250403 � 25���3 � OR161NAL TO CITY CLlRK CITY OF ST. PAUL H�ENC�� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU CIL RESO TIO —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLVED, That the Council hereby ratifies and approves the action of the Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review for the Housing, Building and Fire Prevention Codes at its meeting of August 12, 1970 , pertaining to the property located at 2298 Priscilla St. , owned by Marvin J. ,Torgenson and described as: Northwesterly 5 ' of Lot 8, all of Lot 7, Block 28 , St. Anthony Park; waiving the requirement of Section 54.15 (3) of the Saint Paul Legislati��e Code that no wood frame dwelling be occupied above the second floor for living or sleeping purposes except where the original construction provided for such occupancy, on condition that no more than two (2) individuals inhabit the third floor occupancy; and be it FURTHER RESOLV�D, that such waiver be granted until such ti�e as� the property located at 2298 Priscilla St. be sold on any other right, tit�.e or interest be tran�f��red at which time said waiver be nullified; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that the city clerk is hereby authorized � nd directed to trarismit a copy of this resolution to the amsey County Register of Deeds. � � 0 � V �� � _ m �l.l a 1 � o V � y a SEP 10 191Q CO CILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays But�er SEP 10 19�� Caxlson 19— Levine n Favor Meredith Sprafka U yor A gainst Tedesco PUBLISHED S 1 2 197� Mr. President, McCarty � � ((('''����/'� � DY}I.ICATB TO rRiNT6R � ' , ����� � CITY OF ST. PAUL �u�+p� ND � ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESHii�tY COMMISSIONEe �A*� RE50L�ED, That the Council hereby ratifies and approves tlhe action of the Saint Paul Boa�rd of App�als and Revi�vr for t�e Houeing, Building and Fire Prevention CoBes nt its meeting of Auguet 12, 1970, pertaininq to the proper*y located at 2298 Priscilla St. , owned by Marvin J. Jorqenaon and described as: Northwesterly 5' of Lot 8, all of Lot 7, BYock 28, St. Anthony Park; w�iving the requirement of Section 54.15 (3) of the Saint Paul Leqislati�!� Code that no wood frame daielling be occupied above the second floor_ for living or eleeping purpo�ree excspt where the original construction provi8ed for such o��upanay, on condi*.ion that no more than taro (2) indi�riduala inhabit the third flaor occupancy; and be it FURTHER RESOLVLD, that such waiver be qra�.ted uratil suah time as the property loaated at 2298 Priscilla St. be ao18 dH' any other right, title or interest be tran�farred at which time said waiver be nullified; and be it . FINALLY RESOLVED, that th�e city alerk is hereby authoriaed a�d directed to transmit a copy of this reiolution to the Rmmaey County Register of Deeds. SEP 10 �� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co��nM� 18.— Y� xays S E P 1 0 1��0 Butler Caxlaon Approv� 19.— Levine __jn Favor Meredith Spra.fka ��r t Ted�sco Mr. President, ARcCarty �� . � „ • 1 r w � w , v ✓ �T V+ � � STATE OF MINNESOTA � Countq of Ramsey ee. � crrx oF s�x�r rnut, I Harr�r_E. Mar�baZl,......................................City Clerk +------------------------- ---- of the City of Saint Paul, Minneaota do hereby certify that I have 0 �` compared the attached copy of Council File No........ZS�!a� �' ••'••................ _ r= � as adopted by the City Council._._Se,�teBaber 10?_________________iq 70___ _ 0 � and approved by the Mayor..---------Se�t�mber_-10?---•---------•-----ly--7a-------- = with the original thereof on flle in my office. � � •----••--------------------------•---------------------------•--------------•--.._...-----•---•--------•-------------•----------..._.... ._..----•...............................................................................•-------..._..-------._...------.......---•----- ................................•--•---•-•-----•------•-----•----------._....-------..._._...------•---........_.._...---..._...---•--•- -----------------------------•------------.......---------•-----------._..........-•-----•---•--••-----..._..._.....-•---•--••---....._. � •----•---------------------------------------------•-•----------...... __ CL7 .. -----•....................•---...-------...._....----•-------- � .............................••------------ ---.._..----------------------------•------------•------------•------------•--••------.. �� � --------------------------•----------...----------------.....-----------------------------....._..---•--...---.........----•--•--------- � C� -------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------- Y O Q e� ..---"-----•-'-----'°'---'--"'-°"----------�° °-'---"-'----'°----"--°-"'-._...."----'--'._....--^'°-----°-------°.. -°--"'°°'-"'-'°--'--'--°----"'----'°---'°'°""'------'-"-"--'....-'-'•"-"---^................'•-•'•"---........'--••'- ,�., ,I furth�_�certify that said copy is a true and conect copy of ,, �, ; . •� �,. �s��r�inal and,t�� whole thereof. �� , ,,,; WITNESS my liaa�and the seal of the City of Saint Paul, Minn., y � , �hi�;.w.-��-- ----•----�Y of----._...._. e�tember�................. ..A. D. 70. �O . --........ ��� .................... .. . .. . . .. - ��Citq Clerk. � ;r'� � � L7 � �� �.� � SALE � . __.'.'_'. __._ ..._ __ ...__. . . . _ .. ._. .. _ .__._:___ .. . .._ ' . . . ' _ .- . .. ... " '_ __ Y..� . � � � �� �� F ` ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ���`� �� - CITY OF ST. PAUL NLENCiI NO._ � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU CiL RESO TIO�!--GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE _ pqTF � � RESOLVED, That the Council hereby ratifies and approves the action of the Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review for the Housing, Building and Fire Prevention Codes at its meeting of August 12, 1970 , pertaining to the property located at 2298 Priscilla St. , owned by Marvin J. .To�genson and described as : � �+ Northwesterly 5 ' af Lot 8, all of Lot 7, ,C+�j Bl��k 2$ � Sf. ;`_•:'�r.:;�.�, nuyt`� �� �� waiving the requirement of Section 54 .15 (3) of the Saint Paul Q Legislati':e Code that no wood frame dwelling be occupied °" above the second floor for living or sleeping purposes except �" where the original construction provided for such occupancy, � on condition that no more than two (2) individuals inhabit the � third floor occupancy; and be it i 0 m FURTHER RESOLVED, that such waiver be granted until such time as the property located at 2298 Priscilla St. be sold on any other right, title or interest be transferred at which ' time said waiver be nullified; and be it � FINALLY RESOLVED, that the city clerk is hereby authorized � �nd directed to transmit a copy of this resolut�ion to the amsey County Register of Deeds. f � . 0 � v O� ,. ° � � �y 0 �W}' 4 �1'' � V .�: � ¢ SEP 1 0 ��7� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councit 19—. Yeas Nays 1970 Butler � $�P 1 d Carlson d I9_ Levine � �_In Favor Meredith Sprafl�a J yor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, McCarty ��O