D001160C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR •APProved Copia to: -c�tyc�ri�o.;g�si) - F'mance Dept's Accouutlng Division - Reqaesbog Dept 50,000 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent wit6 the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the D'vector of the Department of Fire & Safety Services to amend the 1997 budget of the General F�nd, the D'vector of the Depar�ent of Finance and Management Services is aathorized to amend said budget in t6e folloa�ng manner: CURRENT APPROVED AMENDED FUND AND ACI7VITY: xlJDGET CHANGES BUDGET FROM: 001- General N�nd 05004 - Safety - Ntire 0578 - Safety Allocation • TO: 001- General Fund - 05120 - FSrefighting & Paramedics 0848 - Other Specialized Equipment •Prepared by: Actrvity Manager Date � ` � � Requested by: artment DireCtor - ADMIlVISTRATIVE ORDER: BUDGET REVISION 25,000 No: � Date: � - � _ C. � (50,000) 50,000 0 75,000 V'"�°�-�C C �� m � ',�� �"�� Ap ed by: yor Date nernx�rnm�n�ro�cc�couivca DAiE N'1'lIAlED �" �� , / Fire& Safety Services oviai9� GREEN SHEE NO. 30015 � CONtACLPIIC50N&PHOr2 �i DEPARIMENIDIItECCOR � Ct'fYCOUNN. FireChiefTimothyFuller 222-0477 � 'rnrarrox�r Q cmcweK BEONCOUNCLLA(�t.�DAHY(DA'IEJ �2 BUDCC�"CDIltECIOR � FIN.&MGI.SERViCESDIlt � MAYOR(ORA$$ISfANn �4 FINANCE-ACCOLINIING TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CIIONREQUFSIID Approval of the aTpched Administrative Order Budget Revision. �co�rronnoxs:n�,we�a>«nriea(x) PERSONALSERVICECON'IRACISM[JSTANSR'ERTHEFOLLOWIl�iGQiIESTIONS: rcn�ntwccoaetmszwx _etvu, sEtcv[ce coaa.nsswx 1. Has this persadfum ever wo�lced under a contlact for Nus department? cmmnudtnEE _ YES NO n_srnrr _ 2. Has this persodfum ever been a city employce? amwcrco�mr YES NO Stmrox'rs wtnc[i coUreCa oehCme+ 3. Dces [his person/fimi possess a skill not nolmally possessed by any cuarnt ciTy employee? YES NO (Eaplain all yes answers on separate shcet and atfath to green sheet) Rll'RATINGPAOBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORlVM1Y(R'ho, What, WFm, Whve, Why) The 1997 Fire Deparhnent General Fund adopted budget contains $50,000 in object code 0578 - Safety Allocation which is to be used for safety related eacpenditures within the department This Adminis[rative Order would transfer the budget authoriry to an account whereby safety equipment may be purchased for the Fire Department, including the purchase of a CairnsIRIS thermal imaging system. ADVANiAC�SIE APPItOVED. Fire Depar[ment would have the authority [o purchase addi[ional safery equipment. DISADVANiAGESQ�'APPROVED: None. RECElVED . FfB 2 61997 CfTY CLERK DISADVANfA(FS OFNOT APPROVID Funds allocated for the purchase of safety related items would remain unavailable for iYs intended pwpose. TO'lALAMOONTOFTRANSACI'ION_ SO OOO wsrinxve.rvoesuucsreo�cueci.eo�e� ves reo w��o„�� General Fund .+cirvrir�vumexx GL - 001-05120-0848 rsr.wcw.m�onnrnnoN �cnm� i �� Q 10�J