255687 a ORIOINAL TO CITY CL[RK ��� ;• CITY OF ST. PAUL �LE NCIL N0. �� :-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PR�ENTED BY ��- , COMMISSIONE \ ^ DATF _�,�- � `�_ , ` \ APPROVAI Ofi PLANS RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications for grading and surfacing with bituminous material the Alley in Bik. 7 W(NTER'S ADDtTION to St. Paul and the SE� of Sec. 26, T 29, R 23 from Victoria St. to Avon St. (G-19796) , under Preliminary Order No. 25�949, approved Oct. 27, 1970 and Final Order No. 255595 approved Sept. 7, 1971. Also Blk. 8, ELFELT BERNHtEMER AND ARNOLDS ADD. f rom Virginia St. to Farrington St. (G-19y06) , under Preliminary Order No. 254067, app�oved May 18, 1g71 and Final Order No. 255595, approved Sept. 7, 1971 be and the same are hereby approved and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby directed � order said work done under Public Works Contract No. 71-G-1985 and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the cost of the above improvement including engineering and inspection expenses be assessed against benefited property. E F�RM n e1 p a ion ,ASS� � SEP 141971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays s� 1 ���, Butler 19— Levine ' �in Favor Meredith Sprafka � Mayor Tedesco ASaivat Mr. President, McCarty SEP 18 197� PUBLISHED O � ou�ucwts ro nu�rts�e � CITY OF ST. PAUL ��pp� NO.���� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ne�r�.r � COMMISSION� ^A1F Ml�R0�111L � 'LNIS REE�LYED, That the plaas and sosciftcations tor graditq an� sdrfacing with bttwrtnows wat�rtai tIN Ail�y in Blk. 7 MINTER'S 110@ITION to St. Paui aad tM SE� of S�c. t6, 1 29� R Y3 tro� Ylctorfa St. to Av�on 8t. (8-1979d� . undsr �nl iatnary Ord�r Mo. 2S09k9, approwd Oat. Z7� 1970 and Ftnal Oreler Mo. :55SJ5 approwd S�pt. 7, 1971. A1 so d 1 k. Q, ELfELT BERIM 1 EMER AIfD AltliOt.D� ADD. fn�a Vir9lnta St. to Fs�rtn�ton St. (6-19.�oe� , unct�r Pnii�inary Or�sr qo. 25�067, approwd Map 18, t971 and F'inal Or+kr No. t5SS95, �pPro�d S�pt. y, 1971 b� an� th� :aw� an h�rrbp approwd and th� Ca�wtssia�► of lhiblle Morlcs is henl+�► dinct�d at ord�� satd �rk don� und�r Mrbiic Morks Co�trsct No. 71-6-19�'S and b� It FURTHER RE8d.11ED, That th� cost of the abow i�prov�e�nt tncludln� �inrtrin� and inspsdtfoe� �s�s b� ass�st�d a4atnst bsn�ftted proptrt�l. SEP 141971 C4UNCII.DZEN Adopted by the Conn�1 19— Yeaa Nays Butler ' A�Q,� SEP 141971 19- �� T� Favor Meredith Sprafka - Q �� roQAIYIAt Tedeeco Mr. President, McCarty . ���