250421 ORI6INAL TO CITY CL6RK � �. ` 25C�=�.�1 � � ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. COUNC L LUTI —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLVED, That John J. Walsh be and hereby is permitted to install and operate a self-service car wash and one pump island filling station operation in conjunction with the proposed car wash on property at the southwest corner of Cleveland and St. Clair Avenues, more particularly described as Lots 5 and 6, Block 1, Loudin Park Addition, in accordance with plans dated Received July 13, lg'70; subject to the provisions set forth in a letter dated July 22, 1g70, from Richard A. Wilhoit, a copy of which is hereto attached; and further subject to compliance with all applicable city ordinances, state statutes and rules and regulations of public authorities having cognizance. APP v,� FO �; oration Cou'�set st. C r . SEP 1 1 197� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19_ Yeas Nays Butler A a S E P 14 1'�� 19� Carlson Levine �n Favor rR��a;+�. r Sprafka U Against Tedesco pUBLISHED SEP 1919�0 Mr. Vice President Meredith � BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 September 1, 1970 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room 386 City Hall Dear Sir: This is written in response to the applications of John J. Walsh for permits to: 1) install and operate a self-service car wash, and 2) install and operate a one pump- island filling station operation in conjunction with the proposed car wash on property located on the southwest corner of Cleveland and St. Clair Avenues. This property is further described as: Lots 5 and 6, Block 1, Loudin Park Addition. The Board of Zoning considered these matters at its August 6, 1970, meeting. The staff report noted that the car wash application had been previously laid over by the Board, pending the outcome of a related appeal to relax the 40-car stacking space requirement. This appeal reducing the required stacking space to 29 cars was granted by City Council on July 2, 1970. During this time the proposal was changed to include provisions for a one pump-island filling station operation in conjunction with the proposed car wash. The staff explained that plans received July 13, 1970, meet required design standards and have been approved by the Traffic Engineer. A letter from Richard A. Wilhoit dated July 22, 1970, was noted which incorporates ten recommendations regarding installation and operation of the proposed facility. Mr. James J. Walsh, the applicant, appeared and noted his agreement to the provisions in the letter and stated that landscaping wi11 be provided. Consequently, it was moved to recommend approval of the application for a permit to install and operate a self-service car wash, subject to the agreement between the neighbors and the applicant dated July 22, 1970. The motion passed by a 5-0 vote. Subsequently, the Board of Zoning, by a 5-0 vote, recommends approval of the application for a permit to install the one-island gas pump operation. Very truly yours, i�y/f ( f ,/.'.. � `7� PETER J. NIAIETTA Secretary, Board of Zoning PJM:gaf CLS ! Z. F. �k6978 and ��7028 � �'' r�. Encl. : Letter of agreement dated July 22, 1970. L��� , . G �,l V . • = .