250433 � '. ;�5���3 ORIOINAL TO CITY CLBRK � CITY OF ST. PAUL HLE N�� NO. • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LIC-r�NSE CON�IITTEE COUNCIL RESOLUTIO ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � �� ,V��i September 15� 1970 COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLVr.D: That application for the transfer of On Sale Liquor License issued to Chris Christensen at 1567 IIniversity Avenue to William J. Cardinal� Jr. at the same address �,nd his application for Restaurant, Off Sale M�7.t Beverage and Ci�axette I,icelses for the same location, b e and the same are hereby granted on the condition that within G U days of this date said applicant shall comply with all requirements of the Bureaus of Fire, Health, and Police� and the License Inspector pursuant to the St. Paul Legislative Code and all other applicable ordinances and laws, COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council�EP � 5 197a 19— Yeas Naya �w SEP 15 19�'0 Carlson � � d 19— Levine T*+ Favor Meredith Sprafka V yor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, McCarty p�BLISHED SEP 191970 �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL ,�a�+,{-� � Capital of Minnesota ���� �`� �ea�t�ne�tt o ub�c'c �a et � � ADMINISTRATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIftE PROTECTION Poz.[c� DEAN MEREDITH,Commissioner HEALTH RAI,P'S G.MERRILL,Depaty Commiesioner DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,License Inapeetor September 15, 1970 Honorable PSayor and City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen and Madam: William J. Cardinal� Jr. is joined by Chris Christensen in making application for the tr�.nsfer of �n Sale Liquor I,icense No. 7634, expiring January 31, 1971, from Chris Christensen at 1567 University Kvenue to William J. Cardinal, Jr. a,t the same address. rTr. Cardinal also makes application for Restaur�.nt, Off Sale Ma.lt Bever�ge and Cigaxette Licenses for the same locatibn. This location has been licensed for a sim:ilax business sinc e 1934 and prior to this as a pool hall since 1931. Mr. Chris�ensen was licensee of this location since 1931, discontinuing� the pool hall when the liquor license was secured.. Nx. Cardinal has been a bartender of this establishment for a number of years. Very �truly yours, � � /-- � ��i.�"' �� `�vf /!'�� License Inspector O i ' September,i�1970 Hon. Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Saint Paul St. Paul, Minnesota � Gentlemen: � The undersigned who since 1933 has operated an on sale liquor establishment at 1567 University Avenue, hereby requests permission to transfer said license, together with all other licenses that may be transferable, to William J. Cardinal, Jr., 1427 West California, St. Paul, Minnesota, who is the nephew of my deceased wife Eaaaa Christensen. Mr. Cardinal has been an employee in the placec� business since 1947 and is familiar with its operation and with the customers of the establishmeut. The business license and inventory involved in this est blishment and the operation thereof are a gift by the under- signed � William J. Cardinal, Jr. No consideration is being paid therefor. This is done in recognition of my deceased wife and in appreciation of the faithf ul and honest service rendered to me by Mr. Cardina.l over a period of more than twenty years. The undersigned is the owner of the real estate in which the busfness will be conducted, and the same is being leased to Mr. Cardinal upon � a month-to-month lease. The undersigned respectfully requests permission from your honorable body to cause said transfer of the license to become legally effective and asks that a new license be issued to the said William J. Cardinal, Jr. to accomplish that purpose. ; Yo urs very truly, • y��,� $.9�0>>� _ _ _.. ,,�b .,���`";, !,�' �!;':_y: �r--r;.;,/�>�r-U.