250438 r _ . _ ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK . CITY OF ST. PAUL FCOENCIL N0. 5���8 ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NCIL RESOLUTION-GENERA M PRESENTED BT1�'�� i COMMISSIONE AT R�SOL�IFD, That pnrsnant to th� a�thority eonferred by �hapter 151, Laws of Minnesota for 1955. this �ouncil herebp authorize� and directa the proper City offici�ls to institnt� proc�dure� to abolish the Park Police a� of �'ax�uar� 1, 1971. FORM R V• Z � ✓ iCORP_OIaA ON COUNSEL SEP 15 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19- Yeas Nays $ +� SEP 15 1970 `F�axlson ed 19� Levi n Favor �Vieredith � �prafka � yor A gainst Tede�� Nh�. President, McCarty PUBLISHED SEP 191970 � . � . . . �50��8 DU}LICAT6 TO lRIMRR . . . � � CITY OF ST. PAUL F�uNC�� NO ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED olf COMMISSIONER ^AT� Rs80z.VSD. 'l�►t pnr��tan� to th� authc�ritp conlatrsd bp �hapt.�r 151, La�►� o! 1[i�meaota fos 1955, thi� Counail h�r�by anthori:�s snd dis�cts th� ps�optr City o!licia►1• to ia�titnt� proc�dur�s to sboli�h th� Psrk Polic� a� o! Jantttary 1, 1971. COUNCII�EN Adopted by the Counc�EP 15 1'�4 19— Yeaa Nays SEP l 5 1910 ,i �,1�� Approved ---19— Levine � �n Favor �Meredith Mayor �Sprafka � Ag'&lIIBt Tedesco ./ �Mr. President, McCaxty 25���8 Adopted by the Council 197— Yeas Nays a�YWl1� �CARLSON ,LEVI�.� �MEREDITH \ SPRAFHA TIDES�''� �MR.PRESIDENT (McCARTY) �OO