� � r;INUTES OQr THE PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE BLIARD OF ZONING on Thursday, June 4, 1970, at 2:00 P.Z1, PRLS�NT: Messrs. Ames, Gauger, McPartlin, Maietta, and N:ansur of the Board, and Messrs. Brown and Sorenson, rlrs. Fsantzen, and �iiss Sperr of the staff. Mr, Rutzick of the Board was present tsut did not vote. .30HN J. WAISH: An applicetion for a permit to inatgll a self-service car wash on property located on the southwest corner of Cleveland ar�d St. Clair Avenues. Mr. Sorenson suggested that the Board �f Zoning lay thi.s matter over indefinite2y pending the outcome of th� �pp�al. Mr. ricPartlin maved for a l�yover of thie m.att�r, pending 'the outcome of the ap�eal when it is presented to the CiCy CounciZ. �'he motion was seconded t�y Mr. �auger, and carried nnanimously. Submitted by: Colone� Lo Sarenson Robert L, �mes, Chairman --I�- . ' ' ' i � r5�tatrl�:s E�� 'i'HE I'"tT�:�o�SA fiEARIl�� B��Ok�E T'�iE I�4t�l2D OF ZONTNG on �itux�d�ayy Ae�gust 6, �.97d, a� 2:00 ;?<.�i;, ' �RESEN"i: Me3ars� l�m�s, Gadl.�r, Gau�er, McPartlin, and �i,�nsur af the Board, aad Messrs. }3roun� and Sorenson, and M.r.s:, rx•�,ntrese �f the staff. DISGU5S�t7�i �N CAR-��IASH APPL�T�TYO�TS This �iisccassfon iizvolved app3.ics�ions of John J�, Cdalsh, Ra.chard G< Snow, the Stanc�ard tiil �ompany, and Pipe Line Oil Co�p:��.y. Mx, Ames noi-ed he h�+d ir�cc�iv�d a �.eL-ter froa� the �coi�.iii� stat.�f. r�questi�g some ty,�� of �ra�edu.re fo�r 'hatadlir�� cab-kssh a�ci�L��cati�3n�. �i�„ Mr�artlin said diffe�-en.t lecs�i�res �T�ay n�ces:;itat� sev�r�l ty��s c�t decisiar.xs concerning filiing stat;on o��ra�i.ons and csr �v�sh��. Mr� !�^��;fi s�id rna�iy� car washes do not have ti�e ;°��c�l.r�d 4� �tgck:i.r�� s�:ace:�:: �'or CLSY;.i�_Ca3��(YLy, ��:x-4 So�ensan s�id the Jotxn J'� TJ�lsh z�pPlic�t�.on. was t�recedPd b�� �n sp�ea}. f�ani tE►e 4�t-car req4lireme.n�; �9 st�cking s��acea �� the �mou�e�, they w�.11. prntrid�. (7n t�kxe Richard Go Snaw matte?�, the fi.11in� s�awaon is exist�ng. Xe ��splied :Eor � c.�z• wash also; not a �i�.l.irc� sration remodel.ing shnwing 4t�-car �t�cking s n�ces, �?r� GtiF� three app�h_c�t�ans �o�: the S��n�lard Oi l Company, only twa f.�vaxve car wa�hes�. '�g�� v2Ye at Grax�d acnd �let-e��nc� �v�n�:.�� is a simple remoc3eling of a 3:illi�.�; st��ion� Pa.�e J�1IiF? tJi1 �on�ps�ny has fil.ed an appeal sl�z�g w�.tlz eneir p�A-�na.t �applic.atic�n. For tt�day's rne�t�ing� it iG AnZy the g��mit tYRak is ���in�; �oreside�ed, a� a €9.?1i_�ag s�.:aii.c�n �emode�.ing, Mrv Mc�art�.in satd �i� understands that `Jy ���s:�.ying s�r a une-bay car-wash oper�tian, the appli.cant is �ll�vi_a�-fng the necessity �� foLlow regular car- wagt� requirement;s fc�r � ���-car s�acking sr�ac�. �ie comraented �hat car washes �re a �ui�3r��e, �nd �azd tiz:�t the �`�ty �oi.anr:z�. r��c�u1_d ��op� some rules of ��acedu�A to £o13.ow re��;a��7ng car-wsash �pnlications . Ir� exnlan.�atfa�x, M�, So�eiass.z� ssid � iLL�..i�.g station. very of.��n has a car-wash b�y i�a it. dr�gi�natl;r, it was s�t: �;+.�s a� ea tz.aa�cl-ca��sh �perstiaxx 3n thE sta�ion. A year sga �h�z Cit.y Cr��z�aci.I. said t�iF�y s�nutd �evic�w thp c�r-w:��agi ordinance. Mro Sorexa;nn noted t�a,�r: �.i� bo�h th� ol.d and r�w 7az�.tng �;oc�e there are no pxovisions �ras� ae.�w�a���z:�,�l.��:�.xi�; cax c,ras;��:s caf: Mc;:c;:z :i:;.ffe�ent t��a�s. H�e �ecommended tha� each type of +��,�ratian be l�okcd at Un an ;ndividual basis. Ai.fferent k.inds include: or���b�y, dr�ve in an�3 lx�c�, out, c�rive� out wet �needin.g a longer ex�� lis�� �r� �I��c� tirne fo�. „3xipTciryS.ng„�, crnnpl�te�y sel.f-se�v3.�e, maci�ine-a��erat�d (c€�stu�,����°t. ���r.iaa.r�. i.n csr`�., eLc. Hz noted t�±�at if tl�e Zcatiing B�ard teel� staeki�xg sp��e �.