250356 O�trinsl to City Clerk ' fi ` ' + . • ` � �� � - � ORDINANCE �5a� �6 r COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY �.. � l ORDINANCE NO / �� ¢.�. An Ordina.nce Amending Chapter 231 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code Pertaining to Sewer Rental Cha.rges. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Tha.t Chapter 231 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to Sewer Rental Charges is hereby repealed in its entirety, and the following adopted in lieu thereof: Cha.pter 231. BEWER SERVICE CHARGES 231.01. Definitions. �or tz�e purpose of this cha.pter the following words and phrases sha.11 ha.ve meanings indicated in this section. Disposal System. A system for �.isposing of sewage, industrial waste, and other wastes and includes sewer systems and treatment works. Industrial Waste. Any liquid, gaseous, or solid waste substance resulting from any process of industry, manufacturing, trade, or business or from the development of any na.tural resources. Other Waste. Sha.11 include garbage, municipal refuse, deeayed wood, sawdust, sha.vings, bark, lime, sand, ashes, offal, oil, tar, chemicals, and all other substances, not sewage or indus- trial waste, whieh may pollute or tend to pollute waters of the State. Sewage. Water carried waste products from resi- dences, public buildings� institutions, or other buildings including excrement or other discha.rge from bodies of huma.n beings or anima.ls, together with such ground water infiltration and surface water as ma.y be present. Sewer System. Pipe lines or conduits, pumping stations and force ma.ins, and a11 other construc- tions, devices, and appliances appurtena.nt there- to, used for conducting sewage or industrial waste, or other wastes, to a point of ultima.te disposal. Treatment Works. Any plant, disposal field, lagoon, dam, pumping station, constructed drainage ditch or surface water intercepting ditch� incinerator� Yeas Councilmen Nayg Pasaed by the Councii Butler Carlson Tn Favor Levine Meredith Sprafka Against Teriesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved: Attest: City Clerk M yor �� �orm approved Corpor��ion Counsel By O:islnal to Cit�Clsrk ' + , ' - ' ' � � � - � � ORDINANCE • � o,��� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � ��� 4. If the owner or occupant fails to install such meter and in cases where the Water Department finds tha.t it is not practicable to attempt to measure water consumed at any property, the Water Depa.rtment shall� based on operationa.l information, estima.te the water quantity in order to determine the sewer service cha.rges. _ 231.05. Regulations. The Board of Water Commissioners sha.11 have power to ma.ke and enforce such general rules and regula- tions, both as to public and private water supply� for the collection� rebating� refunding, or adjust- ment of such sewer service charges for any reason, including diversion of water from the sewer system as may be reasonably necessary to avoid injustices� to the end tha.t all property discha.rging sewage into the sewer system will bear its fair and equit� able proportiona.te share with other property, subject to the recommendation and advice of the Department of Public Works and resolution of the Cit�r Council regarding such rules, regulations and adjustments. _ _ _ - 231.06. Sewer Service Fund. The��funds received from the collection of the sewer service charges provided in this chapter shall be deposited with the Commi.ssioner of Finance and sha.11 be kept by him and the City Comptroller as a sep- arate and distinct fund, and there is hereby established a fund to be known as "Sewer Service Fund." Section 2. Tha.t all monies rema.ining in the present "Sewer Rental Fund" sha.11 be transferred to the "Sewer Service Fund" established by this Ordinance and used for the purposes specified for such "Sewer Service Fund." Section 3. This Ordina.nce sha.11 be in force and take effect from and after December 31, 1970. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci�EC j j'�� Butler � � Carlson '�/ Tn Favor Levine ✓ � � Meredith A gainst Sprafka Tedesco r. Preside t (McCarty) Appr DEC 1 1970 ity C erk Mayor �� Form approved Corpor�tion Counsel By PUBLISHED �C 2197� Orl�inal ta Cit7 Clert . . � ' . � � � ORDINANCE �50� �6 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. � 4. If the owner or occupant fails to install such meter a.nd in cases where the Water Department finds that it is not practicable to attempt to measure �� ater consumed at any property, the Water Departmen�, sh.all, based on operationa.l informa.tion� estima.te t�ae water qua.ntity in order to determine the sewer s�rvice cha.rges . 