250434 ORIOINAL TO CITY CLBRK CITY OF ST. PAUL ��N�� NO '����� 4 4 I,ICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM ,�'O (� � ' s � � September 15, 1970 PRESENTED 6T � COMMISSIONEQ „To,� ����L��4`��- �� ATF R�,'SOLV"raD: That application for Restaurant, On and Off Sale Malt Beverage and Cigarette licenses made by Marilyn J. Peaxson at 1080 Forest Street, be and the same axe hereby �ranted on the condition that within �9 o days of this date said applicant shall comply �:ith all requirements of the Bureaus of Fire� Health, and Police, and the License Inspector pursuant to the St. Paul Legislative Code and all other applicable ordinances and laws. SEP 15 1�78 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Naya � " ., roo �€P 1 5 1910' 19_ 'TSU 41CI�! Ci&�'i80ri � Levine Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor Tedesco --�Aga�n�t Mr. President, McCarty PiiBL1SHE0 SEP 191�'0 �� � . CITY OF SAINT PAUL ` Capital of Minnesota ���'�"�� �e aHt�net�t o u��c'c �a et p � ADAiINIBTRATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIAE PROTECTION ���� DEAN MEREDITH, Commissioner HEALTH RALP'H G.MERRILL,Deputy Commisatoner DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,License Inspector September 15, 1970 Honorable Mayor and City Council Saint Paul, Nlinnesota Gentlemen and Madam: Marilyn J. Pearson makes application for Restaurant, On and Off Sale rIalt Bevera�e and Ciba-.rette Licer,ses for 1080 Forest Street, which is on the East side of the street between Cook and Magnolia hvenues. Tris location has been licensed for a similar business since February 1956. The presentlicensee, Chaxles E.Bowen was licensee since that time. Pri or to this it was a grocery-butcher establ ish�ent from 1923 to 1956. There are no other 3.2 places within two blocks. The CZosest On Sale Lic�uor as well as Off Sale Liquor place axe each about six blocks away. The neasest church and school are each one block away. 'i'he applicant has operated a Beauty Salon at 1051 Forest Street for a number of years. Very truly yours, �� ��`�° License Inspeetor O , � . CITY OF SATNT PAUL DEPARTB:'�NT OF PUBLIC SAF'ETY _ LIC�NSE DNTSTt� _ I7a te / 1 a..,L1L _..�,...,�.�... 1. Appli.cation f or �• ,� ,.e L3can�e 2. Name of a pplicant �/ L J� ��S o/lJ 3. Bus�.ness aaaress /D �0 �o/�ES 7�s7,� Residenoe /�,j� /�f,�1 74,�q�j'�,� ,�„�, s'7� . 4. Trade name, if any �,� � /° E/i 5. Rstail Beer Federal Tax Stamp�T�tail Liquor �'ederal Tax St�mp�� w�.11 be u�ed, 6. Qn what floor loeated ..�� R o U�r/ CI Number of' roo�s used p�f'� � oF ' �m/!�v R 7. Betvueen what aroas $treets�`m,qE�.�,c A,� /yJ.ao,yo�i,�Y�lhich aide of s�reet �q,$�' �_=�- 8. Are premi.aes now oaoupied��S 'VYhat business ,3,d2 ,QEE� Haw long J y hp �,__..._ �..,._ 9. Are premises now unoocupied�I�aw long vacant f �fil �� Pxeva,ous Use 3 .x,� ,...,_�.».__ 10. Are you a nev�r o�m.er tS Have you been in a s3mi].ar bueineas before �p -�,-..- VPhere When 11. Are you going to operate thia business personally /��9 AJ ��- E w • If not, v�o will operate it 12. Are you in any o�her business at the present tia�s ��S T ' � 13. Flave there been any oomplaints againat your operatiox� of this type oP plaoe�D ^ YYhen �'fhere 14. Iiave you ever had any licsense revoked �D �Phat reason and da�e 15, Are you A C].'�7.Z8T1 of the United States��,5 Native^7�/�-�-'�Natura7.ized r�--�— 16. Where vu�mre you borx� (,UDR f yi��Q��,,,�/rY/U,�te of birth �� l �� /�3/ ��� 17. I am LJt S m�rried. My (�e-} (husband's) name and addresa is .,,�.�..,�..,_ ,E/�_ s o � %�,�6 /�q ,� f �! /°��L 18. (If msrried fema le� my msiden name is �'f q�� L�/r/ ,��G r{� ., .. �.. . �, . . 19. Sc�w long have you lived in St. Faul q � -�-T---=��% �- 20. Have you ever been arreated��_Viulation of �rhat arira3.na1 law or ordi�noe ._.,........ 