250447 OR161NAL TO CITY CL[RK ��V'� �� � �• CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNC�� NO �,zc�rrsE co�:����zT�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOL TION—GENERAL FORM , � PRESENTED!Y Se�te�.ber 16, 1970 COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLV�,Da That Application L 5650 for Tavern License, appl3ed for by The Patio, Inc. at 1420 ;'l. Seventh 5treet, be and �he same is hereby �;ranted. On Sale Liquor �st�blishnent Zn.formably approved by Council August 25, 1970 SEP 15 1910 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Naya D-�1°- _ SEP 15 197A Carlson pro 19— Levine '� Tn Favor Meredith Mayor Sprafka � Againat Tedesco Mr. Presideazt, McCarty ,�UBLISHED SEP 19197d �� _ � CITY OY+�SAIll� PAUL �� • Capital of Minnesota � �S� y��.� . eUe aHt�ne�t o ub�C'c �a et � � ADMINI$TRATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIRE PROTECTION P��� DEAN MEftEDITH,Commissioner HEALTH RALP'H G.MERRILL,Depnty Commiesioner DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,Lieenss Inapeetor ���u�ust 25, 1970 ?Ionorable T�iayor and City Council S��in:. P��ul, i�Iinr-:e;:ot�� Gentler�en anc7 ��iad��.r�: Curre._tl�� The T'atio, Inc. �.re holders of Or. �ale I,i�!uor Licer�::e T�;o. 7805 ��n�i T�Iiscella,r.�:�ous lice_n;.es at 1��20 ':'est Seventh �treet. i�he yresent operato�_�s of this pl�,ce h�,ve held such licenNes sir_ce 1•��:,y 12, 1;70. ��pplic::.tion is r_la,c3e ior a. T�v�rn License in cor.?Ze�ctior� tiritr swid �usir�ess. Very tr�;ly yourU, 1�G.+�...,t�i �//'��� License Inspector 1, � 1�'�JZ , itryi,:y��"�W! /'�(j 1 �� �I � ��:� \ y�� ��� O ' • ,,, , : CITY OF SA,TNT P�UL DEP!lRTB;�NT �1F PUBLIC SAFETY I,ICFNS� DN�SION _ i ��°`""'���"a`'.�..."".,.:18 7 a. 1, �,ppliaation for L3cenee 2. Name of applicant � � �, (� 3, Businees address�y�C �p !.c>. � �'�sidence 4. Tx�ade z�ame, if any 5. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp Retail Liquor �ederal T�x Stamp vril�. be u�ed. 6. (hz what floor loeated Number o�' roo�us used 7. Between what aross atreeta Which side of atreet 8. A,re premisea now occsup�ed '�Ilha� busineas Haw long 9. Are premiaes now un�cscupied Ho4v long vacant Previous Use 10. Are �ou a ne�r o�rne�r , Have you been in a aimil.ar buaineas before __..____..r.. �iere �hen - 11• Are you going to operste thia business peraonall�r If not, �o will operate it 12. Are you in any other business at the present time 13. Aave thare beex� any oomplai:nts against your operati.on of thig type of plsae ___._.__....... �2en �hera 14. Iiave you ever had any licenae revokec3 �Phat reas on and date 15. �re you a aitizen of the United St�tes Native Na�uralizad ____.._�.. ..�._..___.. 16. VYhere vrere you born Date of bir`th 17. I am �rried. My (wife 's) (husband's) name and addresa is 18. (If married famale) my maiden name is 19. Hc>w long have you lived i.n St. Paul 20. Have yon ever been a�rested Vi�3.ation of what csrirn.inal 1aw� or ordin�xtae ..,..�..._.. 21. Are you e� registered voter in the City of St. Paul Ye� No. (�a.swer full�and aompletel�. Theae a lications are thorou hl aheoked axid e►n �alsification will be cause Por denia . ���,R� � , � • • 22. Number of 3.2 places within two blocks ' 23. Closest intoxicati.ng liquor p]ace. �Dn Saie �ff Sa7.e 24. Nea rest Church Neares� School 25. I�Tumbex of booths Tables ehairs Stool$ _ 26. What occup�tion have �rou follovued for the past five years. (Give names of employera and date$ s o emploS'ed•� 27, Give names and addresses of two persons' resa,denta of St. Pau1, D�.nn,, vu�io caaa gi.ve inf or�tion con.oerning you. I�ame Address hTame .Addres s �.�-�-�- ���' ig�ture o App ican state of B�innes�ta) ' )ss County of Ramsey ) . � . being #'a.rst duly sworn, deposea ar�d saq� on oath that e has rea h.e egoing sta�teme�.-� bearing hie aignature and kno�rs ' t e contents thereof, and tlzat t e sam� is true of' h.i,s o� l�a:owledge exaept aa �Q � ose ma�ters therein stated upon infox�na�ion and beli,ef and a$ to those �t�ers he bel�.eves them to be �rtao. � ,C�l�tit'/ �.-�C�-�-� nature of App icsant �bscribed and sworn to before ma this �/ �� day of _ � 19 7`� Notary Publi , msey Caunty, Mi.nne a My Cv�nissi xpirss l o -OZS- � y 7� (No�te s These statement forms are in duplicate. Both copies must be fu11y filled ou�, notarized, and returned to the License Division.j� DOR(JTHY J. MUNKELWITZ r' � ry Public, Ramsey County, Minn. ,,; �ommt5slon Expires Oct. 25, 1970 Aug. 25, i97o f�j i � Hon. Dean Meredith, �._..., __.� _� � Commissioner of Public Safety, �----M-..__.�__.__....._ ., °°,.. 101 E. lpth. St., ^. ,` ,�`� S�t. Pau3., i�tinn, �,----�.� � \ At� , ��Daniel P. Mc�ughlin Det�r Sir: � /�,/ � The City Council tod` `��nform�� a�proved the appl.ication o� The Patio, Inc.,�hp\�:��,��.nf On ���e Liquor L3.cense No. 7805 and Misce�,�an�ous I,i�nses at 1�+2� West Seventh Street, for a ��,�cern-I�i erise��.�,cannect�.on with s�.id business. Will �qti please ��pare�,t�e custoa�a.ry resolution? i � i � Very truly yours� , I _ ��\`� /,, / - .;� �'._—_�% %� City Clerk hp ;';` ��---. �� i`/ t`i 1 j � �, ��` /�:d� �. �.�'