231.05. Re ulations . � e Boar of ter Commi.ssioners sha.11 ha.ve power to ma.ke and en orce such general rules and regula- tions, both as o public and private water supply� for the collecti n, rebating, refunding, or adjust- ment of such sewe service charges for any reason, including diversi�of water from the sewer system as may be reasona.b � necessary to avoid injustices, to the end that all property discharging sewage into the sewer syste will bear its fair and equit- able proportionate s re with other property� subject to the recomm�ndation and advice of the Department of Public Wdrks and resolution of the City Council regarding �uch rules, regulations and adjustments. ��� : . , 231.06. Sewer Service Fund. �� T e un s receive from th� collection of the sewer service cha.rges provided in�this cha.pter sha.11 be deposited with the Commissioxzer of Finance and sha.11 be kept by him and the City mptroller as a separate and distinct fund, and there s hereby established a fund to be known as "Sewer S��rvice Fund." �'hese funds sha.11 be used for the pur�poses set forth in Section 231.02 and sh.all be usea,, for no other. purpose. � E Section 2. `` :; Tha.t all monies rema.ining in the present "Sewe� Rental Fund" sha.11 be transferred to the "Sewer Ser�zice Fund" esta�lished by this Ordinance and used for the purposes specified fo� such "Sewer Service Fund." � Section 3. , This Ordina.nce sha.11 be in force and take effect fr and after December 31, 1970. 1 \ Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci Butler Carlson In vor Levine Meredith Sprafka Again t Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved• Attest: � City Clerk �ay �� Form approved Corpora�tion Counsel By • \ Or(`inal to Cit�Clerk • � y � ��. � �` � C� 1� �DINANC �E �5�� �� ` �� COUNClL FILE NO " PRESENTED BY � - `.`� �- Cl ;�a f ORDINANCE NO. � ) � ,J � An Ordinance Amend�.ng Chapter 231 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code �ertaining to Sewer Rental Charges. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAINe Section 1. That Cha.pter 231 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to Sewer Rental Charges is hereby repealed in its entirety, and the following adopted in lieu thereof: Chapter 231. BEWER SERVICE CHARGES 231.01. Definitions . Fo—��e purpose of this chapter the following words and phrases shall have meanings indicated in this section. . Disposal System. A system for disposing of sewage, industrial waste, and other wastes and includes sewer systems and treatment works . Industrial Waste. Any liquid, gaseous, or solid waste substance resulting from any process of . industry, manufacturing, trade, or business or from the development of any natural resources . Other Waste . Shall include garbage, municipal refuse, decayed wood, sawdust, shavings, bark, lime, sand, ashes, offal, oil� tar, chemicals, and all other substances, not sewage or indus- trial waste, which may pollute. or tend to pollute waters of the State. - � Sewage. Water carried waste products from resi- dences, public buildings, institutions, or other buildings including excrement or other discharge . from bodies of human beings or animals, together . with such ground water infiltration and surface . water as may be present. Sewer System. Pipe lines or conduits, pumping stations and force mains, and all other construc- tions, devices, and appliances appurtenant there- to, used � for conducting sewage or industrial waste, or other wastes, to a point of ultimate disposal. Treatment Works . Any plant, disposal field, lagoon, dam, pumping station, constructed drainage ditch or surface water intercepting ditch, incinerator, Yeas Councilmen Naya Passed by the Council Butler Carlson " Tn Favor Levine A�eredith � A gainst Sprafka Tedesco � Mr. President (McCarty) Approved: —. Attest: City Clerk M yor �� �orm approved Corporation Coun�sel By .. . r f � . . . � - � � , ,�c��J4'c; v� 2 . � area devoted to sanitary land fi�ls, or other works not specifically mentioned herein, in- stalled for the purpose of treating, stabiliz- ing, or disposing of sewage, industrial waste or other wastes. 