255699 : - -��- . �; .- _„ t �, - � ! . . r * ` � , , _ 2 R . . r . FINAL ORD�R -� , �OUNCIL FILE NO By File No.---- �m In the Matter of r��w�R� dM �3� e� !� � �#+i �r! !'j�rrrrR �rw� tr� tit� f�at tr CY�lw�eee� �t aM h ir�! �l�s rra�k #!,� L raw� ai � f� a� �i la�e�wr��t,� under Preliminary Order �! approv� ��2t,_1!?1 Intermediary Order aPProved � . A public hearing having been had upon the abave improvement upon due notice, and the Cauncil ` � having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it �tESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the preciae nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is tr s+��tt�ret dM► l�riwrt'� w t�a � s� �t �w�rt i�1► !'ra� IftZ�,w Strwt t+� Cvew�ca'Y m+�re wi 1yr i�f�a�t +�i�rs wel� .r�Y ti �a�wa� a.i ia�f�tst sa s�■�Z�rlr stl�i !tl:r��w�ts �s�t �iie�nr t+wi a�i wd�ai� M�sM si*rt�ta� trwr aa��t, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FUR.THER, That the Commiasioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepaxe plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. COLTNCILMEN Adopted by the Council S E P 1 5 �97l� Yeas g�Ti t� Nays ��C.� ��. P 16�� C C i�J'.''�'�Y A rove LEVIi�IE �ER�C!TH SNR�+C;CA �n Favor TEf�ESCO yor McCARTY � , A-e�$t PusL�s� SEP 18 197�1 �� . �' . D.i.a�. No. 2 � • ` N.S. P.�eaaan.t Ave. - M,i.�on S.t. .to Chafi�wonth S�. � -`�" a � • . ;p OFfICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS � ������ tI REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 25��99 � Juty 27#h. 19 �.� To the Canmissloner o� Ftnance af the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works. having fiad under consideration the preliminary order of the Council known as Council File No. 2�49g3 approved Ju,ey 22nd. 19 11 relative to necor��ii.u,c.ti.n.g .the b.i,decva.Pk on �th.e noh,#h , a.i.de o� P.�ea.aan�t Ave. �nom M,i,l,t.on S#. �a Chatawon.th. S.t. and by do.i,ng a� o�i.¢fc wonk, wh.i.ch -i.a ne.ceaacr�.y and .i.n.c.i.de►tita.t �o comp.ee�e aa.id .imp�covemen.t. ___._ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein� hereby reports: 1 . The est imated cost thereof i s� • a�- � � $ . . a ewa.ek 6 ��. e. �� � 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part h�reof. 3. Initiated by the Corrmissioner of Public Works X �� 4. improvement is asked for upon petition X '�a'�Zb � ,�0�,� � ' Jut r , ?FG,£��'� w Commissi ner of Public r!<s �, °��: �� � ������ +�� ���£R �'�'�°