250360 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK � w CITY OF ST. PAUL �LE NCIL NO. '� �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Lic�sE aor�n�r� OUNCIL RESOLU ION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED EY � C September 8� 1970 COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLVED: That applic�,tion for the transfer of On Sale I,iquor and Sunday�On-Sale Liquor licenses issued to A. S. A. Corporation at 1183 University Avenu+e to the Entertainment Enterprises, Inc. at the same address and their application for Restaurant, Tavern, Off Sale Ma,lt Beverage and Ci�arette licenses for the same location, be and the same are hereby granted on the conditi on that within o days of this date said Entertainffient Ente�prises, Inc. shall comply with all requirements of the Bureaus of Fire� Health, and Police and the Zicense Inspector pursuant to the St. Paul Legislative Code and all other applicable ordinances and l�.ws. �c�p � 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— � Yeas Nays ���, � ���� Butler Carlson Ap 19— Levine �ln Favor Meredith /j Sprafka V or Tedesco A8'��►$t Mr. President, McCarty pUBI�ISHED $EP 2197� � CITY 0�` SAINT PAUL ���' `�� � �-�. Capital of Minnesota �e art�ne�t o ub�C'c �a et � � ADMINISTBATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIAE PAOTECTION POLICE DEAN MEREDITH,Commissioner HEALTH RALPH G.MEIt$ILL,Deyaty Cammiaeioner DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,License Inspeetor September 8, 19'j0 Honorable Mayor and City Council Saint Paul, Minr�esota Gentlemen and Madam: �ntertainment Enterprises, Inc. is joined by A. S. A. Corporation in making application for the transfer of On Sale Liquor License No. 7821 and Sunday40n-Sale Liouor License No. 4071, both expiring January 31, 1971� from A. S. A. Corporation at 1183 University kvenue to Entertainm�:nt �:nterprises, Inc. �,t the same address. Entertainment Enterprises, Inc. also make application for Restaur�,nt, Tavern, Off Sale Ma1.t Bevera.�e and Cigasette licenses for the same location. The officers of the corporation are David Ron Maddox, President and Treasurer; and James H. Fischer, Vice-president and Secretary, They also are the only two stockholders in the corporation. This location has been licensed for a similax business since A�ril 196y. Mr. Maddox�ts 3n the insurance business, workin�; for In.come of Canada from M�y 1969 to December lg6g, and before that for the Wayne National Lj�fe Insura,nce Company, since 1963. , l�ir. Fischer worked for Rayette�Faberge from March 1964 to March 1968, for Knutson Comp�,nies from March 1968 to June 1969, and since that time for the Data Central. Very truly yours, ,a�...� ��.`� - License Inspector O Mayor and City Council of the City of Saint Paut Attn: License Inspector Pubiic Safety Buiiding Saint Paui, Minnesota Dear Sirs: The undersigned, President and Secretary respective[y of A,S.A. Corporation, hereby request that the Liquor Iicense owned by A.S.A. Corporation and iocated at 1183 University Avenue, Sa nt Pau[, Minnesota, be transferred to E,,,�-A.,vyr„rc,v�- E,�T�„v�n��v y� „Z�)�. whose address is 1183 University Avenue, Saint Pau[, Minnesota. Respectfui[y Submitted, � A.S.A. CORPORATION � �� . ' By �.�� o.,�--�� � � / es'dent � � . By � � � . Dated this � _�day of ' , 1870. f September 2, 1970 May�r and City Council � of the City �f Sa,int Paul � Ramsey County Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Attention: License Inspector • Dear Ma,dam and Geartlemen: The undersigned, as President of Entertainment Enterprises, Inc. respectful�y requests the C�uncil to transfer the liquor license now in the name of ASA C�rporation to Entertainment Enterprises, Tnc. at the same location, name]y, 1183 University Avenue, Sa3nt Paul, Minnesota. Respectful],y submitted, ENTERTAINMENT ENTERPR�SES, IlVC.