231.02. Sewer Service Char es . o'F r tZ e purpose o paying the cost of operation and maintenance of the sewage disposal system, includ- ing the sewage treatment works and sewer system; for the cost of construction of such sewage dispos- al syst�em, including the principal and interest on bonds sold for such construction; and for paying Saint Paul` s share of the Metropolitan Sewer Service Board annual budget as provided in Chapter 473C, Minnesota Statutes 1969, as amended, a sewer service charge shall be levied and assessed against every 1ot, parcel of land, building, or premises now and hereafter having a sewer connection to the Saint Paul sewer system or otherwise discharging domes- tic sewage, commercial or industrial waste water, . or other liquid waste either directly or indirectly into the Saint Paul sanitary and/or combined sewer system. Such sewer service charges shall be based on the volume of such sewage discharged into the City sewer system as determined by the volume of water use. � The amount and basis of such sewer service charges for eacr. year shall be determir�ed by the Public Works Department and approved by the City Council by resolution, a copy of which shall be transmitted to the Board of Water Commissioners who shall co1- lect such sewer service charges along with the . water charges and all costs for such collection by said Board of Water Commissioners shall be included as p�.rt of sewer service char�e. A public hearing, � after seven (7) calendar days published notice, - shall be held by the Council prior to the adoption of the resolution establishing such sewer service charges for the purpose of hearing a11 interested � persons . � 231.03. Collection of Sewer Service Char es. ere t e premises serve is supp Zed with water by the City of Saint Paul through its Board of Water Commissioners, the sewer service charge herein pro- vided sha11 be added to the water bi11s rendered to the owners, lessees, or occupants of such property and sha11 be paid at the time the water bill is payable at the office o{ the Board of Water Commis- sioners, and sha11 be cc,:� ��.ected with and in addition to the water charge for_ �.er service, and no part of the charge for water sei: . i_ce shall be accepted with- out including therewith ±i-�e sewer service charge. .� % • . �` ' , . . � . . . . , ���5 t: :� - 3. , In cases of premises where water is not supplied by the City, said Water Board wi11 render either monthly or quarterly, as ma.y be most expedient, to the owners, lessees, or occupants of such property, bi11s for the amount of sewer service charge . In the event the said bi11s for sewer service rend- ered for premises whereon water is not supplied by the City are not paid within thirty (30) days after the rendering thereof, such Board of Water Commissioners shall certify the same to the County � Auditor of the county in which such property is situated, and the same shall be collected and the collection thereof enforced in the same ma.nner, in all respects, as county and state taxes, sub- ject to like penalty, costs, and interest charges . Whenever a premises is served by both the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Pau1 and private sources of supply, such premises sha11 �be treated as though the entire amo�unt of water used was furnished by said Board, and the collec- tion of the sewer service charge enforced in the � manner provided for collection of sewer rentals from premises served exclusively by such Water Board. Whenever such sewer service charge is required of such premises for a period of time less than the �' norma.l billing period for such type of premises, the sewer service charge shall be prorated on a � per diem basis, provided, however, the minimu.m � charge for any such rorated period shall be � Three Dollars ($3.00�. 231.04. Measurin Water Use. or�Tti-e purpose o determining the charge to be rendered premises using the sewerage system where- on the water used is derived in whole or in part . from sources independent of the Water Board, the � water used thereon supplied from private sources � sha11 be measured by a water meter acceptable to the Water Department; such meter shall be in- � stalled and ma.intained by the owner or occupant � of said premises at his own cost and expense and � shall be subject to the supervision and inspection � by the Water Department. The sewer service charge � for such premises shall be determined by the quan- � tity of water measured by the meters on both public + and private water supplies, according to the ' � schedule of charges set forth as provided herein. '� i , � " � � ' � � �,r,� ' ,.� ._._.._,._.