250385 ' �5Q��5 � ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa NO. � . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM °' w PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE qTF WHEREAS, under �.F. No. 2�+98�8, approved July 2�+, 1970, the City �ouncil authorizecl and directed praper eity offi�ers to enter in�o a lease agreement �uith the S�a�e of Minne�ota for the lease of property at 199 Smith AveMUe, 3t. Paul, and WHE�,EAS, it now appears that stach an �greement would nei�her be e�or�omiQally feasible, nor desirable, now therefore be it RES4LVED, that sueh authority as granted in C.F. No. 2498�F8 ia hereby rescind�d. F� AP � y � � Asst �or��tion Cour� . COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounZ'�P � 1970 19—. Yeas Nays Butler SEP � 1970 Caxlson Approve� 19� Le�ine �n Favor Meredith Sprafka � ` � ma A gainst Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED EP 121970 � Dtl}1.ICATt TO lRIN7�R . �V� ' CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCa NO � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GHVERAL FORM PRESEIiTED eY _ COMMISSIONEQ �A*� W�EA�B, �Aer �.F. Xo. R�#9�, �FProved Jaly 2�, 1970, th� C1ty Qc�il at��bori�d and direot�td r�sr oity olPio�rs to enter i.n�a a l�sa• agrse�ent Mith t� ��ate ot M.tnzs�so�a for the ls�s• vt prc�srt�r s� 199 �mi.�h Av�nue, 8t. laul, aad �, it nor appears �ha� eu�h �n �g�wm�nt xould neitl�er be e��nomiaaily P�a�ibie, nor d�rirabi�, nox th�r�lo�**v b� it �t880LY�D, �hat •uoh a�tthori�y ae grantsd in 4.�'. No. 84Q�9�8 �.e h�reby reeol.nd.d. ��i r�w r� �� � ���'I . �,� � �',���. ' � ����� t� �tes!,�t ��t �e �lt�;.��,' ��M�d�� �n,�e"�? ''�s ve� b�� �th�p ' c July`84 i�70,� �( ,, ��� I � , • '"-- COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� SEP � ���9_ Yeaa Nays Butler SEP '. 1970 Carlson Appmv� 19` Levine T� Favor Meredith Sprafka �� � �gainat Mr. President, MeCarty �