� nat ad�cauatc�➢ �.h��. they �;houlcl ��camm�nci denial of the perz�7ii�. Mr� t��rs sa�.d thst �,iffex•euett �yq���� ;af equi.pmen� are used-�some take 3 minut�s, c;�lt�i.l� c,thers tadc� 15 ma.nut��. �1r, ':;a�.e�er f�els ��rme �uidelines shoc�ld 'bw eetablis�.�d ?�y the Git_y �c�unc�.l„ I�.c>�,�ec°ca�•, �ir,> Am�s nastQd tinat with such � tr�rzety of carmw�s�a ,�pe�a�ia•_��as, ��-�tl t���es •�€ gizid��anes wau1� be ne2ded to facilir�te €:t�em, Mr� G,a���r a�t,f�d �'izat di.��e�e�t�. v�.tustions n�y arase �a�ae ��• tla�� ��°c�x c+.£ �:i�.e fi.�.Lir:�; s .r..�tr;.�-rz:a n:�- c:3r-�ra�h sit�, T�rhetk�e� the aa�e� :�s ��side�i�i�A, co��r���rci_�3., �w�tc.. �n re���d Suc, es���li�he� guide�.znes, Mr, I�IcP�rtli.�i ;�i-eci ch�� ��:r��,�s s�me ag��,�.ic�rsrs �.�vv�J.d n�st f�3.1qw thezn. Mr. S�re?�son nm�ed i:taai. t�f�: pxe�vio�i.: Gi.�_}� �c��n,:i1 ;::.:9nsi_;i�red te�e car-Rvash �robLem, �t�d ref�rrec( i_t '���ck ta tY�� Zor�in� :�aa��: a��c7 s�aff far �eview. Staff feeflfn�J d�LE that or±�--�ay c��e:.°��i�5i1s in��.zt� �7 �il�it�� �r�tia�rB sho�ld be �ssnsidered c��a i:heir ir�clivid�nal m�z��.;_s as �� f�.11�.:�; szat.ion rpcac�deling artd �.ot a car-��ash uperation� s�nce �he Fia�,irg �tdtic.:ii ��m�iras �he �S�imary usea -S.� MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC HEARING BEFdRE THE BQARD OF Z�NING on Thursday, Auguet 6, 1970, at 2:00 P.M. PRESENT: Messrsa Ames, Gadler, Gauger, McPartlia, and Mausur of the Bosrd, and Messrs. Braia�n and Soreason, and Mzso Frantzen of the stafF, JOHIV J. WALSA: An applicatian for a permit to 1) install aad operate a self-service caz wash, aud 2) install aad opesate a new oae-islaad gas pum{� operation on property located on the soutcht�est corner of Cleveland ased St, Clair Aveaues. The mattex� of the car wash was heard on Juue 4, 19'0, At that time, it was heard with an appeal to relax the parking requiresn�e:nts for a sei�-sex�vice car washo The appeal received a reco�endation o£ denial fxo�n tche Zoaing Bosrd; therefore, the Board voted to lay ov�r the permit applicatioa pending the outcome of the appeal before the City Couacilo The appeal �oaa approved by City Council, causiag the permit to be heard by the Zoning Board for the second ti.me. Mro Soreason noted that because o� the app�oval of the appeal, Mr. Wa1sh na�w has tbe xight for 29 stackxng space� for the car-wash operation. The aeighhorhood feelin$ is an a;reemene with the applicant for certaia coaditions, i.ncludiag cuxbing, screeaing, operation hours, entraixce atid exit locations, etc, He aoted that the stiaff recom�nends that tlzeee conditioas be included if th� permits are grantedo The Traffic Eagineer has iadic$ted approval, aad the plaa m�et.s desiga staadardso Upoa a question by Mr, Gadler, the applicaat no�esi that as part of the agreeu�at c,�ith the neighbors, same landscaping wil! be provided, Mr� Ames aoted that a prelimimary plmn couldn°t be used to obtain a building permit-- pzoper signatures on a final plan would be required. Mr, McPartlin moved for appraval of the installatioa of the self•service car wash, subject to the a,greement beCweea the aeighbors and the applicaat beiag folla�t�d and presented to Co�ncii. The motion was secoaded by Mr. Mansur, and carzied unar�imousiy> rsr, McPart�ia moved for approval of the ane•islaad gas-pump operation at the filling statioa, The ma�cion was seconded by IKr. Maasur, attd carried uaaaim4uslye Sub�itted by: Colonel L. Sorenson Robert L. Ataes, Chaizman -6- , . City of Saint Paul, �innesota � APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT . � (Please print or type) ` TO THE Ii�ONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL 90 the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Application is hereb made to ������'������x�'�`Xx�Xi�CI('I�� y install and operate a new �cross one out) a FILLING STATION No. of islands and pumps : No. of tanks and capacity: � PAItKING LOT for (customers) (employees) (private use) (public use) (other) (indicate type) Capacity of parking lot To be used in connection with: � MISCELI,ANEOUS• it�l.