�._._�...... .... .. .. ....,_. ......... _.. ._.. . . . ..� . . . . . . . .. ._ . ..{ �I��i1H�t0 Ci�t��i Qik . � • + ` + ' . a i � . � � C� RDI1�' � 1lTCE � COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. . 4. . If the owner or occupant fails to install,i such meter and in cases where the Water Depar�ment finds that it is not practicable to atten�,pt to measizre water consu.med at any property, t��.e Water Department sha11, based on operational in;formation, esLimate the water quantity in order to d:etermine the sewer service charges . ' R 1 t' ons I 231.05. egu a i . The Board of Water Commissioners shall have power to ma.ke and enforce such general rules and regula� tions, both as to public and private water supply, . � for the collection, rebating, refunding, or adjust- ment of such sewer service charges for any reason, including diversion of water from the sewer system . as may be reasonably necessary to avoid injustices� to the end that a11 property discharging sewage into the sewer system will bear its fair and equitp able proportionate sha.re with other property, subject to the recommendation and advice of the Department of Public Works and resolution of the � City Council regarding such rules, regula.tzons and • adjustments. 231.06. Sewer Service Fund. ThA funds received from the collection of the sewer service charges provided in this chapter shall be deposited with the Commissioner of Finance and shall be kept by him and the City Comptroller as a sepA arate and distinct fund, and there is hereby established a fia.nd to be known as "Sewer Service Fund." � . ' Section 2. Tha.t all monies remaining in the present "Sewer Rental Fund" shall be transferred to the "Sewer Service Fund'' established by this Ordinance and used for the purposes specified for such "Sewer Service Fund." Section 3. This Ordii�ance shall be in force and take effect from and after December 31, 1970. �.�. I l y�J Yeas � Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council � �Butler ��Carlson _�__In Favor .evine �Meredith � � Ag�,inst �Sprafka �edesco �Mr. President (McCarty) � J Approv d: Attest: �f'� . � G Ci Clerk Mayor �� • orm approved Corporation Counsel By � � C�V � � �.�s� a � � �� � ���� � �--_.�.._ � xaTZC� NOTIeE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Council of th� City of Saint Paul, �'�,t ita meeting to be held on Friday, Decembe= 4, 1970, at 10:00 A.M. in the Council Chambers of the City of Saint Paul, will consider the adoption of ifis resolution establishing sew�r service charges to be levied and assessed against every lot, �` parc�l of land, building, or pr�misea having a sewer connection to the Saint Paul Sewer System. This notice is given pursuant to pending ordinance amending Chapter 231 of the Saint Paul Legi�- lative Code {Couneil Fi�:� 250356) . All persons interested in the proposed sewer sernice charges will be heard at this public hearing. HARR7� E. MARSHALL . City Clerk Dated Nov. 24, 1970 " " . ( Nc�v. 25, iq70 ) ; . . . . .. . . . . t�� � ♦� I J • . . �,._ 1 � rroT xcE � NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN th�t the Council of the City of Saint Pau1, G�t its meeting to be held on Friday, December 4, 1970, at 10:00 A.M. in the Council Chambers of the City of Saint Paul, will consider the adoption of its resolution establishing sewer , service charges to be levied and assessed against every 1ot, parcel of land, building, or premises having a sewer conn�ction to the Saint Paul Sewer System. This natice is given pursuant to pending ordinance amending Chapter 231 of the Saint Paul Legis- lative (:ode (Council File 250356) . All persons interest�d in the propased sewer service charges will be heard at this public hearing. , HARRY E. MARSHALL . City Clerk . . . , . . � , . � , `, , . , r ..� . �����, �� 2 . area devoted to sanitary land fills, or other works not specifically mentioned herein, in- stalled for the purpose of treating, stabiliz- ing, or disposing of sewage, industrial waste or other wastes. 