250389 �• ORt61NAL TO CITY CL6RK �/�Jo��g CITY OF ST. PAUL fIOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �'�/ � COUNCIL RESOWTION—GENERAL FORM PRFSENTED SY�`� " � COMMISS�ONE Rotie '� a Co�i.ssioner of Public Work�ATF Sept. 10, 1970 WHERF,AS, It ha,s been found necessary to change, modiPy and amend certain portions of the plans and specifications her�tofore approved for the SIDEWALK REPI.,ACII�'NT and CAANNELIZATION of KELLOGG ffi,VD. from Maxket St. to Eagle St. as approved September 3, 1970 by Council Resolution C.F. No. 25033�+; now, therePore upon the recom�endation of the Co�nissioner of Public Works, be it RESOLVED� That the plans and specifications for the above-narued improve- ment, as approved by the Council, be a.nd the sam�e axe hereby cha.nged,�dified and amended in accord.ance with Addend.um No. l, which is attached to and made a part of this Resolution and of the a,�orementioned plans and specifications; and that further, a11 interested parties be notified of this A�cldendu�. `° �ORM PPROVED Ass orporatio o se RFS�REG��b SEP 101�70 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays S�P 1 0 ��Q Butler Carlson App 19� Levine � Tn FAVOx' Meredith � Sprafka Tedesco ASainat Mr. President, McCarty pi}BLISHED S P 121yf� �� �50��9 CITY OF ST. PAUL ' DEPARTNfENT OF PURI,IC WORKS KELLOGG BLVD. Market St. to Eagle St. Sidewalk Replacement and Channelization • Project No. M-0518 ADDENDUM N0. 1 Refer to S�ecial Provisions, Page B-7_ • � Change paxagraph B-2.1�+ to read as follows: "B-2.1�+- The reinforced concrete sidewalk will be cast onto a gravel fill shaped as shown, except over the existing west portal of the Exchange St. R�p as shown in '1Vew sections EE, F'F', GG, & HH' on sheet no. 3 Of 18 sheets. Any costs involved to bring the existin� fill to the correct shape or to remove the existing fill as necessary will be at the Contractor's expense and no �.irther compensation will be allawed. Refer to S1�ecial Provisions, Page B-1 Change paragraph 8-1.1 (c) to read as folJ.ows. � (c) A jack haunner of 60 pound maximum ratin� ma.y be used for reinoval oP reinfbrced concrete curb a.nd railing curb. Refer to �ecial Provisions, Page B-2 In pa.ra�aph B-1.2 (b), cha.nge "sta. .2�i-79" to read "sta. 2+79•75•�� Refer to S�ecial Provisions, Page B-6 .Ln paragraph 8-2.7 (b), change the word "rush" to read "brush". REG�gb September 10, 1970 � • . ��o� , �� CITY OF ST. PAUL DEpARTN1�NT OF PUBLIC WORISS KEIS,OGG BLVD. Maxket St. to Eagle St. Sidewalk Replacement and Channelization � Project No. M-0518 ADDENDUM N0. 1 Refer to S�ecial Provisions, Page Fr 7 � Change paragraph B-2.1�+ to read as follows: "8-2.1�+- The reinforced concrete sidewalk will be cast onto a �avel fill shap d as shown, except over the existing west portal of the Excha.nge St. Ramp�as shown in 'New sections EE, FF, GG, & HH' on sheet no. 3 Of 18 sheeta. Any costs involved to bring the existin� fill to the correct shape or to remove the existing fill as necessary will�be at the Contractor's expense a.nd no flzrther compensation will be a1laWed. RePer to ecial Provisions, Page B-1_ Change paragraph B-l.l (c) to read as follows. (c) A jack hammer of 60 pound maximum rating may be used for removal of' rein�orced concrete curb and railing curb. Refer to �ecial Provisions, Page B-2 In para�aph B-1.2 (b), cha.nge "sta. 2+79" to read "sta. 2+79•75•�� Refer to S�ecial Provisions, Page B-6 In paragraph 8-2.7 (b), change the word "rush" to read "brush". REG�gb September 10, 1970 , ' s- DU*LICAT[TO lRIN'RR . � � ����� . CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOE NCIL NO �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GE�IERAL FORM � CA M�ISS ONE Ro �'• 8�1Ct, CC■�issio�eT O! Putbli6 Wor A� Ss�t• lO, 1970 , I� has b�sa to�un�d n�s�aty to clsangs, aodi!'y aa�d e�mend et�s�al,n icm� ot tl�e p3an�s a�d. �pac3riQatic�auus b�r�toi�c�re approTSd tor t1r BII�iTAIaK RBPZ�r�T t11d CA1111f1lT.T7.1H�T� OI �TAQC� ffi.YD. �'Ct �i'�'�'i �• f'i0 �81.e St ets appraved ffie�ptember 3, 1970 by Cauncil Resolution C.F. No. 25�33�+f , '�relor� upon t�e reca�ends,tion of the Co�ission�r of Public �t ka, be �t V�Dt �et tl�e p].aas and s�ecitic�►tiva�a !or th� sbove-r�d iaQraw- ment, as gppraved by t�e Cour�cil., 'be and the ssar are hes�tby c2tan�d��odit"iM �md amendefl n a�ceu��'.,a�ce w��h Ad+clend.us No. 1, whiieh is attached to an�d a�d�e a part of e Aesolution e�nd of t�e a,tox�ention�d.p].ans end specificationej and that itirt�er, al1 inter�ated partiee t� noi:itied ot th3.s Ad�dendum. i � I ����8 �p 1 p 1910 COLTNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeaa ays B�t�� S�f P l 0 1�7� Carlson Approved 19_. Levine �n Favor Meredith I Sprafka �y� A gainet Tedeaco Mr. President, Mc y � �� i