- ' . By � � �� , � C ITY flF' SA�NT PAUL DEPARTtu�NT OF PfT$ZIC SAFETY LICENSE DNISZCIN _ Date G�'f`�'�_197 v 1. Applioati�n Por Cn S�le Liq,��or L�.Qen�e 2, Name af applic:ant _��id R�n M�d� I�R�s_ 7iP c�� 3. Buain�aa addresa��yQyQrgit�y ,p,y�entLB ReaidenoeSB 7 2i�at AX�nLe ��t�th MinnQ��l g 4. Tre►de riame, if e�ny i -� N�Gtt iN E�' �. t � t � v � 5. 8etail Beer Federal Tax 3tamp_�Retail Liquor Federal Tax Stamp � �rill be uaedo 6. C�n �r�at floor loaate8 f�gt Nuxnber of roama usec3'� �. oN� ?. Bet�resn �at crosa �tree�s ,�^,Lkp_ 6,��(� lihiah side of etreet �j� ,p �,�/ _ �_,T _ .. 8. $�e prem3.�es now oocsi�pied�./�SYYhat businesa �,{,,�q�t L�� Hv�r long�J_ ���.-�l��s• _ 7�_..�_ �T 9. ,�re premiaea noar unoQOUpied�Hrna long vacant Frevioua use 10, �re you a new orm.er��Have you baen in a similar businees bef are �,��g fi�er� ll83 Uniyersiky Avenu� �A2?,,,�rom Lecemher 19�i� t� nre�e�nt 11. are you goi,ng to operate �his buainesa personally ��S � If not, �ho r►ill opere��e it 12. hre you in an.q other buainess at the p�esent tS.me �-, _ _ _ _ � 13. Have there been any Qomplainta against your opsratian of this type of place_ N� �Ihen 11Y�.ere� 14. II��e you �v+er had, ar�y lic�nae .revaked N� Rhat reason aad date 15. Are you a cait�.ze��. of the United Statee`��Ratiroe �� Naturalized 16. �ere w�ere you boraH8Z�1 Pa�'k, Michiqan Date of birth�,�.�-�7 17. I am married. �Iy (wi.Pe's) �� name and addresa is JOVC2 5 18. (If married female) my maiden n�ame is 19. �o�r long have you lived in St. Paul R@81d@ 3.ri M�t1ri8�p�118 20, Hs�ve you ev�er been �rrested N� Violatiozi. of what criminal l.av� ar ordinancse�� 21, dre �rou a registered voter in the Ci�r of St. Pa�l Yes x Nu. (Ar�ava�r PLill� e11�d c:Ompl9�elys '1'he9e a �licsations are thorou hl aheclflad and an falaif�aation �.11 be oause for deniala 22. Nwnber of 3.2 plaaes �rithin t�ro bloaka /f/o�t. � _. . ,�-- 23. C].oaea� intoa3.cating liquor plaQe, t�n Sale��1 Off Sale�E,.�S --��c,/�,� 24. Nee�reat Churoh Sl�l'_[oL„�s� Nearest 4chool Sp�,�� 25. Number of b4otha Tablea S b Chaira �v p Stool� 26, '�Phat occupatiox�. have you f'ollovred for the past five years. �Give namea of empla�ar� and dates so employed.) o - 6� to eCember 19�� Wavne N�,i,��a1 Life Insuran� Co. � ,18ESS ta Mav_1S�B9 27, Giee� �mea e►nd addree�e� of two psrsonst reaidents of 3te A�ul, Mi.nn„ �rho can gi�e information aanoex�ning yuue rrame Rich�,rd Radman Aaar88eLabor Tem le - St Fa.ul rtame Toseoh J. Dudlev .�aare -1260 F ld ul 3i re u pp zcant 3tate of �inne sota ss C oun�y of R�msey u on os,th� t he ha being firat duly avrorn, deposee ax�cl says p ��r�ea�Cl the of reg ing �tatement bearin.g hzs sxgnatare and knavrs the oaaa�enta thereof, and that-the aem9 is �rue� of hie m�n. a�ledge e�cept as to thoae m�,ttera therein stated upon informe�t aud belieP a to thoae me�tters he belie�v�ea them to be true. 3ign,ature of Jlpp icant Subsaribed and ew�orn �o before a� ' thia � da�' of - 19 �d Ao blie, Ranuaep unty,, , eaote► � Ct7�R�.88i0�1. SEPH .1. DUDLEY "<� � � , in �', . ; Y CommlSSion Expir�s Nou. 1" 19 (Note� These atatement fox�ms are �in �plioate. -Both copies must be Pu1Zy filled outa notarized, and returned to the Lioense Division4r— � �,FF ID�V IT B Y APPL ICAN� FOR RETA,IL BEER OR I,IQUOR I.TCENSE ' Res Cn Sale T,ic� �nr LiQense Name of applicant David R�n Madd�x /�it��s, 'r Bu��.ness aaa�ess ll83 Universit�r Avenue Are you the sole e�rner of this b�ainess? N� e If n�t9 is it a partnership? corporation? ���f � , o:bher4 �,, Others interested in buainess, inelude those by loan of money, property or otherw�iaes NameG���✓._. _... Addres�?,f'•�Clut.N. � H���� —�. � ��e�+�... If a corporation, give its na� Entertainment Enterprises. It1C. Are you interested in any way in any other Retail Beer or Liquor businesa? �� Aa sole awner? Partner? Stoekholder? fltherwise? (Through loan of money, etcti E�plain� Address �f such. buainess and nature of interest in sama S gna ure of ap licant Sta te of' Niinna s ota ss C o�ty of �msey L�'avid R�n Maddax bei.ng firat duly aworn, depos�s and says upon oath that he has read the foregoing affidavit bearing his signature and 1�.ows the contenta there of; that the same is true of his awn l�.owledge 9 except to those matters therein stated upon information and belief and as to ose mat�ers e lieves them to be trues � S gnature of app icant Subsaribed and sworn to afore me this �-� day of - 19�=� N y u , �aq�aU 4,�dinne ota ApfarY Pub',ic, EXp�rB`Nov,l. � y a c�,�l�°expires 19 . ; s�� � ��so�A) Ct1UNTY 4F RAMSEY � s$ David R�n Ma�dax being first duly srovorri, doth depose and say that he makea this affidavlt 3.n connection �rith application for "�_Sale" liquor licenae {"�r$a1e" malt bevera�e license) in the �ity of Saint Paul, Minnesota; that your affiant is a residant of the State of �iinnesota and haa resided therein f'or � years, months, and is now and has bsen �or the time above mentioned a bona fide rasident of said State and that he now resides at �� � Addrea s Mi.Y111ea �lis , Minnes ota, City or To�+m Lavid Ron Maddox Subsoribed and st�rorn to before me this � day of 19 ?� y blio, Ra se ounty9 Mi sota OSEPH J. DUDLEY My' COmmi891���lC�GS�amsey County, Minn. � �PI�69mm(ssion��►"rx.a-�b---- . � � CITY flF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT �F P�TBLIC �FETY LICENSE DIVVISIt7N nat� q i� �p 1. applioatiar�. Por Cn Sa1e Liqu�r License �, Name of �ppl.iaant 7au�es H. Fi�cher 3. suaineaa ad�,re�all89 Unir,�r�i#�y Aveau�e Residenoa a�� V1IIC�11t AY�Lt@ N�h �. Tr�ae ��, �.� �n� 's I�ft ��" �P�z c. 50 8etail Beer Fedaral Tax Stamp_�Retail Liquor Federal Tax Stam.p � r�rill be ueedo 6. t�ii what f loor looated fix'St Number of roa�ns used� � �,Q 7o Betw�aen v�at cross atreets�u � � �Which side of street 8. llre premisea na� oaougied tl�iat bu�inese ' � How long / 9. .Are premisea now� unocoupi. �Haav long vacant Previous use 10, �re you a new oamer Yes Have you been i.n a simi].ar buai.ne�s before NO �here �hen 11. Are you gaztag to operate thi� businesa personally 1V� If not, who will opera�e i� v�.�, _ _ _ O 12. Are you in an�► other buaineas at the present t� Yes _ � l�. Have there besn any complainta against your operation of this type of plaoe jv� Nhen ilhere 14. Eava you ev�er ha@ an�y liQenae z°evolfled N� Rhat reason and date 15o Are you a citizen. oP tha IInzted States Y+BS Nativ�e Yes Naturalized _ _ � l6 0 �Ilhers we re you b o=°a S83Tlt Pdl�l � Da ts of b i rth 3'31�3� 17. I am �rried. My (wiPe gs) (�'s j na�a an.d addres$ is Su8811 2500 Vincent Avenue North 18. (If m�rriad female) my maiden name i� 19. Hoar long have yau lived in St e Paul Reeiae � ��nne�,��s - 2�, Bav�e you ev+er been arreated N� Violation oP what criminal law or erdinan:cse __.,.___._. 21. dre you a registered voter in the Ci°�r of St, Paul Yea g Noe (Ana�r fu11y 8ti1d t30mp19�91ye `.