231.02. Sewer Service Char es . or t e purpose o paying the cost of operation and ma.intena.nce of the sewage disposal system, includ- ing the sewage treatment works and sewer system; for the cost of construction of such sewage dispos- al system, including the principal and interest on bonds sold for such construction; and for paying Saint Paul' s share of the Metropolitan Sewer Service Board annua.l budget as provided in Chapter 473C, Minnesota Statutes 1969, as amended, a sewer service cha.rge sha.11 be levied and assessed against every lot, parcel of land, building, or premises now and hereafter ha.ving a sewer connection to the Saint Paul sewer system or otherwise discharging domes- tic sewage, commercial or industrial waste water, or other liquid waste either directly or indirectly into the Saint Paul sanitary and/or combined sewer system. Such sewer service charges sha.11 be based on the volume of such sewage discharged into the City sewer system as determined by the volu.me of water use. The amount and basis of such sewer service charges for each year sha.11 be determined by the Public Works Department and approved by the City Council by resolution, a copy of which sha.11 be transmitted to the Board of Water Commissioners who shall col- lect such sewer service charges along with the water cha.rges and all costs for such collection by said Board of Water Commissioners shall be included as part of sewer service cha.r�e. A public hearing, after seven (7) calendar days published notice, sha.11 be held by the Council prior to the adoption of the resolution establishing such sewer service charges for the purpose of hearing all interested persons. 231.03. Collection of Sewer Service Char es . ere t e premises serve is supp ied with water by the City of Saint Paul through its Board of Water Commissioners, the sewer service charge herein pro- vided sha.11 be added to the water bi11s rendered to the owners, lessees, or occupants of such property and sha.11 be paid at the time the water bill is payable at the office of the Board of Water Commis- sioners, and shall be collected with and in addition to the water charge for water service, and no part of the charge for water service sha.11 be accepted with- out including therewith the sewer service charge. ' ; � � , . . . � . ,. . � , � ,� �_�•a,.-, y � ��`':J C.' :i � 3. In cases of premises where water is not supplied by the City, said Water Board will render either monthly or qua.rterly, as ma.y be most expedient, to the owners, lessees, or occupants of such property, bills for the amount of sewer service charge. In the event the said bills for sewer service rend- ered for premises whereon water is not sup lied by the City are not paid within thirty (30� days after the rendering thereof, such Board of Water Commissioners shall certify the same to the County Auditor of the county in which such property is situated, and the same shall be collected and the collection thereof enforced in the same ma.nner, in all respects, as county and state taxes, sub- ject to like penalty, costs, and interest cha.rges. Whenever a premises is served by both the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Pav.l and private sources of supply, such premises shall be treated as though the entire amount of water used was furnished by said Board, and the collec- tion of the sewer service charge enforced in the ma.nner provided for collection of sewer rentals from premises served exclusively by such Water Board. Whenever such sewer service cha.rge is required of such premises for a period of time less than the normal billing period for such type of premises, the sewer service charge shall be prorated on a per diem basis, provided, however, the minimum cha.rge for any such rorated period sha.11 be Three Dollars ($3.00�. 231.04. Measurin Water Use. or t e purpose �—determining the charge to be rendered premises using the sewerage system where- on the water used is derived in whole or in part from sources independent of the Water Board, the water used thereon supplied from private sources shall be measured by a water meter acceptable to the Water Department; such meter shall be in- stalled and ma.intained by the owner or occupant of said premises at his own cost and expense and shall be subject to the supervision and inspection by the Water Department. The sewer service cha.rge for such premises sha.11 be determined by the quan- tity of water measured by the meters on both public and private water supplies, according to the schedule of charges set forth as provided herein. Ist � ,T 2nd Laid ov r t 1�� 3rd end�p� � � dopted ��� Y'eas Na�0 Yeas Na s � �'j�)� r `� , y , ,\ , Bu+ler ��� � \Sutler �'�,° ' ' Carlson '� - " (�� � Car s `, � ��V t; V� � Levine <� ,r Lev� ,:�t.- . �+ ,,.,.���. \ � � �, Meredith `Meredith � �� � -'� �', � Sprafka , /J^ �Sprafka �i \ - � ` Tedesco � ``L. �Tedesco �-�-� ��' t l.. / \ Mr. President McCarty, ��� �Mr. President McCarty ( ,�.-`'� _ -� � o