�-a£:?Y1C't i;;1\�t ''i11�H • (iadicate type such as Drive-in Refreshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up Station, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: ?�� CA�?S *Location . �l:�Tt'it'ii_�iT t:�;t�:�<E;�. C�F t;LL1it=L�a.t; �t:i:; :;�T �;,lAl,r% �T�cE�:T Legal Description : Lot � and (� Block ( Addition Laudlit Park Applicant's Name : �'a:��+ J . �;nLSii Home or Office Address• (����- �'����T����� �i. ^'f+�Jl, `':li';:�. Phone Number ; 1�l`��4� FOR✓BY TRE APPLI � � � � � � !i� � , o y-, � 7v aPR 2 z i91a s gnature CITY PLANNING �OARQ Address : z,a�i�� ���� �' $Zlittf P1lUI� Nlk111�SOta Phone No.: When completed: file three copies of this application form and three prints of the prelimiaary lay-out plans of the proposed facility with the City Clerk, ftoom 386, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota ' Z-3 6/11/56 *EXAbIPI�E: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. 2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St. � , . : - , � . ' , I500 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDINC SAIIJTPAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 J'u:�y 22, 197't) Nr. Jam�es Aalsh 1554 Lineoln Avern�a Saint Pan1, Minnesota. 55105 Ae: Developanent of southr�est aorner of Clev�eland Avenu�e and St. Clair Street Dear Mr. Yfalsh: I hav�e spoken w�.th the St. Paul City Attorney'$ office con- cernin� the resolution of �th�e St. Paul City Council to be adopted in com�ection with the isevanee of a pern�3.t to you for your develapment and aperation of IAt 5 and 6, Block 1, Lvudon Park as a do-it-yovrself car wash. Mr. Paul Kal]y in that offioe indicated to me t,hat they pre_ fer to prepare the resolution and that �e furnish them �th a letter iudicating t21e reqn3.rements e�►d conditione which �e desire to be �ade a part of t�hat resolution. Aoec,rding�r, I am writing �khis letter whi.ch I believe merely reiteratea t�he conversations and correepondence which the neighbor�s, primarily mpraelf and John D, Sealy, hatre had �rith you a� Yr. dames H. Spec]a�ann, your archit�eat. R'EC�NDATTONS AND RL�JIR�NTS T(} ffi CONTAINED IAf THE P�AIQT ISSUED BY THE ST. PAUL CITY COUNCIL AUTHORIZING Tf� OPERATION OF A DO-IT- YUIIRSELF CAR iNASH ON THE ABOVE-DESCRIBED PRF.�QS'ES. 1. �Iours of Overation. The car wa$h facility w311 be op�n for busineas only bet�een 7 a.nt. and 1� p.m. on �eek days and 11 a.m. aad 10 p.m. on Sund�ye and lbli- d�ts. 2. Gtiir_b Cuts. The premises �uld have a separa.te �ntranee and exit. As a result of crux� di$cussion �r3.th the Traffic Department, apparent7y tbey will � , , ; •. . , Nr.� aames Walsh ' p�e z Ju]y 22, 1970 req�tire 16 foot curb cuts. You have agreed to put in plantings betwisen t'�e entrance and egit ad�acent to the sidewalk on Cletreland Amenve and a fence or ot�er type barrieade bet�een the plantings and appro�cimate]y six feet from th� building to prev�ent traff'ie fram crossing tlae lot �ving north to south. 