255683 f 255�83 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLBRK CITY OF ST. PAUL F�ENC�� NO. ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUT N-GENERAL FORM , co M ss oNe Ro er M Co ws arF September 10, 1971 WH�EAS, In the matter of Comptroller's Contract L-7375 for the JEFFERSON- SARATOGA RELIEF SEW$R, City Project No. 71-S-0990, Arcon Construction Company, Inc., Contractor, the specified date of completion is August 31, 1971, and WHSREAS, The Contractor has prosecuted the w�ork diligently but due to a concrete wnrkers strike the Contractor was not able to complete the c:ontract by said date of oompletion, therefore be it ,�,,��/ RESOLVBD, That the proper City Officials be and they are herebq suthorized 0/�! J�rand directed to execute an amendment to gaid contract extcnding the time of ��yr� � completion to September 30, 1971, prov3ded however, that this resolutian shall have no force ar effect unless the sureties on the Contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller, and be it FURTFiHR RESOLVED, That the City of Saint paul hereby waives all claim for liquidated damages and that no engineering and inspection costs on this project will be charged to the Contractor for sueh eztended period. FpRM p RpVED �'^ r rati Counsel qss • SEP 14197� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays But�er gEp 14-1911 �,___ ` A 19_ �— Levine � �In Favor Meredith Sprafka i or �Againat Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED_S P 1 �9 TI r ! � cu�ucr►r�ro�e�Nme - CITY OF ST. PAUL F,�UNCIL NO - . ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GE�IERAL FORM CAMM�ISS�IONER ��! �• � DATF � � ��1 ���� � � � �i ���i�s il !� �rw'��i7 � � '�� u��r�► �.a�r s�. �i�► rn��.ac �.. �x-��r�o, a�nwr aa�a�� �a�r. �a.. �►a�es. 1�1�. .�.ol�ts«t +ds�. o! a�►L�o� �. �►st �1. 1f71� .t�lt �, '�'�r t�tan�atwr lys gso�art�i � Me►�k df�ll�i�l� iNtt �ira� �s a � -���'� a� �aslr�ra s� t�r �ra�t�a�t � a�lt �Ll+r 1� a�'#�s � aat�o�at b� as#�d dal�t a# aoMpLirtLon, tlwnt�'a� bs t� 1t��OLiRp, llrat t1M p�r►p�r City 0�lia�ls b� �i 1�q as+f � aat�re�+a�t �a�d dl;a��d !+o► �art� �n �t fo� r�id � �s� t�r t� �! aoyp►1�t1�l�t to i�ac l�1, )�"7'1• psarri�i�d �rr�r. t�at t�ts s+rwtltttiow r1iw� �tw No li�t a�r �'t� a� t� a�s�t�+q ow � t�t�aa�rts iran�i aa�t t'Maa�a iaMl ti� rr� a�ot t� +�rit� rrid� � C�1� QoNptpeol�qt,� md b� it �'t0�lt �L�Ee, ?l�at tt� Cie,�► of fa�st lanl b�arib�► �twM al'i e1al�e !l�at 1l�q�l�at�d d�/rs aed �hat a�s � a�d ias�et� e�rsts at �lar p�a;� rr#�31 b� +drs�d tas t,1�r arw�iwaebr !'os �t� � �Zawi� SEP 14.19T1 COUNCII.MEN Adopted by the Courcil 19_ Yeas Nays Bu�� SEP 14197� Approv�l � � 19— Levine TT Favor Meredith Sprafka � Mayor Tedesco AB'��t Mr. President, MeCarty ^^�°