� �' SEP 19?0 "'�`; �� �ISTENSEN .r � ,> � ;: � tEIYED `� c�, ' ,.;r.i�1SE DIV. � - � , ,,. �� �vllic Salery ` ����� ;, September,�1970 Hon. Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Saint Paul St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: The undersigned has entered into an arrangement with Chris Christensen, ' present licensee of an on sale liquor establishment at 1567 University Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota, to procure the business at 1567 University Avenue, together with the fixtures and inventory therein for the purpose of continuing the on sale liquor bus:iness at said address. The under- signed is 45 years of age and has been employed in the business establish- ment operated by Mr. Christensen since 1947 and is familiar with the operation of the business and the cus;tomers who frequent the place of business. The undersigned will occupy said premises on a month-to-month lease from Mr. Christensen, the owner of said real estate. � Wherefore, the undersigned respectfully prays the action of the City Council authorizing the sale of the on sale liquor license Co the undersigned for Che purposes herein stated. Yours very tru�y, , • � , ,..> , � ( /� ' • /' . �- /._/%/�-i- r�_. �t�� . �WYLLIAM J. CAR�AL, JR. � _ �,D.��' 8 9�0 ��' ''� >>r, � SF_p �,�� j c �,, o " `ry � � l VEp v, oNo ;r�c p c� �V. �' , �� ' 'u+l,c Sal �i► �'9�s� „ � ��' tlfZZ . . `t � , . CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTl;�NT OF P'(TBLIC SAFETY LICEPISE DNISICJN Date Septe;mk�e�_19Zp� Hard 1. Applicatian for prt Sale/I.i4uo License ___ Lioense 2. Name of ap�licant William J Cardinal Jr. (Falcon Heights) 3. Businesa addresa1567 University Avenue Residenoe 1427 West California, St. Paul 4. Trade zst��:o� ir a�y Christensen's Bar 5. Rotuil IIoor rodorr�l :Ax Sta::p Ro`�.►il Liquor Federal Tax Stamp�will be used. 6. 4z srhat floor locat�d ,1in 'iunbor of roams used� one (1) __ _ _ 7� ;��„�-,n:� ,�!:4! croaa atroo:s 1,�:hurv and Sncilin�ifch sido of atroot North a, Aro �re^ioea now ocou�iod �,,, �?'iiat bu3inosv slmc Fio�w lon� 1933 9. Are premisos novr unoaaupiod No Hotiv long vacant Pyrevious use 10. Are you � new asmer Yes Have you been in a similar busine$s before employed at , 1Yhere same place qPhan since 1947 ' 11. Are you going to operate this bu�inesa personally Yes If not, who will operate it 12. Are you in any other buairiess at the present time- No . 13. Have there been any oomplainta a�ainat your operation of thia type of p]ace No �Phen li�here 14. B�ve you ever had ar�y lioenae revoload �q �Phat reaeon and date , 15. Aro you a aitiaen of the Unitod Statos Yes Tlativa X Naturalized _....`_. 16. Y�here were you born Minneap�olis, Minn. Date of birth 9-7-23 17. I am married. My (�rife's) �dt'�c) name and address ia Janet Cardinal, (Falcon Heights) 1427 West California, St. Paul, Minnesota _ ____ 18. (If ine�rried femQle� u�y maiden name is 19. Hovar long have you lived in St. Paul 15 years 20. Bav�e you ever been arreated No Violation of what ori.minal la�r Or ordinanoe� a con Heig ts 21, Are you a registered voter xn the City ofl St. Paul XXX Yea No• (Answer fully and oompletely. These a �liaations are thorou hl cheolfled and an .,,�� falaifiaation �rill be oause for denial. � � � ... . _. , . ,. . _ . . . , 22. Number of 3.2 placea mithin ttivo blocks one _(L) � � 23. Cloaest intaxicating liquor place. On Srile 1 block Off Sc�le 1 block 24. Nearest Church two blocks Nearest School eit�ht blocks 25. Number of booths 10 Tables 6 Chaira 24 Stools 12 26. �IPhat .occupation have you followed for the past five years. (Give names of employ�ara and dates ao employed.) bartender for Chris Christensen at Christensen's Bar at 1567 