3. Wall on West Boundar.v. (a) As outlined 1� Jim Speclomann, t,]ye �,11 �►i11 be four to fiv�e feet above grade lev�el of the alley. The top of t�e wall is to have a rounded concrete surface or other satisf'actoxy capping so as to 'be a deterrent to adolesc:ents wl�o may wish tc� use t.�e wall as a gatherin� or rotits�ing place. (b) The wall at the north�est corner w3.11 be cut back to run at a !�5° angle f'r�a t.he alley � the sidewalk 'bor&ering St. Clair Street. The purpose of not running tbe wall tip to t,Y� siclewalk is to av�oid insofar as possible making t,b,e approaeh from the alley to St. Clair a blind approach difficul't for driver� a�d daxigerous to pedestriane. (e) Your plans dated dune 3, 1990, ixxiicate a fenee appraxi- mately fiv� Peet east of th� siest Aall. It is ovr �rstsading that in t�ye fiv�e foot space between t1�e fence and t�e �st wall tl�e�t ther� will be shr«bbery planting of tne lilac or lwneysuckle type �hi.ah will grnw at Ieast s3.x feet eo as to prov3.de a visual barrier along tlae �st Pr+operty ].3,n�e. W3th referencse �to the h�ights of walls and other barriers, it is the d�esire of the neighbors and tk�e develaper to put in barr3.ers of sufficieat height to s�reea headlights oP ear� mov3ng on the premi�es. 4. �i'ash and Eie�tse �ea�va.l. You �rS.11 provide trash and ref"�.se removal and police of the area at least onee s day. Your efforts in thi� area m�q b� minimized try tbe plaeing of ref�se containers near the 'building. 5. Clos3.n� of IIztrance and Exit. The entrance and exit to the premis�s should be elosoed w3th a chain at closing oP each da,p so as to deter persons Pram ueing the par]dng area ad�acent to the building frcma be�eaming a gat�r3.ng plaee. � ' ► ., � r . � • � , . �I'• aSTDt'$ �8�.8�1 Page 3 Ju1y 22, 1970 6. A green str3p of grass or loR gro�ring shrubbery is to be installed along the north boundary of tl�e prc�perty approuimate]y 10 feet in width measured southerly from the sidewa.lg. I3ght barriers of shrubbery anc�/or red�rood fence sections of sufficient height to screen headlights are also to 'be located along the �rth boundary. 7. It is des3red that the building be faced w3.th brick and have a Mansard or cedar shack roof. Exterior lighting on the building is to 'be focu�ed on the car wash facility. 8. It is desired that there be a 13.ght in t}�e southw�st eox�n�er �rith a reflector which directs the light toward the ear wa.sh and to the north- east. 9. The elm trees along St. Clair are to remain. 10. Assoeiated Architects & Engineers, Inc. draR3.ng dated June 3, 1970 of the propoaed dev�elapment insofar as it is not ineonsistent with t�e discussion in Paragraphs 1 t,Y�mugh 9 shall be ineorporated by reference in the resolut3on of the St. Paul City Council 3sauing the appropri- ate permits to you. Mr. Walsh, if this letter meets �ith your approval, Rould you please sign tne or3ginal and return it to me. I will obtain John Healy�s signature. You mey* retain the copy of the letter for your files. Very t yours, �/ . . RAW:mlm Richard A. 12wit As a party interested in the devoelo�ent of Lots 5 and 6, Block 1, Loudon Park, and th�e issuance of a pexmit by t2�e St. Paul City Couneil for the maintenance and operation of a do-it yottrself car �ash on the said premi�es, I consent to tl'e inclusion of the a'bov�e reco�endations in. �th�e St. Paul City Council Riesolution issuing a permit for the dev�elopment as proposed. Dated: '7- 2 � — , 1970 dames Wa1sh Dated: � 1970 � John D. Healy ), Gp� �c �` �—�-�o 1���` �i'�.,'q� 9/ `�. } � �!' � City ot Saint Paul, I�innesota v C� �� � ` APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT �S / ��}r ,,' (Please print or type) � V� � TO THE �NORABLE MAYOR AND CITY OOUNCIL � the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Application is hereb made to remodel or reconstruct an existing y install and operate a new (cross one out) � FILLING STATION No. of i s lands and pumps :_ � �,5 �a� d ;L �� yy���c No. of tanks and capacity: / �-- /07 �O a / �SO Cf'� Q PARKING LOT for (customers) (employees) (private use) (public use) (other) (indicate type) Capacity of parking lot To be used in connection with; � MISCELI.ANEOUS: (indicate type such as Drive-in Refreshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up Station, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: �oL 9 ��yrs *Location : s'� �e �o.�. .�,t P.�- 07 CIPvP I��rt cr 8-►�q� .7 � � ��.,�-�' Legal Description : Lot ,;� q�- (o Block '�� Addition �.o u cy�px / A��� Applicant's Name : �'o�� �a�wl �°5 +y` a/�S �j Y� Home or Office Address: ls,5� �! -y� e v�-y� Phone Number : �,�}� b b � � FOR/BY TI� APPLICANT, �, a � 7- �- 70 (Signature (date) - p Address . ��S�f ��-rl C O �+� Phone No.: �Q8 .- O O g�/ When completed: file three copies of this application form and three prints oY the preliminarq lay-out plans of the proposed facility with tbe City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minaesota Z-3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. 2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St. � , . City of Saint Paul, Minnesota � APPLICATION FOft SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT (Please print or type) TO THE I�NORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUN+CIL y6 the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Min�xesota Application is hereb made to remodel or reconatruct an existing y install and operate a new (cross one out) � FILLING STATION No. of islands and pumps : � �; �a -,.� � ;j �v yy��s No. of tanks aad capacity: / — /O� O O e� / - „5 ca d'� � � Q PAFtKING LOT for (customers) (employees) (private use) (pnblic use) (other) (indicate type) Capacity of parking lot To be used in connection with; � �ISCEI.I�ANEOUS: (indicate type sucb as Drive-in Ref reshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up 3tation, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: ��9 �' a�'-S *Locat ion : s. �,�. � o ,� ,� ��,. �,L e rE��� �a� � a,��� ST C I a� Legal Description : Lot ,j ¢ (p Block '� � Addition �o��p r I�a r�( Applicant's Name �,Jo�„� �„�d �1 PS ��a-t �s jj Home or Office Address: /�„S �jl � � � e v �-y� Phone Number , jo 9$ p p $ �,t u(f � 'j� �' �, C-, �_ l� �� ,� , FOR,/$Y T�IE APPLICANT, !j r� � !U� - - ''O �`�� �'.�.,,,�� � � rv;�r g ���'��it , �' Sigtsature) (date) f�a��'t �'�u1, ,(���� ��e�,�� esot�t Address . ��.5�/ � � �++ � o �� Phoae No.: (,,q� - o o �y Nihen completed: file three copies of this applicatioa form and three prints of tbe preliminarq lay-out pians of the proposed facility with tbe City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall aad Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. 2. 3outh side of Main St. between First and Second St. �4NING F1�.E -� �. � � ' �� l ��) �. - '�l�'I•J - -_ � � ��J ���'� LJ� � ���i � � � �� � � � � ��� � _ � _ ; i . � I ! �i �� r . � � ' � � , , � 4� � -I � I ___ _. � , j _ � __ r- ' _- - _ _____-__,__�- � ' ' , I ;___�_____�__ J .--- - : ,- — — - -- � i � � � ` � � � _--� -a _. ' _� � __ i -,---- `� C ;� O�C�`p��� p �U O ; _ ���+G O , ;� � , � i _ , , �-� G , �� . � i �; . '� � C; , ; � � SARGENT � A � � � �T� O � ��J�O;n� � _ � � ` .,, ,-, " ' I ``� � I� ' v { � . . � t_____:_- � i G'R O V E L A /V G j `�� `�� � -- --:"=- — — — — —. -- _ s . — - - — , .. ; I_` � ��- , � , �— - —r��— — — — — — — — — � � , , i y i ' ; I ` �, � PA RK' '— = .