�/ ' rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151. � (Please type or print) � Date; TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50qo or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow- ing described property; (legal description and street address) � � �, � ' �:�.. a��.�;�����.,�„�..� � . '� �,�'� � ;, fr ',p�¢e.�,a�,� � District to��r�JD,����;zt�Y � District , for the fa`— purpos of installing, constructing and/or operating the fol�owing: �� (describe brie�ly the prtiposed facilit � � . G��3`�a�;,��/ �I�7T • �w � , I • RECORD OWNER SIG TU LOT BLOCK ADDITION JSubje t r perty: - ^ � ,� / � � �7�� � .� , -�.� �, ( ���7 ,�. � J��sa�,,,�.�4,�V� � ' �� o �c�� � �i � . � �� . v�-�u� � �� ,� I i. ��� � � �� � �/7�-�-- �", i�e�z.cz�- — �..I �� ,� . �?,� � ' . �< . � � ✓ :� , ,/�.�.-,�-� J ��_� / / �� <.. .;� ,4 State of Minnesota � ss �� County of Ramsey ( y/�,��z� � ���'�,��being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circulat the within petition consisting of �2 pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are "the true and correct signatures of each and all of the •parties so described. Subscribed and sworn to before me ��� ��� ��y��/; this '� _day of ��e -,��/F� 7� �• � �.__'`_�,2���r� • C�� � �� � Address: �� C. � _ � a��.. Telephone No. 7 7 � —���� � "�--- Notary Public, Ramsey Coun� , Minn. `� My commission expires Approved as to form 1/4/65 UA�Lt Office of the Corporation Counsel KORN' FGI 1/5/65 NotarY Public, RamSeY Co a������� �,jM�(;OP1'1t�1$�f�n ExPires M . 1M M'�'Y�\' w.�nM wtrr�—�--r.-.T -... .. � ..... ��F 4 .'T?'� f_� ,. �.� ..,. ..�,,.. . �.. ..:r�. � ....,�.. ., . .. . f4f ��A ,:]..' � . ,. .. � �°,F=--�--- .�.. .� ��. , -��, � � .. ��i,.,. � � � 4, �. • � :� ... . �� . _J":.J-'f 1 � ,1 r. '" . . ., ` "� - ' CITY OF ,SAINT PAUL, MINNEaOTA �--� � _ . � ! f � � PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE I.EGISLATIVE (ZONING) CODE ' Note r The signer should appraise him�elf of the uses permitted under the new assi- fication before signing this petition. For Yurther information about the �`�/ , rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151. (Please type or print) � Date; TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50% or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow- ing described property; (legal description and street address� C�_ � _—��-�.y` �a�� r�� � �'� e � ��. ���Z.��z� �� �/� ���� / !� �� �--s«� <� C �� � — � ' District, for the f rom l`_��(;�Z�,��,,.Ul�-�-(� �� Di st ri ct to ,�.�c�i-��.�_.,c-���� purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following: // (describe briefly the proposed facility) . �� � � � �. �� ��--���. RECORD OWNER SIGNATUR.E LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject rop` rty; � ' " // �-`' % ✓ � � � ��,�--- r"��.u��',.����� 1 � d�� � I . , YnJ � !U � �' � ' � �'�'� (�. .�l. " � ��� -- i . � / �� != ���c���� � � � �%���u � � `' � :, ��f �� � � � � � � � � � � ��� �� -�� � � __ : �, ; � , � ,, : � �- <, ,� - c. .�.c:« ,� ._ ,.��:� � / - �1 � � ;3 � �( � `� ~S' '�--r1_.c't_� vy�.,�� - � � � �t-.� - � �; � � � ( !/ ��. � �; ' `�, � .�.�.�- �- �- / i r � � 7y/ �° � ' �/ / 7 � � � � - � � �. �- � �` ✓ � � �� -, � ` �,,ti.�;,� �� l 7 �� � _ / ��. ,� � �� � �. U �tic./ ���� r,; � �� a '�2� :� State of Minnesota � ss �J County of Ramsey ( ! ������ � �����,,;being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circulated,�ne witnin pecition consi�ting uf � �ages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said - owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the partieslso�1des�c���/� y����� /L Subscribed and sworn to before me /�� �1 � � t h i s �d a y of �� /�!� � �.3� .� /���h-� Gr�- ._ /� C..._ � Address: `� ? U( . --��'�? ; ��'�...__ Telephone No. `� 7 /—�-��-�'' �/7 - Notary Public, Ramsey nty, Minn. My commission expires Approved as to form 1/4/65 Office of the Corporation Counsel ��� Gl2i� �; �f F�, I FGI 1/5�8�J Yr c,�bf c q�ms�y���� - �ia� " }'' , , ,"1�ir�� �-��t�e�&2���� � ��„ � ��J;� ' Harry' E. Marshall ', � �1`w c�TY oF ` Albert B. Olsoa � City Clerk and � Couneid Recorderr Com.miasioner of RegistraGion ' ' 6 so1,o,e�3; ; ds ° hC • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL BUREAU OP RECORDS S88 City Hall St.Paul,Minnesota 5510� Jan. 13, 1970. Zoning Board� Cammaerce Bldg. Gentlemen: � The City Council referred to you for rec�arnnendation the attached petition of Mrs. Ruth B. Dahlby to rezor�e Lot l, Block 21, OakVille