250415 . OR161NAL TO CITY CLBRK CI I 1 OF ST• PAUL COUNCIL ��� J �� , FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU ESOLUT N-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Robert F• S raf COMMISSIONE ATF WHEREI�S, In the �aatter of CaNptrollar's Cowtract L-7086-2, City ProJect No. M-313, for Ore�amental Lighti�g System on MISSISSIPPI BLVO. frdM Pelhaa� Blvd. to Dayton Ave., Collins Electric Cvn�truction Co., Contractor, the specified date of conipletion is August 1 , 1970, a�d WMEREAS, The Contractor has prosecuted the work diligently but it was �ot possible to coaaplate tF+e contract by said date of co�apietian, therefore be it RESOLVE�, That the proper City Officials be and they are l�ereby authorized er�d directad to execute an aiaenda�ent to sai� contract extending the ti�e of cv�npletion to October 31 , 1970, provided however, that thia resolution shall heve no force ar effect unleas the sureties on the Centractor�s bo�d consent thereto and file s�ch consent in writi�g wit� thc City Caaptroiler, and be it F�RTHER �RESOIVED, That the City of Saint Paul hereby waives ali claim for liquidated da�aages and th�t no englneering and inspection cests on t�is project will be charged to the Contractor for such extend�d pearial. ` ;FORM PROV D � S orporat n o � SEP i l ��a COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc>> 19— Yeas Nays Butler SEP 14 1970 Caxlson ecL 19� Levine � Tn Favor ��e�th� Sprafka � yor A gainst Tedesco � PUBUSHED SEP 191970 Mr. Vice President Meredith � o�..�,�,��,� 250��.5 • CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCa NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM c�M�iu°o FR Rob�rt F. Sp�afka ^ATE MHERE/1S, In tfie awtter of Co�ptroll��'s Co�t�act L-7d86-2� City ProJ�ct No. li-313► for Ornaw��tal �i�hting Syst� on MISSISSIPPI Bi.YD. fraa P�ihaia Blvd. to Dayton Aw.. Co11 i�s El�ctric Caat�uctia+ Co., Co�Rracto�, th� s�scifi�� aat� of t�plation is Augast 1 . 19�0. �nd MHEREAS, The Contractor has pros�cut�d ths viork �111��t1r but it w+�s not passible to c.o�pi�t� th� contract by safd dat� of co�pl�ti�n. thsrafore be it RESOLVE�. That tf+� proper City Officiais be and tl+�y �rs Iwhb� autMwriz�d and dlr�ctsd to uc�cut� �n aMSndn�nt to s�i� dontract �xtand i� the t i�as of t�op I�t i o� to Octob�r 31, 1970. prov i� hor�wr, that this rosolutlo� shall haw no for�s or aff�ct unless th� swtieti�s on th� Cont��cto�'s bond ux�s�nt tbsnto an� fila such cons�nt in Nrittaq with ttw Ctty Co�ptroll�r. a�i br it FtNtTHER RESOLVED. Tt�at tht City of Satnt Paul hsnby +�aiws all ciaiw for 1lquida�sd da�gss and that ra snpin�s�in� a�d ie�sp�ction cos�s on this pro�act will be char�d to th� Co�tr�ts� for such �xtend�d psriod. SEP l i �70 COiTNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Butler 4 197� Carlson AppmvecL— SEP 1 19� . �°� Tr Favor .�-' 3�ayor Sprafka C� Aroaninat Tedesco Mr. Vice President Meredith ��