21. Are you a registered voter in the City of St. Paul Yes No. (�nsv�rer full and aom �.etel . Theae a lications sre thorou h1 cheaked �t�d aa alsification wi11 be cauae Por e�.ia . ��?j1F'p� a w . 22. Number of 3.2 plaoes within �two blocsks_`_�/'0(�/Q + 23. Closest intoxicatin� l�.quor p]�aae. On Sale�p �,�p4� �ff Sale (p ,��j � �,1� 24. Nea re st Church / ,,,��Q�,� Naa res t Sahoal / 25. Number of booths � Tables �"C�,1�g����Stools /(� 26. What occupation have vou follovaed for th� pas� five y�sars, (Give names of employars and dates so employed.� �' y - ios -� � ��i 27. Give names and addreasea of two peraons, residenta of St. Pau�, l�i,nn,,,,.v�ho c�n g�.y�e infox�,tion concern3.ng you. Name h'1�1. ���t0'�1/d�a.,� 5� Address �/�� �, �IO/1�7`i�1�/� ���. V ��G�� _ _ � �1 . . . . . Nam.e�l� �_�1'1�td. .�.Qe,ti,d� ��i �1dd re s s /c�5'�a O//!�.✓��i�./l�f c�7� � � ` � .� Signature o App iQ Sta te of b'finne s ota� ss County of Ramsey ) ���� � � being first duly s�rorn, deposes and says upon oa�h t as rea the foregoing sta�ement bearing his signatuare and �.ows the eontent reof, and �Lhat the sam� is true oP his own. �iowledge except ea �o those �tters ' herein stated upon information and belief and aa to thoee �t�ers he believes them to be truao � Signature of pplia Subscribed and sworn �o befare me this C/ � day o#' , 19�� —r----� - v-��� Idotary Publ' ey County, Minne a �dy Co�nissxon expirss /c - �� /�/ 7 v (Notes These s�a�ement forma are i�. duplicate. Bflth copies mus� be f1a,�,1y fa,lled ou�, notarized, and returned to the License Division.j� 60ROTHY J: MONKECWIT� IVotary PubliC;Ramsey County, Minn■ ��r Commissiert�r�s Oci�2�.1.974 - . � AFF IDllV IT B X APPL ICpNT ' FOR RETA IL BEER OR LIQUOR T:3CENSE Re s �Sale�'/L0� .`LiQenee 14ame of applioant L �. �,�4 S'D/(� Bu��.�ees �aa�ss %D�D � � S� .� _ �� /��- ,�Ji�'ilJ -SSio � AY°e �rou the sole owner of �his busineas?�j e If not, ia it a partnership� �,,_�,... corporatiariZ , o:bher? Others interested in bus�.neas, inelude those by loan of money, property or other�risas Nam� Add re s s Hvev If a o orporation, give� its name 1�re you interested in any way in any o�her Retail Beer or Liqu�r buainesa? Aa aole rnrrasr2 partner? Stookholder? Otherarise? (Through loan of monsy9 eta� Explain)` Addresa of such buainesa and nature oP intereat in same ��� Signature app ant Sta�s of' M3.nne s ota as C ounty nf �msey ! a bei.ng first duly aworn, deposes and says up�n oath that he ha re e fox�sgoing affidavit bearing hia aignature and knc�►s the contents thereof; t t t e same is true of hia c�wn lrnowledge, except as to those matters there�.n. stated upon in ormation and belief shd as to those me►ttera he beliavas them to be true. DEIROTHY J. MUNKELINIT2 I�ofary Putrlic, Ramsey County, Minn. �Y Cofnmission Expires Oct. 25, i97o . ���ture oP plicant Subaoribed and sroro to before me thia <�day of __19� e ; • N ota z°y ub 1 c, ey C ounty, Mi. s ota My aammiss�.on expires r�' � � 19� � . . s�� � ��so�A) � s8 CaUNTY OF RAMSEY , , being firat duly ��rax�ri., doth depose and say that he �kea this aff idavit in connection xith appZica�ion f ar ° Sale" liquor license ("�Sale� malt bevarage licenee� 3n the eity of 3aint Paul, Minneaota; that your e►ffie�nt ie a raaident of the Sta�te of �ta.nnesot� and has resided therein for o� '� yeare, monthe, and is noar and has been for the time a�bo�e aientioned a bor� fide reeident of saicl Stata s►nd that he now reaidea st ��3[� . � � Addree � d�/' ��-'�� , �i�.n.e s ota. City or Town . � Subsoribed and a�rorn ta before me th s�day of • 19 7° . • 1/�7��� b � O'�!'ST �7 � IIiBAy �iOUA't�Ty �TJIl@ �Iy oo�i�aio expirea /o � "�_l� DOROTHY �. MvNKEL1NIT',� Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minrt, My Commission Expires Oct. 25, 1970,