250383 ORIGINAL-•• CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL "T" "gR" COUNCIL RESOLUTION F�� No.��d��� N° 3785 FOR AUTH RIZATION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS PRESENTED BY F19�"�� DAT� � 19__ • RBSOLVED,That the Couneil her concurs in the award of the contract Co�ittee therefor and hereby awards contract for furnishing ali labor, Materials, equipment and services necessary or incidental to t'�e constructiou of concrete curb and gutter on both sides of MONTRSAL AVEN�E from Blaay Street to I.S, 35B �inclading side inlets, sewer pipe, excsvation and gravel base for roadwaq); Type I Driveway (including excavati.on gravel base and curb); and Special DrineWay (i�ncluding 8'xcavatiou gravel base and carb) in accordance with plaas and specifications 70-C-O505 for the Departnaent of Pablic �lorks, to the WOOG BRO'PI�RS (�NSTRIIGTION C�AIiY for the contract price of $6,329.00 (Plus Citq Force Work �+ $540.00; 8ngineering and Inspectiou 14.Sx - $917.70; Valiation & Assesment Service - $140.00; Collection Charges -$37.25) in accordance With the plans and specifications and Formal Bid �4251 of said Woog Brothers Construction Co., such bid heing the lawest and said Woog Brothers Constraction Co. being a responsible bidder and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to d�ft t'�e proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are anthorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. �. CONTRACTPRICE - - - - - - - /y- S- - - - -��- - = �$ v��`9�QT�O� • pEpT.CONT.fp. ENGINEERING AND INSPECTION LT�K� _ . -' ' ' '' ' .,:$ ���i��/ City_F�rca Wa�k�`_ _ $* 500.00 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE: vq�unTioN AND ASSESSMENT SERVICES - - - - - - - - - § , �TOiOO : ' ' ' ' ' . . . ' " ' . ' ' '." ' $ . FORMAL BID NO. �G51 COLLECTION CHAR6E5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • - $ ����5 NOTE: TO BE CERTIFIED AS TO FUNDS AVAILABLET YTCOMPTROLLER BEFOR6 PRCStNTINfi�TO COUNCIL FOR ADOrT10N. $������ PERMANENT IMPROVEM6NT REi(OLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWB: 1. ASSESSED AGAINST BENEIFITTED PROPERTY - - - - - -� - - - -� - - - - - - - - - - - - $ 7,923.95 ' 2. APPROPRIATED FROM CITa•S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS -- 0920-481 s 3. MUNICIPAL STATE AID PROJ�E,GT NO. S � 4. APnROPRIATED FROM CAPITAL�,IMPROVEMENTS BOND ISSUE-CODE S /// � 5. COUNTY AID ' ' ' ' ' ' _ _ _ ' �'.. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' _ ' ' _ ' ' ' " _ ' ' $ / . � 8. MINN. HIGHWAV DEPARTMENT AGREEMENT NO. . / �.* Incl. bit�mminous street � drive patching 8 qds. of cl 5 gra��C the re�c�ra7. & replacement of 30 ft. of guard rail 7,923.95 . TOT AL " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' _ ' ' ' ' ' y � COPIES TO: 1 HFREBY CBRTIFY THAT TNERE If AN UNO�ICUMBERBD CAL- . CI7Y CLERK ANCE AVAn��L'� IN THE ABOV[ STATm ARROrR1AT10Nf TO COMPTROLLER REJMBURBE TFIi PENMAN�IT IM �IT VINCi FYND � ���V�M�� PUBLIC WORKS IN TH[ABOVE A _� /�� � PURCHASING � �(�m-� N DATE FINAL ORDER ADO!'R�+ CAMP'TR�LLE � BY Bu�p��ILMEN SEP � �v�O L J. Y�ws CAYZSOII �YS�,N rAVOR ADOPTm BY TNB COUNCI� _ � �.e�ine $Ep 91910 Meredith wPrROv Sprafka a�urs* Tedesco Mr. President, McCartq 8/28/70/Stanton/pr MAYOR � �o PUBLISHED SEP 1 970