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o�.�s�c�er ci� ,� ` ORDINANCE ��� COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO r AN t�DINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 142�6, C.F. 245402, APPROYED sEP�P�ER lo, 1969, aRANPIN(� PERMISSION TO I?�7pF�LES ELECTgIC COMPAHY TO RF'�lOVE TAE EXISTINa PIIBLIC SEWER � AND BEC�NSTBIICT A PUBLIC SEWER IN YACATED ��` FEN'1'ON STBEET �'ROM FIiS�M08E AVENIIE Tp ��' � 3PREET. THE COIIBCTL OF T� CITY OF SAINT PAIIL DOES O�DA�s S�CTION l. �at Ardinsnae No. 142'J6, C.F. 24g402, appro�od S�pt�.ber 10, 1969, be �nd the sas� is her�by aa�nd�d b� del�tia6 frc>a� �ectioa 1 thereot 3nbs�ction d and substitutisg the followiag ia lieu th�r�mis �'d. That aaid permittef, aft�r th� inception oi said work, ehall proseante th� sar� contia— n�►Wal�, �+ith dfligeua�, maai f�lly cospl�t� �aid �rk to the +satisiactic>n and appreval oi s:id Ce�sissioner oi �r ��or� Jn1J l, 1972." SBCTIOW 2. The �said p�r�itte� shall aotity the 1�part�ent ot P�blie Yorka C�nstrnction �igiitir at l�aat 5 da�ra in ad�aaa• of b�63.ani� xor]c. SDCTTOH 3. Thait said p�rai�t�� ahall pyr th� cost oi pnblication of this �rdiaanc� a�nd all r�solnt3oas ar ordiaane�s pasaed ia relatioa to this ardisautc�. S�CTION 4. Tbat said p�reitt�� �h�l.l, �►ithin t�n (10) dsUrs after the paasage of thf+� ordinaace� fil� a writt�a auac�ptaace thtr�oi vritk th� Cit� Cl�rlt. �I�N 5• �s o�rdiaa�ce s�all take �ff�at and 1� it f�rce t�tirty (30) d�ys iro� �d aft�r its passags, approtal �,mci gublicatioa. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council �P a 9 �q 7� Butler �� �~�`� �^Tn Favor A�ereek��r � v Sprafka Against Tedeaco Mr. President (McC A r SEP 2 9 19 Ci lerk ayor �� Form a�proved Corpor�stion Counael By � QUBLIS �, ocT a �s�a D�t�M Pslnt� � �, ' ORDI11tA1'�T � E ���I�, cour�ca �� No PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO�._..L, Ikli OBAIN�lCE A1�EDiDIDTG i�'tDDiA1iCE I�. 142',�6! C.F. 2kgk02� APPROVS� STPT��R 1�� 196�� BRAt#�I1�Ki P�ti�fISSIt�I TO 1'�O�PY.ES EL�BIC CO}!�'ANY g'0 R�[OItE T� $XI�'i'II� P�B�I� S�tFR �xn �c�rrs�ttcr n pttBi.zc s�+sa �x vac� �rox sTx� � �� Av�� jro �as�uu► sra�r. SHE tX#OliCIL OF TH� CITY OF Sti7I+1T PAt1L v0E5 t�l]AIDit s�rox i, �t c�ra�.�a�a. �. ��, c.r. �45�s�. •�.a s.pt..ti.r �o, 1969� b� au�d tti. aa.. is h.reb� asud�a ly del.tias li�e. �tiae 1 th�r.ot �esttisn i a�d a�stit�ttiag th. s4uo�a�� � � ta�.�s: "d. Tlut �aid pes�i.tte�, afta�r th� iaseptiod ot �aid worlc, ahall proa�te th� s�e oo�tia- �al�� tr#th �i��, asd l�17.� ce�p1� s�id � to tbe aatiat�tioat �d apprrsal oi eai8 Co�issiaur vz or b�ta� d� 1. 19'j2.p SF�RIaIi 2. Th� aaid pfrmittee shall �otii� tbt D�par�tt oi P�,tia �oz�r Co�stsoetiat �anr at iau�t s d�s ia ta►aa�e of bs� Mork. SEC�IOA 3. That said p�rmitt�� aba7.1 p�y th� cast o!` pattiliaatiaa oi this ordinencrot and all r�aelgtiona or cacdi�ac�s paa�d iu r�latias � this - ordins�. SBGTiO�t 4. T11at es�i� p�rdttN shell, rithia ta� (14) dys itt.ts the p�aaag� oi this ordiaanae� fil.� a tir#tt�a acesptue� th�r�oi �rfth �hs Cit� Cl�rlc. S�CTIDN 5. Tb;3a �uMinsnc� ahall talr� �ft�at asd b� ia fore� thirty �30) - d�,y�a i'romr a�d ai'ter fts p�►es�s, approtrrl s� p�lioatio�. SEP Z 9 �� Yeas Councilmen Nays Pa�eed by the Council Butler x�,� �r Favor T�t�h.-, �'� egAinst �. �t c��c�,►> �EP a 9 tslt Apprnv�: Attsst: City Clerk �� �� Form a�roved Cor�o y�i�ian Counsel By ;� a�:���er �6•, 197�. �.�:�`xa�i.�*� ��im��'t�is: C�. � ,��.' ' YiJ• '.L.�,.,��A�V�W� I�IMl� i=.��s .0 'cC°.1�.' i'�il2�i• ��.�.-� .,,.,_ ii�,. u.i`;m�i',�..�i.. rr� vll6°.`�.,t)S� Et, '�'�`,'�u 2'���' '�'+�."�,a.�.�€tiE3C�:T i?1C`i. �.r����� �i1C:t:IiC�.t�.y� �i�c�:.r���� �'��e �.��6� ��aratira� y�au. ��*ru�issi�n te� r��av-� �n3.�t�,��� ����a�° �.4 re�ai��t�et � pv�3�.c ����r �� �r�.c�,°��d sv�z��t3,i »'wT��:w �x°�� .c°''�.���C��"� $ai►'�F3.1u:. '�� F11b19�.8.' ��� vnf���ac3�.� �;a� �t��a.�� ��" �cs��a�,��:;.�sr� �:ha�e:��►�� �3.sr� 1�3.I�. ��. �°,`�c; s��.��. c��" <��Jsci+ii t•a'j �6'�d��c:�?: -�a�%`:.� Ew�eS�ia� �i �9tl�`.'s�'.�L��.°�.�e.t.C`d�i C.�.de v�i..1,� f..t1�4�.1��C.`� �u. r�.I�o ��1:� x���ol�tican� �. �. 2557�� e�rr�r�t;�r��; :��.�'cs�are.�.�. ;����°��.�. ��:n�.:�€, .h�: a�.�pt:��n ��' �t�i� ��°�.�.��:����. ;��{� �a:�;. ��s�ax �i��c��l. �,�t��:aori �� ������.on � w��.c� r�e�xir�� �he �'ilin�; o� � ac�e�►'t��e o�' the �ter�� cs� tk�is orda.n:�r:�� w3*:�it� ���a c"u��. Very trua.y yotirs, ti�ty a�.�7�°lt �P .. I st � � r.: 2nd Laid over to 3rd and app �dopted � Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler �utler Carison � aC r1sT � Levine ���KJ,1 .�.s�•ine_ Meredith Meree�i+k- Sprafka � ` �Sprafka , � Tedesco �edesco .,e Mr. President McCarty �Mr. President McCarfy O