255674 ORI6IINAL TO CITY CLBRK �Y^�^ �, CITY OF ST. PAUL �OENCIL NO. �=-� � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK '' - COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED COMMISSIONE DATF W�AS, The E�reater St. Paul United P�nd and Conscil, Inc., 333 � Sibl�� St., St. Panl, Kina�sota has reqt��ated tl�at a p�rrit be grant�d anthoris�isg the t�sporax�� plaefs�nt aad uint��taace •f sys�olic progresa ��J t��rrc��t�rs co�str�ncted irot co�om building aat�rials and siz�d ap- prosi�atel.T fonr feet ri.d� b� +�ixteea feet high os d�dicated City af St. Panl, Miaa�sota street aad park right-�i-r� xith r�qtiested iastal- latioa to co��ac• oa or aLcxt �pte�ber 1�� 19�1, au�d reaoval to � �a�.l�t�d oa� or atiotit O�taber 29, 1971, at the sorth end of the i+�ia�d om C�dxr �treet at thf inter+section o! Gdar Stre�t and Ceatral Avenu�, aad oa park prop�rt� o� Sm�3t A�eaue east oi th� iit�ra�ctioa of Sm�ueit amd 3nelliag A�eax�a. a BESOLYED, T�at the Cc�miisafoaers oi Parka, 8�creation asd P�blic 3 B�ildiass, aad P�blic Yorkm ar� h•reb, aathorised to iaage a p�r�it to � the C#reat�r St. Pa�l IInit�d I�4ud au�d Ce�m�t�il Zu., for the aaid propoaed � �, B+s� of 8aid d�dic�ted right-of-� gpoa and s�b�ect t0 the lolloxiag provisioas, t�r�e aad conditioaa: a l. '�h� p�rritt�� sLall py► the cost •f publicatiom o! th�� res- � olution. O Q W 2. The p�s�itt�e s�ha].1 p� all �xper�a�a iac�rred b� the D�parta�at .. _ _ at- Parke, 8ear�atiw` aad P�tblic Saildin�s, and ths Dsparta�it oi' P�ti1ic Werks� inaxrr�d b� thia wad�rtaking, said �zp�ase� aLall b� acco�ut�d for nad�r �epart�ent of P�blic Weirka Pro�eat 8m�ber $-1114. 3. ?l�t saiei p�r�ittsa e=pressl� a6re�+� end uad�rtak�a to fall� ind�asiiy aaci hold ha�rn].e�a th� Cit� oi 3aint Panl, its �e�ta, ofli��ra and �splc�e�s, frc�e �r aad all daaagts, claias, lassea, �ndga�nta, �tita ar expenses ariaiag out of or occasiomed b� the �se of said right-oi-xy eaat��plated ti� Lhia peraia+�ioa aad a�thoritl. �. That said p�r�■itte• ehall furaish a boad o! �l�,tk9�.00 tc the Cit� of Saint Panl, coaditiomed to c�pl� with all th� t�raa of thia reeolution and to inde�aif� aad aa�e the City har�l��s froa COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler (�C Conway Approve� 19— Levine _�n Favor Meredith Sprafka �,, Mayor A gainat Tedesco �'��'r�,� � , Mr. President, McCarty �j jr��`� � � OR1611NAL TO CITY CLBRK 25��`74 � CITY OF ST. PAUL HLENC�� NO. , . � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � " COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONEQ DATF r � � a� aad all loss, liability, �ndg�ents, +�uite, coat,�, charge�, daieag�a or ezpe�aea that �ay accrne to p�raoa or property oc- casion�d ti� th� xse of saiid $treet. 5. Tha�t said pereittee aha�7.l sot proceed tc �m said rigl�t-of wa� or b� is+�tied a per�it nalsss a�d w�til said permittee sl�ll procnre aad�f�raieh tc aaid �ity pmblic liability iasaraia• eoveriag itseli aad inclxdiag the Cit� oi Saint Paul au� co- iaaared again,st a�r liability oa accenat o! is3nr� ta persen or property ariaing out of �r res�].tiag froa the n�ae of saii right-of-x� ia aa aaoWat �f �1t�,�00.