UnivPrsitv Avenue_ 27. Give� r�zmes and addreasea of two paraons, residents of Ste P�ul, �.i.nn,, who oan give information ooncerning yous Name Claude H. Allen Addresa 909 Lakeview Avenue, St. Paul, Minn. hTa� Edward J. Cincera Address 1794 Scheffer, St. Paul, Minnesota - " � . , �,,- � . � si�-nn�uro ��o � � �� io4nt � ' ' Sta,to of l�innoaota� J Wiliiam J. Car��al, Jr� 3�� Count� or F�.:-.so;/ William J. Cardin:il , Jr. bein� firBt duly a�orn, doposoa c►ml an;r,� upon oatti �nat ho }z�3 rond tho foro�oin„ s'-ato::ent boarin�; hio ai�nnturo Qnd l�orra tho oontontn tlnroof, nnd �2wt tho anr.n is trufl of his orm kna�,rlod�o or,nopt sa to thouo z�ttors thoroin statod upon infor•.ntion and boliof and us to thoao r��►►ttora he balioveis thom to be true. � � �� � ./ � ' .�"%�.� �' , '�- �" .s c � Si�nAture of Applicant __=`� • . William J. Car�dinal, Jr. Su sa �ed,.and sworn to before � ' i ...��� l day of 19� , , �� -,�� --�'1.�:.1.�i,�-�" , �. � Nota►Y°y� Publia, Ramaey o y� �?innesota �l'AUD9 P-1;: AU.rN, pir�^�T'f ^i��){iC. }�oTiS'j CO'✓i��!�;, �91�f1. . My Co�►isaion expires , , ., „;�;�ires +���f: ��. ��.4 • L ., (Note� These statement form,s are in duplicate. 'Both oopiea muat be fully filled outo notarized, and returued to the Liaense Divis ion.�� . . . •. , .,, , AFF IDAV IT B Y APPL ICANT FOR RETA II, EiEER OR LIRUOR LICEPISE Res On Sale Liquor Lioenae Na�e of applicant William J. Cardinal, Jr. Busineas addreas 1567 University AvenueJ St. Paul, Minnesota Are you the sole a•mer of this buainess? Yes. I£ not, is it a partnerahipR oorporetian? , other? Othera intorocted in buaine�s, include those by loun of noney, property or othe rtiviae� ?;Q�o NONE Addreas How _If a c orporation, give its nama Are you interested in any way in any other Retail Beer or Liquor bueinesa? No Aa sole wlner? Partner? Stookholder? Otherwise? (Through loan of money, etc. Explain) Addreas of suoh buainess and nature of intereat in same , � �,� , . 'i'' � _�.��� � -`,�� . �.- �� Si�nc�ture of�'a�plioant n William J. Cardinal, Jr. Stato of l!inr.osota► aa � County of I��.soy William J. Cardinal, Jr. boin� first duly avrorn, deposes and says upon oath tha►� ha haa road the foro�oing c►ffidavit bearin� hia si�nature and lrnrnrre the aontenta thereoff t}uat tha aume is true of hia rnm Irncr,rledge, except as to thoae mattera therein atr3►ted upon inforrr�tion and belief end e�s to those matters he believea them to be true. - • � 1 / i ' / �/ J / • i � �"��"� , Signature of a� p"pliaant '�William J. Cafd�inal, Jr. Sub ari�ed and sworn to bef ra me th'a ����l day of Se7t�:Y er��19 70 _ _ _" ,� v � ,�� A�i FN, NotAry Publia, Ramsey ty, b4inriesota �� ���'�DG H. Nola�y Public, Ramsey Counly, Minn. My a o�nmi a s i on expire a 19 MY SA�umission 3f.xp�1++�rch 3Q.19I.4 ` . � . • , STATE OF MI27���SOTA SS COtTNTY OF RAb2SEY William J. Cardinal, Jr. being Pirat duly s�vorn, doth depose and ar�y that he ru�kes this affidavit in. aonneotion rrith appliaation for " On Sr.�lo" liquor license (" SAla" r.�alt bovora�e lioense) in the Ci�y o£ Stato of L`innc��ot4 Saint Paul, 2.!inneaota; that your Affiant is a resident of the and has resided therein for 15 y�ears, -0- montha, and ia State . now and has been for the time above mentioned a bona fide reaident of said}}��r (Falcon �ieightsl and that he now reaidea at N0. 1427 �e.st�California Avenue, St�.�Paul 9��C. Minne a ota. . , —, , � . % �i' ' �• . —, � �;/,�;� ;,.r✓ .i/,,.�,�:/!ii� � WILLIAM J. ARDIN�[y JR. ' ' _ -� /� Sub�oribo��nd avrorn to bo£ore �o � l , -� C"t itt� �� day oP Snptember 19 70 _._._.____._. .L '� � � ( ,///.�, '�t...�,_.;,�.,� ) � Notar�� Publia, NA ey� ounty, 2uinnesota �?y ooamission pire�, c�nu�� ��. r•u_�_v, }a^�,^, a,h�;� •�,°ey Coun;y. kiinn. i �, h1y Commission iFxp+res March 30� 19Z4 � � � I