— , r,�'f + � I �� 4�a C��c�.t�� r -� — -i r ; � i u .� ,,,; �;� , � , T , � . � 41 S • • � � � ' R �. • --� O_� J r � .. �' E IV�FC� C1AL �'O� ; ;� ' � ° " � ii � � , • � �',�,� �) �'� � � � � � !.�� 8 8 _ ; i � ' ' � ' I ' I � , , , ' . 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Q ' �- . � �-� �. ,� ~ . +� U �iO 'J !� n �7n �� �, W O ,J � �J � � W I I '- 04Q O � � -� , ---- -� � � C �' � Z __ ___ _- W ' O -�' � � � � �---- - O � , � , ; � � � � � � �. �__-�=.1 W �__.__---___ _ ._ �� �� � _' t,�A I ��t>'n'�;;,.:11 O,t�:'� C�� Q , _ -� : t �1 � Q C1� A�[� n�n!r�ln in� � E - ._ - APPLlC�NT John J. wa�sh � LEGEND PURPOSE 1> Install a self-aervice �ar wesh; LAND USE ?) lii�ctal.l ancl o�c�rete n fi llin� ytation opE�ration in con�unction Q QNE-FAMILY PRESENT ZONING W�th a proposed car wash Co�nercial �" TWO-FAMILY PETITOR! SIGNEf�S � THREE-FA1�11LY �- FOUR-FANIILY o Qn MULTf�Fah��i�Y FILE No 6978 and �o2a G NORT4� CO�i�v�`FtCIf�L n � INDU�T6�IAL v VACANT St. Pau I Planning Boord, Date� �/2g/�o r Property Under Consideration Ci�tq Clerk�.. � . . _ . CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court Flouse 55102 August 21, 1970 File X949, Page You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court tiouse at 10:00 a.m. on September 3, 1970, on the application of John J. Walsh for a peraiit to install and operate a self-service car wash, and install and aperate a new one-island gas pump operation on the property described as follows: Lots 5 and 6, Block 1, Louden Park Addition. The property is located on the southwest corner of Cl.eveland and St. Clair Avenues. For further information, contact the Planning Board, Room 1010 Commerce Building, or telephoae 223-4151. This notice of a public hearing has been sent out fran the Department of Finence in ca�pliance with the City Charter. ROSALIE L. BUTLER Co�nissioner of Ftnaace O .� . _ ' -• � ���� ' . � � � City of Saint Paul, Minnesota � "'� ' • APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT (Please print or type) TO THE Ii�DNORASLE MAYOR AND CITY COUN�CIL � the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Application is hereby made to �����������'�Xx�X���� (cross one out) install and operate a new � FILLING STATION No. of islands and pumps : No. of tanks and capacity: � PAIiKING IAT for (customers) �employees) (private use) (public use) (other) (indicate type) Capacity of parking lot To be used in connection with: � MISCELLANEOUS: SELF-SERVICE CAR WASH (indicate type such as Drive-in ftefreshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up 3tation, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: 29 CARS � . . *Location � SOUTHWEST CORNER OF CLEVELAND AND ST CLAIR STREET Legal Description : Lot 5 and 6 Block � Addition Loudln Park Applicant's Name : JOHN J. WALSH Home or Office Address: i036 PORTLAND ST. PAUL, MINN. Phone Number ; 227-2245 FOR/BY THE APPLIC , _'� - 1 c� (S ture) (date) Address . Phone No.: When completed: file three copies of this application form and three prints of the preliminary lay-out plans of the proposed facility with the City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. 2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St. , 4� � • � • ' June 4, 1970 , BOARD OF ZONING �REPQRT ANID�ACTION August 6, 1970 Plat Map �k 18 Acting ,under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 File No. passec� August 22, 1922, as amended to April 6, 1970. 