250446 o�.i s�cicr cia�
� bRDINANCE �5p��s
An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled:
"An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities
and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of
positions in the Classified Service of the City, "
approved-February, 13, . 1935, as amended.
Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13,
1g35, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking
out the titles, and specifications for
Assistant Maintenance Foreman (Filter Plant)
Assistant Supervisor of Pumping
Supervisor of Building Maintenance and Repair--
Parks axid Recreation
Supervisor of Sewer Maintenance
Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on
the first day of the first payroll period following thirty days aftesrits
pas sage, approval, and publication.
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SEP 3 0 1970
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council
Butler �
Carlson Tn Favor
� Levine
Meredith � D A gainst
Sprafka 0 1'�0
Tedesco . <- -- • $EP 3
. President (McCarty) �Approv
At t�-, �j �
Ci erk Mayor
Form approved Corporation Counsel By
i�,1SHED OCT 3197�
Sept. 15, 19^0
:+Ir. John Ha.ider, �
Director of Personnel, i
City Civi.l Service �eau. �
��..���...�1 �
Dear 5ir:
� ,\
The City Ccnxncil today g��� �Reading to ��
followring ordinances: /,,
C. F. 2504�2 - A.mendi��Ord. N 2g0 - By placing
an �,st�risk bef'or�cco�n_�' n� Clerk III in
Sec. 6, Grade 30 unZlc�-�Cy�erical Group; By
3.ns�rtin ��i y'i.e�,, 6, �:n`�Grade 3Q undcr Sub-
profee �al Grou � the'�,t�tle Acenunting Tech-
nlcia ; 33y inser�tr ng in�ec. 6, in Gxade 3�+
und.er ubprofess3o�1. Group the title Accounting
T�ch �C an II• �A�
C,�F�-_2�A�+�+3�`* Ord. No. 76Q7 - By strikin�
�; / out speciP3 ons �'ox Accounting Clerk TII and
� j subetit ting eentience abolishing title except
�'� as ta esent incwnbents; By inserti.n� titl.es
and s iFications for Accounting Techniciax� �
�,____�,:r c,
C. . '��44 - Amending Urd. No. 3250 - By striking
out oP Sec. 6 in Grades 28, 30, ar�d �0 the
titlea Dispatcher I and II mnd Supt. of Municipal
Gaxa�e; By stri.king out of Sec, gB3 (c) Aast.
Supervisor of Pumping, Supervisor of Bldg. Ma3n-
tenance and Repair--Parks and. R�creation,and
Supervisor of Sew�er Maintenazice; By S.naerting in
Sec. 7 und�r Semi-skilled Labor Asphalt Batcherman,
Asphs�lt Plant Engineer, Water Servicem�an II
(Connections) ax�d. Water Serviceman IT (l�ains);
By substituting new au�terial in Sec. 6, under
Ma,nual and Mai�tens�nae Group for ttll the material
farom Grade 27 through Grade �5.
C. F. 2g0�+45 - An ordina.nce amending �rd. No. 64�+6
By in�erting in Sec. II, under Graup G the follow3r�g:
Aephalt Batcherman 5.,10
1�sph�lt P].ant Engine�r 5.�,0
Water S�rviceman II(Conn�etions� 5.1�
Wat�r �ervieeman II(Mains) 5.13
C. F. 2544�+6 - An ordinanc� awner�ding Ord. No. 7d�7
by striking out the titles a:�d spec . ications Por
Asst. Maintenance Foreman (Filter �nt), Asst.
Supervi�or of Pump3.ng, Superv3sor o��Building
Maintenatnce and Repair--Parks and R�c�reation,
Supervi�or of Sew�r Mai.nt�rr��c.e.._.__._, ;
--- � \
Third R�ading on these ordinances will be~b;i •�ept. 2�, 1g�`0.
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� ���/ V� txuly yours,
h �---`. , City Clerk
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Isf / � ' ' 2nd
Laid over to
3rd and app —Adopted ���Q
Yeas Nays Yeas Neys
Butler �Butler
Carlson �Carlson
Levine �5Q��� '�. Levine
Meredith \Meredith
Sprefka � �Sprefka
Tedesco � ����edesco �lJ
Mr. President McCarFy Mr. President McCarty