03-331Council File # �3 • Z � Green Sheet # 106401 ESOTA ?resented By 2eferred To Committ�'e: Date �� 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 iS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 WIIEREAS, a budget to construct a traffic signal at Robert & Fillmore as part o£ the US Bank development projeet was approved by Council on CF 02-0703, and WIIEFLEAS, this signal sysrem is to be financed with assessment dollars from the Housing & Redevelopment Authodry as approved on CF 02-355, and . R'I [he amount of assessmen[ rnfified for ILis prqect is more than previously approved, so THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice of the I,ong Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that $210,000 is available for appxropriation in the 2002 Capitai Improvement Budgets, as heretofore adopted and amended by ttus CouncIl, be hereby further amended ' in the Imprwement Budgets, in the following particuiazs; Cmxent Budget FINANCING PLAN Robert & Flimore Signal CO2-2T828-28058 ASSESSMENT CIB SPENDING PLAN Robert & fillmore Signal CO2-21'828-28058 Construcflon Amended Changes Budget I15,000.00 210,000.00 325,000.00 16,545.67 16,545.67 131,545.67 210,000.00 341,545.67 131,545.67 210,000.00 341,545 67 131,545.67 21Q000.00 341,545.67 "�° .Lj f � ! �, E ' � � � � � I i O � � � �� � � � �� ' �� � � ��� � �� �'�� ���� �"k '"� � `� ! � ���� �j � � � � � m d; � �� � i Benanav B a eTc� Bostrom Colemaa xarris L871tiy Reiter Yeas Nays A �__. f ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Adopted by Council: Date �� �.��� �.�—„�_� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved By By: Date L/ • � � �� Approval Recommended by Office of . Financial Services Director: By' - ' F Form Approved by City Attorney: � n > � � .. . � Mayor `for (��''Z��d � DFPApTMEPIVOFFlCHCOVNQL DATEINITIATED GREEI�SHEET No. 106401 � Public Works 2/12/2003 .. .. , InNaVDat ^►• InNaVDate CONiACT PERSON & PNONE Paul Kurtz-266-6203 MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BV (DA'fE) DEPARiMEPlr 7 I CITY CAUNCIL � ❑ CITYATlOFNEY �� �CffYCLERK NUMBERFOR '�� �FlNFNCIALSEFNICESDIR �FlNANCIALSERV/ACCTG .ONDEfi .��� � MAYOFi(ORASSISiAM) ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATUEiE PAGES 1 � Kur2 �)�yn 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION RE�UESTED Approval of atsached Council Resolution amending the spex�ding and financing pians oF the Robert & Fillmore Signal pro}ecc to include an increase of $210,000 in assessment funding. RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve (A) or Re�eC[ (fl) � CIBCqMMITTEE �_ CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION 1. Has this perSONfirtn ever worked under a contract tor this departmenl? YES NO 2. Has this perSONfirm ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this persorVfirm possess a skill not rwrmally possessed by any arteM city employee? YES NO 4. Is this pereorJfirm a targeted vendoR YES NO A budget to construct a uaffic signal at Robert & Fiilmore as part of the US Bank development project was approved by Council on Council File 02-0703. This signal system �s ko be financed with assessment dollazs from the Housing & RedevelopmenY Authority. The amount of assessment savfied for this project is $210,000 more than previously approved. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROYE6. - Budget wiil reflect the actual assessments ratified and there will be su�cient spending authority to pay Public Works city forces for work performed. OISADVAMAGES lF APPROVE@ Done i �,�`:s �; � 26�J3 MAR 2 � 2002 MAYOR'S OFF(CE D�SAOVMfTAGES �F NOT APPROVED: Budget wi11 not match the revenues coilected foi thisproject and spending budget will be inadequate to pay outstanding biils. fOTALpMOUNTOFTRANSACTION$ 210 ���� COST/REVENUEBUDGE�ED(CIRCLEONEj yES No FUNDING SOURCE AssesSments ACTYVITY NUMBER COZ-2T828-28058 FlNANCIALINFOqMAT10N (EXPWN)