6978-702 l, APPLICANT 'S NAME : John J. Walsh 6977 Also 4311 2, CLASSIFICATION . � Amendment � Appeal � Permit � Other X-894 3� PURPOSE , 1) Install and operate a self-service car wash; 2) Install and operate a one pump-island filling station operation in conjunction with the 4. LOCATION , proposed car wash. Southwest corner of Cleveland and St. Clair Avenues �, LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 5 and 6, Block 1, Loudin Park Addition 6, PRESENT ZONING : �o�nerci.al 7o PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 60 Section: .23 Paragraph: 6, B 8. STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: Date: 5/28/70 gy; CLS A. HISTORY: In 1959 a permit was granted to operate a dry-cleaning pick-up station on this property. Prior to that time the property was used for a filling station. An appeal to relax the parking requirements for a self-service car wash was granted on July 2, 1970. B. AREA ZONING: Commercial zoning exists from this property east along both sides of St. Clair Avenue. To the west on both sides of St. Clair is "B" Residence zoning. The remainder of the area is zoned "A" Residence. C. DESIGN STANDARDS: The plans for the car wash and filling station operation meet design standards. D. FRONTAGE AND AREA: This site has a frontage of 89.57 feet along Cleveland Avenue and 137.24 feet fronting on St. Clair Avenue, resulting in a total area of a��proximately 12,292.5868 square feet. E. TRAFFIC ENGINEER: The Traffic Engineer has reviewed the plan and recommends approval. •F. SITE CONDITIONS: The site is occupied by a vacant commercial building which apparently was originally a filling station. The site is at the grade of Cleveland Avenue and slopes down to the west. The property is currently used for parking for the neighborhood commercial uses at this intersection and is somewhat unkept. G. AREA CONDITIONS: North across St. Clair Avenue is a filling station on the northwest corner of the intersection of Cleveland and St. Clair; also, a small food market fronting on St. Clsir; south and adjacent is a Northern States Power sub-station fronting on Cleveland; east across Cleveland are various commercial uses fronting on Cleveland; west and across an alley are duplexes whi_ch front on St. Clair. SELF-SERVICE CAR WASH OPERATION: 90 BOARD ACTION: To Reco�nend �X Approval � Denial Council Letter Dated: Moved by : McPartlin Yeas Nays 9/1/70 X Gadler Seconded by: Mansur x Gauger Date of }Iearin�; Maietta 9/3/70 Secretary's remarks: x Mansur x Ames - Ch. Council Action , x McPartlin (Alt.) Adkins (Alt.) Date Rutzick (Alt.) ONE PUMP-ISLAN� FILLING STATION OPERATION 9� BOARD ACTION: To Recommend �X Approval � Denial Council Letter Dated: Moved by : McPartlin Yeas Nays 9/1/70 X Gadler Seconded by: Mansur x Gauger Date of Hearin�; Maietta 9/3/70 Secretary's remarks: X Mansur X Ames - Ch. Council Action e x McPartlin (Alt.) Adkins (Alt.) Date Rutzick (Alt. ) �. - - , , . � , �., - � �. , , , � ., . . #' A.. . . ' . .. . ,. .. . , � ' . . � . , rt . ' . . . . , . � . . i � ...� ` " . .:.. . „ .. . . . . . � � . . � 1 .. . . . . . . ' 1 i '': : . .. . . � . '.'. . . . . . .. . . ' , . � r 1 , . . - . ,' y " . 1 ..� �..._ . . . ... .. . . . . . - n . �.. . . �;. . . .. . . .. .. . . . .. .. �` —w�.... . .;; �, . . � - ' . .'_......._. �. .�.. . . . � . ...:, ,� . � ' . . ... . � . � ,.. . . . .... .... . .. .. � I . � . 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