�'hese a �7.ication� are t2ao�^ou hl checlflsd an+d an falaificsation �rill be cause foz° denialo _. • �2, �umber oP 3.2 p]aaes �rithin trro blooks 23. Cloeeat intox3.oating liquor plaoe,� t� Sale a�f S�le Z4, Neareet Churah Nearest 3ahool 25s Number of' b�o�tha Tables Chairs atools 26. il�t oacupt�tian have you followed for the paat fi.ve year$o (Give names of empl��rer� and datea eo employ�d.) �J � Kri` ��t�n C`.�mt�aniac � A�larr+h laE� t7�.�II�a� IAF�:a , -- - R�t�y,tte-FS _r�g - M�.rch 1�3 :4 tn arc`h 1„9�8,..., 27o Giv�e� x�mea azicl addresse� of t�ro per�ons, r°eaidenta of 3t„ I�.iula Ma.nn„ �rho oan give 3xt�o2�ne►$iatl t3c�iCei�.iTig 'yoUo xame �rnard Cr,Ttt Addx°eas 7__ Rlr��ra �t. P8.u1 Na�e Ar 1 Fir`�ch�r Addresa �1�,afn�nd�...�l. uj , i. re of pp ieant State of Minne aota►� )ss C ounty of Re►msey ) • being firat duly s�orn, dep�eea e�l say� upon ca ha � read the orego ng statement bearing hia aignature and lrnaora the oontente thereof, and�that �he asme �s �rue of his aa�m laiawledge except as to thoae me.ttera therein. a�ated upom. inforn�tian and belief and as to those mQttex°� he believ�sa them to be true. / -/ S ture of Applicant b�.ibsaribed and etro�n �o before m�a ' thie�i � day of � 19� _ .G�), '(�c..�� o ry bl , ey CountyD , ta My Cc�rmn.i.s�io expire� �° '��' �9 � `� ' (Note� Theae atatemar�t forma �re in duplicateo �Both esopies must be full.y filled outa aotarized, and returned to the Lioense Division��� DOROTHY J. MUNKEIWITZ Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My,Commission Expires Oct.25, 1970 ' A�FID�,VIT BY APPLICANT FOR RETA II, BEER OR LIQUOR LICENSE Re: Cri Sale I1quOr LiQen�e Name of applicant V � Busi�.ess addz°ess jjggl1ni�'-rsitv Are �ou the sole awner of this business2 . 3P nota is it a partnership? corporat3.on? Ye` � , o�har3 0thers interested in bus�.ness, inelude thoae by loan of money, property or otherPrises 1�am� /�av�v �.,�._ n�,�, Aaaress..(Lo�- ��� J � ���/P�e _ �. 7"*" �-- If a corporation, give its na� �n�p�tg•nment En _ .r r c c� rn�, Are you interested in &ny way in any other Retail Baer or Liquor buainess? �T,, �.,.. �As eola ov�mer? partner? Stoekholder? Qthex°wise? (Through loan of money9 etcg Explai.n) ; Address of' such buainess and nature of interest in same ig re of applicant State of Minnesota ss C ounty of I�msay _ T�i1Y1@S H. Fischer being first duly sworn, deposes and says upon oath that he has read the fore�;oing affidavit bearing his signature and l�z�ra the contents thers of; that the same is true of his own I�owledge 9 except a� to those matters thereir�. stated upon information and belief and as to those matters he believes them to be true. ig ura of applicant Subsor bgd and �o a efor rne this � �� day of �U 19�, 0 � DOROTHY J: MUNKEIWITZ Notary Pub 9 e�r CoUnty9 Mlrine ta i iotary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. ��Y Commission Expires Oct.25,1970, My aommi.ssio expire� j� -a.f 19� . ;, , . . STATE i�' RgINNESOTA� CE)tJ�TTY OF RA�2SEY � S$ Tames H. FisCher being first duly s�rorn, doth depose and say that he makea this aff3davit in connection with application far "�C�n Sale" liquor license (" � Sa1e" malt beverage license) in the �ity of Saint Pau1, Minnesota; that your affiant is a resident of the 5tate �f Minnesot� and has rssided th�rein for �� year�, manths, and is n� and hae been for the tizne �bove mentioned a bona fide reaident of said State and that he now resides at c- � Addre s� , Minnesofi;a. City or To�vn ✓ �.,� �` • Ja.m s I3. Fischer Subsoribed and s�orn to before me this��day of u1.9"�� 0 �tary b1i , maey County, E�Lii.nn ta My commission expires /a � ���/f� NUtary ;'ublic, Ramsey Cour:y, t��inn. My Commission Expires Oct.25,197_0.