�0 for each iadi�idnal who �ay s�,i'fer p�rsmnel. in�nry aad #340�000.00 �a acconat vf p�r�oaal ia3ury resulting fro* aay ose accideat �d a�fmctisg ■or� than oae peraoa, and im the aico�at ct �1t�0��.00 b�can�e of ia�tu�y or daaage to property on acconnt of s�y e�ae accid��t, �tch in�nrarzc� cov�rage t0 be eviden�ed b� policies of isanrance appr0��d by the Ceirperation Couns�l. 6. The p�raitte• :hall aotii� ths Smperiatendest oi Parks and the D�partaent �i Public Work� Traflic Eagiffieer iffi advaace, in- th� Natter of ��et startisg aad eo�pl�tiom dates ot inatallatioa asd re�►oriag af said syobolic ther�ometers a�ud iraming. 7. That said per�ittee shall file it� nrittes acceptaace �i thia re,selatioa and �f all iahe provisioas, ter� aad ccnditioas mf tht saee nith the City Clerk aad �all �nb�it to the Cc>rporati�n Coxsael for his approval, the afcreeaid bomd amd ia+suranse cor- •rag�� which ahall there�tter be filed rrith the Ga=ptroller of the Cit� of Saint Paul, not later thaa Septerber 1�� 1971, and in th� evest of its failure to d� +so, the permissica and authoritT hereby granted shall lapse. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� SEP 14197:19_ Yeas Naya Butler Ep 14197� �� Conway ve 19— Levine �n Favor Meredith Sprafka �/ Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty SEP 18 1971 PUBLISHED � �) '�{ // p`/� � � f �L1/'�..�� �� �� � / S@�i e �.��. J.7 f+ Gre�ter. St. Paul United k�und �nd Cauncil� Inc. 3,33 siba.ey st. �.�J 4 r r��' ��113itQ'�O�i�r (,'r�.'Il't.lt'.TC1@T1: Enclos�d is � cap�t of a r�solutic>r�, Coune�.7. F�.l� Nc�. �55�7�+, adopted today by th�; Ci�y t�un.c3l.y grati�3,ng you a gerxn�t �or tempor�rry pl�cement a�d maintenance o�' syr�balic prA�res� ther�aameter� a� more f1z1�.y describ�d in the resol�.tion� StJpJECT to i�k�e provisia�ns, �erm� arxd c�ndition� set out thexe3,n. We call. yovr �peaial attention to Faragraphs �+ and 7 of the resolution, requir� �the PiI9.r�g o�' a $i0�00p bond and the filing of your a�r�t#.en acc�pt�nc�e �af �his resalu�ion and o�' a11 the proviaiona� terms and conditions of the same with th� City Clerk not 1,ater than Sept�tber 17, 7-9'?1. Vex�y trt�l.y yours� City Clerk � � w;� �., �..� ��� t Sept. ].1Fs Z977- Honm l�ca,r;ar M. ucntruy Com,r� of �'u'b 1:Lr: Works Buildin� Deas �3�,x': The City Co.znc3.1 �od�„y ac�opted a mo�ian �.n.fo�z��,Zly anproving a p�rmi�t �o '�he ar�a.'�er 5t. �`au7_ thzi'�ed Fuztd �.nc� Counc3l� Ts�c. �o place s�Z'nbolic nrogrQa� th�rznometers on tli� narth enc3 of the asland on Ce��r S�. at the intersectian ���' Central. Ave. �nd Gedar St. and on, Sumrait Ave. east of the inter�ect3on of Sumanit and 5n�113.ng Aves., a1.1. �as ��t out 3n Gounc:,�.l Fi1e �5567�+ ��Prov�d by the City C�unci�. today. Very tru],y yours� C�.ty Clerk n� � Set�. 2�F 1�71 �:s.3.' c1'�t�'?' ;1'„ '� �'r,�. "=?"titx?C? �?'ta,d1C'i �1I1C�i :O1711C�..�y �2l`,.'. �= �'..;.�..a::, h`.�_ _ . �s ;:i r«.I. .':?:t?�,1.R� �'S::,.!'1._� �.;.'��.:.1. y"? l;�'.AA4�i.f:',ti:Rk":1; ��:�ic��ac:_� is �� 3::r�.�'�'�z�c3 c }�:�,Y �f i:;�;x:c�ui�, k�`.��ti� °;�. `" "��(�' �.a���:.- s � . ,.. .;.�+� ��:�`x!� �.;�°.���.A��a_-. v-.;�. �,�����.: �.: -. �'..,. � , . �°.E.'SQi�}.Ca2°<`�S"�+ ?:7�z?.:f?Y1?E'dit: �,:Ft3 '1?�.1T1�':�T1i�??CE_* 02� �„VYr':�',6 ' :�':: pro�e.�s ��=�.�a�rtr!o.rreters f�:� rlra�4�u !'u'�._�y x��c��.',� { _�. �YS�' Z°�:�w'i.5.�'�'.`�.t3?2� :'Lc�.�. :a U1�.�. I.T� 41�E� �;i��i:' O i ;}i`_' e ,'.) < . �.�..; , �`":..a.^•'.'..�1::l'rLY. tc cove.� gi:i�� c::�sN ut ��.�l�c�`�i�.��'. ,� . ��.�� V'crv t•�uly your�, G;it;y �1�x°�. n