Park� loeated on the so�,t est corner of Geranium Avernze and. Walsh Street� to "C" Residence District. Very truly yours, � ��/ C3✓V�..' � ., I ' �. City rk hp � �-- , ....: , .._< . _... � ` , • ' . DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE � � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL � MINNESOTA I13 Courf Houss,6510'l • JAMES J. DALGLISH, Commiuioner LOUIS H.MeKENNA, Dspu+y Commissioner Phons:223-4646 January 13, 1970 To the Council City of Saint Paul Gentlemen: I have rechecked the attached petition of Mrs. Ruth B, Dahlby, filed in the matter of rezoning, Lot 1, Block 21, OakVille Park. The property is lo- cated on the southwest corner of Geranium Avenue and Walsh Street, from a Class "B" Residence District to a Class "C" Residence District, and find that said petition is sufficient. � rs very truly ames J. lglis ,,�'O"� Commiss ner o inance Re: X-838 cc: Mr. Ames N. R. Heiden Frontage: 100% Parcels Eligible - 13 Parcels Signed - 11 or 84.6% Needed - 9 or 66-2/3°Jo ^�� � ` �` February 19, 1970 ROAR� OF ZONING REPORT AND ACTION August 20, 1970 nlat I1ap ��33 • Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 � � passed August 22, 1922, as amended to April 6, 1970. 6934 • �":".�1C;�,;I'C`� NA'•if� , Mrs. Ruth B. Dahlby _ , ��;,r�;SIFICA'I'I�N . L`=.J Amendment 0 Appeal ❑ 2ermit � Other X-838 .i , °'iJk:��.�;:�f: ; Rezone "B" to "C" Residence �+ . L'�Ci,�"IJt� ; Southwest corner of East Geranium Avenue and Walsh Street �. ;.,Ec;Ai� ��SCRIPTION : Lot 1, Block 21, Oakville Park Addition 2 � . P:.i,SI:iJT IOfJING: "B" Residence � . `':f't7'J�1NT T� Zonin�* Code Chapters 64 Se�tion: .06 Para�;raph: -3 , STAF'F INVESTIGATION � REP�RT; Date; 2/11/70 By: ATB A. SUFFICIENCY: The Co�nissioner of Finance, in a letter dated 1/13/70, declared the petition sufficient with the owners of 11 of a possible 13 tracks (84.6%) having signed the petition. B. HISTORY: None for this site. C. PROPOSED USE: To permit the continued use as a 3-plex. The building was constructed as a duplex in 1897. A permit was issued for the construction of an addition in 1936--possible third unit. D. FRONTAGE AND AREA: 40 feet along East Geranium Avenue and 121.36 feet along Walsh Street resulting in an area of 4,854.40 square feet. 3-plex in "C" Residence requires 6,900 square feet. E. AREA ZONING: The entire area is zoned "B" Residence except one lot on the northeast corner of Walsh Street and East Jessamine Avenue which is zoned Commercial. F. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Recommends this property and area be classified R-5 (one and two-family, town or row house, 15 d.u. /acre maximum) . G. SITE CONDITIONS': The site is occupied with an older residential structure used as a 3-plex and a two-car garage. H. AREA CONDITIONS: The older neighborhood is at maximum development with mixed one and two-family residences and an occasional 4 or 5-unit building. The lot sizes are about equal. 90 BOARD ACTION: To Reco�nend � Approval �X Denial Council Letter Dated : Moved by : McPartlin Yeas Nays 9/9/70 X Gadler Seconded by: Maietta X Gauger Date of Hearing X Maietta 9/10/70 Secretary's remarks: Mansur Ames - Ch. Council Action X McPartlin (Alt.) �atk�4c�c �c�1sz�� D a t e Rutzick (Alt.) x Doody (Alt.) Dec• 23, 1969. Mrs. Ruth B. Dahlby, 736 E. t3eranit�m, St. Psul, Minn. �. Dear Madam: The Go�nmissioner of � / City Council tha,t your Fi� °day rep°r'ted to the cribed pe y " " esfdenc t�f�t� c� tis insuffici nt$ pro rt to C Lot 1, B10 21, Oa,kyfl pax.k� located on the southw� t corner of erani�m Ave. and Walsh St. this reason Cour�cil cattnat act further in this ter. ve2`y truly yaurs; \,�� hp Cfty Clerk ' � " ` �1 � i�? � P�If� � � .: � .; � �� ��� ��� ��� «c� �■ � � . . • ' ' � , � � o - • • „'�' :�r '� ,� s � � � ,o g���r� �.� � .a- - c a . �.- � � r • � � '� � � e � • c : • • • � � � � • • � � � • • � e_ ., � � � � � • • • � - � !�� �� -'��' � �� � �,` 9- : • � � � �� ��� �� � � � �� � �� �'� �.� - � �� � �' � ° �•� • [�'� \`�!7 . . � � • �p • ; � �; �:-� :� • � � � t771 • . o . • ; ; � � • t' CI . . . . . , ,, I�•.�1 � � �%/ �� t•� • • . • � � ' � '' ['.� �!� �,� l�.� � • � � � � • • � � � � �,' � • • �� �r.� � � � E� • �;i � � * � ` � � �� ` � � � � � � � : • � � � �� � :. . \� ��� � � � � �� � �.� .�a�.\ ��� • �"�;:� � �'� ; �' ►�� � �� � ��� �;: t.) � • , , � [�.� i�."Z E� �•7 C71� �� � ��': . . �i ' ' + e �•� . • � �� �'•� ��� �� � ,, t+►�! 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